When We Got To The Seventh

When We Got To The Seventh

Each story is about reaching the seventh thing...it could be a marriage, a planet, a house guest, a victim, an answerphone message - anything at all. The vibe is quirky, curious and unexpected.

  • 20 minutes 47 seconds
    It Takes A Certain Disposition

    What happens when you're 3000 off the ground, huddled in a tent with  somebody you can't stand? A climber is furious when her sponsors tell  her she must climb El Cap with another woman, a social media star and  free solo legend. The whole idea was that she wanted to do it alone and  be the first woman to conquer one of the great mountain's most difficult  pitches. How does she cope?

    Note: this podcast in no way reflects the ethics and practices if the climbing community. 

    9 July 2019, 6:00 am
  • 13 minutes 44 seconds
    They Said It Was Meant To Help

    *Be warned - this one has some colourful language in it.* 

    A 13 year old boy is away at boarding school.

    What happens when his schoolmates challenge him to the seventh dare? And what's the real reason he's so troubled? 

    This story is voiced by Joe Birtles Clarke.

    Check out https://www.theseventh.uk for more info

    2 July 2019, 6:00 am
  • 10 minutes 30 seconds
    It Was Me Who Was Doing Her The Favour

    How do family members become estranged from one another? What happens  when a misunderstanding becomes a lie that becomes a myth, then a great  truth within a family? What happens when the seventh chair has to be  found for a newcomer at a family gathering? This story is about  narcissistic, toxic envy between family members.

    Find out more here: https://www.theseventh.uk

    25 June 2019, 6:00 am
  • 15 minutes 46 seconds
    I Live In A World Of Facts

    When a recently separated woman sets up a B & B, her seventh  guest briefly turns her world on its head. Who is this person? Where  have they come from? And why are they here, now? 

    I LIVE IN A WORLD OF FACTS is an unsettling eerie story set against the damp backdrop of an off-season seaside town. 

    For more info, check out our website: https://www.theseventh.uk/

    18 June 2019, 6:00 am
  • 18 minutes 38 seconds
    A Glint Against The Black

    A space-traveller on a life-and-death mission to explore a new home for desperate refugees aboard an adrift space-craft. She only has seven  minutes to determine whether this new land can support life. But what  she discovers is unexpected and heart-breaking. 

    A GLINT AGAINST THE BLACK is a science-fiction story about leaving home, finding a home and if you can ever truly return home.

    For more info, check out https://www.theseventh.uk/

    11 June 2019, 6:00 am
  • 13 minutes 1 second
    I'm Just A Very Maternal Person

    When an overpowering mother sabotages her son's relationship with his seventh girlfriend, her family will never recover.

    I'M JUST A VERY MATERNAL PERSON is a dark story about the destructive power of jealousy and where it can lead.

    To find out more, click: https://www.theseventh.uk/

    4 June 2019, 6:00 am
  • 19 minutes 31 seconds
    All You Can Do Is Embrace It

    When a bereaved elderly woman meets the 21 year old man of her dreams  on a dating app, what can possibly go wrong? After replying to him -  the seventh respondent - her life is never the same again.

    ALL YOU CAN DO IS EMBRACE IT is a touching story of love, loss and hope.

    For more info, click https://www.theseventh.uk/

    28 May 2019, 6:00 am
  • 4 minutes 23 seconds
    A behind-the-scenes audio blog

    Ever had one of those ideas that's woken you up and just demands to be acted upon? Us too. Have a listen to hear how the podcast series WHEN WE GOT TO THE SEVENTH came about, what the original idea was and what we wanted to achieve. 

    For more info, click https://www.theseventh.uk/


    21 May 2019, 2:13 pm
  • 1 minute 8 seconds
    Series 1 trailer

    Here's a quick taste of 'When We Got To The Seventh.' Coming soon....

    20 May 2019, 3:41 pm
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