Mostly Yoga - with Aaron Tan

Aaron Tan

The Mostly Yoga Podcast is a long-form conversation hosted by yoga teacher Aaron Tan and joined by his friends (both yogis and non-yogis alike) where they share teaching experiences, tips on holding space, and discuss the nitty-gritty of anatomy, along with plenty of other topics both yoga and beyond.

  • 1 hour 43 minutes
    55. Rapha Sun - Jiu-Jitsu, masculinity and the role of a man

    I knew Rapha from way back during our yoga teaching days. So it was truly special reconnecting with him again for this raw and unfiltered conversation. We delved about his life’s journey of martial arts, spirituality and fatherhood, and reflected on the importance of taking responsibility for yourself while respecting the unknown, as well as setting boundaries to protect your space. 

    Stuff we talked about: 

    • Fatherhood
    • Masculinity and the role of a man
    • Being able to protect someone physically
    • Jiu-jitsu journey
    • Staying calm in deep waters
    • Mr Not-so-Nice Guy
    • Aggression and setting the tempo
    • Accept and compose Learning to say ‘No’ in Jiu-jitsu
    • The exchange of energy and protecting your space
    • Having a plan and setting intentions for each roll 
    • Worshiping the Jiu-jitsu gods
    • The endless pursuit 
    • Death and Rebirth
    • Dealing with suffering and seeking spirituality 
    • Running from robbers in Peru
    • Integrating with plant medicine
    • There is no purpose 
    • Respecting the space around you
    • Acknowledging the unknown 
    • Who you are when no one is watching
    • Being responsible for yourself
    • Everything is your fault


    Aaron ------------------------------------

    Follow Rapha on Instagram here:





    8 December 2024, 7:38 am
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    54. Rio Lim - Jiu-Jitsu, spirituality and the world of trading

    In this episode, I'm joined with fellow Singaporean, Rio Lim, whom I had the pleasure of meeting here in Chiang Mai. We both share a passion for jiu-jitsu and finance, so in this episode we dive into those worlds while exchanging stories about our journeys along the way.

    Always exciting to connect over shared interests and similar vibes... oss! 

    Stuff we talked about: 

    • Knowing who you are through Jiu-Jitsu
    • Being humbled
    • Sacrifices
    • Parallels on and off the mat
    • Trusting the process, trusting yourself
    • Warmups before class zzz
    • Competition stories
    • Power of compounding
    • Catching the crypto wave
    • Embracing volatility
    • Love the failures
    • Pay the price, learn the lesson
    • Awaking the heart chakra
    • Seeking spirituality
    • The view from the top of the mountain
    • Time>Money
    • The courage to forge your own path
    • Nothing matters, we’re all going to die

    Till the next one,

    Aaron ------------------------------------

    Follow Rio on Instagram here:





    15 September 2024, 2:06 pm
  • 2 hours 45 minutes
    53. Meiyan Cheong - Searching for connection, reflecting on the past and leaving the Yoga world behind
    The first podcast Meiyan and I did was back in 2020 (See episode 29). Now, four years later, her house still remains as brightly coloured as ever, and the ambient noises are still as immersive, with the rain making a guest appearance once more. In this episode, we mostly catch up and reminisce about the good old days when we were young, though perhaps not so wild or free. How the past couple of years have been for us, our relationship with yoga and how it’s changed, oh and some other stuff about me almost getting her killed, the usual… Stuff we talked about:  Catching up Contemplations on life and yoga Teacher Training stories and our time at HOM Reflecting on the past and wanting to connect Our relationship with yoga and how it’s changed Yoga, gym, going back to HOMThe absurdity of being “exactly where you need to be Balance of Feminine and Masculine Leaving the yoga world behind The hedgehog’s dilemma My black-black energy and how Meiyan always scolds me Human design and Meiyan’s bright bright house Playing with the meow meows Hating yourself / Loving yourself More catching up… More contemplations on life and yoga Fortune Teller’s predictions and the time I almost killed Meiyan My unfathomable loyalty to her Borrowing money and having kids To another 10 more years of friendship,Aaron   [Rest in peace Roku, your gentle presence and stoic strength will always be remembered.]   ------------------------------------ Follow Meiyan on Instagram here: ------------------------------------ SUPPORT THE PODCAST :)  FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM ------------------------------------
    11 August 2024, 2:42 pm
  • 1 hour 58 minutes
    52. Maisie Cheong - Understanding Enneagrams, mentoring the self and discovering more about who 'You' really are
    Sorry for being away. I've been busy with life but I'm back now with a special one... Today I speak with Maisie, who's insightful approach and deep understanding of the nine personality types from the Enneagram system has definitely shed some light on certain character attribute of mine, so I'm sure she'll be able to shed some light on yours as well. Get ready to dive deep into your own inner framework, in the hopes to better understand both yourself and the others around you, as we explore the secrets behind our individual  personalities. Also, if you think she looks familiar, that's because she's actually the "da jie jie" (big sis) of Meiyan (Episode 29), who might make her second appearance on the poddy real soon. So stay tuned!   Stuff we talked about:  How the enneagram system works and the value it brings Navigating human connection Airing laundry Realising that no one is trying to hurt you Character and context What is love Everyone’s got their own story The practice of sharing vulnerability Connecting through conflict Learning to support yourself Rewriting your narrative    Until next time, Aaron   ------------------------------------ Follow Maisie on Instagram here: ------------------------------------ SUPPORT THE PODCAST :)  FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM ------------------------------------
    27 June 2024, 3:28 am
  • 2 hours 31 seconds
    51. Darren Huw - Mindset, muscle growth, and the excuse of having no time
    Back at it again with the another gym bro.  My guest today is Darren Huw, a personal trainer whose journey from skinny to fit is one that’s truly inspiring. As someone who embodies dedication and growth in both body and mindset, I’m glad to have him on the pod to share his passion with fitness and faith (in Islam).  Enjoy. Stuff we talked about:  The "drugs" we take Understanding Islam Antics at the Gym Diary of a skinny kid Bruce calls The realities of bulking/cutting Doing what needs to be done Battling the voice in your head Dealing with injuries Starting out at the gym Mindset > Motivation Taking responsibility for your own achievements Working out is the easy part Prioritise your physical body Understand your "why" The road to fitness is a lonely one The fallacy of "having no time"  As-salamu alaykum, Aaron ------------------------------------ Follow Darren on Instagram here: ------------------------------------ SUPPORT THE PODCAST :)  FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM ------------------------------------
    18 March 2024, 10:43 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    50. Mostly Yoga Milestone Special — 5 Lessons and 4 'hacks' for 2024
    To commemorate the 50th episode of the Mostly Yoga Podcast, I thought I'd run through some of the lessons I've learned over the past few years that have helped me out a lot in shaping who I am.    Expect to learn about the importance of being authentic, honouring your truth, acknowledging the shadow and going to the gym.   To all the listeners out there, thank you for being a part of this beautiful community. Your support and engagement have been the fuel that keeps this humble pod of mine going, and I'm deeply thankful for it. It's been a wild 50 episodes filled with wisdom, laughter, and connection, so here's to another 50 more. Huat ah,Aaron ------------------------------------ Inspirations: Joe Rogan ( Williamson ( Nayaswami ( Peterson ( Hormozi ( Tate ( Vimal Institute ( ------------------------------------ SUPPORT THE PODCAST :)  FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM ------------------------------------ SHOUTOUT TO OUR SPONSORS    IMALA (EVERYDAY ACTIVEWEAR that energise and inspire your daily choices) Whether you’re practicing yoga, dead-lifting your PR, climbing those boulders or cycling long distance, here's everything you need for your workout. Use code MOSTLYYOGA for 10% off!   WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM:
    24 February 2024, 12:07 pm
  • 2 hours 24 minutes
    49. Daniel Arevalo - Letting go, choiceless awareness, and the purity of the unknown
    My final guest from the Chiang Mai Soul Connection series... It was a privileged to have Dan on the pod for yet another thought-provoking episode. His wisdom and stories resonates with me on such a profound level, much akin to the timeless teachings of Alan Watts, so I hope this conversation will resonate with you guys too. He shares with us his insights into life, religion, philosophy, and the human experience.  Get ready for one engaging conversation...   Stuff we talked about:  The practice of letting go Illusions; there is no Santa Claus  Leaving Jehovah’s Witness Walking away from the world Words, memories and truth Choiceless awareness Doing Nothing Realising our conditionings  Moving from the known to the unknown No one actually sees you but you The freedom to respond The purity of the unknown Truth cannot be found, only lived. The end of your story Erase your personal history Pain of desire; joy of pleasure The awareness of who you are and who you’re becoming You already have everything Until the next one, Aaron   ------------------------------------ SUPPORT THE PODCAST :)  FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM ------------------------------------ SHOUTOUT TO OUR SPONSORS    IMALA (EVERYDAY ACTIVEWEAR that energise and inspire your daily choices) Whether you’re practicing yoga, dead-lifting your PR, climbing those boulders or cycling long distance, here's everything you need for your workout. Use code MOSTLYYOGA for 10% off!   WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM:
    18 January 2024, 10:38 am
  • 1 hour 40 minutes
    48. Logan WolfCostigan - Shifting realities, believing from the heart, and surrendering to the divine
    I had the pleasure of connecting with my soul friend, Logan, whose heart hails originally from South India, but is now residing in the enchanting city of Chiang Mai. My chat with him was inspiring and enlightening and he graciously shares his perspectives on life, spirituality and the art of surrendering to one's fate.  Stuff we talk about:  Life in Chiang Mai  Staying true to your (Indian) roots  Challenging who you are The Illusion vs the Present  Shifting Realities  The Power in asking ‘Why’ Understanding Energies  Letting your old self die Surrendering to the divine  It all starts with a smile :) The bike accident and slowing down There is no ‘I’  The correlation between Wisdom and Pain  A reminder that you are alive  Surrendering to the energies of the world I have everything; I have nothing There is no one to blame Believing through heart   Letting go (Physically and emotionally) Joy in simple things Om Namah Shivaya, Aaron   ------------------------------------ SUPPORT THE PODCAST :)  FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM ------------------------------------ SHOUTOUT TO OUR SPONSORS    IMALA (EVERYDAY ACTIVEWEAR that energise and inspire your daily choices) Whether you’re practicing yoga, dead-lifting your PR, climbing those boulders or cycling long distance, here's everything you need for your workout. Use code MOSTLYYOGA for 10% off!   WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM:
    2 December 2023, 9:34 am
  • 2 hours 3 minutes
    47. Shao Hao - Expressions of the universe, the magic of mantras and pursuing a life worthy of service
    A truly special guest from the CNX soul connection series, my good friend Shao Hao takes centre stage as we explore the profound connections between nature's beauty, spiritual enlightenment, and the rhythmic chants that echo the essence of the divine.  Stuff we talk about:  The contrast between SG and CNX Pursuing a life worth living Consciousness expressed through you  We chose this life Expressions of the universe  The evolution of ‘you’ The Creation and the Creator A network of consciousness  The power of nature  The energy of words and reframing the way you speak to yourself You are the universe, you are everything. The magic of mantras and the stories behind it Just knowing  Planting the seed Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung Om peace peace peace, Aaron   ------------------------------------ Follow Shao Hao on Instagram here: ------------------------------------ Masaru Emoto - Water Experiments:  ------------------------------------ SUPPORT THE PODCAST :)  FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM ------------------------------------ SHOUTOUT TO OUR SPONSORS    IMALA (EVERYDAY ACTIVEWEAR that energise and inspire your daily choices) Whether you’re practicing yoga, dead-lifting your PR, climbing those boulders or cycling long distance, here's everything you need for your workout. Use code MOSTLYYOGA for 10% off!   WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM:
    26 November 2023, 7:14 am
  • 2 hours 10 minutes
    46. Jackson Barber - Meditation, God and the duality of good and evil
    Definitely one of the best episodes so far.  My third guest on the list from the CNX Soul Connection series, and one of my good friends, is Jackson Barber.  Listen in as we navigate the delicate dance between light and shadow and ponder over the intricate balance between the forces that shape our world.  Stuff we talk about:  Meditation  Religion v.s. Spirituality  Sitting with the itch The Moral Crusader  Escaping into the mind Water, water, water, water… The mystery of consciousness  Invoking the flows of energy  Practicing stillness and connecting with God The duality of good and evil  Embracing the shadow The darkness in the light, the light in the darkness Are you a good person? Alchemy 101 Sat-chitta-ananda (truth, consciousness, bliss) Seeing the truth of good and evil Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Jai Hanuman,Aaron ------------------------------------ SUPPORT THE PODCAST :)  FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM ------------------------------------ SHOUTOUT TO OUR SPONSORS    IMALA (EVERYDAY ACTIVEWEAR that energise and inspire your daily choices) Whether you’re practicing yoga, dead-lifting your PR, climbing those boulders or cycling long distance, here's everything you need for your workout. Use code MOSTLYYOGA for 10% off!   WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM:
    13 November 2023, 5:22 pm
  • 2 hours 5 minutes
    45. Atum Sphinx - Sacred symbols, daily ceremonies and the power of music, mantra and gratitude
    My second guest from the Chiang Mai Soul Connection series is Atum Sphinx, another gifted musician seamlessly weaving together the sacred and the sublime.  Stuff we talk about:  Finding strength through softness  Symbolisms and ceremonies Visions from Goddess Ixchel A reminder of pain (Cĕb: เจ็บ)  Move. Earn. Learn.  Doing your side quests in the RPG of real life Moving to “China” Kung Fu fighting in the dark Evil Lions God is always watching The power of gratitude and thanking your elevators A world within a coconut  Om Shiva Shambho Hari Om,Aaron   ------------------------------------ Follow Atum on Instagram here: ------------------------------------ Learn more about the Care108 here: ------------------------------------ SUPPORT THE PODCAST :)  FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM ------------------------------------ SHOUTOUT TO OUR SPONSORS    IMALA (EVERYDAY ACTIVEWEAR that energise and inspire your daily choices) Whether you’re practicing yoga, dead-lifting your PR, climbing those boulders or cycling long distance, here's everything you need for your workout. Use code MOSTLYYOGA for 10% off!   WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM:
    13 November 2023, 5:22 pm
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