Proud Meat Podcast

Hillside Studios

Our show's about odd curiosities and drunken randomness mostly. Hosted by Matt, Jerrad, & Britt at our studio in West Virginia. New episodes every two weeks or so. Tell your friends, we need beer money. Support this podcast:

  • 42 minutes 28 seconds
    The Road To Joe Bob's Jamboree | Ep 026 | Proud Meat

    What's up, Proud Meaters? In this episode, we're on the road again, going places that we've never been! Uncut recording of the three of us driving up to the Mahoning Drive-In in Lehighton, PA for the first ever Joe Bob Drive-In Jamboree! We went for Friday and Saturday. This is before arriving at the event, and is our speculatin and anticipatin of things to come. We also talk about movies or shows we watched recently, and things we see on the trip at random. As usual there are spoilers and unspoiled sections. It's bumpy, but someone's gotta do it.

    If you have questions or comments you want to hear on the show, email us or tweet the hashtag #HoldMyProudMeat
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    ★Discord Chat:

    31 July 2021, 2:19 pm
  • 1 hour 48 minutes
    Willie Nelson is a Parrot Cat | Ep 025 | Proud Meat

    What's up, Proud Meaters? In this episode, we're drinking Stone Fear Movie Lions, Greenbrier Valley Brewing 35 Parks. Long dive into The Wolf of Snow Hollow, highly recommend. Continued love of werewolves. Things are back in a big way, i.e. potatoes in Taco Bell. We discover Jerrad's intermittent accent. Fast food love songs. Britt rips on hookers. Jerrad's Tremors dreams are Tremors nightmares. Matt has a Leprechaun obsession. Also, how bonkers 1987 Scared Stiff is. Tales From The Darkside. Intruders. Alvin And The Chipmunks and Left Behind have a connection? We figure out what Paranormal Island is. Going Buckin, runny eggs, bad beans, witchcraft. Lumberjack poops. Short shorts. Human meat printer. Matt wants to eat and mount our ancestors. Sweet bionic limbs with a mind of their own. Faces of Death vs. cute puppies vs. Tucker Carlson-cam. Snake farm, snake orgy origin of nagas. Shoutout to our listener (@WVBrewed) Bill O for meatloaf, the Papa John update and Morgan Wallen solution, Ben Carson's pizza place. As usual there are spoilers and unspoiled sections. It's meaty, but someone's gotta do it.

    If you have questions or comments you want to hear on the show, email us or tweet the hashtag #HoldMyProudMeat
    Tell your friends, make us more beer money. Like what you hear? Rate, review, subscribe!

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    ★Discord Chat:

    26 July 2021, 2:16 am
  • 1 hour 29 minutes
    Not The Worst Thing I Put In My Mouth | Ep 024 | Proud Meat

    What's up, Proud Meaters? In this episode, we're talking fear of a shrinking penis disappearing up inside. Movie collector groups hassling Matt. Also, ladies with large tails, baseball bat proud meat. Giant Spider Invasion, Drinking Big Timber IPA and coffee. Bourbon and narcotic smuggling. 90 Minute Imperial beer. Types of spicy Italian pizza. Tomato soup cake. Kenyan hot sauce. Love of Vin Diesel XXX. We try Hot Tamale Peeps. The first Warlock movie. 1972 Tales From The Crypt. Being careful with wishes. More on The Howling movies. The Suckling. Demon Knight and our fun quoting it all the time. We have a discord now. Ernest movies. In depth The Dark And The Wicked talk. Gary Busey pet court. Bad horror movie titles. Good book titles as Britt reads a bunch of Chuck Tingle blurbs. Sneaking into festivals. As usual there are spoilers and unspoiled sections. It's tasteless, but someone's gotta do it.

    If you have questions or comments you want to hear on the show, email us or tweet the hashtag #HoldMyProudMeat
    Tell your friends, make us more beer money. Like what you hear? Rate, review, subscribe!

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    ★Discord Chat:

    13 April 2021, 1:13 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Chuggin' 2: Death on the Toilet Or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Thermonuclear Fart | Ep 023 | Proud Meat

    What's up, Proud Meaters? Yes the title's long, but so is the highlighted movie we go into. Jerrad pops off with a Weathered Ground brew. Britt surprises the crew with cool secret beers. (DuClaw Hop Tarts and Big Timber Staycation) Dogfish Head s'mores beer tasted fine. Britt's garbage palate finally gets something right. We dive into the Arrow release of the super stacked cast, almost three hour long, Cannes cut of the wonderful insanity that is Southland Tales. Proud Meat loves drugs. Eli Roth is like Elvis. Southland Tales is definitely Proud Meat Approved! Jerrad brings up the greatest film of all time again. Also, shoutout to the sweetest 'stache from My Bloody Valentine. Diving into the Howling movies, 2 & 3. Cobra has Stallone and a cult that waves hammers. Jerrad is making more masks. Planning to attend Riverside Drive-In's April Ghoul's Monster-rama & the Joe Bob produced 1st ever Drive-In Jamboree event at the Mahoning Drive-In. Episode is rounded out by How people nickname their escapades, and a crunchwrap sacrifice. Jerrad wants to do cards against humanity on Shoutout to Leonard's Grill for stocking cool beer. As usual there are spoilers and unspoiled sections. It's tart, but someone's gotta do it.

    If you have questions or comments you want to hear on the show, email us or tweet the hashtag #HoldMyProudMeat
    Tell your friends, make us more beer money. Like what you hear? Rate, review, subscribe!

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    12 March 2021, 12:48 am
  • 1 hour 58 minutes
    Rippin And Runnin Tour Of Italy | Ep 022 | Proud Meat

    What's up, Proud Meaters? In this episode, we're talking Italian chefs and stereotypes. Pizza pie and our state's history. A big old review of drinking Woodford Reserve Bourbon and energy powder super sludge. We finished up our Verotika torture saga and survived. Pawn shop haggling.  Bumps. Gourmet taco cooking with Jerrad. Sunday sauce. Also, Pumpkinhead, Dead or Alive, Arrow's history of Blair Witch book, Severin box sets. Virgens. Zoom in. Zoom out. Laser Blast. Camp movies. Intruder. Skinned Alive. The Violent Years. Paul Naschy is a vamperor. Rawhead Rex and Matt recovers a deep cut memory. Iced coffee malt beverage. Britt watches Frankenhooker. Cannibals in Dinosaur Valley is PM approved. We start reviewing weird snacks: Scorchin Pringles, Dorito Flamas. Morgan Waller being a horrible person. Lil Uzi Vert becomes a crystal gem. Britt botched her hand on a cheap bottle of wine. More bumps in the bumpy headlines. Epic West Virginia taco parties, fridge skiing. As usual there are spoilers and unspoiled sections. It's icy dicey, but someone's gotta do it.

    If you have questions or comments you want to hear on the show, email us or tweet the hashtag #HoldMyProudMeat
    Tell your friends, make us more beer money. Like what you hear? Rate, review, subscribe!

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    27 February 2021, 4:09 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Eehhnnh, There It Is! | Ep 021 | Proud Meat

    What's up, Proud Meaters? In this episode, we're drinking High Ground Brewing The Woodsman, & Sublimely Self Righteous Black IPA by Stone. We don't drink paint. Jerrad learns he can't be greedy with balls. Also, how he ruined his mom's favorite singer. A timeline of our hoppy beer consumption. Watching every Critters movie, yes even the space one. Magic the Gathering releases. Magicians, John Adams, The Night Stalker and Yorkshire Ripper docs, Manhunt, railing against serial killer groupies. The coins. Cancelled show disappointment. 90s High Fashion tips, shoutout to Jim. Britt finally watched Citizen Kane & Blood Simple. Alert! Please get Matt access to The Farmer movie. Green candy. The Curious Dr. Humpp & trying to make Jerrad watch the Bat P*.. As usual there are spoilers and unspoiled sections. It's long and girthy, but someone's gotta do it.

    If you have questions or comments you want to hear on the show, email us or tweet the hashtag #HoldMyProudMeat
    Tell your friends, make us more beer money. Like what you hear? Rate, review, subscribe!

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    5 February 2021, 9:50 pm
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    We're Missing A Massive Box | Ep 020 | Proud Meat

    What's up, Proud Meaters? In this episode, we celebrate the end of that awful year with very informal memoriam of country artists and our best-of selections in film releases! There is no box, it's a huge box that doesn't exist, Britt is seeing things. We're podcasting from the future. Jerrad watched Are We Not Cats, Evil. Matt watched the William Grefe collection, namely Sting of Death, Death Curse of Tartu, The Hooked Generation. Also His Dark Materials, Possessor (Best things ever, go watch) We talk about How Sweet Home is not in Alabama (Shoutout to Craig), Matt's long standing obsession with Filipino comic Trese. Duck Soup, Something Weird, Cheese Aliens, New Year's Evil, 3D glasses, excitement about April Ghoul's, lazer buttholes. As usual there are spoilers and unspoiled sections. It's sparkly and unsanitary, but someone's gotta do it.

    If you have questions or comments you want to hear on the show, email us or tweet the hashtag #HoldMyProudMeat
    Tell your friends, make us more beer money. Like what you hear? Rate, review, subscribe!

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    22 January 2021, 9:19 pm
  • 1 hour 27 minutes
    Bloodsucking Twinks & Fur Daddy's Butt Bonanza | Ep 019 | Proud Meat

    What's up, Proud Meaters? In this episode, we watch the second half of verotika, which it wasn't as bad. Also Cellar Dweller, and we talk about how great Mohawk is. We rave about movies like Alice Sweet Alice and Creep II as part of our list of #31NightsOfHorror. We're drinking Freefolk Brewery beers and, in honor of Nathan Apodaca, Britt's drinking the Cranberry juice. We talk about bands from the 70s, giant toads, teenage bounty hunters, how our old standby beers aren't the same anymore. Britt has the guys guess a band name from the Verotika soundtrack, at length. Shout out to the AGFA mixtapes showcasing GG Allin. Sorry in advance, our dog decided to be constant loud & cute. As usual there are spoilers and unspoiled sections.

    If you have questions or comments you want to hear on the show, email us or tweet the hashtag #HoldMyProudMeat
    Tell your friends, make us more beer money. Like what you hear? Rate, review, subscribe!

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    24 October 2020, 7:12 am
  • 1 hour 36 minutes
    Hosted Hosts From Hosts | Ep 018 | Proud Meat

    What's up, Proud Meaters? In this bouncing off of alien satellites from the future special, aka Your Ass Is Going Continental, we get to share our big giant interview-a-rama with some of the cast and crew from the new movie Hosts co-hosting about Hosts with our hosts. (Odin's Light, Dark Fable Media) 

    Creators Adam Leader and Richard Oakes join actors Nadia Lamin (Lauren), Samantha Loxley (Lucy), and Neal Ward (Jack) in a round table without the table. We share what we're drinking, they give us some insight into the movie, including behind the scenes antics. We talk about cloning with teeth, ass mugs, how to cover a crime scene. We snuggle our dog, fun was had by all. Also included first is our not so glowing review of sorts for Glenn Danzig's Verotika. Jerrad checks out Netflix's Evil series and we talk about shows we binged really fast but never finished. Matt laughs his head off, a train goes by. You're welcome. Hey Dark Sky Films, we demand release of Hosts on Blu Ray or we're going have our Proud Meaters riot, and you don't want that, it gets sticky.

    Go watch Hosts, available now for streaming in the US and Canada, physical media November 11th. Their merch:
    Note, as usual there are spoilers and unspoiled sections. 

    If you have questions or comments you want to hear on the show, email us or tweet the hashtag #HoldMyProudMeat
    Tell your friends, make us more beer money. Like what you hear? Rate, review, subscribe!

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    4 October 2020, 9:50 am
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    All Possessed Up With Nowhere To Go | Ep 017 | Proud Meat

    What's up, Proud Meaters? In this extra meaty freight train hobo camp special, the Proud Meat team dive into new movies from Dark Sky Films: Hosts (2020, Adam Leader, Richard Oakes; Odin's Light, Dark Fable Media; Available to stream Oct. 2nd) and The Honeymoon Phase (2019, Phillip G. Carroll Jr.; Aspire Motion Pictures; Available Sept. 29th). We are declaring Hosts is a Proud Meat Approved flick for its absolute insane brutality and nonstop wtf’s. Honeymoon Phase is also a very great mind scramble, we recommend it if you enjoy psychological sci-fi craziness, we think the Carroll’s did super work creating this one. We reminisce about missing the Short Story Brewing hushpuppies. We try beers that Matt and Britt got on their WV adventure vacation: Freefolk Brewery’s Moondog, and Bad Shepherd’s Maiz de Apalaches. We discuss the wondrous Invasion of the Space Preachers that they bought while freaking out the squares at Tamarack. Also Spiral, Final Exam, Terror Train, and our love of Mike Flanagan. It’s sloshy, but someone’s gotta do it, you’re welcome. Note, as usual there are spoilers and unspoiled sections. Go to for more info and thoughts on the films.

    If you have questions or comments you want to hear on the show, email us or tweet the hashtag #HoldMyProudMeat

    Tell your friends, make us more beer money. Like what you hear? Rate, review, subscribe!

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    29 September 2020, 8:52 pm
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    One Hell Of A Fall Break | Ep 016 | Proud Meat

    What's up, Proud Meaters? This episode, we sample a large assortment of beer and Evan Williams 100 proof bottled in bond. We need it because we're going on a fall break! Way back on July 4th we marathon-ed slasher movies with echoes of fireworks and freedom in the background. In depth talk of Sleepaway camp II & III having the nicest breasts in horror, including those ones tattooed "milk shake"

    We also watched Mutilator or "Fall Break" and it's awesome and you're welcome. Plus, what Matt always wanted to do. Britt's fear of trains. Golden age slashers. Discovery phase. Christine, Slaughterhouse, Pledge Night, Motel Hell, Rocky Horror, horrible flicks Gnome Alone and Pay the Ghost.
    And Waylon "The Dog" Jennings is now our mascot (loves lickin' titties and drinkin' booze) 

    "Dawi 2: Electric Boogaloo" shoutout. Gross warning: around an hour in. For real, turn back now, Britt had a hard time editing this one. Also a story of the night. Which presidents like a dirty meal. A lady eats a lot of mayo and this brings up cake farts. It's chewy, but someone's gotta do it...

    (*Note correction: And we should know this, Joey Belladonna is Young Sid in Pledge Night and he's Anthrax's lead singer, not drummer)

    If you have questions or comments you want to hear on the show, tweet us using the hashtag #HoldMyProudMeat
    Tell your friends, make us more beer money. - You like what you hear rate, review, subscribe!

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    18 September 2020, 4:49 pm
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