Celebrating the stories of physical and mental resilience with extraordinary men and women, Biceps & Banter proves that strength comes from overcoming challenges you never thought possible. Hosted by PT, author and all round powerhouse Laura Hoggins, also known as 'Biceps', this debut season tackles preconceptions about health, wellness and strength, in a way that will leave you feeling lifted and ready to take on anything.
Recorded on location, for the season finale Laura takes us full circle to where her fitness career began: The Foundry Gym. We learn all about the magic of a plan-b with guest Ben Gotting, co-founder of The Foundry and ex-professional rugby player. In this episode, we hear about the importance of making people feel welcome and supported and why building this kind of inclusive community lies at the heart of their ethos.
This week Laura chats to committed athlete, world record challenge setter and mental health campaigner, Josh Patterson about living with a limitless mindset. We learn how Josh has used his platform in the public eye to raise awareness of disability and mental health, two topics very close to his heart. Together they discuss how fostering a sense of purpose is the key to success and how Josh used his 'why' to overcome his most recent challenge: John O’ Groats to Lands End- in a wheelchair. Opening up about motivations, successes and adversities, this incredibly open and honest chat will have you chomping at the bit to start your next challenge.
Shane Collins is the founder of the London’s first ever boutique boxing gym, KOBOX. Together Shane and Laura discuss the KOBOX ethos of inclusivity and accessibility within the fitness communities, championing the belief that you don’t need to be the best at something to find its true value. Effort over results, both in business and in life, is the true key to success.
This week, Laura chats to Aimee Fuller - a British slopestyle snowboarder who represented Great Britain at the 2014 Winter Olympics and 2018 Winter Olympics. As the first woman to land a double back flip in a competition, Aimee shares her career highs and lows and how positivity, passion and mindset are the three most important things when it comes to tackling the hurdles life throws your way.
What began as a cosmetic journey has resulted in remarkable strength and achievement. Recorded at Birmingham's BodyPower event, Laura talks with Donna Moore, British Strongwoman and winner of the 2016 and 2017 World's Strongest Woman competition. Together, they discuss closing the gap between the sexes in the coverage of the sport and why Donna believes that achieving greatest starts and stops with mindset, and wanting it badly enough.
We're living in a time where traditional language around beauty and body image is constantly evolving. This week's conversation helps us to understand the difference between body confidence and body positivity and its impact on the relationship we have with ourselves. #ScarredNotScared campaigner, five-board accredited Body Confidence Coach and award-winning body positive activist Michelle Elman shares how it took a life or death situation to teach her that exercise doesn’t have to be about weight loss. Together Laura and Michelle talk about rediscovering the playful side of movement, something we forget in this Instagram age, as well as how to change the negative thought processes as part of a journey towards self acceptance.
There's training, and then there's training right. Joslyn Thompson Rule, Nike master coach and PT with over 14 years experience by the bar, provides a leading light for women in fitness. Laura and Joslyn discuss everything from beating the fear and dispelling preconceptions of the gym as a manzone, to navigating social media and how your period can affect your training.
Bridging the gap between traditional medicine and the latest developments in nutrition, The Food Medic's Dr Hazel Wallace is on a mission to dispel health myths that are unfounded in evidence. As a qualified medical doctor, podcast host, best-selling author and personal trainer, Hazel discusses how moving away from being defined by a number on a scale can empower us to lead happier, healthier lives. Together Laura and Hazel laugh over past diet behaviours and share the powerful role that CrossFit has played in framing stronger relationships with their bodies and what they can do with them.