Love Learning

Teach Starter

Love Learning is an audio learning tool for children brought to you by the teachers at Teach Starter. We’ll share weekly activities in every area of the curriculum, as well as tips and support for learning. Listen in for stories, guided meditations, listen-and-do activities and much more. We love teaching, and we’re here to help you love learning!

  • 1 minute 15 seconds
    Poem: Spring is Here

    A poem about the season spring.

    Take a look at our comprehension worksheet asking questions about the poem ‘Spring is Here.’

    Read more about this poem and many other Springtime activities in our blog 12+ Fresh and Fun Spring Activities for Kids.

    Australian Curriculum alignment

    • ACELA1463
    • Understand that different types of texts have identifiable text structures and language features that help the text serve its purpose. 

    • ACELA1478
    • Understand how different types of texts vary in use of language choices, depending on their purpose and context (for example, tense and types of sentences). 
    • ACELA1490
    • Understand how texts vary in complexity and technicality depending on the approach to the topic, the purpose and the intended audienceElaborationsbecoming familiar with the typical stages and language 


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    22 September 2020, 2:00 pm
  • 3 minutes 48 seconds
    Narrative: Little Red Riding Hood

    A telling of the popular tale, Little Red Riding Hood, as an audio resource for primary school children. 

    For ways to incorporate this podcast story into your literacy lessons, visit our blog. 

    Take a look at our Exploring Narrative Texts Powerpoint for Grades 1 and 2. 

      Australian Curriculum alignment

    • ACELA1447

      Understand that the purposes texts serve shape their structure in predictable ways. 

    • ACELA1463

      Understand that different types of texts have identifiable text structures and language features that help the text serve its purpose. 

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    17 September 2020, 12:47 am
  • 4 minutes 57 seconds
    Narrative: Jack and the Beanstalk

    A telling of the popular fairy tale, The Three Little Pigs, as an audio resource for primary school children. 

    For ways to incorporate this podcast story into your literacy lessons, visit our blog. 

    Take a look at our Three Little Pigs Sequencing Activity for K-2.

      Australian Curriculum alignment

    • ACELY1650
    • Use comprehension strategies to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently. 
    • ACELY1660
    • Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning about key events, ideas and information in texts that they listen to, view and read by drawing on growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features.
    • ACELY1670
    • Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to analyse texts by drawing on growing knowledge of context, language and visual features and print and multimodal text structures.


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    8 September 2020, 5:56 am
  • 3 minutes 6 seconds
    Narrative: The Three Little Pigs

    A telling of the popular fairy tale, The Three Little Pigs, as an audio resource for primary school children. 

    For ways to incorporate this podcast story into your literacy lessons, visit our blog. 

    Take a look at our Three Little Pigs Sequencing Activity for K-2.

      Australian Curriculum alignment

    • ACELY1650
    • Use comprehension strategies to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently. 
    • ACELY1660
    • Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning about key events, ideas and information in texts that they listen to, view and read by drawing on growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features.
    • ACELY1670
    • Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to analyse texts by drawing on growing knowledge of context, language and visual features and print and multimodal text structures.


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    8 September 2020, 5:56 am
  • 4 minutes 15 seconds
    Narrative: Cinderella

    A telling of the popular fairy tale, Cinderella as an audio resource for primary school children. 

    For ways to incorporate this podcast story into your literacy lessons, visit our blog. 

    Take a look at our Exploring Narrative Texts Powerpoint for Grades 1 and 2. 

    Australian Curriculum alignment

    • ACELA1447
    • Understand that the purposes texts serve shape their structure in predictable ways. 

    • ACELT1584
    • Discuss features of plot, character and setting in different types of literature and explore some features of characters in different texts.

    • ACELA1463
    • Understand that different types of texts have identifiable text structures and language features that help the text serve its purpose.



    • Discuss the characters and settings of different texts and explore how language is used to present these features in different ways. 

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    8 September 2020, 5:27 am
  • 3 minutes 37 seconds
    Narrative: The Gingerbread Man

    A telling of the popular tale, The Gingerbread Man, as an audio resource for primary school children. 

    For ways to incorporate this podcast story into your literacy lessons, visit our blog. 

    Take a look at our Exploring Narrative Texts Powerpoint for Grades 1 and 2. 

      Australian Curriculum alignment

    • ACELA1447

      Understand that the purposes texts serve shape their structure in predictable ways.

    • ACELA1463

      Understand that different types of texts have identifiable text structures and language features that help the text serve its purpose.

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    8 September 2020, 5:21 am
  • 2 minutes 51 seconds
    Narrative: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

    A telling of the popular tale, The Three Bears as an audio resource for primary school children. 

    For ways to incorporate this podcast story into your literacy lessons, visit our blog. 

    Take a look at our Goldilocks and the Three Bears Sequencing Activity for Grades 1 and 2. 

      Australian Curriculum alignment

    • ACELA1447

      Understand that the purposes texts serve shape their structure in predictable ways. 

    • ACELA1463

      Understand that different types of texts have identifiable text structures and language features that help the text serve their purpose.

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    8 September 2020, 5:05 am
  • 4 minutes 15 seconds
    Narrative: Alice in Wonderland

    A telling of the popular tale, Alice in Wonderland as an audio resource for primary school children. 

    For ways to incorporate this podcast story into your literacy lessons, visit our blog. 

    Take a look at our Exploring Narrative Texts Powerpoint for Grades 1 and 2. 

      Australian Curriculum alignment

    • ACELA1447

      Understand that the purposes texts serve shape their structure in predictable ways. 

    • ACELA1463

      Understand that different types of texts have identifiable text structures and language features that help the text serve its purpose. 

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    8 September 2020, 4:53 am
  • 56 seconds
    Song: Groovy Greetings
    A non-contact greeting song to get your day moving. Have lots of fun saying hello to each other using actions that require no contact. The actions are performed while singing altered words to the tune of ‘Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush’. Try this as an icebreaker activity at the beginning of the school year or any time you want to ‘spice up’ the start to your day! Take a look at our matching resource poster, Groovy Greetings.  

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    9 August 2020, 11:20 pm
  • 2 minutes 46 seconds
    Bite-Sized Lesson: How to Write a Haiku Poem
    Listen as Mr D teaches you how to write a Haiku! Head to to download our awesome Writing a Haiku Poem worksheet! Links to The Australian Curriculum: ACELT1600 Discuss the nature and effects of some language devices used to enhance meaning and shape the reader??s reaction, including rhythm and onomatopoeia in poetry and prose In EnglishYear 3LiteratureExamining literature ACELT1606 Understand, interpret and experiment with a range of devices and deliberate word play in poetry and other literary texts, for example nonsense words, spoonerisms, neologisms and puns In EnglishYear 4LiteratureExamining literature ACELT1611 Understand, interpret and experiment with sound devices and imagery, including simile, metaphor and personification, in narratives, shape poetry, songs, anthems and odes In EnglishYear 5LiteratureExamining literature ACELT1617 Identify the relationship between words, sounds, imagery and language patterns in narratives and poetry such as ballads, limericks and free verse In EnglishYear 6LiteratureExamining literature  

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    31 May 2020, 2:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 33 seconds
    Short Story - The Yucky Bug by Julia Cook
    The Yucky Bug, by Julia Cook, explores Covid19 through the eyes of a young child. In this short story by renowned American author Julia Cook, we find out all about Covid 19, the yucky bug. We learn how it spreads from one person to the next, who is the most vulnerable or at risk of catching it, and how we can protect ourselves and others to stay healthy and safe. Links to the Australian Curriculum: Foundation: Identify people and demonstrate protective behaviours and other actions that help keep themselves safe and healthy (ACPPS003) Practise personal and social skills to interact positively with others (ACPPS004) Identify and describe emotional responses people may experience in different situations (ACPPS005) Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS006) Years 1 and 2: Examine health messages and how they relate to health decisions and behaviours (ACPPS021) Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place (ACPPS022 ) Years 3 and 4: Explore strategies to manage physical, social and emotional change (ACPPS034) Describe and apply strategies that can be used in situations that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe (ACPPS035) Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS036) Investigate how emotional responses vary in depth and strength (ACPPS038 ) Discuss and interpret health information and messages in the media and internet (ACPPS039) Describe strategies to make the classroom and playground healthy, safe and active spaces (ACPPS040) Years 5 and 6: Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS054) Recognise how media and important people in the community influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours (ACPPS057) Love Learning is a podcast by Teach Starter. We create quality, downloadable teaching and learning resources for your classroom or home.  

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    24 May 2020, 2:00 pm
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