Micropodcasts to beat microorganisms
The police would be there in about ten more minutes, she figured. It would be worth the wait if she gets cuffed by that dreamy officer Peller again.
This episode is not explicit.
Written and performed by David S. Dear, producer of A Ninth World Journal
David is an Audible Approved Producer produces and performs in numerous audiobooks as well as the audio drama A Ninth World Journal and performs in several other audio dramas.
TRANSCRIPT The worst part about breaking into this house was the ear-splitting decibel level of the klaxon. The owners of the house wouldn’t be home for another week, so they wouldn’t shut off the alarm.
A songbird gives his review of the podcast Songbirding This episode is not explicit. Written and Performed by Elizabeth Wilcox and James Schwarz, both of The Dimension Door Podcast www.dimensiondoorpodcast.com TRANSCRIPT Listen Rinse Repeat – REVIEW challenge Songbird Reviews Songbirding Soft crunching sounds as someone walks through forest undergrowth, with the sound of birds singing in the background. The steps slow as INTERVIEWER softly speaks INTERVIEWER: Alright, I’m here today looking for a songbird. That bird looks like it’s singing, so it’s probably a songbird, right? Okay, here goes…I’m now going to cast ‘speak with animals’ to communicate with this bird. Sounds of spellcasting. INTERVIEWER: Alright, then. Hello, bird. We’re here, in a forest where Rob Porter has recorded birdsong for his podcast, Songbirding. I have one question for you: What is your review of Songbirding? BIRD: IT’S GOOD!
This episode written by Elizabeth Wilcox, and performed by James Schwarz, both of The Dimension Door Podcast.
This is Januae's review of the teleportation device. Until the review gets away from him. This episode is not explicit. Written, produced, and performed by David S. Dear David is an Audible Approved Producer produces and performs in numerous audiobooks as well as the audio drama A Ninth World Journal and performs in several other audio dramas. http://ninthworldjournal.com TRANSCRIPT I am Januae, and this is my review of the teleportation device.
I cannot give it a favorable review, as it is only good for one use.
Perhaps my negative review should be for the Veilwardens and the Ustiliator that caused me to jaunt randomly. The ritual they performed on me made things worse.
In fact, I would give jaunting randomly a very unfavorable review. It is dangerous and unpredictable. I do not recommend it.
Jaunting randomly: I give it one star.
This episode of Listen, Rinse, Repeat was written, produced, and performed by David S. Dear of A Ninth World Journal Kevin MacLeod at Incompetech.com
A review of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. This episode is not explicit. Performed by PRRP
https://www.patreon.com/freckle TRANSCRIPT Hello so um, I'm here to do some reviews for review week. I was told not to be too meta about it, so I just googled some classic literature. My review of this book is that it's kind of sexist, avoid this book.
This is a short poem to say: Share a review on PodRevDay! This episode is not explicit. Written by Elizabeth Wilcox. Performed by Elizabeth Wilcox and James Schwarz, of The Dimension Door Podcast. podrevday.com TRANSCRIPT Poem for PodRevDay
I heard a podcast yesterday That made me feel more than okay If only there were some way I could make them smile today.
I know just what you can do, And it’s super easy, too! What could it be? Well, here’s a clue: It starts with writing a review
Of course! That’s it! I’ll do it now. No, you don’t have to tell me how. I’ll pop onto a podcast site And say, “This podcast does things right!”
That’s a great start, and more than some, But still I’d say you’ve just begun. How can that be? What could I do, Except to write a nice review?
Each time you see it and press play This podcast brightens up your day, So why not go the extra mile To really make them feel worthwhile?
It’s free, you see, to spread the word To really get that podcast heard. Share your review--And, well, hey, What better time than PodRevDay?
[Podcast Review Day is the eighth of every month. To participate, simply share your podcast reviews online that day with hashtag PodRevDay.]
Paul and Allison try to decide to attempt to maybe review breakfast. This episode is not explicit. Performed by Coral Baxter-Ellis, Paul Ellis, and Allison Baxter. http://dcritpodcast.com TRANSCRIPT
CORAL Mom, Dad, you ready? What's your review going to be on? PAUL We're reviewing breakfast! CORAL Oh you mean like IHOP or Jimmy Dean sausage? PAUL No, like having breakfast- ALLISON Yuck. PAUL It's the most important meal of the day, Allison. ALLISON Breakfast is gross. Who can eat that early? PAUL Well you've essentially starved your body for eight hours, so you're being cruel to your body. ALLISON Since when do you eat breakfast anyway, Paul? You don't get up until 11. Like a damn teenager. CORAL Hey, this damn teenager gets up at seven. PAUL You might be a bit more pleasant in the morning if you actually ate something. ALLISON Really, Paul? PAUL and ALLISON ad-lib, anything can be said as they are not listening to each other CORAL You can't blame a soul for trying. So there's your review of the importance of breakfast, if you can call it that. That was my parents Allison Baxter and Paul Ellis. I'm Coral Baxter-Ellis and you can catch our podcast Deconstructive Criticism starting this fall. Episode music "Coffee" by Cambo
What do you do when you're a nerfing salamander?
This episode is made for kids.
Performed by Kevin Hall as the narrator, Bonnie Brantley as Sally, and Aaron Clark as Hedge.
This episode is written by David S. Dear.
There once was a salamander named Sally, quite obviously. Not so obviously, an evil wizard cast a spell on him which caused him to slowly nerf over time.
One day Sally went to work out at Hedge the Hedgehog's gym to stop the nerfing, but he didn't have a membership. So he asked to speak to Hedge. Hedge owns the gym. Quite obviously.
SALLY Hey Hedge,
NARRATOR Sally said,
SALLY (CONT'D) How can I get a membership at this gym?
HEDGE Can you bench press over 50 pounds?
NARRATOR And Sally proceeded to bench press two hundred fifty pounds! Without even a spotter!
So Hedge gave Sally a membership and they worked out together happily ever after.
"Things To Do" by Sander Kalmeijer, Storyblocks
The cat vanishes. This episode is made for kids. Performed by Florence Hood as Alice and Hem Cleveland as The Cheshire Cat. Alice in Wonderland was written by Lewis Carroll, and this extract was produced and adapted by Karin Heimdahl. Florence Hood is a teller of tales. Purveyor of doughnuts. Owner of dog. Runs short fiction podcast Oncefictionpod https://twitter.com/oncefictionpod Hem Cleveland is Dungeon M'Lady and Producer of DnD podcast The Lucky Die. Among many other things. https://www.theluckydie.com/ Karin Heimdahl is the creator of audio drama Y2K. https://y2kpod.com/
TRANSCRIPT ALICE (not buying the argument but still polite) How do you know that you’re mad?” CAT To begin with, a dog’s not mad. You grant that? ALICE I suppose so. CAT Well, then, you see, a dog growls when it’s angry, and wags its tail when it’s pleased. Now I growl when I’m pleased, and wag my tail when I’m angry. Therefore I’m mad. ALICE I call it purring, not growling. CAT Call it what you like. Do you play croquet with the Queen to-day? ALICE I should like it very much, but I haven’t been invited yet. CAT You’ll see me there then. (vanishes, sound effect) ALICE (not very surprised) Oh.
Credits This episode of Listen, Rinse, Repeat was performed by Florence Hood as Alice and Hem Cleveland as The Cheshire Cat. Alice in Wonderland was written by Lewis Carroll, and this version was produced and adapted by Karin Heimdahl.
Music and sound effects from freesound.org under the Creative Commons 0 license.
KFC This episode is not explicit. Your Brain on Facts is a half-hour podcast of things you didn’t know, things you thought you knew, and things you never knew you never knew, covering topics as diverse as science-fiction, funerals, food origins, heroic animals, and the strategic butter reserve. Before she started the Your Brain On Facts podcast to safely vent the copious bonus facts in her brain, Moxie LaBouche performed and produced burlesque, specifically "nerd-lesque." It was her privilege to produce the only George R. R. Martin-approved burlesque tribute to Game of Thrones and even to play for the man himself. Moxie has presented a local TED talk, is the prolific author of unfinished fiction, knows seven words of Latin, and previously earned her living as a goat farmer and soap maker. She is also the creator and co-host of the Science With Savannah, Age 7 podcast and YouTube channel. Moxie lives in Virginia with her husband and a dozen or so pets. http://yourbrainonfacts.com/ TRANSCRIPT This episode of Listen Rinse Repeat is brought to you by Moxie LaBouche of Your Brain On Facts. Ready steady wash. The official KFC Twitter account only follows six men named Herb and the five Spice Girls. The person who noticed it, or at least broadcast their discovery, was awarded a portrait of himself getting a piggy-back ride from Colonel Sanders. You may now rinse your hands.
They did not escape before sundown and now must build shelter. This episode is not explicit. Written by David S. Dear; performed by Raj Jawa and Stephanie Bergeron
http://ninthworldjournal.com http://rajjawa.com http://stephaniebergeron.com TRANSCRIPT GUS I told you we needed to escape the Ikea before sundown! This place is really dangerous at night! KELLY I know! I thought the exit was just after the fake plants! GUS Well we'll have to stay put until sunrise. We'll need to build shelter. KELLY I don't think I can do it, Gus. GUS Just follow the pictures, dammit! Avoid the steps with the X through them! KELLY I'm trying, can't you see that I'm trying? I need words! SFX Credits:
Large Warehouse/Factory Ambience
Black Throated Diver Calling
Box Falling Down Stairs
Drop Several Silverware Utensils on Hard Surface
Hammering on Metal Pipe
Volvo Car Horn Honks Short and Long
City Park Ambience WIth Distant Traffic
Music Credits:
Paradise by Music For Makers (Paid Commercial License)
Among the Clouds by Music For Makers (Paid Commercial License)
Vacation Days by Music For Makers (Paid Commercial License)
Lullaby Sting by Twin Musicom
EPISODE 3: Fiona’s Blocked Call This episode is not explicit. Written by: Kyle Jones
http://discussingwho.com TRANSCRIPT You must be kidding me!! Who even gets busy signals now?? My Darlings, guess what? I suppose I won’t be meeting with the Board as those idiots blocked my call! I told Mommy and Daddy I did NOT want to do this. Hmmmmm...wait. What does this do? In case of a tantrum, press here. This episode of Listen, Rinse, Repeat was written by Kyle Jones of the Discussing Who podcast and starred Fiona Faucet as herself. Find out more at Discussing Who.com.