

SlowCZECH - learn Czech with slowly spoken audio

  • (293***) Daniela: Venčím psa

    Hey there, it’s Daniela. As a SlowCzech instructor, I’m thrilled to invite you to dive into a topic close to many Czech hearts – dogs!

    In this podcast episode “Venčím psa” (Walking the Dog), we’ll explore essential vocabulary and phrases for discussing man’s best friend in Czech. Whether you’re a proud dog owner or simply love canine companionship, this episode is for you.

    Join me as I share insights into my own furry friend, Rony. From his breed and appearance to our daily walks and favorite activities, we’ll paint a vivid picture of life with a four-legged companion. Ready to unleash your inner dog enthusiast? 

    Ahoj, tady Daniela. Jsem lektorka slowczech individuálních a taky skupinových kurzů. Mrkni na web, jestli chceš mluvit o hodně líp než dnes. A hlavně mluvit normálně jako Čech, ne jako učebnice. Češi milují psy a pokud máš taky psa, je to skvělé téma k hovoru. V podcastu se dozvíš důležitá slova pro takový rozhovor. Povím o tom, jaký je můj pes, jak ho venčím a kam chodíme na procházku.  Jdeme na to.

    Would you like to follow along with the entire transcript? Gain access to the complete transcript in the slowczech Lab! But that’s not all – as a Lab member, you’ll also enjoy exclusive access to premium content, engaging interactive lessons, and a vibrant community of Czech learners and tutors. Simply head over to and sign up. Uvidíme se v Labu!


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    The post (293***) Daniela: Venčím psa appeared first on slowczech.

    19 April 2024, 9:00 am
  • 6 minutes 38 seconds
    (292*) Monča: Česko v číslech (zajímavá čísla z ČR)

    Hey there! Do you know how many people are in Czechia? Or how many liters of beer each Czech drinks per year? Would you like to know? Check our newest podcast!

    Ahoj, já jsem Monča, jsem lektorka a taky dělám videa a podcasty. A mám ráda čísla. Nemám ráda matematiku, ale statistiku, je to pro mě moc zajímavý. Česko je docela malá země – víš kolik tady bydlí lidí? Jaká je populace v Česku? Je to skoro 11 milionů. Určitě víš, že hlavní město je Praha – víš kolik lidi bydlí v Praze?

    Would you like to follow along with the entire transcript? Gain access to the complete transcript in the slowczech Lab! But that’s not all – as a Lab member, you’ll also enjoy exclusive access to premium content, engaging interactive lessons, and a vibrant community of Czech learners and tutors. Simply head over to and sign up. Uvidíme se v Labu!

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    The post (292*) Monča: Česko v číslech (zajímavá čísla z ČR) appeared first on slowczech.

    9 April 2024, 8:32 pm
  • (291**) Monča: Future jet, jít, letět in story + bonus phrases

    Join Matt on a journey to the Canary Islands! As you follow Matěj’s adventures, you’ll also have the chance to learn the future tense of “going” in Czech! Immerse yourself in the language while enjoying the journey.

    “Ahoj, já jsem Monča, jsem lektorka a taky dělám videa a podcasty. A dneska jsem se inspirovala u studenta Matta. Česky Matt je Matěj a on plánuje dovolenou – bude mít. Takže používám budoucí čas – futurum. Tak jdeme na příběh.

    Matěj zítra ráno pojede na dovolenou. Hmm, má štěstí, to bude super! Poletí na Kanáry, poletí na kanárské ostrovy. Bude vstávat brzo, bude vstávat v 5 hodin. Možná bude trochu mimo, trochu unavený, protože to je fakt brzo. V 6:30 pojede taxíkem na letiště a tam bude čekat asi hodinu nebo hodinu a půl…”

    Would you like to follow along with the entire transcript? Gain access to the complete transcript in the slowczech Lab! But that’s not all – as a Lab member, you’ll also enjoy exclusive access to premium content, engaging interactive lessons, and a vibrant community of Czech learners and tutors. Simply head over to and sign up. Uvidíme se v Labu!

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    The post (291**) Monča: Future jet, jít, letět in story + bonus phrases appeared first on slowczech.

    25 March 2024, 1:13 pm
  • 9 minutes 28 seconds
    (290**) Daniela: Autonehoda v Česku, co dělat?

     Curious about what to do in a car accident in the Czech Republic? 🤔🚓 Tune in to our latest episode to learn how to proceed and what to say when something happens on the road! 🛑📝 Get ready for useful advice, practical words, and phrases that will help you in this stressful situation. 🤯💡 Join SlowCzech and improve your Czech! 🎧🚦

    Join slowczech Lab and in the transcript, you will find important words that you’ll hear in the episode. And if you want to improve your Czech with a teacher, book an individual or group course! Are you ready? Let’s do this!

    Když jezdíme autem, můžeme mít občas nehodu. Co dělat? O tom ti řeknu v dnešní epizodě. Autonehoda je téma, které nám do slowczech poslal Elišky klient Gary. Je to fakt užitečné téma! Policisté totiž většinou nemluví anglicky…

    Would you like to follow along with the entire transcript? 🕵‍♂ Gain access to the complete transcript in the slowczech Lab! But that’s not all – as a Lab member, you’ll also enjoy exclusive access to premium content, engaging interactive lessons, and a vibrant community of Czech learners and tutors. Simply head over to and sign up. Uvidíme se v Labu!

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    The post (290**) Daniela: Autonehoda v Česku, co dělat? appeared first on slowczech.

    8 March 2024, 4:05 pm
  • 6 minutes 33 seconds
    (289***) Ema: Byla jsem v nemocnici


    Hello, I’m Ema, a Czech language teacher and the author of podcasts at SlowCzech. Today, we’re going to talk about how things work in a Czech hospital. Have you ever been to a Czech hospital? Well, I hope not! 😊

    Join slowczech Lab and in the transcript, you will find important words that you’ll hear in the episode. And if you want to improve your Czech with a teacher, book an individual or group course! Are you ready? Let’s do this!

    Ahoj, já jsem Ema, lektorka češtiny a autorka podcastů ve slowczech. Minule jsem pro tebe připravila epizodu o sv. Valentýnu nebo o Velikonocích. Dneska se ale budeme bavit o tom, jak to funguje v české nemocnici. Byl/a jsi někdy v české nemocnici? No, doufám, že ne! 😊 Když ale budeš potřebovat jet do nemocnice, budeš vědět, jak to v nemocnici funguje! V transkriptu taky můžeš vidět některá důležitá slovíčka, která v epizodě uslyšíš. No, a pokud chceš zlepšit svou češtinu s lektorkou, jdi na a rezervuj si individuální nebo skupinový kurz! Tak jo, jsi připravený/á? Tak jdeme na to! V české nemocnici musíš jít nejdřív na recepci. Na recepci sedí recepční. Recepční chce tvoje doklady. Chce tvůj občanský průkaz nebo taky říkáme občanku a pak chce taky kartičku zdravotního pojištěnce. Když chceš jít k českému doktorovi,… [pokračování na webu]

    Would you like to follow along with the entire transcript? 🕵‍♂ Gain access to the complete transcript in the slowczech Lab! But that’s not all – as a Lab member, you’ll also enjoy exclusive access to premium content, engaging interactive lessons, and a vibrant community of Czech learners and tutors. Simply head over to and sign up. Uvidíme se v Labu!

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    The post (289***) Ema: Byla jsem v nemocnici appeared first on slowczech.

    16 February 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 11 seconds
    (288***) Daniela: Český tenis

    Welcome to the third episode of our series “O českém sportu,” brought to you by slowczech tutor Daniela. In this episode, we’ll explore the successes of Czech tennis, highlighting names like Markéta Vondroušová and her Wimbledon victory, and delve into the linguistic side of tennis terminology. This Czech podcast in slow Czech is an excellent resource for those looking to learn Czech online, offering a unique blend of cultural insights and language learning. If you’re interested not just in listening but also in actively developing your language skills, join us at slowczech Lab. Here, under the guidance of your Czech tutors, practical exercises await you, providing an opportunity to practice Czech more intensively. We look forward to seeing you in our community of Czech learning enthusiasts!


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    The post (288***) Daniela: Český tenis appeared first on slowczech.

    9 February 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 3 seconds
    (287*) Martina: Co jsem dělala minulý týden

    In this special episode for beginners learning Czech, Martina, a slowczech tutor and podcast creator, revisits a previous episode (number 284: Můj diář) to teach past tense in Czech. Sharing her activities from the previous week, Martina offers a practical and relatable way to learn and practice the past tense.

    Perfect for beginners aiming to enhance their grasp of Czech, this episode blends everyday vocabulary with essential grammar, making it an ideal resource for learners seeking comprehensible input and real-life language usage within the supportive slowczech community.

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    The post (287*) Martina: Co jsem dělala minulý týden appeared first on slowczech.

    29 January 2024, 1:56 pm
  • 9 minutes 51 seconds
    (286***) Eliška: Improvizace – Jaké byly naše Vánoce

    In this heartwarming and candid episode of the slowczech podcast, Eliška greets listeners with her signature warmth and spontaneity. With no script in hand, she dives into an improvised narrative that promises to be as engaging as it is personal.

    This particular installment not only offers a glimpse into the slowczech Lab, where learners can access valuable language resources, but also serves as an intimate recounting of Eliška’s own holiday experiences. From the trials of a family Christmas gone awry to the simple joys of festive traditions and community spirit, Eliška’s storytelling invites us to reflect on our own holiday memories and the shared challenges and delights of the season.

    So sit back, relax, and join Eliška for an episode that weaves together language learning, life’s unexpected moments, and the true meaning of holiday togetherness.

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    The post (286***) Eliška: Improvizace – Jaké byly naše Vánoce appeared first on slowczech.

    12 January 2024, 8:16 pm
  • 15 minutes 1 second
    (285) Vánoční příběhy 3 lektorek slowczech

    Hello and welcome to a special Christmas episode of our podcast. Today, you’ll hear from three of our slowczech teachers – Veronika, Šárka, and Daniela – as they share their unique Christmas stories. Whether you’re learning Czech for (lower) intermediate or at advanced level, this episode offers a delightful insight into Czech culture and the varied ways Czechs celebrate the holidays.

    Veronika’s Story: Veronika recounts her unconventional Christmas experience in Panama in 2016, marking her first journey outside Europe. Expecting a non-commercial holiday, she was surprised to find Christmas in Panama quite similar to the U.S., with abundant decorations and lights. Seeking a unique celebration, she and her husband spent Christmas Day on a secluded island, encountering rain, tropical mosquitoes, local wildlife, and eventually enjoying a seaside dinner with traditional Panamanian dishes.

    Šárka’s Story: Šárka shares a childhood memory that revolves around her fear of the mysterious Ježíšek, who delivers gifts in the Czech Republic. She describes the magical and unseen nature of Ježíšek, leading to her anxiety about possibly seeing him and thus risking not receiving gifts in the future. This story gives listeners a glimpse into traditional Czech Christmas practices and the imaginative world of Czech children.

    Daniela’s Story: Daniela narrates a childhood tale focused on decorating the Christmas tree with her brother and the anticipation of edible ornaments, especially chocolate figures. She humorously recounts their sneaky efforts to eat the chocolates before Christmas, leaving empty wrappers on the tree, a common childhood experience during Czech Christmases.

    Would you like to read the transcript along your listening? Join slowczceh Lab! The Lab offers an extensive range of resources, including premium podcasts, videos, a community on Discord, and monthly conversational lessons.

    Happy holidays and a wonderful new year to everyone!

    with love, passion and admiration to your Czech language determinantion

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    The post (285) Vánoční příběhy 3 lektorek slowczech appeared first on slowczech.

    24 December 2023, 4:00 am
  • 4 minutes 48 seconds
    (284) TOTAL BEGINNER – Martina: Můj diář

    Welcome to this episode of the slowczech podcast, designed specifically for beginners learning Czech. I’m Martina, a slowczech teacher and podcast author, here to help you start learning Czech in a fun and engaging way.

    Today, I’m going to share with you my weekly routine, giving you a glimpse into the life of a Czech language teacher. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your skills, this episode is perfect for anyone interested in Czech culture and language.

    Get the transcript, additional information and audio training in the slowczech Lab.

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    The post (284) TOTAL BEGINNER – Martina: Můj diář appeared first on slowczech.

    15 December 2023, 6:49 am
  • 8 minutes 56 seconds
    (283) Eva: Víkend na chalupě

    Ahoj! Welcome to our special podcast episode! I’m Eva, and I’ll be guiding you through an unforgettable “Weekend at the Cottage” in the Czech Republic. Experience the charm of a Czech chalupa as we fully immerse ourselves in the Czech language and culture.

    Hear from participants about their adventures, from exploring local sights to enjoying traditional Czech cooking and music. It’s a lively mix of stories and laughter, making you feel part of the experience.

    Join us on this unique journey into Czech culture. Learn and enjoy the adventure with us on

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    The post (283) Eva: Víkend na chalupě appeared first on slowczech.

    1 December 2023, 9:43 am
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