Righteous Pk Podcast

J-L Cauvin

The Most Successful Failure in Comedy

  • 1 hour 5 minutes

    Do you think guns are more important than kids? Do you back the blue except when you want your firearm? Are you a cop that backs Trump? Well, the 2nd Amendment can't protect you from this week's rain storm.


    For J-L's album Half-Blackface go to iTunes or Amazon music.


    For J-L's live shows and everything else he does JLCauvin.com

    12 September 2024, 3:58 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    The NFL

    Enjoy concussions? Like it when MAGA loving old men blackball socially conscious athletes? Well get ready for a serious downpour as you order up your Sunday Ticket to Hell!


    For all of J-L's live shows and links to his specials and albums JLCauvin.com

    5 September 2024, 6:00 am
  • 52 minutes 6 seconds
    RFK Jr & Comedy Ethics

    Do you think mocking terrible people has comedy rules? Do you think punching down has no place in comedy? Well you won't know where your tears end and the rain begins on this week's episode!  


    For J-L's live shows, links to his specials and more JLCauvin.com

    29 August 2024, 11:57 pm
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    The Lord of the DNC

    Do you hate The Lord of The Rings? Do you hate Democrats? Do you hate political predictions? Well get your umbrella out because it's pouring!


    For J-L's live shows, stand up specials and a lot more JLCauvin.com

    22 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 21 minutes

    Live the twisted logic of Dave Chappelle? Was your favorite part of Joe Rogan's special the F word? Are you a Republican? Well get ready for a woke storm of common decency on this week's episode.


    Watch J-L's specials and get tickets to all his live shows at JLCauvin.com

    15 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Joe Rogan

    Do you like stand up, but wish it was more stale than Bill Maher? Do you hate liberal safe spaces, but like having a safe space to discuss that hate? Then get ready to get drenched in Alpha Brain showers this week!


    For J-L's specials and tickets to all his live shows JLCauvin.com

    8 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    Ryan Reynolds

    Did you love Deadpool? Do you wish Dane Cook was more ripped, but less original? Do you have Mint Mobile? Well hopefully this rainstorm washes you of your sewage taste.


    For links to J-L's specials and all his live gigs JLCauvin.com

    1 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Kamala Harris

    If you hate laughter and attractive bi-racial, former prosecutors, then I guess you'll have to get ready for Thunder (J-L) and lightening (VP Harris) on this week's episode."


    For J-L's live shows across the country and links to his stand-up specials JLCauvin.com

    25 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 59 minutes 36 seconds
    Sympathy for The Donald?

    If you think J-L is taking a week off and giving gun loving Republicans, violence encouraging Donald Trump and MAGA hypocrisy screamers a week off, then get ready to get drenched.


    For ticketd to all of J-L's upcoming live shows and links to his special Half-Blackface on Amazon Prime JLCauvin.com

    18 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes

    Whether you're a biker gang felon or an eco-friendly podcast producer, watch out for the slick road from the rain pouring down on you this week.


    For J-L's special Half-Blackface and all his live show ticket links JLCauvin.com

    11 July 2024, 6:07 pm
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    The Supreme Court

    Do you think the Supreme Court is boring? Do you think too many people have already talked about Joe Biden's debate performance? Well hopefully your blissful ignorance gets washed away by this week's rain.


    For tickets to J-L's live shows and links to his special Half-Blackface go to JLCauvin.com

    4 July 2024, 6:00 am
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