From the host that brought you The Band Played On, The Banned Teacher is a new investigation, in a different city. He says it was consensual sex. She says it was rape. He was her music teacher. She was a teen. And it wasn't just once, with one girl. He had sex with students in closets, classrooms, and cars. The Banned Teacher begins with one victim's search for justice but turns into a full investigation by host Julie Ireton. Warning: This series contains graphic descriptions of sexual assault To hear all 10 episodes now, sign in for free via CBC Listen or subscribe to the True Crime Premium channel on Apple Podcasts:
The former teacher offers a letter of apology that leaves the survivors angry and unsatisfied. But Robinson makes a trip back to her old high school, reclaims her power and reveals what the investigation has given her. She, along with Peter Hamer from the first season of this podcast, form an advocacy group to help protect kids.