The Sam Ovens Podcast

Sam Ovens

Videos about business and life.

  • 25 minutes 15 seconds
    My Workstation Setup (For Productivity)

    In this episode, I share my workstation setup. I get paid nothing from these companies, it's what I use.

    If you want to watch it:

    23 February 2022, 12:27 am
  • 18 minutes 26 seconds
    I'm Back (What I Did For 2-Years)

    I'm back. Here's what I've been up to for the past 2-years.

    8 February 2022, 11:16 pm
  • 28 minutes 27 seconds
    75. Sacrifice, Yield And Asymmetric Returns

    Sacrificing things, and doing less, is not sexy.

    Sacrifice is tricky thing to get right, most entrepreneurs get it wrong.

    Rather watch it?

    25 January 2020, 2:22 am
  • 1 hour 40 minutes
    74. How To Use Metrics

    Here's a quick sneak-peek into the Quantum Mastermind event! Listen to Sam as he answers some burning questions.

    Note: We were using a throw mic and that has resulted in some inaudible questions (whoopsie). But Sam's audio is perfectly audible throughout the session. Happy listening.

    Rather watch it? Sure:

    17 January 2020, 12:05 am
  • 42 minutes 33 seconds
    73. Scale, Mess And Debt

    Scaling a business is an awesome topic, cleaning up the mess and paying back the debt from scaling is not. This is a tricky thing to balance. Most entrepreneurs get it wrong. If you don't grow fast, a competitor might overtake you —but— grow too fast and you'll make a mess and accumulate too much debt for the company to get out of. Finding the perfect balance between these two extremes is an art-form that lies at the core of an entrepreneur's ability. This podcast teaches you how to think about three things: scale, mess, debt, and how they're all parts of the same "growth cycle". I share practical tips to handle these issues in your business today + share personal stories of the rollercoaster ride I've been on to date.

    Full blog post here:

    24 September 2019, 4:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 12 seconds
    72. 3 Good books in 8 minutes

    3 Good books in 8 minutes. Need I say more.  

    The books are:

    1. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't by Jim Collins —

    2. Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days by Jessica Livingston —

    3. Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown —

    Full blog post here:

    11 September 2019, 4:00 pm
  • 32 minutes 20 seconds
    71. Sleep To Win - Part Two - Software

    This is part two of the "Sleep To Win" mini-series, today we cover the software required to take your sleep to the next level. Rather want to watch it? Click here:

    Didn't see part 1 about hardware?. No problem! Click here to watch it:

    Full blog post here:

    4 September 2019, 4:00 pm
  • 37 minutes 40 seconds
    70. Sleep To Win - Part One - Hardware

    Want to be smarter? Happier? Less stressed, more intelligent, more creative, less anxious, more focused, rational, and calm? If you want these things — get some SLEEP! (seriously...). This video shows you how to hack your sleep for high performance.

    Full blog post here:

    3 September 2019, 4:00 pm
  • 39 minutes 9 seconds
    69. Shiny Object Syndrome? (the cure)

    Do you get distracted by shiny objects? Always looking for something new to replace the thing that was new yesterday? (yes, you're crazy). At its core, shiny object syndrome (SOS) is a disease of distraction, and it affects entrepreneurs specifically because of the qualities that make them unique: High motivation, crave new technology, new developments, and no fear of starting new things. It's called shiny object syndrome because it's the entrepreneurial equivalent of a small child chasing after shiny objects. Once they get there and see what the object is, they immediately lose interest and start chasing the next thing. For entrepreneurs, rather than literal shiny objects. Shiny objects may be business objectives, marketing strategies, clients or even other business ventures. In today's podcast, I show you how to BEAT the shiny object syndrome by implementing 9 practical steps you can take immediately.

    Full blog post here:

    27 August 2019, 4:00 pm
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    68. How To Make Decisions

    Are you indecisive? Struggle to make fast decisions? History of poor choices? Put things off? Resort to "other peoples thinking" or following the crowd? We are the sum of our choices. Where you are in life right now, your current situation, it's nobodies doing but your own. It's the sum total of every decision you've ever made. We are our choices.

    This podcast shows you how to free up time and energy to make better decisions, how to think critically about your decisions, as well as practical mental models you can use immediately to improve your life.

    Full blog post here:

    13 August 2019, 4:00 pm
  • 47 minutes 39 seconds
    67. Why Your Brain Is Messed Up

    Do you get confused? Trouble thinking clearly? Overwhelmed by complexity? Paralyzed by decisions? Emotions contradicting logic?

    The brain is humankind's greatest gift and a curse — it depends whether you control it, or it controls you.

    In the world of entrepreneurship and business, it's more about mastering your brain, not mastering the tactics of business.

    This podcast shows you how to get your thinking clean, and by doing so, win at life and business. Enjoy!

    6 August 2019, 4:00 pm
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