60 minutes of Wakeup, all commercial free, with no talking DJ between songs. All songs Creative Commons by-nc-sa 1.0 licensed from the record label that isn't evil: magnatune.com
56 minutes 46 seconds
2006-12-11 Wakeup podcast from Magnatune
In this podcast: 1. Five Star Fall, 2. Somadrone, 3. Arthur Yoria, 4. Mercy Machine, 5. William Brooks, 6. Beat Under Control, 7. Falik, 8. Jade Leary, 9. Mijo, 10. Cargo Cult, 11. Solar Cycle, 12. Atomic Opera, 13. DJ Cary
12 December 2006, 7:45 am
58 minutes 46 seconds
2006-11-22 Wakeup podcast from Magnatune
In this podcast: 1. Arthur Yoria, 2. Ivilion, 3. Arthur Yoria, 4. Joram, 5. Skitzo, 6. Norine Braun, 7. Suchita Parte, 8. Strojovna 07, 9. Solar Cycle, 10. Rocket City Riot, 11. Five Star Fall, 12. Jade Leary
23 November 2006, 6:18 am
58 minutes 28 seconds
2006-10-14 Wakeup podcast from Magnatune
In this podcast: 1. Mijo, 2. William Brooks, 3. Self Delusion, 4. William Brooks, 5. Mercy Machine, 6. Beat Under Control, 7. Indidginus, 8. The Bots, 9. Mandrake Root, 10. Strojovna 07, 11. Pain Factor, 12. Drevo, 13. Burnshee Thornside, 14. Curl