Sharpen Your Sword

Brock Richard

Sharpen Your Sword is a metaphor for the ongoing process of our personal development. Sword is meant to be interchangeable with whatever you want, whether it be your leadership skills, communication skills, mindset or any area of your life that you’re looking to improve and refine. Guests include entrepreneurs, athletes, authors, experts in the fields of fitness, health and wellness, science, psychology, spirituality and many more. I’ll dive into their life experiences, mindsets and the wisdom they have cultivated along their journey thus far. My mission is for you to be able to immediately apply the insights you gain from this show in order to enhance your experience of life.

  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    27. Liberate Your Mind with Dr. Steven C. Hayes

    Dr. Steven Hayes is a Professor of Psychology in the Behavior Analysis Program at the University of Nevada and the author of 46 books and nearly 650 scientific articles. 

    He is especially known for his work on "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy" or “ACT” which is one of the most widely used and researched new methods of psychological intervention over the last 20 years. 

    Dr. Hayes has received several national awards, such as the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. 

    His popular book Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for a time was the best-selling self-help book in the United States, and his new book A Liberated Mind has been recently released to wide acclaim. His TEDx talks have been viewed by over 600,000 people, and he is ranked among the most cited psychologists in the world.


    Some things we talk about ––

    • The ACT method (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
    • How to stop identifying with negative thoughts and emotions
    • The “Defusion” technique for taking power away from those negative thoughts
    • Perfectionism, people pleasing and my unlearning process with those traits
    • Ways to address fear and anxiety and if we can really reframe anxiety as excitement when it comes to speaking or performing.


    Connect with Dr. Steven Hayes:



    TEDx Talks: Psychological Flexibility // Mental Brakes to Avoid Mental Breaks

    The ACT Tool Kit:




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    22 July 2020, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    26. Mindfulness & Calm During Chaos with Katarina Gleisberg

    Katarina Gleisberg is a mindfulness educator, coach, and co-creator of the “Calm During Chaos” Mindfulness course alongside Nathan Todd who was on the podcast a few episodes ago.

    After teaching students of various ages in three countries, she was struck by the commonality that students of all backgrounds showed greater attention, calm, productivity, and collaboration after a short mindfulness practice. 

    She then evolved her teaching focus to spread mindfulness and its holistic health benefits including greater attention, compassion, stress-relief, life satisfaction, empowerment, and even strengthened immunity.

    She wants us all to know that mindfulness can be practiced anywhere, any time, free of charge by anyone.


    In this episode we talk about ––


    –– How she discovered mindfulness in her professional life


    –– The TAPS (Total and perfect silence) technique and the impact of mindfulness in kids with different personality types


    –– What mindfulness is NOT


    –– The two wings of mindfulness


    –– How she inadvertently wound up in the local newspaper   


    –– The R.A.I.N. technique for starting to process emotions


    Connect with Katarina:

    "Calm During Chaos" Mindfulness eCourse:








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    8 July 2020, 9:00 am
  • 47 minutes 8 seconds
    25. Bridging the Gap Between Spirituality, Psychology and Science with Zack Alexander

    Zack Alexander has been on quite the healing journey as you’ll hear in this episode. We actually went to the same high school but never really had a conversation until our paths crossed on Instagram a couple weeks ago so we decided to sit down and record a podcast. 

    Zack is a Holistic Life Coach who incorporates a Trauma-Informed approach to his practices.

    He uses a number of alternative therapies including spiritual awakening counseling, mindfulness/meditative techniques, somatic healing and reiki/energy healing.


    Some things we talk about ––


    • His 4 Year battle with a mystery illness which was eventually diagnosed as schistosomiasis


    • The realization he had that allowed him to be resilient through that process


    • How he was opened up alternative healing modalities


    • His message to those who are skeptics about chakras, meridians and energy healing


    • How to reconcile generational conditioning, programming and trauma


    • Why the collective nervous system has gone haywire and what to do about it  


    • Masculine vs. Feminine Energy 


    • What is spiritual bypassing? 


    Connect with Zack: 


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    1 July 2020, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    24. Paradigm Shifting, Shadow Work & Spiritual Awakening with Chris Delaney

    Chris Delaney is someone I’ve only known for a few months, but have already learned so much from. He’s one of the most intentional people I’ve ever met when it comes to his work. His mission is to consciously change the way humanity learns and connects globally through the platform, Life Unchained, cofounded by him and his partner Danielle. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Chris is a also speaker, mentor, business advisor, and outspoken advocate for men’s mental health.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Prior to this, Chris was an award winning sales and leadership trainer for small businesses and in the Fortune 500 spaces.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ We discuss a lot of topics in this episode which could all be an episode of their own, so I guarantee I’ll be having him back on in the future.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


    Some things we talked about ––


    • His advice on dealing with fear


    • What the spiritual journey really is and what “awakening” can look like


    • The most important questions we should be asking ourselves…


    • What our shadow is and where do we start with understanding it and incorporating it?


    • Why “ego death” is not the proper terminology to use 


    • His experience of being dead for a few minutes


    This is officially my longest podcast to date, so I hope you guys are enjoying the long form style of these episodes because that’s how I feel that we can learn the most from those I get to connect with.


    Connect with Chris:


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    Resources Mentioned:


    Conscious Competence Learning Model

    Wim Hof Method

    75 Hard

    Principles by Ray Dalio


    24 June 2020, 10:00 am
  • 11 minutes 26 seconds
    23. The Antidote to Fear

    What is the antidote to fear? I don't mean to break your heart, but I don't have the answer. I do share some thoughts though around what I believe can help us dispel the virus called fear.

    There are ways in which fear serves us and absolutely has a purpose, but more often than not, it lives in the future and around a narrative that we're not going to be okay.

    That perceived future looks different for everyone, but as I see so many affected by this, myself included, I weigh in on a few things that might serve us when we're experiencing this low vibration energy.


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    11 June 2020, 6:58 am
  • 46 minutes 39 seconds
    22. Becoming a Brain Warrior with Neal Phalora

    Neal Phalora has built quite a resumé for himself.

    He is a serial entrepreneur, published speaker, and relationship coach. 

    Neal became interested in human behavior and the mind at a very young age which is what really informed his path today.

    He takes his 10 year background in life coaching and brain science to help his clients with what he calls TheBrainWarrior Method, and he helps visionaries and leaders have better relationships with themselves and the people they serve.


    Some things we talk about ––


    –– What he’s been able to lean on during this period of uncertainty


    –– Why positive thinking isn’t enough by itself


    –– Why we as humans have such a hard time receiving


    –– What it means to be “Compassionately Curious”


    –– Networking and relationship building advice


    Neal is a salt of the earth guy all around and it really comes through in this interview, so I really hope you enjoy.


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    27 May 2020, 8:36 am
  • 57 minutes 27 seconds
    21. Eradicate Loneliness with Nathan Todd

    Nathan Todd has honed a pretty incredible gift.

    He considers himself the loneliness eradicator but beyond that, he is able to connect with people in a way that allows them to open up the window to their souls and he creates an incredibly safe environment to do so.

    He was born with cerebral palsy and spent the first six weeks of his life in the hospital with everyone unsure if he was going to make it but I’m super grateful that he did.

    Nathan has aspirations to share his story on stages all over the world and I have no doubt that it will happen.

    Some things we talk about:

    — What he suggests for the those who are feeling especially lonely during this time

    — The challenges that have come with living with cerebral palsy but also how he has made the decision to view his disability as his advantage

    — A common misconception about his condition and how we can bring more awareness and understanding to it

    — How he was able to embrace himself as the guy in the wheelchair

    I’m extremely fortunate to call Nathan a friend and I’m excited for this opportunity to help spread his message. 


    Connect with Nathan:


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    Book | Empower Yourself: Awaken the B.E.A.S.T Within  

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    20 May 2020, 8:03 am
  • 59 minutes 46 seconds
    20. Cultivating Resilience with Oleg Lougheed

    Oleg Lougheed is an all around amazing human being.

    This is a dude who had every reason to identify as a victim in his life but time and time again he chose to believe in the potential that he was one more person, one more question, or one more day away from getting what he wanted.

    From relinquishing his parents rights at 9 years old and checking himself into an orphanage in Russia, to eventually finding himself in here in the states where he had to adjust to a new culture, a new language and a new way of life. He still viewed it all as a window of opportunity as he goes on to share. His life is the ultimate story of resilience.

    Some things I ask him are –– how long it took him to reframe the victim mentality, what some of the beliefs he had to let go of were and how he is cultivating resilience during this time.

    We also talk a lot about the importance of cultivating new relationships, as well as deepening those that already exist.

    We go pretty deep in this conversation and there are some gold nuggets that I know I’ll hang onto for years to come. 


    Connect with Oleg:

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    Oleg's TEDx Talk |


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    Links Mentioned ––

    The Oprah Video

    This Is Marketing by Seth Godin

    13 May 2020, 9:41 am
  • 12 minutes 49 seconds
    19. 5 Ways to Support Your Well-being

    As we continue to face a lot of unknown in the world and in our lives, the most important thing we can do is take care of our mental, physical and emotional health. The future will forever be uncertain regardless of the circumstances. So the best thing that we can do is optimize our experience today, and in this moment instead of waiting for some future reality for us to be happy and fulfilled. That's why on this episode, I did my best to break down five ways in which I have supported my well-being during this challenging time that we're in. 

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    6 May 2020, 10:00 am
  • 43 minutes
    18. Sobriety & Self Discovery with Sarah Cook

    Sarah Cook is someone who I recently met through a mutual friend and after we instantly connected over a 30 minute conversation on the phone, I found that we shared a lot of common ground and I knew she had several gems to share with the world.

    Sarah has been an entrepreneur now for over 8 years and is sharing her gifts by way of speaking, coaching and blogging.

    She helps teach women who are new business owners – and also those who are already established – everything they need to know around how to set their business up for 6-figure revenue.

    If you’re a dude listening though, then have no fear because there’s still a lot to gain from Sarah’s journey and everything she shares.

    We talk about what her process of self discovery looked like and what led her to start traveling to run away from her problems and seeking for happiness outside of herself.

    We also get into what other inner work she did, including seeing a therapist and walking down the path to sobriety.

    Finally, I ask her what the biggest lie that she’s told herself about herself is which is a question I believe that we should all ask ourselves. Enjoy!

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    22 April 2020, 8:30 am
  • 42 minutes 20 seconds
    17. Confident Communication with Gina Molinari

    Gina Molinari is someone that I have a very special admiration for and I first met her in a podcast mastermind that I was a part of before I launched this show.

    I knew that she was a powerhouse right off the bat and it comes as no surprise that she is doing the things that she is which is marketing strategy, coaching people on public speaking and helping them gain more confidence, consistency and clarity and she is even a keynote speaker herself.

    Even if you don’t strive to be on stages, give speeches or be a singer, Gina still has so much value to offer. Some of the strategies and techniques that she shares can be applied in everyday life, a job interview, a first date or even regular conversation.

    She talks all about how we can pull ourselves together if we’re feeling some anxiety before we have to speak and it’s all eyes on us, and also how to take the focus off of yourself in those moments.

    She also discusses why credibility has little to do with degrees and certifications, the most rewarding part of her practice, and what was one of the most formative moments of her life –– singing the national anthem at Nationwide Arena.


    Connect with Gina: 

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    8 April 2020, 10:00 am
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