Captive Thoughts

EJ Fink and Caleb Stewart

Captive Thoughts is about theology understood and lived, both for the lay person and the person in the academic discipline of theology. There's no script. Each week EJ and Caleb will discuss a new theological "thought" engaging with controversial perspectives.

  • 31 minutes 9 seconds
    Episode 10 The 36 Questions
    Welcome back to Captive Thoughts! In this episode EJ and Caleb take a lighter note and try to fall in love. Taking in the 36 questions, at least some of them. Tune in and get to know more about EJ and Caleb!
    12 August 2019, 6:01 am
  • 31 minutes 19 seconds
    Episode 9 Love versus Like
    Welcome back to Captive Thoughts! This week EJ and Caleb take things a little slower and talk about Love versus like and how the two are often confused in Christian faith regarding our love for God. Listen in and let us know what you think!
    5 August 2019, 11:10 pm
  • 33 minutes 12 seconds
    Episode 8 Culturally Reforming the Church
    Welcome back to Captive Thoughts! This week EJ and Caleb talk about Culturally Reforming the Church. The church is always reforming, but there are some movements trying to form it into something entirely different than historical christianity. Tune in to this controversial but important conversation!
    29 July 2019, 11:14 pm
  • 31 minutes 5 seconds
    Episode 7 "And" not "Either/ Or"
    Welcome back to Captive Thoughts! This week EJ and Caleb have a more serious talk on some of the struggles they had while getting their bachelor’s degrees in theology. They discuss seeing the Bible as more than an academic resource, and talk about the age old argument of logical priority of choice, taking them deeper into the "and's" of the Christian faith over the cultures need for an "either/or."
    15 July 2019, 7:33 am
  • 30 minutes 35 seconds
    Episode 6 - Icy Blast
    Welcome back to Captive Thoughts! This week EJ and Caleb jump into talking about worship, both music and the sermon. We take a look at funny song lyrics, and how the modern church scene calls us to be like people in the Bible we aren't meant to emulate. #TedTalkSermons
    9 July 2019, 4:16 am
  • 31 minutes 11 seconds
    Episode 5 - Theology of Health
    Welcome back to Captive Thoughts! In this episode EJ and Caleb set out to talk about how modern day Christians don't call people out when they preach a false gospel. This leads them to discuss in detail the prevalent theology of health in our modern American culture.
    1 July 2019, 4:00 pm
  • 32 minutes 7 seconds
    Episode 4 - Paradox and Tension
    It's finally here! We had a "thought," and decided to expound further on tension and paradox. We live in an "either/or" world but serve a God of the "and." Fully God and fully man, God is sovereign and mankind has free will, Father and Son and Holy Spirit Three in One. What happens when people try and "clean" up these tensions? Tune in and let us know your thoughts!
    24 June 2019, 6:00 am
  • 30 minutes 42 seconds
    Episode 3 - Apostles Creed Conclusion
    Welcome back to the show that should've been named "The Apostles Creed Talk." In this episode of Captive Thoughts EJ and Caleb wrap up the Apostles Creed looking at the final dogmas contained within. #CreedsorDie
    17 June 2019, 6:00 am
  • 30 minutes 10 seconds
    Episode 2 - Apostles Creed Continued
    Welcome back to Captive Thoughts! In episode 2 EJ and Caleb jump back into the Apostles Creed and discuss some doctrines people try to "clean up" that lead to Faulty Theology. #CreedsorDie
    10 June 2019, 6:00 am
  • 30 minutes 10 seconds
    Episode 1 - Faulty Theology
    Welcome to Captive Thoughts! In Episode 1 EJ and Caleb talk about Faulty Theology and take a look at the first part of the Apostles Creed #CreedsorDie
    3 June 2019, 2:48 pm
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