Frames Per Second Animation Podcasts

Emru Townsend

Frames Per Second Magazine's podcasts feature interviews with animation artists, news and updates from the Frames Per Second website.

  • 19 minutes 36 seconds
    Podcast 019: Jossie Malis
    Two years ago, Peruvian-born Jossie Malis produced a short animated film called Bendito Machine using Moho (now called Anime Studio). The style was silhouette animation, but not in the fantastic or whimsical vein of Lotte Reiniger or Michel Ocelet; Bendito Machine was instead a darkly funny meditation on power, corruption, greed and religion. Malis has since considered the short as the first part in a ten-part series, and I have no doubt that all seven deadly sins will be covered by the end. This interview is our first collaboration with Directors Notes, and here MarBelle interviews Malis about his quirky creation.
    10 July 2008, 3:34 am
  • 4 minutes 51 seconds
    Podcast 018: Bendito Machine Part 1
    A strange, godlike machine is overthrown and replaced by another strange, godlike machine. This is quite possibly the most disturbing-looking silhouette-style film you've seen in some time.
    8 July 2008, 4:54 pm
  • 24 minutes 13 seconds
    Podcast 017: Yuichi Ito and Norabbit's Minutes
    At this year's Ottawa International Animation Festival, animator Yuichi Ito and his manager Hiroko Kamata sat down to talk about his series of short stop-motion films, Norabbit's Minutes. Created for Shochiku's 110th anniversary, Norabbits' Minutes features two young rabbit brothers who live together in the forest and have endearing adventures together... though not without some absurd twists. As a bonus, we are also presenting the first episode of Norabbits' Minutes in its entirety on the website.
    7 December 2007, 9:13 pm
  • 39 minutes 10 seconds
    Podcast 016: Little Fluffy Clouds
    My guests in this podcast are Betsy de Fries and Jerry Van de Beek, who form the San Francisco Bay Area studio Little Fluffy Clouds. (And yes, they're named after the Orb song.) Little Fluffy Clouds has been in business since 1996, when the pair left the (Colossal) Pictures studio during its last days. The studio's been busily creating ads for a wide variety of clients since then.
    31 October 2007, 3:53 pm
  • 42 seconds
    Podcast 015: IBM: "Alignment"
    An animated Rorschach test is the backbone of one of three spots that Little Fluffy Clouds produced for Ogilvy's series of IBM commercials.
    31 October 2007, 12:44 pm
  • 3 minutes 8 seconds
    Podcast 014: Au Petite Mort
    A stream, a fisherman, a dragonfly, a fish: In Little Fluffy Clouds' Au Petite Mort (2003), these elements come together to evoke the waning days of summer, the circle of life, and just a little cruel irony.
    30 October 2007, 1:19 am
  • 2 minutes 19 seconds
    Podcast 013: White's Dream
    White's Dream is a music video based on the Tekkonkinkreet movie. Set to the Shinichi Osawa remix of Plaid's song from the soundtrack and directed by Michael Arias, the video encapsulates most of the movie from Shiro's (White's) perspective.
    28 September 2007, 12:17 pm
  • 27 minutes 54 seconds
    Podcast 012: Larry Greenberg
    In April, the Tokyo-based company Digital Meme released the Japanese Anime Classic Collection, which contained almost 60 animated shorts from Japan's silent era. I recently spoke with Digital Meme CEO Larry Greenberg about the collection and his company.
    18 August 2007, 1:59 am
  • 5 minutes 19 seconds
    Podcast 011: Oira no Yakyu [Our Baseball Match]
    This excerpt is from the 1931 short Oira no Yakyu (Our Baseball Match), directed by Yasuji Murata. Oira no Yakyu and many of Murata's other works are featured in the four-DVD set Japanese Anime Classic Collection, which was released earlier this year by Digital Meme.
    3 August 2007, 4:00 am
  • 6 minutes 16 seconds
    Podcast 010: Madame Tutli-Putli Animatic
    In the summer of 2001, Chris Lavis and Maciek Szczerbowski created an animatic—a rough animated presentation—as part of their proposal for Madame Tutli-Putli. These excerpts illustrate what's changed and what's remained through six years of producton.
    3 August 2007, 3:57 am
  • 37 minutes 57 seconds
    Podcast 009: Clyde Henry Productions
    Chris Lavis and Maciek Szczerbowski have been working together in animation and effects since 1997. But the pair have spent about half that time producing Madame Tulti-Pulti, a 17-minute short for the National Film Board of Canada.
    16 May 2007, 5:23 am
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