This discussion with André Duqum from the ‘Know Thyself’ podcast delves deeply into non-duality, different types of meditation, and the essence of our true nature.
Rupert also offers practical guidance on how we can cultivate a deeper connection to our true self by challenging habitual beliefs and thoughts, shows us how we can explore being through self-enquiry and explains how our innate longing for happiness shapes our experience.
In this episode Rupert speaks with founder and CEO of Sounds True, Tami Simon, about how we may realise lasting happiness, whether we should value both being and becoming, and how to remain at peace amidst turmoil.
They also discuss Rupert’s idea of original ADD (awareness deficit disorder), absolute and relative levels of truth, and the Buddhist phrase ‘original face’.
Rupert speaks with the founder of The Weekend University, Niall McKeever. They talk about what non-duality is and how the non-dual understanding can be useful to therapists and their patients in alleviating psychological suffering.
They also discuss the reason why certain people end up on the path of spiritual seeking, the paradox of seeking for happiness, the implications of the non-dual understanding on how we engage with the world, and the Direct Path approach to peace and happiness.
In this episode Rupert talks again with author Deepak Chopra. They discuss Rupert’s book ‘The Heart of Prayer’ and how it formulates the non-dual understanding in terms of prayer and being.
They also examine the Direct Path and its application in exploring consciousness, or being; the experience of ‘I am’; love as the recognition that we share our being with everyone and everything; and the evolving understanding of consciousness as the basis of reality.
In this episode, Rupert speaks with Sanskritist and scholar-practitioner of Classical Tantra, Dr Christopher Wallis. They discuss the understanding that is at the heart of some of the greatest spiritual traditions, such as Christianity, Sufism, Advaita Vedanta, and Kashmir Shaivism, and how Advaita and Tantra, even though they emphasise different aspects of the understanding, are complementary and contained within each other.
They also talk about the importance of translation, how the truth needs to be reformulated by each generation, and how the self that is said to be void, or empty, from the point of view of the finite mind is, in fact, plenitude itself.
In this episode, author and broadcaster Simon Mundie moderates a delightful conversation with Rupert and Francis Lucille. They discuss a wide range of topics including non-duality, its implications, the similarities and differences between Rupert’s and Francis’s approach, and how their relationship evolved from one of student and teacher to one based on friendship.
They delve into their histories and influences, their different styles and ways of expressing the non-dual understanding, and various aspects of fundamental reality. They also explore enlightenment, the ‘hard problem of consciousness’, and the projection of perfection onto those who are considered to be so-called spiritual teachers. In fact, the two assert that rather than being considered teachers, that people view them as friends sharing truth with friends.
In the first episode of the newly titled ‘Dialogues on Truth’ podcast, Rupert speaks with Nikki Walton from ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’. They discuss the purpose of being, the nature of prayer, and the difference between the thought ‘I am’ and the experience it refers to.
They also explore how we can get back to our essence when we are overwhelmed by experience, and why we often return to sorrow and conflict despite knowing that freedom is available to us at all times. Rupert then concludes with a guided meditation.
In this episode, Rupert talks with Keith Kristich from After a brief meditation, they discuss the various traditions and teachers Rupert draws upon for his teachings.
They also explore the nature of prayer, contemplating how all we ever experience is God’s being, along with the practical implications of that understanding. The conversation delves into Rupert’s book ‘The Heart of Prayer’ and concludes with a question-and-answer session.
In his latest podcast episode, on the intersection of science and spirituality, Rupert has a discussion with a group of scientists from UC Santa Barbara. They examine various aspects of non-duality such as how a clearer understanding of the consciousness-only model within the scientific community may give us a deeper understanding of reality and how that can help further scientific discovery and progress.
The dialogue also covers topics such as the role of self-enquiry in reducing suffering and revealing peace and happiness, the dynamics of enlightenment or awakening and how true philosophy must be verifiable and derived from experience.
The latest ‘Rupert Spira Podcast’ episode is with Cory Allen from the ‘And Then It Hit Me’ podcast. The discussion covers topics such as why Rupert prefers the term ‘happiness’ over ‘enlightenment’, how someone who is interested in these matters can begin the process of self-realisation and how personality and identity fit within the non-dual framework.
Rupert and Cory also discuss how friendship with those who share the non-dual understanding is a safeguard against falling into detachment and de-personalisation, and how this understanding gives us the best possible chance of leading a full, active, harmonious and enjoyable life.
In celebration of National Poetry Day in the UK, we invite you to enjoy Rupert’s recital of Austrian poet and novelist Rainer Maria Rilke. The spontaneous and joyful delivery comes in response to a request to comment on the topic of food. The poem is from Rilke’s collection ‘Sonnets to Orpheus’.