Sermons – LifePoint Church

LifePoint Church

Discover helpful truths for life's issues through the free weekly audio teaching of LifePoint Church in Greenville, South Carolina. Enjoy Bible teaching that will encourage you and challenge you to grow deeper in your walk with Christ. Hear all our online teaching at If you're in the Greenville SC area one Sunday, please stop by and visit with us!

  • 47 minutes 14 seconds
    Preparing for Your Moment of Opportunity

    Have you ever felt so burdened by a cause that it weighed heavily on your heart, almost overwhelming you? You’ve prayed, waited, and wondered if God would ever respond—but no answer seems to come. Don’t lose heart. Sometimes, your lowest point may be the beginning of your calling! One day that door will open, and you’ll have the chance to step out in bold faith. Are you preparing now so you’ll be ready to make the right decision when that time comes? Though the challenge ahead may seem daunting, it could be the very thing God uses to display His glory in and through you.

    6 October 2024, 2:30 pm
  • 39 minutes 5 seconds
    Inviting God into Our Broken Places

    Are there broken places in your life that need repair—neglected relationships, a faith that’s withering, or cracks in your character? It’s tempting to ignore these areas, hoping they’ll heal on their own, but this only gives the enemy room to creep in. It’s time to take an honest look at the damage and bring it before God. He is the master rebuilder, eager to restore and strengthen you, transforming your life into a dwelling place for His glory. Will you invite Him into your ruins today?

    22 September 2024, 2:20 pm
  • 51 minutes 45 seconds
    The Cost of Holiness: Is it Too High a Price?

    God calls us to live holy lives, reflecting His glory and purity in a world that often pulls us in the opposite direction. Holiness requires a conscious separation from the patterns and values of the world, because following God always involves surrender. Who or what has the greatest influence over your heart? Are these influences drawing you closer to God, or leading you further from Him? The call to follow Him is costly—requiring sacrifice, trust, and a realignment of priorities. But it’s also the only path that leads to true life. Are you willing to answer that call, no matter the cost?

    15 September 2024, 2:20 pm
  • 41 minutes 51 seconds
    The Good Hand of God Upon Us

    As you endeavor to solve problems, accomplish tasks and pursue your goals, remember that your success doesn’t depend upon your own strength or wisdom alone. It rests in the powerful, guiding hand of God. Do you ever pause to recognize how God is working in your life—opening doors, orchestrating circumstances, and meeting your needs? Yes, your planning and effort are important, but it’s God who leads, sustains, and empowers you to do anything of lasting value. In your journey of faith, pause often to thank God for His good and faithful hand upon you, acknowledging that without Him, none of it would be possible.

    12 September 2024, 1:42 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    The Significance of Our Actions

    The Bible has a lot to say about our actions. Most often this is described in Scripture as works or deeds. Unfortunately, many have a negative view of these words, but why is that? When we examine Scripture, we find that God has expectations regarding our actions, so it’s important that we understand what He says about them. Join us as we take a look at what the Bible has to say about our actions.

    1 September 2024, 2:30 pm
  • 46 minutes 56 seconds
    Our Ultimate Victory in Christ

    It’s thrilling to celebrate victories in life, whether it’s a significant personal accomplishment, a well-deserved business success, or a hard-fought spiritual battle! But as rewarding as these moments are, they are only temporary. Soon we realize that this warfare never ends because we live in a world of sin. It’s a sobering reminder that we need the ultimate rescue only Christ can give. By His death and resurrection, He conquered sin and secured eternal deliverance for all who put their faith in Him. Have you trusted in Christ for this everlasting victory?

    21 August 2024, 5:59 pm
  • 47 minutes 33 seconds
    When Evil Seems to Triumph

    Does it ever feel like the odds are stacked against you? Despite your faithfulness, do the wicked seem to thrive while you struggle to survive? Remember this: though evil may triumph temporarily, God’s justice will ultimately prevail. Trust in His timing and sovereignty, knowing that even in the darkest moments, He is at work, weaving together His perfect plan. Though the righteous may face threats from the enemy, rejection by friends or family, and even persecution in this life, a day is coming when every wrong will be made right, and the scales will be balanced once and for all.

    15 August 2024, 12:02 pm
  • 49 minutes 41 seconds
    From Prayer to Action: The Path of Obedience

    At times, we all face challenges so immense that they drive us to our knees. Seeking the Lord in prayer is always the best place to begin, but prayer without action is not obedience. Once we have committed the situation to God, we must then step out in faith and obey what He has called us to do. This step of obedience often leads us into the unknown, and that’s when we must remain keenly attuned to His still, small voice guiding us along the way. Whether you’re in a season of waiting, stepping out, or listening for God’s direction, trust Him with the outcome, knowing that He is orchestrating every detail for His glory and your good.

    8 August 2024, 12:46 pm
  • 49 minutes 11 seconds
    Obeying God Despite the Consequences

    Researchers estimate that we make nearly a billion decisions in our lifetime. While most of these are subconscious and minor, some decisions have the power to alter the course of our lives. As followers of Christ, we face daily choices to either surrender to God’s will or assert our own. Often we’re afraid to obey because the outcome is uncertain, but our obedience should never be swayed by the prospect of gain or loss. Is there anything holding you back from obeying God because you’re afraid of what it might cost you? Pray that your love for Him will deepen so profoundly that surrendering to His will becomes your heart’s desire and greatest joy!

    1 August 2024, 12:01 pm
  • 47 minutes 9 seconds
    Unwavering Faith in Troubled Times

    It’s easy to stand in a worship service surrounded by other Christians and sing, “Lord, I trust in you alone,” but is that really true of us in life’s hardest moments? When unexpected and unwanted circumstances come our way, are we immediately flooded with fear, or have we learned to rest in God’s sovereignty, fully assured that He is in control of it all? God’s Word can transform our perspective and deepen our trust in Him, giving us a firm foundation on which to stand even as the world around us seems to be falling apart.

    24 July 2024, 8:56 pm
  • 44 minutes 39 seconds
    God’s Grace Amidst Our Failures

    Imagine being torn from your home and thrust into a foreign land where Christianity is despised. Would you proclaim your faith in Christ or hide it to survive? Why did Esther choose to conceal her faith and do things clearly forbidden by God? Her choices challenge us to examine our own lives, realizing we might have done the same thing! Yet, even as we contemplate Esther’s story, we’re struck by an awe-inspiring truth: God’s providence and grace are so powerful that even our missteps can become part of His divine plan. This realization doesn’t excuse sin, but ignites a desire to live more faithfully, knowing that our human frailty is encompassed by God’s unfathomable love and eternal purposes!

    18 July 2024, 2:17 pm
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