Life's Little Mysteries

The Science Podcast From Live Science The world can be a pretty mysterious place and we at Live Science love to ask and answer questions about mysteries big and small: about ancient civilizations, our planet and our solar system, the plants and animals that live alongside us, our bodies and how they work, and the technologies that we use every day. Join us on this exciting voyage of discovery and downright weirdness as we solve… Life’s Little Mysteries.

  • 46 minutes 28 seconds
    49: Mysterious Bacteria
    Is bacteria helpful our harmful? Our intrepid science reporters, Jeanna and Mindy explore the mysteries of bacteria. 

    Below you can find links to further reading on the topic discussed in this episode.   Mystery: Could humans live without bacteria? 
    • There are trillions of bacteria are swarming over your skin and through your body
    • The number of bacterial cells in the body is commonly estimated at 10 times the number of human cells

      INTERVIEW:  Live Science reporter Yasemin Saplakoglu chats to Ehab Abouheif, a Professor of Biology at McGill University in Montreal about the symbiotic relationship between Carpenter ants and Blochmannia bacteria that goes back 51 million years.    Don’t forget to subscribe! You can find more answers to life’s little mysteries at the Live Science website and you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook too. Tell us what your life’s little mysteries are at
      Theme music by Chad Crouch - Algorithms Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

    Track Science and Medicine by AfterInfity is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
    21 September 2020, 3:00 am
  • 48 minutes 5 seconds
    48: Mysterious Beer
    Why do some people hate the taste of beer? Our intrepid science reporters, Jeanna and Mindy track the mysteries of one of the oldest alcoholic beverages in the world. 

    Below you can find links to further reading on the topic discussed in this episode.   Mystery: Why do some people hate the taste of beer?
    •  This could all fall to genetics 
    • People who are sensitive to bitter tastes have more taste receptors in their mouths 

      INTERVIEW: Live Science Staff Writer, Brandon Specktor, talks to microbiologist Ronen Hazan from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel about how a remarkable experiment where beer has been made using 5000 year old yeast from Ancient Egypt.    Don’t forget to subscribe! You can find more answers to life’s little mysteries at the Live Science website and you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook too. Tell us what your life’s little mysteries are at
      Music by Chad Crouch - Algorithms Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

    Egypt Music theme credited to Free Music TV 
    23 August 2020, 4:00 am
  • 33 minutes 13 seconds
    47: Coronavirus: A Life's Little Mysteries Special Report - August 14th
    Mindy and Jeanna introduce the final instalment in a series of special reports from Life's Little Mysteries with Live Science health reporter Nicoletta Lanese, who is at the forefront of Live Science’s coronavirus coverage. 

    This episode was recorded on August 13th  and features Nicoletta's weekly coronavirus update and Q&A on Facebook Live. New updates are livestreamed on Facebook every Thursday at 12:00 p.m. ET.

    You can find all the Live Science coverage of the coronavirus and COVID-19 on our website, at
    If you have questions about coronavirus or COVID-19, you can post them on our Live Science forums and on Facebook. 
    Music by Chad Crouch - Algorithms Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
    14 August 2020, 5:00 am
  • 50 minutes 33 seconds
    46: Mysterious Elephants
    Is every single Elephant a village wrecking booze hound? Our intrepid science reporters, Jeanna and Mindy track the mysteries of one of the world’s most fascinating land mammals.  Below you can find links to further reading on the topic discussed in this episode.   Mystery: Is every single Elephant a village wrecking booze hound?    INTERVIEW with Joshua Plotnik, assistant professor of psychology at Hunter College, The City University of New York, discussing the ways we can understand elephant behaviour and prevent human-elephant conflict.    Don’t forget to subscribe! You can find more answers to life’s little mysteries at the Live Science website and you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook too. Tell us what your life’s little mysteries are at
      Music by Chad Crouch - Algorithms Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
    10 August 2020, 4:00 am
  • 33 minutes 11 seconds
    45: Coronavirus: A Life's Little Mysteries Special Report - August 7th
    Mindy and Jeanna introduce the latest in a series of special reports from Life's Little Mysteries with Live Science health reporter Nicoletta Lanese, who is at the forefront of Live Science’s coronavirus coverage. 

    This episode was recorded on August 6th  and features Nicoletta's weekly coronavirus update and Q&A on Facebook Live. New updates are livestreamed on Facebook every Thursday at 12:00 p.m. ET.

    You can find all the Live Science coverage of the coronavirus and COVID-19 on our website, at
    If you have questions about coronavirus or COVID-19, you can post them on our Live Science forums and on Facebook. 
    Music by Chad Crouch - Algorithms Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
    7 August 2020, 4:00 am
  • 48 minutes 51 seconds
    44: Coronavirus: A Life's Little Mysteries Special Report - July 31st
    Mindy and Jeanna introduce the latest in a series of special reports from Life's Little Mysteries with Live Science health reporter Nicoletta Lanese, who is at the forefront of Live Science’s coronavirus coverage. 

    This episode was recorded on July 30th  and features Nicoletta's weekly coronavirus update and Q&A on Facebook Live. New updates are livestreamed on Facebook every Thursday at 12:00 p.m. ET.

    You can find all the Live Science coverage of the coronavirus and COVID-19 on our website, at
    If you have questions about coronavirus or COVID-19, you can post them on our Live Science forums and on Facebook. 
    Music by Chad Crouch - Algorithms Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
    31 July 2020, 4:00 am
  • 45 minutes 59 seconds
    43: Mysterious Evolution
    Could evolution ever bring back the Dinosaurs? Our intrepid science reporters, Jeanna and Mindy take a look back at the history of evolution and question how it might affect us in the future. 
    Below you can find links to further reading on the topic discussed in this episode.   Mystery:Could Evolution Ever Bring Back the Dinosaurs?   
    • In 2015, after a 7 year long experiment, scientists managed to turn chicken beaks into dino snouts! 

    INTERVIEW with Nicoletta Lanese, a staff writer at Live Science, about how researchers recently and unexpectedly discovered a type of natural selection that doesn't rely on the organism's DNA..    Don’t forget to subscribe! You can find more answers to life’s little mysteries at the Live Science website and you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook too.

    Tell us what your life’s little mysteries are at
      Music by Chad Crouch - Algorithms Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
    27 July 2020, 4:00 am
  • 45 minutes 6 seconds
    42: Coronavirus: A Life's Little Mysteries Special Report - July 24th
    Mindy and Jeanna introduce the latest in a series of special reports from Life's Little Mysteries with Live Science health reporter Nicoletta Lanese, who is at the forefront of Live Science’s coronavirus coverage. 

    This episode was recorded on July 23rd  and features Nicoletta's weekly coronavirus update and Q&A on Facebook Live. New updates are livestreamed on Facebook every Thursday at 12:00 p.m. ET.

    You can find all the Live Science coverage of the coronavirus and COVID-19 on our website, at
    If you have questions about coronavirus or COVID-19, you can post them on our Live Science forums and on Facebook. 
    Music by Chad Crouch - Algorithms Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
    24 July 2020, 10:03 am
  • 43 minutes 3 seconds
    41: Coronavirus: A Life's Little Mysteries Special Report - July 17th
    Mindy and Jeanna introduce the latest in a series of special reports from Life's Little Mysteries with Live Science health reporter Nicoletta Lanese, who is at the forefront of Live Science’s coronavirus coverage. 

    This episode was recorded on July 16th  and features Nicoletta's weekly coronavirus update and Q&A on Facebook Live. New updates are livestreamed on Facebook every Thursday at 12:00 p.m. ET.

    You can find all the Live Science coverage of the coronavirus and COVID-19 on our website, at
    If you have questions about coronavirus or COVID-19, you can post them on our Live Science forums and on Facebook. 
    Music by Chad Crouch - Algorithms Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
    17 July 2020, 12:11 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    40: Mysterious Archaeology
    Just how were the Egyptian pyramids built? Our intrepid science reporters, Jeanna and Mindy dig away some of their favourite archaeological mysteries and discoveries that continue to puzzle archaeologists.

    Below you can find links to further reading on the topic discussed in this episode.

    Mystery: How Were the Egyptian Pyramids Built?

    INTERVIEW with Jay Haigler and Steve Lubkemann about underwater archaeology and how it’s  helping historians put together missing pieces of a grim chapter in human history — the trans-Atlantic slave trade era. 

    Steve Lubkemann is a maritime archaeologist and the co-founder and International Coordinator of the Slave Wrecks Project and Jay Haigler is dive training coordinator for the  Slave Wrecks Project, and the lead instructor and safety dive officer for the marine archaeology nonprofit Diving With a Purpose.

    Don’t forget to subscribe! You can find more answers to life’s little mysteries at the Live Science website and you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook too. Tell us what your life’s little mysteries are at
      Music by Chad Crouch - Algorithms Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
    13 July 2020, 4:00 am
  • 40 minutes 51 seconds
    39: Coronavirus: A Life's Little Mysteries Special Report - July 10th
    Mindy and Jeanna introduce the latest in a series of special reports from Life's Little Mysteries with Live Science health reporter Nicoletta Lanese, who is at the forefront of Live Science’s coronavirus coverage. 

    This episode was recorded on July 9th  and features Nicoletta's weekly coronavirus update and Q&A on Facebook Live. New updates are livestreamed on Facebook every Thursday at 12:00 p.m. ET.

    You can find all the Live Science coverage of the coronavirus and COVID-19 on our website, at
    If you have questions about coronavirus or COVID-19, you can post them on our Live Science forums and on Facebook. 
    Music by Chad Crouch - Algorithms Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
    10 July 2020, 11:49 am
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