Beyond Retirement

Jacquie Doucette

This is where you’ll learn how to gain the freedom you figured retirement would bring you. Each week Jacquie will discuss different topics related to ensuring retirement isn't the end of the line.

  • 10 minutes 8 seconds
    The End of Beyond Retirement?

    It's been a lot of fun these past few years, getting to know so many guests and hearing from multiple listeners with great thoughts about the show.

    But the time has come to bring it to a close. Beyond Retirement was started to guide me and all my listeners on the journey to the next stage of life.

    Well, I've made it! I'm at the gate to life "Beyond Retirement" and I have to say I'm excited about the future!

    As I mention in this episode, I'm looking for suggestions for a title to the book I'm writing about life beyond retirement. If I use your suggestion, I'll send you a copy of the book!! You can send your suggestions here: [email protected] Enter as often as you like!

    The possibilities I've thought of so far are:

    • Beyond Retirement – Embracing a Fulfilling Life
    • Creating A Vibrant Life Beyond Retirement
    • The Good Life: Exploring the Non-Financial Aspects of a Great Retirement
    • Golden Years: Embracing Life Beyond Retirement

    If you like any of these, fire off an email and tell me so!

    Thanks for listening. I appreciate you!!

    31 December 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 52 seconds
    The Journey to Retirement and Beyond

    "Beyond Retirement" is a fluid time encompassing all of your time after the flagpost of "retirement" has been passed. This podcast was developed to help listeners figure out their own journey by listening to the musings of the host and her guests as they travelled the road together.

    There's no right or wrong journey. There are many detours and U-turns along the way. But in the end, it's the journey that really matters, isn't it. It's not the destination, but how you got there.

    24 December 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 10 minutes 21 seconds
    Do Creativity, Generosity, and Gratitude Live in You?

    Creativity, generosity, they play a role in your life? They should!

    Start with gratitude. There is always something to be grateful for in your life. Finding that thing, even if it's small, will help you to grow and your happiness will increase.

    Last week, Hugh Willard talked about the intentional aspect of generosity - how, in order to be generous, we have to look inside ourselves. Gratitude helps you be generous. When you are grateful for what you have, you want to share it with others, so they can also feel what you feel.

    You don't think you're creative, because you've never been able to draw, or sing, or dance. So what?! There are many other outlets for creativity. Maybe you have an eye for interior design; perhaps you're great at telling stories to children. Maybe you're a whiz at math and can help the neighbourhood kids with their homework. Creativity comes in many forms! Find yours.

    Brother David Steindl-Rast – TEDTalk on Gratitude & Happiness:

    17 December 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 22 seconds
    Generosity & Gratitude in Later Life - with Hugh Willard

    Hugh Willard is a psychotherapist, the author of the new book Finding Beauty in the Gray: Stories and Verse from the Third Age and the host of the podcast Aging Well: Finding Beauty in the Gray. Hugh has facilitated numerous workshops and taught courses on several topics relevant to folks in the second half of life.

    Today we talk about the importance of generosity in life, as well as its inherent link to gratitude. Hugh mentions that studies are showing substantial benefits to mental and physical health from increased efforts in generosity and gratitude.

    While there are many instances in life where we may not feel especially grateful or where our generosity is tested, Hugh points out that by taking the time to delve into our experience of age we can often find something to feel grateful for, or the process can lead us to acting in a more generous fashion than was our first inclination. And this is what gives us the feeling of satisfaction - giving of ourselves, especially in a time when it is difficult.

    Please connect with Hugh:

    On his websites: and




    10 December 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 11 minutes 45 seconds
    Have You Got Any Wanderlust?

    Wanderlust is a strong desire to wander or travel and explore the world. Last week's episode with the hosts of the Beach Travel Wine podcast really sparked my own wanderlust!

    This week I talk a bit more about why I believe travel is so important and why it should be part of your retirement plan. You don't have to take off for distant countries; the village next to yours may have some fabulous treasures you've yet to discover. The point is, there is a great big world under our feet and it seems a shame to go through life without experiencing at least some of its diversity and wonder.

    3 December 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 36 minutes 23 seconds
    Exploring the World One Wine at a Time - with Leanne & Lyle McCabe

    Leanne and Lyle McCabe are the hosts of the Beach Travel Wine podcast and they share their passion for travel and the importance of experiencing new things. With 62 episodes under their belts, they take us on a journey through Spain, Italy, London, Paris, and Australia. And they're not stopping there - they give us a sneak peek into their upcoming episodes that will feature the stunning landscapes of New Zealand.

    Leanne and Lyle invite listeners to reach out for travel suggestions and even encourage budding travel enthusiasts to start their own travel podcast. They reveal how podcasting has not only enhanced their travel experiences, but also strengthened their relationship. They share their stories, wisdom, and the joy of not being confined to a traditional retired lifestyle.

    Lyle takes on the role of the researcher, uncovering fascinating facts about the cities they visit before they even arrive, enriching their knowledge and making their adventures all the more fulfilling. From visiting the Pity Palace in Florence to scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef, Leanne and Lyle don't let age define their boundaries. They believe that as long as they stay healthy, there's no reason to stop exploring the world.

    Check out the Beach Travel Wine podcast.

    Connect with Leanne & Lyle at

    26 November 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 10 minutes 5 seconds
    What Gets You Out of Bed in the Morning?

    This episode is a reflection on the topic covered in my conversation with Joe Curry, namely identifying your purpose and values in retirement.

    It's important to know your values and figure out what your purpose is, but it's not important to keep that same purpose throughout your journey in life. Your purpose can - and probably WILL - change over the course of your lifetime. Understanding this will help guide you in determining how to live your life.

    "What gets you out of bed in the morning" should be something that you're excited about, something that leads to fulfilment for you.

    If you haven't figured out what that is, take a look at a couple of resources I offer on my website, a book called Finding Your Why and a short course of the same name. These will both help you move toward what your current purpose in life is, and by redoing the exercises in future, you may discover that your purpose changes over time.

    19 November 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 32 seconds
    True Wealth: The Role of Values & Purpose in Retirement Planning - with Joe Curry

    Joe Curry specializes in simplifying the financial lives of people approaching or within retirement. He is the host of the podcast Your Retirement Planning Simplified and is a Certified Financial Planner. Joe is the Owner & CEO of Matthews + Associates, located in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, where Joe and his team help Canadian retirees and those within a few years of retirement (work-optional) achieve True Wealth, which Joe believes is a combination of achieving financial freedom, spending time doing the things you love with the people you love, and having the ability to create opportunities for those that matter most to you.

    Many people don't expect to talk about their values and purpose when meeting with a financial planner. But discussing these fundamental aspects of life can open up new possibilities and help individuals think more deeply about their retirement goals.

    Joe introduces his Retirement Navigator and shares two sections of the program: understanding core values and finding purpose. He explains how, by clarifying their values and aligning their spending with them, people are better able to plan for a fulfilling retirement.

    We explore the concept of "unique ability" and how it applies not just to business owners, but also to retirement. We discuss the importance of identifying and prioritizing activities that align with our skills and bring us joy, while minimizing those that don't. And we learn that it's okay for preferences and interests to evolve and change over time, allowing us to adapt and continue evolving.

    But that's not all! Joe also shares insights on retirement planning strategies, the importance of starting early, and determining if retirement is the right decision for you. He discusses allocating income for retirement expenses, testing the viability of our retirement plans, and he uses examples to better understand values.

    Throughout the episode, we see how Joe's own values shape his approach to retirement planning. And we discover that retirement isn't just a time to relax and enjoy ourselves—it's an opportunity to reconnect with our core values and start living according to them.

    Find out more about how Joe can help you:


    (You will also find the Retirement Navigator on the website)

    Podcast: Your Retirement Planning Simplified

    12 November 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 9 minutes 28 seconds
    What Do You Prefer to Do?

    Retirement is the time to start doing what you want to do - if you haven't been doing that all along. It's time to figure out what interests you, what motivates you, what inspires you.

    It's also time to relax, have some fun, take care of your mind & body... basically, to do what you prefer.

    Be sure to check out Today's Elder, at and Radio Downton, at

    5 November 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 35 minutes 27 seconds
    Preferment: Investing in Yourself in Retirement - with Barbara Waxman

    Barbara Waxman, Founder of Odyssey Group Coaching, is an aging advocate who helped define the Middlescence life stage. Her leadership in the coaching field has culminated in the transformative coaching model, Entrepreneurship Turned Inward© and her science informed the Five Essential Elements™ process. Barbara serves as an Advisor to the Stanford Center on Longevity and Stanford Lifestyle Medicine, as well as the Generations Over Dinner Project. Additionally, she is a faculty member at Chip Conley’s Modern Elder Academy and an angel investor in the aging and longevity space. Featured in Marin Magazine and Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global, she has also appeared on CBS This Morning and is a frequent podcast guest. Barbara recently authored a chapter in The Successful Health Care Professional’s Guide (Springer Publishing) and the report The Future of Resilient Leadership. Barbara previously authored two books examining aging.

    On today's episode, she talks about the concept of retirement and how it can be so much more than just leisure, by adopting the idea of "preferment," which is investing in oneself and doing activities that bring joy and purpose.

    On her website,, you can find Barbara's Five to Thrive quiz for achieving optimal health and wellness, which is designed to help people create their own baseline.

    Barbara suggests examining the story of our lives to find consistent threads and working with coaches to go through lifelines.

    Additionally, she talks about middlescence and how it's a time of reckoning where individuals have a responsibility to invest in themselves and live life fully.

    Find out more about Barbara:





    29 October 2023, 4:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 56 seconds
    Ready For Life in a Foreign Country?

    Moving to a foreign country is a daunting undertaking, not one to be taken lightly. Do you speak the language? Are you ready for new customs and a new culture? Do you have a support system in place for when things get tough?

    But it's not all doom & gloom - the opportunities to expand your knowledge of the world, to learn about life "somewhere else" ... that's an exciting draw for many.

    The most important thing is to go into it with your eyes open. Be ready for things NOT to turn out as you planned; be ready to make changes as you go.

    22 October 2023, 4:00 pm
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