Rock podcast from


60 minutes of Rock, all commercial free, with no talking DJ between songs. All songs Creative Commons by-nc-sa 1.0 licensed from the record label that isn't evil:

  • 56 minutes 19 seconds
    2022-07-25 Rock podcast from Magnatune
    In this podcast: 1. Father of Sam, 2. Where's Moo, 3. Wicked Allstars, 4. Daniel Bautista, 5. Horstreich, 6. SoulPrint, 7. Icicle, 8. Mercy Machine, 9. Norine Braun, 10. Daniel Bautista, 11. Dixie Cannon, 12. William Brooks, 13. William Brooks, 14. Opened Paradise, 15. Psycliq
    25 July 2022, 2:02 pm
  • 57 minutes 13 seconds
    2022-07-18 Rock podcast from Magnatune
    In this podcast: 1. Liamkins, 2. Blue Wave Theory, 3. Where's Moo, 4. Icicle, 5. Ash Ganley, 6. Electric Frankenstein, 7. Father of Sam, 8. doublethink, 9. Icicle, 10. Icicle, 11. MAKO, 12. Curl, 13. Jambedaem, 14. William Brooks, 15. The Old Recruits
    18 July 2022, 2:01 pm
  • 57 minutes 16 seconds
    2022-07-11 Rock podcast from Magnatune
    In this podcast: 1. Beth Quist, 2. Mountain Mirrors, 3. Castle Pines, 4. Dixie Cannon, 5. Ash Ganley, 6. Hollywood Drunks, 7. Jon Swift, 8. Icicle, 9. Chiwawa, 10. Norine Braun, 11. Philipp Weigl, 12. Hollywood Drunks, 13. William Brooks, 14. Magnatune Remixed, 15. William Brooks, 16. Father of Sam
    11 July 2022, 2:01 pm
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