The Grow Your Mind Podcast

Grow Your Mind

The Grow Your Mind Podcast - Brain boggling facts, animals on walkie talkies and how broccoli and friendship have more in common than you think. Hosted by an entertaining class of 12 year old students, The Grow Your Mind Podcast uses storytelling, interviews and humour to increase children's understanding of their mental health and ways to be resilient. So download our free episode-themed colouring-in sheets and relax while you listen to topics exploring gratitude, healthy friendships, courage, benefit mindset, the importance of movement and hope!

  • 14 minutes 16 seconds
    Invisible Sam (kindness)

    The kids are back! Season 5 of the Grow Your Mind podcast is here. 7 episodes with themes of belonging, inclusion, kindness, joy, and feeling enough. This is a podcast for primary-aged children, families, and teachers. 

    This episode is about extending kindness and curiosity to those people outside your friendship circle. Play this episode in the classroom, play it in your car. Pay it forward by sharing this episode with others. Let’s make the world a kinder, more inclusive place to be. Everyone deserves to feel a sense of belonging and these episodes were created to highlight this and point out ways to make others feel seen and known. 

    If you are a school subscriber to our platform head there now and follow the lessons for each episode.

    Did you know that Grow Your Mind is a wellbeing program you can get into your school? Written by teachers, for teachers, we have lesson plans, videos, animations, an album on Spotify full of non-painful yet life-affirming songs AND we also have a few awards under our belt. 

    Find out more by visiting GrowYourMind.Life


    Scriptwriter and executive producer: Alice Peel
    Producer, editing & sound: Cinnamon Nippard

    Copyright Grow Your Mind 2025. All rights reserved. 

    See for privacy information.

    19 February 2025, 2:00 pm
  • 3 minutes 47 seconds
    S4 - SONG 4 - The Power of the Pause

    This is an emotional regulation song. Full podcast episode coming soon.  


    Script & song lyrics - Alice Peel 
    Music production, vocals & additional lyrics - Moody

    Copyright Grow Your Mind 2023. All rights reserved.  

    See for privacy information.

    2 April 2024, 5:58 am
  • 6 minutes
    REPEAT - S4 E3 Harmony Day - Why Orange?

    In celebration of Harmony day  21st March 2024 we bring you a repeat of our fabulous Podcast Episode Why Orange? S4E3

    What does Australia's annual celebration of cultural diversity and Grow Your Mind have in common? Belonging. On the 21st of March each year, events are held in schools and the wider community.

    In this bite size episode, a conversation between two primary school aged kids takes place where they seek to understand the symbolism of orange and why belonging is crucial for our mental wellbeing.

    Educators - play this episode as an authentic way to talk about the importance of cultural diversity and belonging. And be sure to come up with tangible actions that each student can take to start helping others feel seen and valued.

    Script - Alice Peel
    Production, editing & sound - Lisa Taylor 

    Copyright Grow Your Mind 2023. All rights reserved.  

    See for privacy information.

    18 March 2024, 8:30 pm
  • 4 minutes 22 seconds
    S4 E14 It's Contagious - for World Kindness Day

    Season 4 of the Grow Your Mind Podcast includes some bite-sized morsels of gold. These mini episodes are under 5 minutes during which two kids unpack a dilemma or the ethics of an idea. This bite-size, the kids are talking about things that are contagious and the fact that kindness can spread in the same way as a nasty vomit bug - but with much better outcomes for the planet. There are loads of ways to show kindness and it’s not only a great thing to do for others, it also helps our own mental health.

    Did you know that Grow Your Mind is a wellbeing program you can get into your school? Written by teachers, for teachers, we have lesson plans, videos, animations, an album on Spotify full of non-painful yet life affirming songs AND we also have a few awards under our belt. Plus we offer workshops for educators and parents. Find out more by visiting GrowYourMind.Life


    Script - Alice Peel
    Production, editing & sound - Lisa Taylor

    Copyright Grow Your Mind 2023. All rights reserved.  

    See for privacy information.

    12 November 2023, 9:36 pm
  • 5 minutes 26 seconds
    S4 E13 Ghosting

    Season 4 of the Grow Your Mind Podcast includes some bite-sized morsels of gold. These mini episodes are under 5 minutes during which two kids unpack a dilemma or the ethics of an idea. This bite-size, the kids are getting their best spooky voices on to talk about ghosting. Unlike the pretend monsters, vampires and ghosts of Halloween - the ghosting the kids are talking about is real. Ghosting is a term used to describe a situation whereby one friend ignores another completely, almost as though they no longer exist. It is confusing and unkind but it happens perhaps for reasons that aren’t always terrible. The kids share the message that even though it is hard to have a conversation with someone that might hurt their feelings, clear is kind. 

    Did you know that Grow Your Mind is a wellbeing program you can get into your school? Written by teachers, for teachers, we have lesson plans, videos, animations, an album on Spotify full of non-painful yet life affirming songs AND we also have a few awards under our belt. Plus we offer workshops for educators and parents. Find out more by visiting GrowYourMind.Life


    Script - Alice Peel
    Production, editing & sound - Lisa Taylor

    Copyright Grow Your Mind 2023. All rights reserved.  

    See for privacy information.

    30 October 2023, 4:00 pm
  • 2 minutes 37 seconds
    S4 - SONG 3 - We All Have It

    A playful song to remind us that we all have mental health and we can all learn to take care of it! 


    Script & song lyrics - Alice Peel 
    Music production, vocals & additional lyrics - Moody

    Copyright Grow Your Mind 2023. All rights reserved.  

    See for privacy information.

    5 October 2023, 4:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 59 seconds
    S4 E12 We All Have It - for Mental Health Month

    This episode the kids share something we humans all share in common. And it’s not a reluctance to be wrong, nits or bad breath in the morning! 

    We’ll give you a hint….Taylor Swift has it - and it’s not an extremely good singing voice. Can you guess what it is? 

    It’s mental health. And you can think of it like a continuum. When our mental health is poor it can feel like being in a dark room with a torch light pointed at a lonely chair and nothing else. But when our mental health is fantastic, it’s like all the lights are switched on and you can see all your friends and family have been there all along. 

    In this episode the kids interview the wise and articulate Annie Kershaw from R U OK? R U OK? is a public health promotion charity that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times. 

    Annie shares what to do if a friend is not okay and she reminds us all that every day is an opportunity to ask someone this simple but powerful question.

    Plus we have a NEW song and a hilarious story about a toxically positive snail! 

    Did you know that Grow Your Mind is a wellbeing program you can get into your school? Written by teachers, for teachers, we have lesson plans, videos, animations, an album on Spotify full of non-painful yet life affirming songs AND we also have a few awards under our belt. Plus we offer workshops for educators and parents. Find out more by visiting GrowYourMind.Life


    Script - Alice Peel
    Production, editing & sound - Lisa Taylor
    Music production, vocals & additional lyrics - Moody

    Copyright Grow Your Mind 2023. All rights reserved.  

    RU OK website

    If you live in Australia and know a child who is struggling with their mental health we recommend using: Kids Helpline: Australia’s only free, confidential 24/7 online and phone counseling service for young people aged 5 to 25.

    For listeners outside of Australia, please use Help Guide to find support close to you.

    See for privacy information.

    4 October 2023, 4:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 34 seconds
    S4 E11 The Trap - for World Gratitude Day

    Season 4 of the Grow Your Mind Podcast includes some bite-sized morsels of gold. These mini episodes are under 5 minutes during which two kids unpack a dilemma or the ethics of an idea. And in this episode the kids are tackling how to get out of a trap. And for all those “Alone” or Bear Grylls enthusiasts, we’re sorry to report this trap isn’t a physical one. Instead it’s a mind trap - the if and then trap. It is however just as tricky to get out of as quicksand or a narrow cave! But luckily, we have some suggestions. Need a hint? Well this bite-size was created for World Gratitude Day on September 21, 2023. 

    Did you know that Grow Your Mind is a wellbeing program you can get into your school? Written by teachers, for teachers, we have lesson plans, videos, animations, an album on Spotify full of non-painful yet life affirming songs AND we also have a few awards under our belt. Plus we offer workshops for educators and parents. Find out more by visiting GrowYourMind.Life


    Script - Alice Peel
    Production, editing & sound - Lisa Taylor

    Copyright Grow Your Mind 2023. All rights reserved.  

    See for privacy information.

    20 September 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 4 minutes 33 seconds
    S4 E10 Your Future Self - For National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence

    Season 4 of the Grow Your Mind Podcast includes some bite-sized morsels of gold. These mini episodes are under 5 minutes during which two kids unpack a dilemma or the ethics of an idea. This bite-size is landing on the same day as Australia’s National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA). This year’s theme is 'Growing Connections'. This supports research findings that strong school community connections and social skills are protective factors in the prevention of bullying and help enable positive, help-seeking behaviours in students. To get skilled up in these areas we recommend listening to these Grow Your Mind podcast episodes:

    More Dangerous than smoking
    Keep it but free
    Generous Assumptions
    The Recipe
    The Green Eyed Monster

    Did you know that Grow Your Mind is a wellbeing program you can get into your school? Written by teachers, for teachers, we have lesson plans, videos, animations, an album on Spotify full of non-painful yet life affirming songs AND we also have a few awards under our belt. Plus we offer workshops for educators and parents. Find out more by visiting GrowYourMind.Life


    Script - Alice Peel
    Production, editing & sound - Lisa Taylor

    Copyright Grow Your Mind 2023. All rights reserved.  

    See for privacy information.

    17 August 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 4 seconds
    S4 E9 Good Enough

    Coming first in a race, topping your grade, being the main part in the play, making it into a selective class…..these are all fantastic things, but isn’t it equally fantastic to just be participating? Or is that a nonsensical idea that sounds good but is completely unrealistic? If we aren’t okay with being average, is that somehow putting pressure on all of us and perhaps our mental health too? What if we let go of being the best and celebrate being average and giving things a go? What would that look and feel like?

    Did you know that Grow Your Mind is a wellbeing program you can get into your school? Written by teachers, for teachers, we have lesson plans, videos, animations, an album on Spotify full of non-painful yet life affirming songs AND we also have a few awards under our belt. Plus we offer workshops for educators and parents. Find out more by visiting GrowYourMind.Life


    Script - Alice Peel
    Production, editing & sound - Lisa Taylor

    Copyright Grow Your Mind 2023. All rights reserved.  

    See for privacy information.

    8 August 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 5 minutes
    S4 E8 The Recipe - For World Friendship Day, July 30

    Season 4 of the Grow Your Mind Podcast includes some bite-sized morsels of gold. These mini episodes are under 5 minutes during which two kids unpack a dilemma or the ethics of an idea. This bite-size, the kids are talking about friendships and how they can sometimes be unhealthy. ‘The Recipe’ is the kid’s solution to maintaining respectful relationships. Together they come up with a list of ingredients for a healthy, feel-good friendship.

    Guess what? Recent research by the University of Queensland found that women who have quality relationships in their 40s and 50s are less likely to develop multiple chronic conditions in older age. And in 2010, a meta-analysis by Holt Lunstad found that people with well established social connections had lower rates of heart disease, lower blood pressure, less abnormal inflammatory responses to stress, and lower rates of dementia. So let’s teach our kids how to have, keep and nurture healthy friendships.

    Did you know that Grow Your Mind is a wellbeing program you can get into your school? Written by teachers, for teachers, we have lesson plans, videos, animations, an album on Spotify full of non-painful yet life affirming songs AND we also have a few awards under our belt. Plus we offer workshops for educators and parents. Find out more by visiting GrowYourMind.Life


    Script - Alice Peel
    Production, editing & sound - Lisa Taylor

    Copyright Grow Your Mind 2023. All rights reserved.  

    See for privacy information.

    27 July 2023, 5:00 pm
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