CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

Heather Ordover

  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Ch 4 Part 1 - Vindication - Wollstonecraft
    Full Video Series at Mary Wollstonecraft Eats the Rich and Eviscerates the Haters 00:00 Opening 01:07  I Have Notes 03:28 Challenges of Change and Freedom 09:57 Education and Women's Dependency 12:49 Women's Power and Societal Expectations 14:04 Equal Education and Virtue 17:45 Critique of Chivalry and Courtesy 20:38 Conclusion and Upcoming Content 21:35 START of Chapter 4 and Women's Degradation 24:19 The Role of Reason and Rationality 29:04 Cultural and Societal Influences 31:16 The Pursuit of Pleasure and Its Consequences 38:22 The Impact of Education and Social Expectations 43:10 Comparisons with the Rich and Powerful 45:01 Adam Smith Extended Quote Starts Here 53:41 The Call for Equality and Rational Education 55:20 Like Emma's Reading List! 56:38 (I swear, Austen memorized this bit!) 59:50 (Possibly my favorite part of the book to date—HA!) 1:00:50 Tenant of Wildfell Hall parallel 01:06:03 END of Ch 4 Part 1 • If you've never read Anne Brontë, please take a listen to CraftLit's "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" (starts with episode 516— She's the most shocking, most modern, and arguably the best of the Brontë writers. You likely missed her b/c Charlotte didn't like this book's 'sensibilities' and did what she could to ghost it after Anne's death. Bad Charlotte! • "Seventy-times-seven" please see Aarne-Thompson  Tale-Types & Motifs for more:
    27 January 2025, 11:51 am
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Ch 3 - Vindication - Wollstonecraft
    Full Video Series at Mary Wollstonecraft goes off on Rousseau, hoisting him with his own Petard, as it were.* 00:00 Opening 00:57 I Have Notes 06:26 CHAPTER 3 06:44 Introduction to Bodily Strength and Gender 07:34 Misconceptions About Genius and Health 10:21 The Superiority Debate: Men vs. Women 11:43 ROUSSEAU Footnote: Why Women Can't ________ 17:38 Education and Female Virtue 19:01 EXTENSIVE   FOOTNOTE from Mr. Day's "Sandford and Merton", Vol III 22:30  Critique of Rousseau's Views on Women 27:11 ROUSSEAU Quote re Girls & Dolls & Coquettes 30:39 ROUSSEAU Footnote on Girl Writing the Letter "O" 36:30 The Consequences of Female Subjugation 38:05 The Call for Rational Education 40:51 The Corruption of Power and Female Dignity 41:24 Revolutionizing Female Manners 44:55 The Nature of Worship and Rational Conduct 47:20 The Role of Women in Society 51:53 The Consequences of Dependence 54:36 ROUSSEAU Footnote: Men Have All The Good Qualities (sorry ladies!) 01:02:06 ROUSSEAU Footnote - "How Lovely is Her Ignorance" 01:07:13 Summing Up: The Call for Rational Virtues 01:10:53 Outro • Xiran Jay Zhao, Author of "Iron Widow" has an amazing Channel chock full of things you never knew you needed to learn—but you do.    /   • If you've never read Anne Brontë, please take a listen to CraftLit's "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" (starts with episode 516—). She's the most shocking, most modern, and arguably the best of the Brontë writers. You likely missed her b/c Charlotte didn't like this book's 'sensibilities' and did what she could to ghost it after Anne's death. Bad Charlotte! *The phrase's meaning is that a bomb-maker is blown ("hoist", the past tense of "hoise") off the ground by his own bomb ("petard"), and indicates an ironic reversal or poetic justice. []
    31 December 2024, 4:55 am
  • 2 hours 47 minutes
    Twelfth Day of CraftLit - 2024
    Twelfth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY 7: DAY 8: DAY 9: DAY 10: DAY 11: DAY TWELVE A Christmas Carol-in prose, being a ghost story of Christmas by Charles Dickens (The original manuscript) narrated by for Part 1 - Staves 1-2 Part 2 - Stave 3 Part 3 - Staves 4-5 _____ Digital Premium Audiobook Shop:  CraftLit’s Socials Find everything here:  Join the newsletter: Podcast site: Facebook: Facebook group: Pinterest: TikTok podcast: Spooky Narration: Email: Call and share your thoughts! 1-206-350-1642 SUPPORT THE SHOW! CraftLit App Premium feed  (only one tier available) PATREON:  (all tiers, below) Walter Harright - $5/mo for the same audio as on App Jane Eyre - $10/mo for even-month Book Parties Mina Harker - $15/mo for odd-month Watch Parties All tiers and benefits are also available as —YouTube Channel Memberships —Ko-Fi NEW at — *Premium SITE Membership*  (identical to Patreon except more of your support goes to the CraftLit Team) If you want to join us for a particular Book or Watch Party but you don't want to subscribe, please use  or CraftLit @ Venmo and include what you want to attend in the message field. Please give us at least 24 hours to get your message and add you to the attendee list. Download the FREE CraftLit App for iOS or Android (you can call or email feedback straight from within the app) Call 1-206-350-1642
    25 December 2024, 8:08 am
  • 2 hours 38 minutes
    Eleventh Day of CraftLit - 2024
    Eleventh Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY 7: DAY 8: DAY 9: DAY 10: DAY ELEVEN A Rhyme for Christmas (Publication delayed by the author's determined, but futile attempt to find the rhyme) (1911) By: John Challing  (Radcyffe Hall) - From: The Wit and Humor of America, Volume VII -    eText:   Read by: Alan Davis Drake -   The Errors of Santa Claus (1917) By: Stephen Butler Leacock -     From:   eText: Frenzied Fiction -   Read by: William Coon - To An Old Fogey (Who Contends that Christmas is Played Out) By: Owen Seaman -   From:   Etext: Modern British Poetry (1920) - Read by: Cori Samuel -   Vera's First Christmas Adventure (1907) By: Arnold Bennett -   From: The Grim Smile of the Five Towns -    eText:    Read by: Andy Minter -   (7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's most memorable fictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. During his life, his works enjoyed unprecedented fame, and by the twentieth century his literary genius was broadly acknowledged by critics and scholars. His novels and short stories continue to be widely popular. Born in Portsmouth, England, Dickens left school to work in a factory after his father was thrown into debtors' prison. Although he had little formal education, his early impoverishment drove him to succeed. Over his career he edited a weekly journal for 20 years, wrote 15 novels, 5 novellas and hundreds of short stories and non-fiction articles, lectured and performed extensively, was an indefatigable letter writer, and campaigned vigorously for children's rights, education, and other social reforms. Read by:  (January 13, 1832 – July 18, 1899) was a prolific 19th-century American author, best known for his many formulaic juvenile novels about impoverished boys and their rise from humble backgrounds to lives of middle-class security and comfort through hard work, determination, courage, and honesty. Read by:  (May 27, 1862 – January 21, 1922) was an American author, editor and satirist. Read by:  (13 November 1850 – 3 December 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Read by:  (17:18) The Night After Christmas (1907) By: Ann P.L.Field -     From:   eText:   Read by: Jan MacGillivray -   Her Birthday Dream (1916) By: Nellie C. King -       From:   eText: Christmas Stories And Legends by Phebe A. Curtiss -    Read by: Angela (BookAngel7) -   A Letter from Santa Claus  By: Samuel Clemens   From:   eText: Read by: Andrew Ordover The Philanthropist's Christmas (1913) By: James Weber Linn -   From: The Children's Book of Christmas Stories by Asa Don Dickinson and Ada M. Skinner   eText:   Read by: Kehinde -   T’was the Night before Christmas: A Visit from St. Nicholas (1823) By: Clement Clarke Moore -   eText:   Read by: Jon Scholes _____ Digital Premium Audiobook Shop:  CraftLit’s Socials Find everything here:  Join the newsletter: Podcast site: Facebook: Facebook group: Pinterest: TikTok podcast: Spooky Narration: Email: Call and share your thoughts! 1-206-350-1642 SUPPORT THE SHOW! CraftLit App Premium feed  (only one tier available) PATREON:  (all tiers, below) Walter Harright - $5/mo for the same audio as on App Jane Eyre - $10/mo for even-month Book Parties Mina Harker - $15/mo for odd-month Watch Parties All tiers and benefits are also available as —YouTube Channel Memberships —Ko-Fi NEW at — *Premium SITE Membership*  (identical to Patreon except more of your support goes to the CraftLit Team) If you want to join us for a particular Book or Watch Party but you don't want to subscribe, please use  or CraftLit @ Venmo and include what you want to attend in the message field. Please give us at least 24 hours to get your message and add you to the attendee list. Download the FREE CraftLit App for iOS or Android (you can call or email feedback straight from within the app) Call 1-206-350-1642
    24 December 2024, 4:11 pm
  • 2 hours 59 minutes
    Tenth Day of CraftLit - 2024
    Tenth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY 7: DAY 8: DAY 9: DAY TEN Christmas at Red Butte By: Lucy Maud Montgomery -       From:    eText:    Read by: Lynne Thompson -     A Christmas Surprise at Enderly Road By: Lucy Maud Montgomery -     From:    eText:    Read by: Read by Jedopi -  (27 May 1867 – 27 March 1931) Enoch Arnold Bennett was an English writer. He is best known as a novelist, but he also worked in other fields such as journalism, propaganda, and film. Read by:  (31:20) Sir Jehosephat (Sir Jee), A Cresage (?) , Whoever Velasquez might be…HA!, Some part of Mr Smith introduction was funny or important, Nelson Column  (December 5, 1869 – September 13, 1937) was an American author. He was the author of more than 30 books and more than 2,000 stories and essays and is most famous for his short story “”, in which a bureaucratic stationmaster insists on levying the livestock rate for a shipment of two pet guinea pigs, which soon start proliferating exponentially. Read by: GROUP: NAMES (27:23) - CUT HE SAID SHE SAIDs C. H. Grinling ( - ) aside from several books on trains and the history of railways in Britain, evidently, Mr. Grinling didn't do much else of note. Read by:  (20 March 1863 – 15 May 1930) was a novelist and playwright, born in Cunningsbury St George, Christ Church, Demerara, British Guyana. In 1894 he published his first novel, At the Gate of Samaria, but he did not achieve real success for another decade, with The Morals of Marcus Ordeyne (1905) and The Beloved Vagabond (1906). Chambers Biographical Dictionary wrote of his "long series of novels and plays which with their charmingly written sentimental themes had such a success during his life in both Britain and America... His plays, some of which were dramatised versions of his novels, were all produced with success on the London Stage Read by:  (38:47)  (1857 - 1927) was the pseudonym of the British author born Richard Bernard Heldmann. A best-selling and prolific author of the Victorian fin de siècle and the early Edwardian period, Marsh's success rivalled that of contemporary writers of popular fiction such as Marie Corelli. He is best known today for his supernatural thriller The Beetle, which was published in the same year as Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) and was initially even more popular. Read by:  (39:32) _____ Digital Premium Audiobook Shop:  CraftLit’s Socials Find everything here: Join the newsletter:  Podcast site: Facebook:  Facebook group:  Pinterest:  TikTok podcast:  Spooky Narration:  Email: Call and share your thoughts! 1-206-350-1642 SUPPORT THE SHOW! CraftLit App Premium feed  (only one tier available) PATREON:  (all tiers, below) Walter Harright - $5/mo for the same audio as on App Jane Eyre - $10/mo for even-month Book Parties Mina Harker - $15/mo for odd-month Watch Parties All tiers and benefits are also available as —YouTube Channel Memberships —Ko-Fi NEW at  — Premium SITE Membership  (identical to Patreon except more of your support goes to the CraftLit Team) If you want to join us for a particular Book or Watch Party but you don't want to subscribe, please use  or CraftLit @ Venmo and include what you want to attend in the message field. Please give us at least 24 hours to get your message and add you to the attendee list. Download the FREE CraftLit App for iOS or Android (you can call or email feedback straight from within the app) Call 1-206-350-1642
    24 December 2024, 3:44 pm
  • 2 hours 6 minutes
    Ninth Day of CraftLit - 2024
    Ninth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY 7: DAY 8: DAY NINE A Christmas Inspiration  By: Lucy Maud Montgomery -   From:    eText:   Read by: Darcia Douglass -     A Christmas Mistake By: Lucy Maud Montgomery -   From:   eText:   Read by: TriciaG -    (27 January 1832 – 14 January 1898) better known by the pen name Lewis Carroll, was an English writer, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer. His most famous writings are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass, as well as the poems "The Hunting of the Snark" and "Jabberwocky", all examples of the genre of literary nonsense. He is noted for his facility at word play, logic, and fantasy, and there are societies in many parts of the world (including the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, and New Zealand) dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of his works and the investigation of his life. Read by:  (1:17)  (19 September 1796 – 6 January 1849) was an English poet, biographer, essayist, and teacher. He was the eldest son of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Read by:  (1:17) Stella C Shetter (c. 1879 - 1937) was a short story writer who in 1933 won a national contest sponsored by the American Legion. Read by:  (6:37) A little insight into customs from other times  (15 August 1771 – 21 September 1832) 1st Baronet was a Scottish historical novelist, playwright, and poet, popular throughout much of the world during his time. Scott was the first English-language author to have a truly international career in his lifetime, with many contemporary readers in Europe, Australia, and North America. His novels and poetry are still read, and many of his works remain classics of both English-language literature and of Scottish literature. Famous titles include Ivanhoe, Rob Roy, The Lady of the Lake, Waverley, The Heart of Midlothian, and The Bride of Lammermoor. Read by:  (2:35)  (13 July 1793 – 20 May 1864) was an English poet, the son of a farm labourer, who came to be known for his celebratory representations of the English countryside and his lamentation of its disruption. Read by:  (6:03) Morris Dance, Harlequin + hunchback  (12 March 1799 – 30 January 1888) was an English poet, and author of the famous poem The Spider and the Fly. She was educated at home, and read widely; she commenced writing verses at a very early age. Together with her husband, William Howitt, she wrote over 180 books. Read by:  (1:45)  (December 15, 1845 – July 29, 1928) was an American writer and historian. She devoted herself chiefly to the study of the social history of the Colonial and Revolutionary periods of the United States, wrote a number of entertaining books and magazine articles in this field, and was chosen historian of the The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Read by:  (12:07) Christmas on Wheels (1895) By: Willis Boyd Allen -   From: Christmas on Wheels -   eText:    Read by: David Wales -   Christmas and the Literature of Disillusion (1908) By: Samuel McCord Crothers -   From: By the Christmas Fire -   eText:   Read by: Andrew Ordover -   Barney's Tale of the Wee Red Cap (1916) By: Ruth Sawyer -   From: This Way to Christmas -   eText:   Read by: Jonathan Uffelman _____ Digital Premium Audiobook Shop:  CraftLit’s Socials Find everything here: Join the newsletter:  Podcast site: Facebook:  Facebook group:  Pinterest:  TikTok podcast:  Spooky Narration:  Email: Call and share your thoughts! 1-206-350-1642 SUPPORT THE SHOW! CraftLit App Premium feed  (only one tier available) PATREON:  (all tiers, below) Walter Harright - $5/mo for the same audio as on App Jane Eyre - $10/mo for even-month Book Parties Mina Harker - $15/mo for odd-month Watch Parties All tiers and benefits are also available as —YouTube Channel Memberships —Ko-Fi NEW at  — Premium SITE Membership  (identical to Patreon except more of your support goes to the CraftLit Team) If you want to join us for a particular Book or Watch Party but you don't want to subscribe, please use  or CraftLit @ Venmo and include what you want to attend in the message field. Please give us at least 24 hours to get your message and add you to the attendee list. Download the FREE CraftLit App for iOS or Android (you can call or email feedback straight from within the app) Call 1-206-350-1642
    24 December 2024, 3:30 pm
  • 2 hours 5 minutes
    Eighth Day of CraftLit - 2024
    Eighth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY 7: DAY EIGHT   A Conscience Pudding (1904) By: Edith Nesbit -     From:   eText:   Read by: Cori Samuel -     (c.1841 - 1919) daughter of Henry Morgan-Clifford, a British Liberal Party politician, and wife of the 15th/25th Baron Dunboyne, an Irish peer. She sometimes also wrote under her married name Marion Clifford-Butler. Read by: (23:49) (1864 - 1916) was a journalist and writer of fiction and drama, known foremost as the first American war correspondent to cover the Spanish-American War, the Second Boer War, and the First World War. His writing greatly assisted the political career of Theodore Roosevelt and he also played a major role in the evolution of the American magazine. Read by: (15:10) Christmas Every Day (2007) By: William Dean Howells -   From: Christmas Every Day and Other Stories -   eText:   Read by: Brian Hostick & Jessica Mells - Christmas and the Sprit of Democracy (1908) By: Samuel McCord Crothers -   From: By the Christmas Fire -   eText:   Read by: Andrew Ordover -   Why the Chimes Rang (1909) By: Raymond Macdonald Alden -   Producer: Duncan MacDougald, Jr. From: Why the Chimes Rang eText: Read by: Ted Malone, Dick Leibert _____ Digital Premium Audiobook Shop:  CraftLit’s Socials Find everything here: Join the newsletter:  Podcast site: Facebook:  Facebook group:  Pinterest:  TikTok podcast:  Spooky Narration:  Email: [email protected] Call and share your thoughts! 1-206-350-1642 SUPPORT THE SHOW! CraftLit App Premium feed  (only one tier available) PATREON:  (all tiers, below) Walter Harright - $5/mo for the same audio as on App Jane Eyre - $10/mo for even-month Book Parties Mina Harker - $15/mo for odd-month Watch Parties All tiers and benefits are also available as —YouTube Channel Memberships —Ko-Fi NEW at — *Premium SITE Membership*  (identical to Patreon except more of your support goes to the CraftLit Team) If you want to join us for a particular Book or Watch Party but you don't want to subscribe, please use  or CraftLit @ Venmo and include what you want to attend in the message field. Please give us at least 24 hours to get your message and add you to the attendee list. Download the FREE CraftLit App for iOS or Android (you can call or email feedback straight from within the app) Call 1-206-350-1642
    21 December 2024, 10:41 am
  • 1 hour 38 minutes
    Seventh Day of CraftLit - 2024
    Seventh Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY SEVEN The Eve of St. Nicholas  By: Elizabeth M. Laws Hibberd / Faith Wynne (1836 - c. 1930) -     From:   eText: What the Little Bird Told the Christmas Tree (1913)    Read by: Ruth Golding -   The Thin Santa Claus or The Chicken Yard That Was a Christmas Stocking (1909) By: Ellis Parker Butler -     From:   eText:   Read by: Several readers - Read by: (2:09) (30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936) was an English short-story writer, poet, and novelist chiefly remembered for his tales and poems of British soldiers in India, and his tales for children. He was born in Bombay, in the Bombay Presidency of British India, and was taken by his family to England when he was five years old. Kipling is best known for his works of fiction, including The Jungle Book (a collection of stories which includes "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"), Just So Stories (1902), Kim (1901) (a tale of adventure), many short stories, including "The Man Who Would Be King" (1888); and his poems, including "Mandalay" (1890), "Gunga Din" (1890), and "If—" (1910). Read by: (3:16) (11 December 1883, Ogden, Utah –22 February 1963, Wadsworth, Kansas) was a soldier in both the British and American armies of World War I, and an author, screenwriter, actor and movie producer. Read by: (14:18) (18 June 1855 – 18 February 1913) was an Australian short-story writer and novelist. Read by: (14:35) (1862 - 1934) - Read by: (5:18) A Spin for the Ages (2023) By: Bob Greenberger         Read by: Aiden Ordover _____ Digital Premium Audiobook Shop:  CraftLit’s Socials Find everything here:  Join the newsletter:  Podcast site: Facebook:  Facebook group:  Pinterest:  TikTok podcast:  Spooky Narration:  Email: [email protected] Call and share your thoughts! 1-206-350-1642 SUPPORT THE SHOW! CraftLit App Premium feed  (only one tier available) PATREON:  (all tiers, below) Walter Harright - $5/mo for the same audio as on App Jane Eyre - $10/mo for even-month Book Parties Mina Harker - $15/mo for odd-month Watch Parties All tiers and benefits are also available as —YouTube Channel Memberships —Ko-Fi NEW at — *Premium SITE Membership*  (identical to Patreon except more of your support goes to the CraftLit Team) If you want to join us for a particular Book or Watch Party but you don't want to subscribe, please use  or CraftLit @ Venmo and include what you want to attend in the message field. Please give us at least 24 hours to get your message and add you to the attendee list. Download the FREE CraftLit App for iOS or Android (you can call or email feedback straight from within the app) Call 1-206-350-1642
    20 December 2024, 10:58 am
  • 2 hours 11 minutes
    Sixth Day of CraftLit - 2024
    Sixth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY SIX Reginald on Christmas Presents (1904) By: Saki -    From: Reginald (1904) -    eText:   Read by: Bob Gonzalez -     Grandmother's Christmas Story (1913) By: Elizabeth M. Laws Hibberd / Faith Wynne (1836 - c. 1930) -   /   From:   eText: What the Little Bird Told the Christmas Tree (1913)   Read by: Ruth Golding -   Reginald’s Christmas Revel (1904) By: Saki -    From: Reginald (1904) -    eText:   Read by: Bob Gonzalez -   -       Read by:  6:45 -       Read by:   (February 22, 1833-August 10, 1906) also known as Sophie May, was an American author of children's fiction. She also wrote under the pseudonym Ellis Towne.       Read by:   Just a sweet little story of a child’s Christmas dream - 19th Century fan fiction. -      Read by: Heather -       Read by:  13.37 Christmas Storms & Sunshine (1848) By: Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell -   From: eText:   Read by: Ruth Golding -   _____ Digital Premium Audiobook Shop:  CraftLit’s Socials Find everything here:  Join the newsletter:  Podcast site: Facebook:  Facebook group:  Pinterest:  TikTok podcast:  Spooky Narration:  Email: [email protected] Call and share your thoughts! 1-206-350-1642 SUPPORT THE SHOW! CraftLit App Premium feed  (only one tier available) PATREON:  (all tiers, below) Walter Harright - $5/mo for the same audio as on App Jane Eyre - $10/mo for even-month Book Parties Mina Harker - $15/mo for odd-month Watch Parties All tiers and benefits are also available as —YouTube Channel Memberships —Ko-Fi NEW at — *Premium SITE Membership*  (identical to Patreon except more of your support goes to the CraftLit Team) If you want to join us for a particular Book or Watch Party but you don't want to subscribe, please use  or CraftLit @ Venmo and include what you want to attend in the message field. Please give us at least 24 hours to get your message and add you to the attendee list. Download the FREE CraftLit App for iOS or Android (you can call or email feedback straight from within the app) Call 1-206-350-1642
    19 December 2024, 11:01 am
  • 1 hour 55 minutes
    Fifth Day of CraftLit - 2024
    Fifth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY FIVE The Snow Man (1902) By: Alfred B. Cooper (1863 - 1936) - From: eText: (interactive) Read by: Garth Burton -   Yes Virginia... (1897) By: Francis P. Church - From: eText: Read by: 2Bears - (September 1, 1849 – October 31, 1927) was an American educator. She was the founder and first president of what is today National Louis University.[1] Harrison was a pioneer in creating professional standards for early childhood teachers and in promoting early childhood education. Read by: Heather Ordover (15 March 1791–9 March 1873) was an English publisher, editor and author. The son of a bookseller and printer at Windsor, he was apprenticed to his father. On completion of his indentures he took up journalism and had an interest in several newspaper speculations, including the Windsor, Slough and Eton Express. from Household Words > Volume II > Page 300 December 21, 1850 (to “turn the page”, look in the upper right for the ‘previous page’ ‘next page’) The Truce of God (1920) By: Mary Roberts Rinehart - From: eText: Read by: Mary Ann Spiegel - _____ Digital Premium Audiobook Shop:  CraftLit’s Socials Find everything here:  Join the newsletter:  Podcast site: Facebook:  Facebook group:  Pinterest:  TikTok podcast:  Spooky Narration:  Email: [email protected] Call and share your thoughts! 1-206-350-1642 SUPPORT THE SHOW! CraftLit App Premium feed  (only one tier available) PATREON:  (all tiers, below) Walter Harright - $5/mo for the same audio as on App Jane Eyre - $10/mo for even-month Book Parties Mina Harker - $15/mo for odd-month Watch Parties All tiers and benefits are also available as —YouTube Channel Memberships —Ko-Fi NEW at — *Premium SITE Membership*  (identical to Patreon except more of your support goes to the CraftLit Team) If you want to join us for a particular Book or Watch Party but you don't want to subscribe, please use  or CraftLit @ Venmo and include what you want to attend in the message field. Please give us at least 24 hours to get your message and add you to the attendee list. Download the FREE CraftLit App for iOS or Android (you can call or email feedback straight from within the app) Call 1-206-350-1642
    18 December 2024, 9:55 am
  • 1 hour 37 minutes
    Fourth Day of CraftLit - 2024
    Fourth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY FOUR The Christmas Stocking (1905) By: L Frank Baum - From:  eText:  Read by: Judy Bieber -  The Shepherd Who Didn't Go (1916) By: Jay T. Stocking From:  eText:  Read by: Angela (BookAngel7) -   A Kidnapped Santa Claus (1904) By: L Frank Baum From:  eText:  Read by: Judy Bieber -  — - (, and , and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight  - "Christmas Scene at Camelot"— Middle English (1839) By: Anonymous Pearl Poet - From: eText: Middle English read by: Martin Geeson - Modern English read by: Euan Bartlett Digital Premium Audiobook Shop: CraftLit’s Socials Find everything here:  Join the newsletter:  Podcast site: Facebook:  Facebook group:  Pinterest:  TikTok podcast:  Spooky Narration:  Email: [email protected] Call and share your thoughts! 1-206-350-1642 SUPPORT THE SHOW! CraftLit App Premium feed  (only one tier available) PATREON:  (all tiers, below) Walter Harright - $5/mo for the same audio as on App Jane Eyre - $10/mo for even-month Book Parties Mina Harker - $15/mo for odd-month Watch Parties All tiers and benefits are also available as —YouTube Channel Memberships —Ko-Fi NEW at — *Premium SITE Membership*  (identical to Patreon except more of your support goes to the CraftLit Team) If you want to join us for a particular Book or Watch Party but you don't want to subscribe, please use  or CraftLit @ Venmo and include what you want to attend in the message field. Please give us at least 24 hours to get your message and add you to the attendee list. Download the FREE CraftLit App for iOS or Android (you can call or email feedback straight from within the app) Call 1-206-350-1642
    17 December 2024, 9:37 am
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