I have released this episode out of my usual rhythm because the day of release is a significant day in Aotearoa New Zealand. On this day, July 24, 2024, the Royal Commission of inquiry into Abuse in State and Faith-based Care released their final report. This report, which took six years to compile, details the abuse of thousands of New Zealand children and other vulnerable people while in the care of the state or faith based organisations. The report estimates that between 1950 and 1999, over 200,000 people suffered abuse while in the care of these organisations.
Ken Clearwater, is himself a survivor of sexual abuse, and has been made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for his 30 years of supporting other male survivors of abuse, and advocating for legislative change. He was one of those who regularly called for the government to launch a royal commission of inquiry, and we talk both about Ken's own journey, and the inquiry itself. He has spoken at the United Nations about the work he is involved in in Aotearoa.
Obviously there are things in this conversation that may be challenging to listen to, including mention of rape, sexual assault, and suicide. Please take care of yourself and stop listening or take breaks if you need to. Please use your own support structures, and make use of the links in the show notes to seek help if you need to.
While there are some hard truths in this episode, it is ultimately an episode of hope. It is a conversation with a man who has grown something powerful from the evils he was put through. It is the story of how men have supported other men, and how goodness can thrive, even in the face of great evil.
Find Ken's Ted Talk here.
Please make use of the following services if you need them:
Rape Crisis - 0800 88 33 00 (Will direct you to a nearby centre), follow link for information on local helplines
Victim Support - 0800 842 846 (24hr service)
The Harbour, online support and information for those affected by harmful sexual behaviour
Women's Refuge (For women and children) - crisis line available on 0800 733 843
Safe to talk - 0800 044 334, text 4334 or web chat
Male Survivors Aotearoa (For men) - follow link for regional helplines
Safe to Talk(external link) sexual harm helpline: 0800 044334, text: 4334, email:
[email protected]
Rape Crisis: 0800 88 33 00
Women's Refuge(external link): 0800 733 843
Shine domestic abuse services(external link) free call: 0508 744 633 (24/7, Live Webchat is also available)
Hey Bro helpline(external link) - supporting men to be free from violence 0800 HeyBro (439 276)
Family violence information line(external link) to find out about local services or how to help someone else: 0800 456 450
Oranga Tamariki line(external link) for concerns about children and young people: 0508 326 459, email:
[email protected],
Need to talk?(external link) Free call or text: 1737 for mental health support from a trained counsellor
Youthline(external link): 0800 376 633, free text: 234, email:
[email protected]
Shakti - for migrant and refugee women - 0800 742 584 - 24 hours
Elder Abuse Helpline: 0800 32 668 65 - 24 hours, text: 5032, email:
[email protected]
Wellington Help(external link) for individuals, whānau and communities affected by sexual abuse in the Wellington Region: 04 801 6655 & push 0 at the menu - 24 hours
Aviva(external link) For free 24/7 support line, call 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669)
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
[email protected]
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion