*** ICT U Can!

Jane Nicholls

This podcast outlines my journey in reinventing my primary classroom to be ICT friendly. We look at effective teaching and learning and how this is enhanced by the use of ICT.

  • 4 minutes 44 seconds
    Creating a podcast with Kid Pix
    In this podcast I demonstrate how to use Kid Pix to make a podcast. This podcast itself is created within Kid Pix. The version I have used to make this is Kid Pix Deluxe 3x for Mac, but you can do the same using the windows version of Kid Pix. One difference may be when you export your finished podcast, on a PC you may need to export it as a quick time file.
    22 October 2007, 1:42 am
  • 31 minutes 25 seconds
    Oral language - Podcasting Literature Review
    This year I have been researching the question "In what ways does podcasting enhance oral literacies?" I am using this podcast to present the information as I am finding it. This is the second part in this series. This podcast is the literature review I wrote looking for intersections between the literature on oral language and that on podcasting. It is a difficult task recording a literature review and doing the quotes justice. The finished written report will be available from my Efellow blogsite: http://www.efellows.org.nz/?q=blog/27 in January 2008. Please download a copy for the reference list to this literature review.
    9 October 2007, 6:42 am
  • 10 minutes 12 seconds
    Introduction to the research
    This year I have been fortunate to be released from the classroom to research the benefits of using podcasting to enhance oral literacies in the classroom. I have finally finished gathering all my data and am starting to pull all the pieces together. As a way to disseminate my findings, I am podcasting my finished report on this site. This is the introductory chapter outlining my posit ion and the reason for the project. More of the project will be podcast over the coming months.
    27 August 2007, 9:30 am
  • 8 minutes 16 seconds
    What is this thing called podcasting?
    This term I have been working with a group of students to gather data for my research project on podcasting. I have made a mash up of the final podcasts these students made for me and posted it here for you. The assignment I gave the students was 'tell the world what this podcasting thing is, and why you like doing it'. Please head over to their podcast page and leave them a comment on how well they have done at http://www.room5.podomatic.com. I have finished gathering data for my project now and the next term will be spent interpretting my findings. I will post further podcasts as I do.
    26 June 2007, 7:16 am
  • 8 minutes 10 seconds
    Scripted versus Live
    In the forums at the Time 4 Online NZ Conference ( http://time4online.org.nz ) Sarah asked me a question about my podcasting presentation. I thought it would be kinda cool to post both Sarah's question and my answer here as a podcast. Sarah's question was along the lines of do I think there is more learning involved in a scripted podcast than an 'off the cuff' podcast, but have a listen to Sarah ask the question herself... What do you think? Do you agree with my answer?
    31 May 2007, 9:40 am
  • 13 minutes 21 seconds
    Adventures in Podcasting Part One
    This is cross posted from my ICT U Can blog. The Time4 Online NZ virtual conference runs from 28th May to the 8th June, 2007. I will be presenting on Podcasting in the Online Publishing With Audio and Visual Tools section of the programme. This is part one of my presentation looking at the importance of Oral Language instruction in the classroom and some of the research around this. The presentation also gives a general outline of what podcasting is. Links referred to in this podcast are: http://www.tki.org.nz/r/assessment/exemplars/eng/matrices/matrx_pi_about_oral_e.php http://www.askaninja.com/news/2006/03/07/special-delivery-1-what-is-podcasting www.ican.org.uk/upload/Chatter%20Matter%20Update/MCM%20Report%20FINAL.pdf
    25 May 2007, 9:39 am
  • 1 minute 57 seconds
    Introducing Rip Girl
    This podcast is to introduce a new podcaster :). My daughter has decided it was time her voice was heard in a larger audience than just our household. So I am promoting her first podcast. She is anxiously awaiting comments, so please visit http://www.ripgirl.podomatic.com and send her a message, you will make her day. Thanks
    2 May 2007, 7:58 am
  • 10 minutes 28 seconds
    My Favourite Professional Development Podcasts
    This episode is a review of some of my favourite professional development podcasts that I am listening to at the moment. This review includes: * TILT TV - http://tilttv.blogspot.com * Izzy Video - http://izzyvideo.com * Moving at the speed of creativity - http://speedofcreativity.org * Connect Learning - http://davidwarlick.com/connectlearning/ * Bit by Bit - http://bobsprankle.com/bitbybit * Teach 42.com - http://teach42.com * Podcast for Teachers - http://www.podcastforteachers.org All of these podcasts originate in the US or Canada and I am asking that if you know any good podcasts that come out of Australia, NZ, UK or other parts of the world, please leave me a comment. There are too many podcasts out there to listen to them all, but if we share the gems we find, it will make the process much easier. Let's share our knowledge and save our time!
    28 April 2007, 3:49 am
  • 13 minutes 6 seconds
    Podcasting in Primary Classrooms - Straight from the trenches
    In my position as an ICT Facilitator and even more so now that I am spending a year researching podcasts in the classroom, I get to listen to a good many different classroom podcasts. I thought that it would be a good idea to present some of these podcasts in a review to help teachers who are wanting to have a go at podcasting have a starting point. The podcasts that I review in this episode are all primary (elementary) schools: KPE: http://tinyurl.com/2goqhn Small Voices: http://kinderteacher.podomatic.com Rowland: http://rowland.podomatic.com Andersen's: http://adonnell.podcast.com Cefn Fforest: http://cefnfforest.podomatic.com Appleby Showcase: http://allanah.podomatic.com Pine Hill School: http://room5.podomatic.com
    16 April 2007, 3:42 am
  • 4 minutes 22 seconds
    Early Childhood Educators leading the way!
    Today I had the privilege of working with a group of early childhood educators on the topic of podcasting. It was exciting to see a group of teachers eager to start the podcasting and technology journey with their students, even though those students could possibly range in age from 2 years to 4 years old! In this episode you will hear the goals these educators have set for themselves to start on this ICT journey.
    9 March 2007, 6:05 am
  • 3 minutes
    Buddy Class Wanted
    Hi all I am looking for a class to be our 'podcasting buddies' for term two this year (23rd April to 29th June). My students are year 5/6 which makes them between 9 and 10 years old. I would like to explore ways of using enhanced podcasts to explain our culture to students of another culture. I was thinking of starting with having the students create a still image story about their school life and then seeing how the unit progressed. The students will have contact with their buddy class through posting podcasts and making comments on each other's podcasts. So if you are new to podcasting or a podcasting 'oldie' drop me a line and we can plan this unit together. email: [email protected] skype: janenicholls1 (in New Zealand) Looking forward to making connections :-)
    5 March 2007, 5:37 am
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