Pinjra Tod Kar

Suno India

From the bylanes of the Old City of Hyderabad to international platforms, Jameela Nishat's Shaheen, an organisation that works with vulnerable women has broken multiple barriers. Through its work in rescue and rehabilitation of vulnerable women and helping those who have been victims of violence to get back on their feet, Shaheen has started important conversations towards structural and social change. Suno India, Goethe Zentrum Hyderabad and Bol Hyderabad are proud to present to you Pinjra Tod Kar, a podcast which will bring to you powerful and poignant stories told by the women whose lives were impacted by Shaheen.

  • 34 minutes
    Pinjra toh todna hi hai
    This podcast series Pinjra Tod Kar is conceived and produced by Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad with the support of Suno-India and Bol-Hyderabad as a podcast with powerful and poignant stories told by the women whose lives were impacted by Shaheen.

    This episode, however, is a bit different. We bring to you, a panel with our editor Padma Priya, Shaheen founder Jameela Nishat, Usha Raman, who's the journalism professor in the University of Hyderabad, Goethe Zentrum's director Amita Desai and program coordinator Jyothi Bezawada.

    They speak about using art, poetry and audio for socio-cultural issues, including community radio and podcasts. Through this series, we've heard tales of horrors and survival, from the victims themselves, who are rebuilding their lives with author-activist Jameela Nishat’s NGO Shaheen.

    Shaheen, which has worked to rescue and rehabilitate vulnerable women like victims of domestic abuse and violence, early marriage, sexual abuse, gender bias, etc and helped them get back on their feet. They've started important conversations towards structural and social change.

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    31 August 2020, 4:45 pm
  • 32 minutes
    Marriage most foul: The story of Hyderabad’s contract marriages
    In this episode, Tasleem Begum tells us her story of being married as a 14-year-old to a 62-year-old man and how she broke free from the clutches of the lucrative “Sheikh marriage business”.  Also featuring, Jameela Nishat, founder, Shaheen Women’s Welfare and Resource Association who through her poetry, conveys the deep distress caused to the young women because of these “marriages”. 

    This podcast is conceived and produced by Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad with the support of Suno-India and Bol-Hyderabad.

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    31 August 2020, 4:39 pm
  • 47 minutes
    Domestic Violence: India’s hidden pandemic
    In this episode, we discuss one of the toughest challenges facing women and their right to dignity and life- violence against women and specifically domestic violence. This episode features Sultana who is a survivor of domestic violence, Vasudha Nagaraj, a women’s rights lawyer and feminist poetry by Jameela Nishat, founder of Shaheen Women’s Welfare and Resource Association.  

    This podcast is conceived and produced by Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad with the support of Suno-India and Bol-Hyderabad

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    31 August 2020, 4:27 pm
  • 39 minutes
    Child Sexual Abuse – A Silent Crime
    According to the latest data by the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), over 32,000 cases of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) were reported in 2017 while almost 40,000 cases were reported in 2018 under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO).

    In this episode of our podcast Pinjra Tod Kar, we talk about how Child Sexual Abuse is prevalent in society and how we need to fight. Suno India team sat down with 20-year-old Pooja, who works at Shaheen and is a survivor of Child Sexual Abuse. You will also hear from child rights activists Padmashri awardee Shantha Sinha, Founder secretary of MV Foundation and Ramesh Kidambi, and Chhavi Dawar from Break the Silence, a not-for-profit that works in raising awareness on child sexual abuse. Ramesh and Chavvi also conduct workshops on how to inform children and create awareness on child sexual abuse.

    This podcast is conceived and produced by Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad with the support of Suno-India and Bol-Hyderabad.

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    26 June 2020, 4:54 am
  • 26 minutes 30 seconds
    Education - A way out
    According to UNICEF, 27% of girls in India are married before their 18th birthday and  53% of girls in the age group of 5 to 9 years are illiterate. More than 50 per cent of girls fail to enrol in school; those that do are likely to drop out by the age of 12.

    In this episode we talk about how educating a girl child is one of the most important things to break the cycle of abuse and empower them to become independent.

    The host Padma Priya sat down with Neha and Afreen who work at Shaheen and they told her about their attempts to be educated to secure their future. You will also hear from noted child rights activists Dr Shantha Sinha, Founder secretary of MV Foundation and Padmashri awardee.

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    31 May 2020, 4:30 am
  • 38 minutes
    Pillar of Strength - Jameela's story
    In the first episode of Pinjra Tod Kar, you will hear from Jameela Nishat, founder of Shaheen, who tells us about foray in women’s rights and where she sees the organisation and its work heading towards.

    This Podcast is produced by Suno India with support from Goethe Zentrun Hyderabad and Bol Hyderabad.

    Visit our website

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    6 March 2020, 12:00 pm
  • 7 minutes
    Pinjra Tod Kar - Trailer
    From the bylanes of the Old City of Hyderabad to international platforms, Jameela Nishat's Shaheen, an organisation that works with vulnerable women has broken multiple barriers. Through its work in rescue and rehabilitation of vulnerable women and helping those who have been victims of violence to get back on their feet, Shaheen has started important conversations towards structural and social change. Suno India, Goethe Zentrum Hyderabad and Bol Hyderabad are proud to present to you Pinjra Tod Kar, a podcast which will bring to you powerful and poignant stories told by the women whose lives were impacted by Shaheen.

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    26 January 2020, 6:05 am
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