Betches Brides


  • 57 minutes 31 seconds
    Happily Ever After

    Today on Betches Brides, Selena and Chelsea close out this season of the podcast! Your hosts are wrapping things up appropriately by asking, "What happens when the wedding is all over?". Plus, listen in to hear about the makings of their happily ever afters and our favorite cinematic happy endings. Be sure to wish our brides well on this next chapter of wedded bliss!

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    16 December 2024, 11:00 am
  • 53 minutes 56 seconds
    Final Destination

    Today on Betches Brides, your hosts welcome a special guest who knows all about the trip down the aisle, Mary Hanna, the owner of Simply Mary’d, a service that helps brides plan their destination weddings. The three are dishing on the best (and worst) locations for a destination wedding, how to avoid breaking the bank for your guests, and more tips and insights you didn't know you needed. Plus, Selena and Chelsea reveal some of the wildest destination wedding venues we've ever heard. You don't want to miss this!

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    9 December 2024, 11:00 am
  • 54 minutes 33 seconds
    It's A Sign

    Who doesn't love some "woo-woo" wedding planning? Today, on Betches Brides, Selena and Chelsea welcome Betches' own Maria Del Russo, who is not only a newlywed but also completely obsessed with astrology! Listen in as the brides ask Maria about how astrology played into her wedding planning process. Plus, we're giving you the most fortuitous wedding dates of 2025, deep lore around wedding superstitions, and deciding, "Is this really a sign?" once and for all. Cue Ace of Base! Have questions or advice to share? Email us at [email protected] with your wedding questions and horror stories, or leave a voicemail at (646) 389-7804.

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    2 December 2024, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    How To Plan A Wedding In Six Months(!!)

    Today on Betches Brides, Selena and Chelsea are joined by a bride who planned her wedding in — you’re reading this correctly — six months. She’s Sara K. Runnels, and you might know her from Instagram or our very own Betches Brides newsletter! Listen in as your hosts chat with Sara about what it was like to plan on such a tight timeline, her transition from single-gal influencer to bride, plus a rousing game of "Who's That Celebrity Officiant?". Have questions or advice to share? Email us at [email protected] with your wedding questions and horror stories, or leave a voicemail at (646) 389-7804.

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    25 November 2024, 11:00 am
  • 44 minutes 35 seconds
    Always A Bridesmaid

    Being a bride is a LOT, but as long as your friends are getting married, the work of a bridesmaid never ends. Today on Betches Brides, Selena, and Chelsea are chatting about the best (and worst) parts of being a bridesmaid, thanks to write-ins from you, the listeners! Listen in as the brides discuss responsibilities, what makes a bad bridesmaid, the best pop culture bridesmaids, and, of course, the great debate over matching dresses. Get ready to be triggered (in a fun way). Have questions or advice to share? Email us at [email protected] with your wedding questions and horror stories, or leave a voicemail at (646) 389-7804.

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    18 November 2024, 11:00 am
  • 42 minutes 37 seconds
    You Better Work (While Planning A Wedding)

    Does planning your wedding feel like a second job? Join the club! Today on Betches Brides, Selena is joined once again by engaged Betch Maddie Mahoney, who is currently at the "cry in the shower" portion of wedding planning. Listen in to hear about the challenge of managing the job of planning your wedding and the job that pays your bills. Could your LinkedIn resume come in handy for both? Plus, we asked YOU your thoughts on inviting your boss to your wedding and you did not disappoint. Have questions or advice to share? Email us at [email protected] with your wedding questions and horror stories, or leave a voicemail at (646) 389-7804.

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    11 November 2024, 11:00 am
  • 46 minutes 20 seconds
    Nailing Your First Dance With Maya Moves

    Planning your first dance doesn't have to feel like a dance recital, especially when you've enlisted the help of an expert like today's guest. Maya, the founder of Maya Moves, helps couples prepare for their first dance with a method that keeps it fun, fast, and fairly painless for all dance proficiency levels. Listen in as Selena gets the scoop on the need-to-knows from the dance teacher who helped both Nicole and Jordana bust a move on their wedding days! Have questions or advice to share? Email us at [email protected] with your wedding questions and horror stories, or leave a voicemail at (646) 389-7804.

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    4 November 2024, 11:00 am
  • 50 minutes 29 seconds
    Wedding Etiquette 101 with Mariah Grumet

    Do you have to send a thank you card to someone who didn't bring a gift to your wedding? Wedding etiquette can be a real doozy. But lucky for us, we have the founder of Old Soul Etiquette, Mariah Grumet, on the podcast today! This maven of manners is here to answer all the questions you've sent in that Selena and Chelsea wish they had asked before their big days. Be sure to check Mariah's book, What Do I Do?, to learn even more great tips on wedding etiquette! Have a story to share or need some advice? Email us at [email protected] with your wedding questions and horror stories, or leave a voicemail at (646) 389-7804.

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    28 October 2024, 10:00 am
  • 43 minutes 38 seconds
    Spooky Wedding Horror Stories

    Dark and stormy nights, monstrous wedding guests, and a bloody mess! We asked you to write in with your wedding horror stories, and boy, did you deliver! Today, Selena, Chelsea, and Jaz sit down for a spooky Halloween episode that features your scariest tales from your big days. Don't listen to this episode at bedtime...Have a story to share or need some advice? Email us at [email protected] with your wedding questions and horror stories, or leave a voicemail at (646) 389-7804.

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    21 October 2024, 10:00 am
  • 36 minutes 57 seconds
    Do I Have To Take His Last Name?

    It's Mailbag Monday, and our three brides are answering your hard-hitting questions. Listen in as Selena, Chelsea, and Jaz tackle topics like taking his last name, how to handle an absent (by choice) mother on your wedding day, and a major guest list conundrum. Have a story to share or need some advice? Email us at [email protected] with your wedding questions and horror stories, or leave your own voicemail at (646) 389-7804.

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    14 October 2024, 10:00 am
  • 55 minutes 44 seconds
    Something Borrowed And Something New With Maddie Mahoney

    That's right, listeners. We've borrowed newly engaged Maddie Mahoney from the Betches video team, and we're asking her all about her upcoming nuptials! Maddie is a hilarious video producer at Betches HQ and is bringing her comedic stylings to the mic for this week's episode. Listen in as Maddie dishes about her plans and challenges, as Selena gives some sage advice after her own wedding, and as Maddie, Selena, and Jaz laugh through a new game segment. You don't want to miss it! Have a story to share or need some advice? Email us at [email protected] with your wedding questions and horror stories, or leave your own voicemail at (646) 389-7804.

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    7 October 2024, 10:00 am
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