Rebel Eaters Club

Transmitter Media

If you’re one of the millions of people who are struggling to survive in a culture that’s obsessed with weight loss, the way a Rebel Eater lives her life might sound like a revolution. In this world, pizza is not the enemy, and we love the bodies we have right now! Hosted by Virgie Tovar, a writer and activist, and one of the nation's leading speakers on weight-based discrimination and body image.

  • 11 minutes 26 seconds
    Bonus: Mailbag with Isabel Foxen Duke!

    You sent us your questions about how to get the hell out of diet culture, and Virgie, along with health coach Isabel Foxen Duke, are here to answer them! They talk about a better way to think about the meaning of hunger and fullness, and what to do when you’re confronted with a choice between the lasagna and the salad (hint: just eat them both!)

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    14 June 2022, 6:00 am
  • 38 minutes 51 seconds
    How to Stop Fighting Food

    It can seem impossible to break out of the cycle of dieting and binging, but health coach Isabel Foxen Duke found the key at the end of what she calls her “final binge.” And the answer isn’t more dieting! Virgie and Isabel talk about “radical hopelessness,” why Nutella is the ultimate anti-diet food, and why dieting - not binging - is the real coping mechanism.

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    7 June 2022, 6:00 am
  • 32 minutes 8 seconds
    Horny For Healing: Body Positive Dating Advice

    Virgie talks with disability justice advocate Alex Locust (aka Glamputee) about dating and intimacy. They discuss what fat liberation and disability justice teach us about interdependence, and Alex shares why they have started saying they're "horny for healing."

    Topics include:

    The Intersection of Fat Liberation and Disability Justice [04:20]
    Unpacking Hook Up Culture [05:40]
    Hiding Yourself for Others [09:09]
    How To Become “Horny For Healing” [14:45]
    What Is Access? [17:08]
    A Different Way to Date [20:50]
    The Tool of Shedding [24:24]
    Future Sex Love Sounds [28:32]

    For more of Alex’s work, follow them @glamputee on social or head to their website Follow @virgietovar and @transmitterpods to stay up to date on all things Rebel Eaters Club, and make sure to visit to download your starter kit! 

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    31 May 2022, 6:00 am
  • 27 minutes 58 seconds
    Trails Not Scales with Fat Girls Hiking

    Virgie and Summer talk about fat erasure from fitness spaces, the new (fat positive!) rules of hiking, and the simple joy of petting moss. 

    Topics include:

    Empowerment through Hiking [02:40]
    “Fat Time” [05:05]
    Nature/Body Parallels [07:36]
    Fitness Trauma [10:58]
    How Summer Reclaimed Nature [13:22]
    Fat Girls Hiking [17:59]
    Redefining “Hiking” [19:45]
    The Fat Girls Hiking Community [23:30]
    The Tool of Being in Nature [25:19]

    For more of Summer’s work, follow her @fatgirlshiking and buy her new book "Fat Girls Hiking." For more Rebel Eaters Club, follow @virgietovar and @transmitterpods for updates! And be sure to visit to download your starter pack if you haven't already!

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    24 May 2022, 6:00 am
  • 32 minutes 54 seconds
    How to Raise Food-Positive Kids with Ginny Jones

    Parents can often trigger their kids so easily and without meaning to, especially when it comes to food and weight. Parenting coach Ginny Jones tells us how parents can learn how to raise food-positive kids — and how we all can heal after growing up in a fatphobic or food-restrictive environment.

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    17 May 2022, 6:00 am
  • 1 minute 42 seconds
    Presenting: Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter - Season 2

    We're excited to share a sneak peek of the new season of Body Stuff with Doctor Jen Gunter! 

    Like Rebel Eaters Club, Dr. Jen Gunter takes apart the stickiest myths around personal health out there, which are often sold to us by companies and wrapped up in bogus science. And she reveals how our bodies REALLY work. This season she's covering a lot of topics I'm really interested in like metabolism myths, sleep, and more! To hear more, including the first episode of the season which is all about smell, follow Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter wherever you're listening to this. 

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    11 May 2022, 5:00 am
  • 30 minutes 56 seconds
    The Punk Art of Saying F-U to Diet Culture

    Vishinna Turner tells Virgie about growing up fat, Black, and punk in Fresno, CA. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t easy! But Vishinna also shares how art and friendship saved her life and helped her on the path to self love.

    Topics include:

    Creme Brulee [01:58]
    Pressure to Fit In [04:37]
    Growing Up In Fresno [06:57]
    Finding Yourself with Punk Music [10:01]
    “Being Yourself at the Buffet” [14:54]
    Fat Representation [16:34]
    “Fat Girl Tears” [19:15]
    Being True to Yourself [27:05]

    Learn more about Vishinna’s band Fatty Cakes & the Puff Pastries and listen to their music at And check out Vishinna’s other band Squid Ink! at Follow @virgietovar and @transmitterpods to stay up to date on all things Rebel Eaters Club. And make sure to visit to download your starter pack if you haven’t already!

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    10 May 2022, 6:00 am
  • 33 minutes 28 seconds
    Fat and Happy with Laurie Santos

    Virgie and Laurie unpack harmful happiness myths like "the perfect body" that contribute to diet culture, and Laurie tells Virgie how the science of happiness can be used to fight them.

    Topics include: 

    Harry & David Pears [01:20]
    City of Angels (1998) [03:54]
    The “Arrival Fallacy” [11:38]
    Hedonic Adaptation [17:50]
    Science of Happiness [20:38]
    The Tool of Self-Compassion [31:34]

    You can find more of Laurie’s work on social media @lauriesantos or through her podcast ‘The Happiness Lab.’ Follow @virgietovar and @transmitterpods to stay up to date on all things Rebel Eaters Club. And make sure to visit to download your Rebel Eaters Club starter pack!

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    3 May 2022, 6:00 am
  • 5 minutes 40 seconds
    Season 3 Appetizer

    Rebel Eaters Club Season 3 is coming May 3. Get ready for more laughter, body positivity wisdom and snacks, of course. Here’s a little treat till then: a listener question around building fat community that Isabel Foxen Duke helps me answer. You’ll hear more of her and so many other fantastic Rebel Eaters this season.

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    5 April 2022, 6:00 am
  • 37 minutes 24 seconds
    Presenting: Your Magic: Virgie on the Power of Pleasure

    Virgie was a guest on another show we think you’ll enjoy: Your Magic. And we have an update on Season 3!

    Asking for help is not a sign of weakness — it's a sign of strength. In this episode of Your Magic, activist, speaker, teacher, and writer Virgie Tovar joins host Michelle Tea for a conversation about the magic of science, the dangers of diet culture, and the power of pleasure. Then, Bran Taylor helps us turn our emotions into powerful energy for change with a spell.

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    7 March 2022, 6:00 am
  • 34 minutes 7 seconds
    Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter

    We're excited to share another show we think you'll enjoy: Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter, from the TED Audio Collective. 

    Do I really need 8 glasses of water a day? Is it actually possible to "boost" my immune system? You’re constantly bombarded with news stories, ads, and social media posts telling you how to optimize your health—but a lot of these sources that pretend to be backed by science have another agenda. Dr. Jen Gunter is here to bust the lies you’re told—and sold—about your health, debunking some of the stickiest myths out there while helping you to understand how your body really works. We're playing episode one for you today, and if you like what you hear, you can get more episodes of Body Stuff by following the show wherever you're listening to this.

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    26 May 2021, 8:00 am
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