Ownit! Powercast

Mary Baker

The Own It! Powercast is all about personal growth. It’s about taking time to learn, grow and change, with You in the driver’s seat. Life coach, counselor and teacher Mary Baker will walk you through the necessary ingredients to have great self-confidence, live with purpose and on purpose, and finally start to love your life. This is a show about taking charge of your personal growth, and about taking your fear and turning it into powerful choices that will create sustained changes. Finally understand what’s been in your way all along, and the tools you need to get to where you want to be. So if you’re serious about transforming your relationships with yourself and others, then this is the podcast for you!

  • 30 minutes 57 seconds
    EP251 Finding Safe Relationships Recognizing the Telltale Signs of Healthy Boundaries

    Welcome to episode 251 where we look for the safe people – and how to recognize them!

    In this episode we explore the essential role of healthy boundaries and self-awareness in fostering trust and safety within relationships. We discuss how individuals with healthy boundaries maintain a sense of separateness while still fostering connection, emphasizing the importance of understanding these traits for building fulfilling and supportive relationships. Through clear communication, respect for autonomy, and emotional regulation, the safe people can strike a balance between independence and connection, creating an environment of mutual trust, respect, and emotional safety.

    Key Takeaways:

    1.    Clear Communication: Healthy boundaries are established through open and assertive communication. Individuals should feel empowered to express their needs, preferences, and limits in order to foster mutual understanding and respect within relationships.

    2.    Respect for Autonomy: It's essential to respect the autonomy and independence of both oneself and others. Recognizing that each person is responsible for their own thoughts, feelings, and actions helps maintain a healthy balance between individuality and connection.

    3.    Emotional Regulation: Mastering emotional regulation is key to maintaining a sense of separateness while fostering connection. Individuals with healthy boundaries can manage their emotions independently, without relying on others to meet their emotional needs, thereby fostering a sense of emotional independence within relationships.



    If you want to find a safe person,

    make sure they communicate openly,

    with good boundaries…

    and can let you be who

    and where you are.


    Get your FREE Boundaries Ebook here!

    If you're ready to find your voice, set healthy boundaries, and create more fulfilling relationships, this guide is your roadmap!


    Need more?  Check out the Masterclass on Reclaiming Your Voice:





    Hey! My signature course is live!  I am so excited to also offer a free upgrade to the group coaching program.  Be sure to click here to check it out:



    Need coaching? Just contact me here to set up a free consult! [email protected]



    Join the private Facebook group! It’s a great group of people working on themselves…and supporting each other.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1212485642262143



    Make sure you sign up for the bonus downloads at www.ownitpowercast.com.  Tribe members will receive them in their email each week.

    Thank you for tuning in to this podcast. Please remember to leave a positive review on your podcast platform and let us know how this episode has been helpful. Also don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify so you don’t miss a thing!

    23 April 2024, 2:43 am
  • 29 minutes 35 seconds
    EP250 Navigating Toxic Terrain Understanding the Eggshell Creators

    Welcome to episode 250 where we look at the behaviors that put “eggshells on the floor” in our relationships.


    In this episode, we talk about the intricate dynamics of relationships impacted by "eggshell creators" – individuals whose behaviors consistently force others to tiptoe around them to avoid conflict or upset. We explore the various manifestations of such behavior, where it comes from, and how these patterns can erode trust and emotional well-being in relationships. By shedding light on the role of these "troublemakers," we can gain insight into recognizing and navigating toxic dynamics, empowering them to establish boundaries and cultivate healthier connections.


    Key Takeaways:


    Recognize the Signs: Pay attention to patterns of behavior in your relationships, such as feeling anxious or constantly on edge around certain individuals. Recognizing the signs of "eggshell creators" can empower you to address toxic dynamics and prioritize your emotional well-being.

    Establish Boundaries: Set clear boundaries to protect yourself from the emotional toll of walking on eggshells. Asserting your needs and limits in relationships is crucial for maintaining your autonomy and fostering healthier interactions.

    Seek Support: Don't hesitate to seek support from trusted friends, family members, or professionals if you find yourself navigating challenging dynamics with "eggshell creators." Building a support network can provide validation, perspective, and guidance as you work towards creating healthier relationships.



    Walking on eggshells isn't

     just about avoiding conflict;

     it's about sacrificing your own

    emotional authenticity

     to maintain a fragile

     sense of stability.


    Get your FREE Boundaries Ebook here!

    If you're ready to find your voice, set healthy boundaries, and create more fulfilling relationships, this guide is your roadmap!


    Need more?  Check out the Masterclass on Reclaiming Your Voice:





    Hey! My signature course is live!  I am so excited to also offer a free upgrade to the group coaching program.  Be sure to click here to check it out:



    Need coaching? Just contact me here to set up a free consult! [email protected]



    Join the private Facebook group! It’s a great group of people working on themselves…and supporting each other.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1212485642262143



    Make sure you sign up for the bonus downloads at www.ownitpowercast.com.  Tribe members will receive them in their email each week.

    Thank you for tuning in to this podcast. Please remember to leave a positive review on your podcast platform and let us know how this episode has been helpful. Also don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify so you don’t miss a thing!

    16 April 2024, 2:29 am
  • 32 minutes 3 seconds
    EP249 Navigating Emotional Minefields How Childhood Experiences Shape Fear in Relationships

    Welcome to episode 249 where we look at how interactions in childhood can create fear in our adult relationships.

    In this episode, we delve into the intricate ways childhood emotional survival strategies shape our adult relationships. From observing parental behavior to adapting to avoid conflict, these learned behaviors often lead us to walk on eggshells in our interactions. The "eggshells on the floor" phenomenon reflects the cautious, tiptoeing approach we adopt to prevent discomfort or conflict, often at the expense of authentic communication. Additionally, we explore how rescuing behaviors further enable avoidance, hindering genuine growth and understanding in relationships.


    As we examine these patterns, a recurring theme emerges: the importance of allowing ourselves and others to "sit in the uncomfortable." This involves stating the truth, setting boundaries, and relinquishing the need to rescue. By embracing discomfort, we create space for authentic conversations, fostering trust, respect, and genuine connection.


    Key Takeaways:

    Recognizing Childhood Influences: Childhood experiences deeply shape our relationship dynamics, leading to subconscious behaviors like walking on eggshells. Understanding these early patterns is crucial for breaking free from old cycles.


    Letting Go of Rescuing Behaviors: Rescuing someone in conversations, though well-intentioned, often hinders honest communication. Letting them "sit in the uncomfortable" while stating the truth and maintaining boundaries empowers both parties to engage authentically.


    Embracing Discomfort for Growth: Discomfort in conversations is an opportunity for growth and understanding. By challenging the urge to rescue and allowing space for vulnerability, we pave the way for deeper connections and resilient relationships.



    To find the real issues, just work

    backward from the conflict,

    finding the 'eggshells'—those places of fear,

    avoidance, and unresolved things.

    That’ll show you exactly what happened.



    Get your FREE Boundaries Ebook here!

    If you're ready to find your voice, set healthy boundaries, and create more fulfilling relationships, this guide is your roadmap!


    Need more?  Check out the Masterclass on Reclaiming Your Voice:





    Hey! My signature course is live!  I am so excited to also offer a free upgrade to the group coaching program.  Be sure to click here to check it out:



    Need coaching? Just contact me here to set up a free consult! [email protected]



    Join the private Facebook group! It’s a great group of people working on themselves…and supporting each other.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1212485642262143



    Make sure you sign up for the bonus downloads at www.ownitpowercast.com.  Tribe members will receive them in their email each week.

    Thank you for tuning in to this podcast. Please remember to leave a positive review on your podcast platform and let us know how this episode has been helpful. Also don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify so you don’t miss a thing!

    9 April 2024, 1:52 am
  • 28 minutes 19 seconds
    EP248 Flight or Fight How Childhood Coping Influences Adult Boundaries


    Welcome to episode 248 where we explore how our brains impact our ability to set boundaries in the moment.

    In this episode, we explore the impact of childhood coping mechanisms—fight, flight, freeze, and fawn—on adult boundary-setting behaviors. The limbic system, our emotional brain, often guides our immediate reactions in boundary-setting situations, stemming from survival strategies developed in childhood. These automatic responses can lead to patterns of behavior that might not always align with our best interests as adults.


    However, by understanding these childhood coping mechanisms, we can begin to navigate boundary-setting with greater awareness and intentionality. Engaging our prefrontal cortex—the thinking brain—allows us to pause, reflect, and make conscious decisions about our boundaries. Through reflection, self-compassion, and aligning boundaries with our values, we can move away from automatic survival strategies and toward healthier, more assertive ways of setting boundaries.


    Key Takeaways:

    Pause and Reflect: When faced with a boundary-setting situation, take a moment to pause and breathe. This allows you to disengage from automatic reactions and engage your thinking brain for more intentional responses.

     Align with Values: Consider your values and well-being when setting boundaries. Aligning your boundaries with what matters most to you gives you clarity and purpose in your decisions.

     Practice Self-Compassion: Setting boundaries can be challenging, especially when breaking old patterns. Remember to be gentle with yourself and acknowledge that growth takes time. Self-compassion encourages learning and growth in your boundary-setting journey.



    When you react with fear,

    you're handing over power to others.

    It's time to take back control

     and finally own your strength.


    Get your FREE Boundaries Ebook here!

    If you're ready to find your voice, set healthy boundaries, and create more fulfilling relationships, this guide is your roadmap!


    Need more?  Check out the Masterclass on Reclaiming Your Voice:





    Hey! My signature course is live!  I am so excited to also offer a free upgrade to the group coaching program.  Be sure to click here to check it out:



    Need coaching? Just contact me here to set up a free consult! [email protected]



    Join the private Facebook group! It’s a great group of people working on themselves…and supporting each other.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1212485642262143



    Make sure you sign up for the bonus downloads at www.ownitpowercast.com.  Tribe members will receive them in their email each week.

    Thank you for tuning in to this podcast. Please remember to leave a positive review on your podcast platform and let us know how this episode has been helpful. Also don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify so you don’t miss a thing!

    2 April 2024, 2:56 am
  • 29 minutes 35 seconds
    EP247 Embracing Vulnerability and Intimacy Through Boundaries

    Welcome to episode 247 where we explore how boundaries in relationships make it safe to be open and connecting.

    In this episode, we describe the delicate balance of vulnerability within boundaries. We explore how sharing our vulnerabilities can deepen connections, but also discuss the importance of discerning when it's safe to do so. By setting clear boundaries, we create a safe space where authentic communication and emotional intimacy can flourish. We emphasize the significance of starting small, being clear about our needs, and observing the responses of others to determine if they are emotionally healthy enough to trust with our vulnerabilities.

    By understanding the role of boundaries in vulnerability, we empower ourselves to cultivate meaningful connections built on trust, empathy, and mutual respect. Remember, vulnerability is a strength, and when shared within healthy boundaries, it can lead to meaningful relationships that help us grow and enrich our life.





    Start Small and Gauge Responses: Begin by sharing small vulnerabilities to test the waters and observe how the other person responds. This allows you to assess their empathy and understanding before diving deeper.

    Communicate Boundaries Clearly: Before sharing vulnerable information, be clear about your boundaries and needs. This sets the stage for respectful and balanced interactions.

    Trust Your Instincts: Pay attention to red flags and trust your instincts. If something feels off or uncomfortable, it's okay to hold back and reassess the relationship.



    Vulnerability is the cornerstone

    of trust in relationships.

    When we reveal our truth

    to another person,

     we are essentially saying,

    "I trust you with

    my innermost self."



    Get your FREE Boundaries Ebook here!

    If you're ready to find your voice, set healthy boundaries, and create more fulfilling relationships, this guide is your roadmap!



    Hey! My signature course is live!  I am so excited to also offer a free upgrade to the group coaching program.  Be sure to click here to check it out:



    Need coaching? Just contact me here to set up a free consult! [email protected]



    Join the private Facebook group! It’s a great group of people working on themselves…and supporting each other.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1212485642262143



    Make sure you sign up for the bonus downloads at www.ownitpowercast.com.  Tribe members will receive them in their email each week.

    Thank you for tuning in to this podcast. Please remember to leave a positive review on your podcast platform and let us know how this episode has been helpful. Also don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify so you don’t miss a thing!



    26 March 2024, 2:48 am
  • 31 minutes 9 seconds
    EP245: The Path to Healthy Boundaries: Understanding Detachment and Grieving

    Welcome to episode 245 where we get into the magic of detachment that allows us to have boundaries, and to grieve instead of trying to control.

    In this episode, we delve into the transformative journey of setting boundaries through the lens of detachment and grieving. We explore how detaching from others' emotions, behaviors, and choices is not about indifference, but rather creating the emotional space necessary for healthy boundaries to flourish. By honoring the process of grieving losses associated with setting boundaries, such as the end of familiar dynamics or relationships, we pave the way for deeper self-awareness and growth.


    We discuss practical strategies for practicing detachment, including mindfulness, setting emotional boundaries, and letting go of the need to control outcomes. Navigating the grieving process involves allowing ourselves to feel the range of emotions that come with change, expressing ourselves creatively, and seeking support when needed.


    Key Takeaways:


    Create Emotional Space: Detachment allows for the creation of emotional space, providing clarity to recognize when boundaries are being crossed and respond from a place of strength.


    Honor the Grieving Process: Acknowledge and honor the feelings of loss and change that come with setting boundaries. This process is essential for healing and moving forward.


    Practice Self-Compassion: Throughout the journey of setting boundaries, remember to be gentle with yourself. Self-compassion allows for growth, resilience, and the ability to navigate relationships with authenticity.


    Detachment is about creating space

    between ourselves and the

    swirling whirlpool of other people's stuff.

    Their drama, their opinions,

    their actions—they're not ours to carry.


    Get your FREE Boundaries Ebook here!

    If you're ready to find your voice, set healthy boundaries, and create more fulfilling relationships, this guide is your roadmap!



    Hey! My signature course is live!  I am so excited to also offer a free upgrade to the group coaching program.  Be sure to click here to check it out:



    Need coaching? Just contact me here to set up a free consult! [email protected]



    Join the private Facebook group! It’s a great group of people working on themselves…and supporting each other.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1212485642262143



    Make sure you sign up for the bonus downloads at www.ownitpowercast.com.  Tribe members will receive them in their email each week.

    Thank you for tuning in to this podcast. Please remember to leave a positive review on your podcast platform and let us know how this episode has been helpful. Also don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify so you don’t miss a thing!


    19 March 2024, 10:25 pm
  • 34 minutes 47 seconds
    EP246 Brave Boundaries: Tools for Managing Fear in Assertiveness


    Welcome to episode 246 where we focus on the fears that can keep us from setting healthy limits.

    In this episode, we dive into the journey – and often a bumpy ride - of navigating discomfort and fear when setting boundaries. We explore the common fears that arise, such as fear of rejection, conflict, or disapproval, and how these fears can be deeply rooted in past experiences. From enmeshed family dynamics to conditional love, our upbringing plays a significant role in shaping our relationship with boundaries.

    However, setting boundaries is not about erasing these fears, but rather about developing practical strategies to manage and overcome them. We discuss actionable steps to empower you in asserting your needs and desires authentically. From reframing fear as a sign of growth to practicing self-compassion, this episode offers valuable insights to navigate the sometimes challenging waters of boundary setting.


    Key Takeaways:


    Reframe Fear as Growth: Understand that discomfort and fear when setting boundaries are often signs of growth. Instead of seeing them as obstacles, view them as opportunities for personal development and empowerment.

    Practice Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself throughout the process. Setting boundaries can be challenging, and it's okay to feel uncomfortable. Offer yourself kindness and understanding as you navigate this journey.

    Develop Practical Strategies: Equip yourself with practical tools to manage discomfort and fear. This includes techniques such as visualization, scripting conversations, setting small boundaries first, and seeking support from trusted friends or professionals.



    Setting the boundary is just the beginning…

    The real challenge lies in maintaining it.

     Stay true to your boundaries,

    even when it's tough.

    Your consistency speaks volumes.



    Get your FREE Boundaries Ebook here!

    If you're ready to find your voice, set healthy boundaries, and create more fulfilling relationships, this guide is your roadmap!



    Hey! My signature course is live!  I am so excited to also offer a free upgrade to the group coaching program.  Be sure to click here to check it out:



    Need coaching? Just contact me here to set up a free consult! [email protected]



    Join the private Facebook group! It’s a great group of people working on themselves…and supporting each other.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1212485642262143



    Thank you for tuning in to this podcast. Please remember to leave a positive review on your podcast platform and let us know how this episode has been helpful. Also don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify so you don’t miss a thing!

    19 March 2024, 2:15 am
  • 28 minutes 34 seconds
    EP244 Boundaries Mean Freedom: Confronting Our Fear of Letting Go

    Welcome to episode 244 where we talk about how boundaries and control are two very different things, even if they are often confused.

    In this episode, we talk about the power of boundaries and the misconceptions that often cloak them as tools of control. We explore how boundaries are not about dictating others' actions but about taking responsibility for our own well-being, choices, and values. By setting boundaries, we create a space of empowerment, allowing us to define how we want to be treated and what aligns with our true selves. We discuss the dangers of reactive boundaries that focus on changing others, highlighting the importance of shifting the focus back to ourselves and our needs. Through examples and discussions, we uncover the true essence of boundaries as allies in self-discovery, self-respect, and healthy relationships.


    Three Key Takeaways:


    Boundaries Empower Self-Responsibility: Setting boundaries is an act of self-respect and empowerment. It means recognizing our needs, values, and limits, and communicating them clearly to others. Boundaries empower us to take ownership of our choices and responses in various situations.


    Reactive Boundaries and Control: Reactive boundaries, when aimed at changing or manipulating others, can easily slip into controlling behaviors. It's crucial to shift the focus back to ourselves, ensuring that our boundaries are centered on our well-being and values rather than trying to control external circumstances.


    Healthy Boundaries Foster Authentic Connections: When we set and uphold healthy boundaries, we create space for genuine, respectful, and fulfilling relationships. Boundaries serve as the framework for open communication, mutual understanding, and the freedom to be our authentic selves in our interactions with others.


    Boundaries aren't about control;

    they're about letting go of what

    will happen when we say no.

    To honor our truth regardless.



    Get your FREE Boundaries Ebook here!

    If you're ready to find your voice, set healthy boundaries, and create more fulfilling relationships, this guide is your roadmap!



    Hey! My signature course is live!  I am so excited to also offer a free upgrade to the group coaching program.  Be sure to click here to check it out:



    Need coaching? Just contact me here to set up a free consult! [email protected]



    Join the private Facebook group! It’s a great group of people working on themselves…and supporting each other.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1212485642262143



    Make sure you sign up for the bonus downloads at www.ownitpowercast.com.  Tribe members will receive them in their email each week.

    Thank you for tuning in to this podcast. Please remember to leave a positive review on your podcast platform and let us know how this episode has been helpful. Also don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify so you don’t miss a thing!

    5 March 2024, 3:12 am
  • 24 minutes 47 seconds
    EP243 Fear’s Grip: Escaping the Chains of Doubt

    Welcome to episode 243 where we look at ways fear can rob us of having the life we deserve.

    In this episode, we confront the insidious nature of fear, which often masquerades as a protector while robbing us of our dreams and aspirations. Fear whispers lies of inadequacy and failure, creating barriers that keep us small and confined within our comfort zones. We explore the personal costs of living under fear's shadow, from missed opportunities to the toll on our mental and emotional well-being. Through stories and insights, we uncover the courage to break free from fear's grip, embracing a life guided by passion, values, and aspirations.


    Key Takeaways:


    Recognize Fear's Disguise:

    Fear often presents itself as a protective force, but it's essential to recognize when it's holding us back. By identifying the subtle ways fear manifests—such as self-doubt, hesitation, or avoidance—we can begin to challenge its grip on our lives.


    Break Free Through Action:

    Taking small, consistent steps outside our comfort zones is key to breaking free from fear. Whether it's pursuing a passion project, learning a new skill, or seeking out growth opportunities, action helps build confidence and resilience.


    Live Authentically and Courageously:

    Embracing a life guided by passion, values, and aspirations requires courage. It means daring to envision the life we truly desire, challenging limiting beliefs, and surrounding ourselves with supportive communities. By cultivating mindfulness, self-compassion, and a growth mindset, we empower ourselves to step boldly into the unknown and create a life rich with meaning and fulfillment.


    The longer

    you listen to your fear,

    the smaller your life

    will become.



    Get your FREE Boundaries Ebook here!

    If you're ready to find your voice, set healthy boundaries, and create more fulfilling relationships, this guide is your roadmap!


     Hey! My signature course is live!  I am so excited to also offer a free upgrade to the group coaching program.  Be sure to click here to check it out:



    Need coaching? Just contact me here to set up a free consult! [email protected]



    Join the private Facebook group! It’s a great group of people working on themselves…and supporting each other.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1212485642262143



    Make sure you sign up for the bonus downloads at www.ownitpowercast.com.  Tribe members will receive them in their email each week.

    Thank you for tuning in to this podcast. Please remember to leave a positive review on your podcast platform and let us know how this episode has been helpful. Also don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify so you don’t miss a thing!

    27 February 2024, 2:11 am
  • 28 minutes 21 seconds
    EP242: Trusting Your Inner Compass


    Welcome to episode 242 where we talk about how to tap into your inner wisdom when you need it most.

    In this episode, we talk about anxiety and how it's not always a bad thing. Sometimes, it's like our inner GPS, trying to tell us something important. When we feel anxious, it could mean there's a conflict between what we think we should do and what our gut feeling is telling us.  Our higher self knows what's up, even when our rational mind is trying to convince us otherwise. So, instead of seeing anxiety as a problem, we can view it as a guide, nudging us towards what's best for us. We then discuss how to practice truly stopping and listening to ourselves and processing our genuine feelings with safe people.


    Key Takeaways:

    Listen to Your Gut: Pay attention to how you're feeling, even if it's uncomfortable. Your intuition often knows what's right for you.

    Slow Down and Reflect: Take time to pause, breathe, and check in with yourself. Creating space for introspection can help you decipher your emotions and gain clarity.

    Trust Yourself: Honor the messages your emotions are trying to convey, and trust that you have the wisdom within you to navigate life's challenges.




    Trust yourself.

    Honor the messages your

    emotions are trying to convey,

    even if they don't make logical sense at first.

    Your intuition is a powerful guide,

     leading you towards what's best

    for your well-being.


    Hey! My signature course is live!  I am so excited to also offer a free upgrade to the group coaching program.  Be sure to click here to check it out:



    Need coaching? Just contact me here to set up a free consult! [email protected]



    Join the private Facebook group! It’s a great group of people working on themselves…and supporting each other.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1212485642262143



    Make sure you sign up for the bonus downloads at www.ownitpowercast.com.  Tribe members will receive them in their email each week.

    Thank you for tuning in to this podcast. Please remember to leave a positive review on your podcast platform and let us know how this episode has been helpful. Also don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify so you don’t miss a thing!
















    20 February 2024, 3:38 am
  • 29 minutes 30 seconds
    EP241 Who Made the Moment Unsafe for You?

    Welcome to episode 241 where we look at the longstanding impacts unhealthy behavior has on our emotional safety.

    In this episode, we explore the profound impact of acknowledging and addressing unsafe moments in our lives. We look at the multifaceted nature of these moments, especially the emotional, physical, and psychological harm, and discussed the importance of validating these experiences to promote healing and empowerment. Moreover, we emphasize the significance of setting boundaries and advocating for ourselves in future interactions as crucial steps towards reclaiming personal agency, creating healthy relationships, and nurturing self-respect.


    Key Takeaways:

    Validation and Acknowledgment: Acknowledging and validating experiences of unsafe moments is essential for promoting healing, empowerment, and resilience. By affirming the reality and legitimacy of these experiences, individuals can begin to process and navigate their emotions in a supportive and validating environment.

    Setting Boundaries: Setting boundaries and advocating for ourselves in future interactions is crucial for protecting our well-being, maintaining healthy relationships, and fostering self-respect. Clear communication about personal boundaries fosters mutual understanding, trust, and respect, leading to stronger and more harmonious connections.

    Embracing Healthier: Focusing on bringing our “in the moment” wounding to safe people who are the only ones who can help us heal and have a very different, vulnerable yet safe experience to heal what we didn’t get before.



    The Moment


    Where we need to feel safe and secure…

    to deal with conflict effectively, to negotiate needs,

    to be heard, to connect. 

    Everything happens in that moment.

     It’s Everything.


    Hey! My signature course is live!  I am so excited to also offer a free upgrade to the group coaching program.  Be sure to click here to check it out:



    Need coaching? Just contact me here to set up a free consult! [email protected]



    Join the private Facebook group! It’s a great group of people working on themselves…and supporting each other.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1212485642262143



    Make sure you sign up for the bonus downloads at www.ownitpowercast.com.  Tribe members will receive them in their email each week.

    Thank you for tuning in to this podcast. Please remember to leave a positive review on your podcast platform and let us know how this episode has been helpful. Also don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify so you don’t miss a thing!



    13 February 2024, 3:59 am
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