The Women's Running Podcast

Esther Newman

Running is the one thing that we all like talking about. Every fortnight, we will be having a chat and a cuppa with an incredible woman from the world of running. From superstar pro runners to everyday plodders, each of them has made a big difference to running - and to women. We realised that there was a huge gap in the podcast world: a podcast that was about our favourite subject, that was about women, and was also long enough to keep us entertained on our longer runs. We don’t want to listen to blokes waffling on about quads and cadence (we can do that perfectly well ourselves, thank you very much). We want to listen to women who have made a proper difference in running, who have done some incredible running themselves, and who we can have a giggle with. Some you’ll know, and some you won’t - but they’re all utterly magnificent. We will talk to them about all the things that affect us when we step out the door: sexism, hormones, menopause, food, pelvic floors, relationships, mental health. But. BUT. We will also talk about races, PBs, shoes, training, starting running, enjoying running, finding the fun. And quads and cadence. This is the Women’s Running Podcast, and it’s for women who love to run.

  • 1 hour 39 minutes
    Ep 213. New term, menopause, Tales from the Pod

    Welcome to episode 213 of the Women’s Running podcast. I’m your host Esther Newman and she’s your other host Holly Taylor. On this podcast we talk about health, politics, stuff on TV and what we ate last night. Occasionally, we talk about running.


    • This episode is sponsored by Runna. For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.


    New term

    I’ve had a stressful start to Sept, but finished off the first week with a very un-Esther trip to a spa, and have some thoughts on it. We also have another look at the 5K running controversy from a couple of months ago as we’ve had a lot of emails from you guys and we want to hear them and talk about them,

    Controversy and TV 

    We also talk about menopause, and another point of view that we hadn’t considered that raises some extremely valid points. And you know I always talk about how we talk about last night’s tv in the preamble. Well, here we talk about last night’s TV. Fill your boots.


    Tales from the Pod

    And in a new Tales from the Pod section, we talk to gorgeous Pod Squadder Alice who ran with us in Paris last year, and has been a firm fixture on the Pod Squad scene ever since. Alice’s fitness story started with scuba diving – scary seal stories ahoy!


    Join us! 

    Now. Patreon. Apologies for those of you who are already members of our fabulous club, but for those of you who aren’t, pop along to to find out about our Discord forum, our Live episodes and our silly newsletters, which are all yours for just £2 a month. Come and join us!


    Lovely extra bits

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna. For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.
    • Subscribe to Women’s Running – join us today for two years for the price of one!
    • Setting up your own podcast? Try Zencastr – we’ve been using it for ages and LOVE IT
    • Download a FREE mini mag to help you run 5K! Go to
    • Buy a Pod Squad t-shirt!
    • Do join us on Patreon so you can come and chat in our new Pod Squad community on Discord! Go to
    • Email us at [email protected] with any questions or running stories

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    12 September 2024, 12:48 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Ep 212. Holidays and body neutrality

    Welcome to episode 212 of the Women’s Running podcast. I’m your host Esther Newman and she’s your other host Holly Taylor. On this podcast we talk about health, politics, stuff on TV and what we ate last night. Occasionally, we talk about running.

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna. For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.


    London Vitality 10,000

    We’re back from all our various holidays and have much to discuss. First up, though, a quick reminder that we’re running the London Vitality 10,000 on Sunday 22nd September – if you’re running too, come and meet us at our lovely Women’s Running tent, and run with us in the Smiles for Miles wave!


    Holiday running

    Holiday running has had some figurative and literal ups and downs, so we talk about hills and hard running, and how to cope with the plan when you’ve not been able to stick to the plan, like I have.


    Body neutrality

    Because of a narrow escape at a naturist beach, we then move on to body neutrality and how to find acceptance and gratitude for our bodies rather than peering at them with disgust in the mirror.

    Join us! 

    Now. Patreon. Apologies for those of you who are already members of our fabulous club, but for those of you who aren’t, pop along to to find out about our Discord forum, our Live episodes and our silly newsletters, which are all yours for just £2 a month. Come and join us!


    Lovely extra bits

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna. For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.
    • Subscribe to Women’s Running – join us today to save loads, it's only £6 for 6 issues
    • Setting up your own podcast? Try Zencastr – we’ve been using it for ages and LOVE IT
    • Download a FREE mini mag to help you run 5K! Go to
    • Buy a Pod Squad t-shirt!
    • Do join us on Patreon so you can come and chat in our new Pod Squad community on Discord! Go to
    • Email us at [email protected] with any questions or running stories
    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    5 September 2024, 1:34 pm
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    Ep 211. Physio, illness, menopause

    Welcome to episode 211 of the Women’s Running podcast. I’m your host Esther Newman and she’s your other host Holly Taylor. On this podcast we talk about health, politics, stuff on TV and what we ate last night. Occasionally, we talk about running.


    Physio success

    In big news, Holly has been to the physio, and as a result she’s been spending a bit of money buying her first indoor gym kit, which unsurprisngly leads me on to being a bit teachery and chatting about kettle bells at length (sorry).


    Running and illness

    Then we move on to running and illness – I have a theory and would love to know your thoughts on it. Is running when you’re ill actually *good* for you?


    We have bit of menopause chat because a recent conversation made me realise that we’re not talking enough to our younger friends and family members about the menopause – symptoms are still confusing us, especially when we’re younger than we think is the classic menopause age. Let’s get educating!


    Finally we address the running controversy that we spoke about a couple of weeks ago, when I ran a women’s only 5K that was also run by a handful of men. We slagged them off a few weeks ago, but now we’ve received an email that sets us straight (at least for one brilliant man). Listen through to find out more!


    Remember, right now you can get your first six issues of Women’s Running for just £6! Go to, click on SHOP, and use the code SS24 WRPOD at the checkout. Or just go here.


    Lovely extra bits

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna - For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.
    • Subscribe to Women’s Running – join us today to save loads, it's only £6 for 6 issues
    • Setting up your own podcast? Try Zencastr – we’ve been using it for ages and LOVE IT
    • Download a FREE mini mag to help you run 5K! Go to
    • Buy a Pod Squad t-shirt!
    • Do join us on Patreon so you can come and chat in our new Pod Squad community on Discord! Go to
    • Email us at [email protected] with any questions or running stories
    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    1 September 2024, 8:30 pm
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Ep 210. Helen Thorn, V10K, strength training

    Welcome to episode 210 of the Women’s Running podcast. I’m your host Esther Newman and she’s your other host Holly Taylor. On this podcast we talk about health, politics, stuff on TV and what we ate last night. Occasionally, we talk about running.


    • This episode is sponsored by Runna. For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.

    London Vitality 10,000 

    We have a special guest for you today in the shape of the very brilliant Helen Thorn, you lucky things. Comedian, author, amazing runner, and now triathlete, we’re lucky to count her as a Friend of the Pod. She is dialling in from her holiday in Cornwall, especially to join up with us to shout about the London Vitality 10,000 which we’re running together on September 22nd – and you can run with us if you’re quick! We’ve been told that there are a few spaces remaining to run in our Smiles for Miles wave, which we’re running with Helen and Bryony Gordon firmly at the back of the pack, and we’d love to have you with us. We’ll be celebrating in Green Park before and after, and it won’t be the same without you!

    Strength training 

    Before and after our chat with her, we’re trying to do our best with our strength training, and I do my thing of offering lots of unwarranted advice to Holly while not actually doing any exercises myself. When we come back in the room after Helen we have a chat about the books we’ve been reading and listening to. Lots of ideas here for those of you who listen to books on runs, and please give us all your ideas too!

    Pick up a bargain! 

    Now, don’t get annoyed at me repeating this, it’s my job: right now you can get your first six issues of Women’s Running for just £6! Go to, click on SHOP, and use the code SS24 WRPOD at the checkout. Or just go here.



    Lovely extra bits

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna. For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.
    • Run the London Vitality 10,000 with us!
    • Subscribe to Women’s Running – join us today to save loads, it's only £6 for 6 issues
    • Setting up your own podcast? Try Zencastr – we’ve been using it for ages and LOVE IT
    • Download a FREE mini mag to help you run 5K! Go to
    • Buy a Pod Squad t-shirt!
    • Do join us on Patreon so you can come and chat in our new Pod Squad community on Discord! Go to
    • Email us at [email protected] with any questions or running stories
    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    22 August 2024, 10:12 am
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    Ep 209. Holiday running, Pod Squad guest

    Welcome to episode 209 of the Women’s Running podcast. I’m your host Esther Newman and she’s your other host Holly Taylor. On this podcast we talk about health, politics, stuff on TV and what we ate last night. Occasionally, we talk about running.


    • This episode is sponsored by Runna. For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.

    Holiday running 

    We’re back after a bit of a break (that hopefully you won’t have noticed, but obviously the timings of the last few podcasts have been all over the place). We’re both sounding rough as badgers; me cos of a virus, Hol cos of a two-day hangover. All very standard.

    We talk through all of Hol’s debauchery. We also talk about my running in Cornwall and France, which results in a proper Poo Story, which I’m sure you’ll all sympathise with. Listen out for Hol’s top tips on sharing a bathroom btw!


    Pod Squad tales from the Pod!

    In our new Pod Squad segment, we talk to the glorious Marte from Belgium, who ran with us in New York, and also again at the London 10K and AGAIN at Endure 24. She talks to us about how she got into running, and her favourite races so far.

    Grab a bargain! 

    Now, if you’re not already a subscriber to Women’s Running magazine, this is your lucky day, cos this is our best ever offer. Right now you can get your first six issues of Women’s Running for just £6! Go to, click on SHOP, and use the code SS24 WRPOD at the checkout. Or just go here.


    Lovely extra bits

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna. For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.

     Subscribe to Women’s Running – join us today to save loads, it's only £6 for 6 issues

    • Setting up your own podcast? Try Zencastr – we’ve been using it for ages and LOVE IT

    ·      Download a FREE mini mag to help you run 5K! Go to

    • Buy a Pod Squad t-shirt!
    • Do join us on Patreon so you can come and chat in our new Pod Squad community on Discord! Go to

    Email us at [email protected] with any questions or running stories

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    15 August 2024, 11:30 am
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    Ep 208. Strength for runners

    Welcome to episode 208 of the Women’s Running podcast. I’m your host Esther Newman and she’s your other host Holly Taylor. On this podcast we talk about health, politics, stuff on TV and what we ate last night. Occasionally, we talk about running.


    • This episode is sponsored by Runna. For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.

    Strength for runners 

    The main part of this podcast is all about a runner’s worst nightmare: STRENGTH. We knew we personally needed to dedicate some time to this, and we have a feeling that you guys wouldn’t mind a bit of direction too. So we talk to gorgeous, talented and wonderful Kate Sellers, friend of the pod, fabulous PT and also member of the Women’s Running team. We wanted to drag her on to talk about all things strength – what we should be doing, when, and how. And Kate has come up with the goods – if you want the building blocks of her training plan we detail it below.

    The exercises

    3 sets x 8 reps. Rest for 20 seconds between each set:

    Squats, Reverse Lunges, Deadlift (Glute bridge if bodyweight)


    3 sets x 8 reps. Rest for 20 seconds between each set:

    Push-ups , Over-head press (with cans of beans if no weights), Lateral raises (with cans of beans if no weights)


    4 sets x 12 reps. Rest for 20 seconds between each set:

    Standing marches, Deadbugs, Lying back extensions

    Join us 

    Now, if you’re not already a subscriber to Women’s Running magazine, this is our best ever offer. Right now you can get your first six issues of Women’s Running for just £6! Go to, click on SHOP, and use the code SS24 WRPOD at the checkout. Or just go here.


    Lovely extra bits

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna

    For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.

     Subscribe to Women’s Running – join us today to save loads, it's only £6 for 6 issues

    • Setting up your own podcast? Try Zencastr – we’ve been using it for ages and LOVE IT

    ·      Download a FREE mini mag to help you run 5K! Go to

    • Buy a Pod Squad t-shirt!
    • Do join us on Patreon so you can come and chat in our new Pod Squad community on Discord! Go to

    Email us at [email protected] with any questions or running stories

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    8 August 2024, 1:55 pm
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    Ep 207. End of term, Pod Squad guest

    Welcome to episode 207 of the Women’s Running podcast. I’m your host Esther Newman and she’s your other host Holly Taylor. On this podcast we talk about health, politics, stuff on TV and what we ate last night. Occasionally, we talk about running.

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna. For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.


    Summer holidays

    Today, we’re talking about general end-of-term exhaustion – shout out to all of you who got to the summer holidays intact. We are banging on at length about school sports day, so we’re talking about our own experiences but we’re also talking about the sports that are included and the ones that we reckon should be included.

    Pod Squad guest 

    We have a special guest to look forward to in the middle of the pod in the shape of Emma Sturgess, one of our very own Pod Squad. As part of a semi-regular series, we’re now including the occasional chat with gorgeous women from the Pod Squad to find out about *your* running. We loved talking to Emma, and found her incredibly inspiring. If you fancy joining us in a future episode, email us at [email protected]


    We’re back in the room to talk about our own running, which is a mixture of a desperate need for a physio and a desperate need for a training plan. Turns out, our next big race is now only 10 weeks away!


    Right now you can get your first six issues of Women’s Running for just £6! Go to, click on SHOP, and use the code SS24 WRPOD at the checkout. Or just go here.


    Lovely extra bits

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna
    • For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.
    • Subscribe to Women’s Running – join us today to save loads, it's only £6 for 6 issues
    • Setting up your own podcast? Try Zencastr – we’ve been using it for ages and LOVE IT
    • Download a FREE mini mag to help you run 5K! Go to
    • Buy a Pod Squad t-shirt!
    • Do join us on Patreon so you can come and chat in our new Pod Squad community on Discord! Go to
    • Email us at [email protected] with any questions or running stories
    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    1 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Ep 206. Summer running and heat training

    Welcome to episode 206 of the Women’s Running podcast. I’m your host Esther Newman and she’s your other host Holly Taylor. On this podcast we talk about health, politics, stuff on TV and what we ate last night. Occasionally, we talk about running.

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.


    Holly is managing a bit of a niggle – why do they always come and bite us on the arse, when things are going well? It’s so unfair! We talk through what it might be and what we can both be doing to fix ourselves before it all goes wrong.

    Tales from the Pod Squad 

    Then, In the first of an occasional series, we speak to lovely podcast listener Amy Chapman, who signed up to do the 10K Asics Ekiden, with very little experience under her belt. She recounts how the day went, running under pressure, and trying to avoid the sash of shame! If you’ve got a running story you’d like to share with us, do email us at [email protected]


    10K controversy

    Then we’re back in the room to talk about that controversial 10K from a few weeks back when men ran with us despite being told it was a women’s only event. We’ve had a couple of brilliant emails from you guys that we get into. Then there are a couple more silly questions that we answer, but would love to hear your answers to. Answers to [email protected] please! And stay tuned to the very end as Holly has something HUGE to announce.


    Now, if you’re not already a subscriber to Women’s Running magazine, you need to stop what you’re doing right now and sign up, cos this is our best ever offer. Right now you can get your first six issues of Women’s Running for just £6! Go to, click on SHOP, and use the code SS24 WRPOD at the checkout. Or just go here.


    Lovely extra bits

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna
    • For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.
    • Subscribe to Women’s Running – join us today to save loads, it's only £6 for 6 issues
    • Setting up your own podcast? Try Zencastr – we’ve been using it for ages and LOVE IT
    • Download a FREE mini mag to help you run 5K! Go to
    • Buy a Pod Squad t-shirt!
    • Do join us on Patreon so you can come and chat in our new Pod Squad community on Discord! Go to
    • Email us at [email protected] with any questions or running stories
    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    25 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    Ep 205. Saucony London 10K debrief

    Welcome to episode 205 of the Women’s Running podcast. I’m your host Esther Newman and she’s your other host Holly Taylor. On this podcast we talk about health, politics, stuff on TV and what we ate last night. Occasionally, we talk about running.

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.


    Saucony London 10K

    It’s the morning after the day before. We’ve just returned back from our Saucony London 10K. And we had about 17 hundred adventures, so here are just a few of them for you to listen to.


    The journey and the 10K

    First there’s the journey to London, which almost didn’t happen because we’re terrible at communication. But then we’re there at the start line, and we’re surrounded by glorious women from the Pod Squad, all kitted out beautifully in Saucony Hurricane 24s from We looked like a little army!

    Back of the pack

    Sophie Grace-Holmes lead the charge, and we all loved running at the back of the pack, having a good old chat and soaking up the vibes. It was good times all round – find out all about it right here.


    London Vitality 10,000

    All of this leads to the BIG announcement that we’re going to be running the London Vitality 10,000 again this year! Come and run with us on 22nd September in the final Smiles for Miles wave – do please come and join us!


    Now, if you’re not already a subscriber to Women’s Running magazine, you need to stop what you’re doing right now and sign up, cos this is one of our best ever offers. Right now you can get your first six issues of Women’s Running for just £6 – that’s a pound an issue! Go to, click on SHOP, and use the code SS24 WRPOD at the checkout. Or just go here. Six quid! That’s how much ONE issue costs if you buy it in Sainos. And I know I’m biased, but it’s BRILLIANT.


    Lovely extra bits

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna
    • For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.
    • Subscribe to Women’s Running – join us today to save loads, it's only £6 for 6 issues
    • Setting up your own podcast? Try Zencastr – we’ve been using it for ages and LOVE IT
    • Download a FREE mini mag to help you run 5K! Go to
    • Buy a Pod Squad t-shirt!
    • Do join us on Patreon so you can come and chat in our new Pod Squad community on Discord! Go to
    • Email us at [email protected] with any questions or running stories


    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    18 July 2024, 9:10 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Ep 204. Saucony London 10K, classic questions

    Welcome to episode 204 of the Women’s Running podcast. I’m your host Esther Newman and she’s your other host Holly Taylor. On this podcast we talk about health, politics, stuff on TV and what we ate last night. Occasionally, we talk about running.

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna. For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.


    Saucony London 10K

    We’re gearing up for the Saucony London 10K, so we need to chat about all of our training in the last few days. We both have worries of a different shape here.


    Imposter syndrome

    We talk about the weight of false expectations – as we always worry about what you guys think of us. We’re talking about this ahead of doing the 10K, which is making us think about the last time we did a 10K together which was the Vitality last year.


    Classic questions

    We go off on a tangent while we talk about our favourite bits of art, because why not. When we finally get back to running, we’ve got some classic running questions to ask each other – and we’d love to know what your answers to these questions would be too. So please let us know: What do you not like about running? What was your best running experience? And what was your worst running experience?


    Now, if you’re not already a subscriber to Women’s Running magazine, you need to stop what you’re doing right now and sign up, cos this is one of our best ever offers. Right now you can get your first six issues of Women’s Running for just £6 – that’s a pound an issue! Go to, click on SHOP, and use the code SS24 WRPOD at the checkout. Or just go here. Six quid! That’s how much ONE issue costs if you buy it in Sainos. And I know I’m biased, but it’s BRILLIANT.


    Lovely extra bits

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna

    For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.

     Subscribe to Women’s Running – join us today to save loads, it's only £6 for 6 issues

    • Setting up your own podcast? Try Zencastr – we’ve been using it for ages and LOVE IT

    ·      Download a FREE mini mag to help you run 5K! Go to

    • Buy a Pod Squad t-shirt!
    • Do join us on Patreon so you can come and chat in our new Pod Squad community on Discord! Go to

    Email us at [email protected] with any questions or running stories

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    11 July 2024, 7:38 am
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    Ep 203. 10K training, 5K controversy

    Welcome to episode 203 of the Women’s Running podcast. I’m your host Esther Newman and she’s your other host Holly Taylor. On this podcast we talk about health, politics, stuff on TV and what we ate last night. Occasionally, we talk about running.


    We have a bit of a Glasto catch up cos it’s the Monday after the main event and obviously we have thoughts, which leads on to Holly’s big singing weekend. I’ve had a weirdly sporty weekend, with my own version of a very prolonged triathlon.

    5K controversy

    We then have a big conversation about the RunThrough 5K I did the week before. I made a number of mistakes which we talk about here, but we also talk about the huge controversy that whirled around after the event.

    Your emails 

    Then we have a lot of lovely emails from you guys involving sexy Scottish TV shows, and pooing on the run (but of course).

    Join us! 

    Now, if you’re not already a subscriber to Women’s Running magazine, you need to stop what you’re doing right now and sign up, cos I think this is one of our best ever offers. Right now – and only until the end of August - you can get your first six issues of Women’s Running for just £6. Go to, click on SHOP, and use the code SS24 WRPOD at the checkout. Or just go here.


    Lovely extra bits

    • This episode is sponsored by Runna

    For a FREE two-week trial of Runna, just use the code WOMENSRUNNING and fill your running boots.

     Subscribe to Women’s Running – join us today to save loads, it's only £6 for 6 issues

    • Setting up your own podcast? Try Zencastr – we’ve been using it for ages and LOVE IT

    ·      Download a FREE mini mag to help you run 5K! Go to

    • Buy a Pod Squad t-shirt!
    • Do join us on Patreon so you can come and chat in our new Pod Squad community on Discord! Go to

    Email us at [email protected] with any questions or running stories

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    4 July 2024, 12:19 pm
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