Gem Body Mind Wellness Podcast

Gem Munro

You can have your cake and eat it too!

  • 15 minutes 42 seconds

    Consistency is the theme for September!

    Lately, I felt that I have not been so myself – not in my energy and flow. And I realize that the new moon might have affected it.

    So, how do you achieve back that ‘ease’ of the state of mind?

    1. I decided to stop eating out and go back to cooking healthy food. [6:00]
    2. Meditate: Meditation is scientifically proven to decrease depression, anxiety. [7:44]
    3. You can use consistency in every part of your life [9:19]
    4. Affirm: Let’s embody consistency. [11:50]

    You need to bring awareness to change to achieve success.

    Practice consistency and keep going even if you do not see results immediately.

    You need not be great to start, you have to start to be great. Just start and keep going. You can do it!


    I’m here to help you. Let’s connect!


    E: [email protected]

    IG: @gem_munro


    13 September 2021, 12:33 pm
  • 15 minutes 29 seconds
    My Secret to Success

    It’s the last day of the month (of August)!

    With back-to-back zoom meetings, I am asked by the new company that I am in these questions:

    How am I going up the ranks so fast and established myself a team so quickly? (The things that other spent years building I did in 6 weeks!) What is my secret to success?

    And I am excited to talk to you about all these and more in this episode!

    1. It begins with you. [2:58]
    2. I spent years of inner work, healing, energy, positive mindset. [3:50]
    3. You weren’t your authentic self because you’ve been taken down by people. You start to become defensive, protective and all armor up. That’s ego. [6:05]
    4. Get yourself right first before I even tell you strategies. [7:40]
    5. Things are going to happen to you but your life is a result of how you choose to react to the things that happen and what you do about them. [10:07]

    Today, choose to work on you and take responsibility of your life and stop the blame game.

    Fix from the core because success is not the million dollars you might earn but it’s fulfillment, it’s freedom, it’s happiness.

    I’m here to help you. Let’s connect!

    E: [email protected]

    IG: @gem_munro


    4 September 2021, 2:16 am
  • 14 minutes 14 seconds
    Soul Service Success

    I have an exciting trip coming up to a place where I've never been -- it kinda looks like New Zealand up there: Maine! I cannot wait, and it coincides with my birthday!


    I have a team that is growing exponentially, and they need to be served, so I have a lot of giving to do. So I am going to take my birthday week off to make sure that I am ready to rock and roll!


    But, before I do that, I wanted to hop on quickly and talk to you about my team's motto: Soul Service Success. Are you in alignment with your soul? Are you feeding what your soul wants? 


    1. Collective consciousness and energy move throughout a whole community. So, we have to be aware and take responsibility for the vibration and frequency that we give out. [2:25]


    1. Your frequency affects everybody, and it causes a domino effect around your immediate surroundings. It's important to vibe high. Not because for me, but for WE. [3:15]


    1. Energy is returned and exchange. We can come from an authentic place from service when we are serving because we genuinely want to. Truly wanting to serve and give and not expecting anything from return. [6:20]


    1. You will get success when you work on yourself, heal, and serve from a genuine place. Energy comes back around. [6:20]


    When you are in doubt, not living the life of your dreams, or feel that success isn't quite yet within your reach, always look back to two things: 1) soul and 2) service. Always return to those two; I promise you, you will have the success that you want. 


    If you have any questions or want me to elaborate about this podcast or anything at all, please reach out and let's connect (if we haven't already)! 

    E: [email protected] 

    IG: @gem_munro



    10 August 2021, 8:33 pm
  • 21 minutes 3 seconds
    Passion Over Profit

    Good morning, beautiful souls! It's the beginning of Leo Season, my season with my birthday coming, and right in the middle of summer! The sun is out, providing us with all that energy, fueling our vibration and passion! 


    Let's talk passion + profit. We start things because we are passionate about them. And that's how it should be! But, somewhere along the road, we lose that passion. Instead, we become consumed and obsessed with the profit side of the business. That's what I want to talk to you about during this episode. Why passion > profit.


    1. We lose sight of our passion; we lose our profit. We attract more profit if we stay in the high vibration of doing things from a place of passion. [4:23]


    1. Be inflow, but also be aware and take control of your goals. When you don't know where you're going, you're going nowhere. [8:00]


    1. Obsession with profit puts off a very low vibration. Pause and check how you feel. Passion over profit will turn profit. Lead with passion….always. [11:08]


    1. Do not be an energy vampire! Be responsible for your own energy and do not bring others down. [14:15]


    1. Go to your happiness and inspiration bucket whenever you feel unhappy and down or uninspired and demotivated. [16:00]


    If you feel like you are starting to obsess or want to give up, return to your why. It's a reminder that you are meant to pursue what sets your soul on fire! 


    Energy attracts energy. When you are so in love with what you're doing, and you emulate joy from that. People cannot help but be attracted and gravitate towards that energy. 


    If you have any questions or want me to elaborate about this podcast or anything at all, please reach out and let's connect (if we haven't already)! 


    Listen to the full podcast available on iTunesSpotify, and Google Podcast for FREE!


    E: [email protected]

    IG: @gem_munro


    29 July 2021, 6:03 am
  • 33 minutes 28 seconds
    Forgive others to release yourself

    WARNING: I may have short-term memory loss while recording this podcast. That explains why I’ve been MIA on my podcast for the past two weeks… 😬


    One of my business coaching clients shared with me that she’s feeling a lot of the same female tension; of females in businesses burning other females. She felt left out and rejected, and I want to share what I told her in this episode.


    I didn’t want to keep what knowledge I have just between us, as I am sure this may be of help to some of you. Let’s dive in.


    1. If we don’t have insecurity from a deep wound or trauma from somewhere in our past, we are usually not affected by somebody’s behavior or actions. [4:11]


    1. It’s not the 35-year old self that feels rejected; it’s the 8-year old self that feels rejected! This is what trauma does. The negative ones hurt more, and it embeds itself in our subconscious. [6:55]


    1. Here’s what not to do when you feel rejected… [8:05]


    1. Hurt people hurt people. Forgive them. “Retaliate” by showing them love, compassion, and kindness. [12:45]


    1. The past is not our reality. It no longer exists in our timeline. Let us not allow it to affect our present, our reality. [17:45]


    1. When you feel rejection, your emotional scale lowers. Here’s how you can pick yourself up to move up the scale. [19:58]


    Remember: you are loved. You are love. It’s okay to feel the way you feel. We don’t have to be friends with people who have rejected us, but we don’t have to be fearful of them either. Forgive them so that you release yourself from the grief and suffering. Return to the love, peace, and abundance. 


    If you have any questions or want me to elaborate about this podcast or anything at all, please reach out and let's connect (if we haven't already)! 


    E: [email protected]

    IG: @gem_munro


    15 July 2021, 2:02 pm
  • 22 minutes 26 seconds
    The Wound is Where the Light Enters

    We are out of Mercury Retrograde! 


    We've gone into the uprising of female power. We're going into major competitive mode while taking fellow women down, and it feels like there is a race to the throne. 


    We're supposed to be supporting and lifting each other up. If you're a female and feel like you're still in this more masculine, competitive, hustle/grind/push/shove, get-to-the-top mindset while hurting fellow females,  listen up. You might have some healing to do. And, that's okay. We will work on that together in this episode.


    1. If you've been wounded, let yourself feel that for a day or two. But don't stay in that victim or pity mode. That is super low vibrational! If we live awake and are super conscious, our healing and recovery will be faster than those who are totally unaware. [7:40]


    1.  Emotions carry a frequencywith them. When you feel something emotionally, your electromagnetic field changes. Your healing process will depend upon how hurtful the experience was and the level of frequency your emotion is at. [8:55]


    1. 'The wound is the place where the Light enters you.' -Rumi [10:45]

    The Light shines 1.) on places that need to be healed, 2.) for us to grow through lessons, 3) so we can be a Light for ourselves and others.


    1. Love is pure ⬆ , competing is fear ⬇. [19:30]


    Our Light becomes brighter as we shed all the darkness, ego, trauma, and the past that brings us down. Collective consciousness, happiness, joy, abundance – the world will be a happier place if we vibrate in a higher frequency!


    If you have any questions or want me to elaborate about this podcast or anything at all, please reach out and let's connect (if we haven't already)! 


    Also, something phenomenal is cooking! I am keeping this baby really quiet until it's complete and is released to the world! I might give you little tidbits and clues about what's coming up in the following episodes, so stay tuned!


    E: [email protected] 

    IG: @gem_munro


    23 June 2021, 11:34 am
  • 28 minutes 33 seconds
    Females Unite Not Fight

    I have had some pretty harsh lessons this year, and it is purely female-based and mostly business-based. When I hear about females burning other females in businesses or friendships – my clients, my friends – I get super protective.


    We have no control over other people's actions; we only have control over ourselves. In this episode, I am really talking to you, females, about how we can all be better human beings in general and protecting our own energy.


    1. Live awake and increase your intuition. I am in a situation currently where my gut is raising alarm bells, cautioning me to be careful with this person in my life. And I am listening. [4:20] 


    1. You are your intuition; your intuition is you. Meditate. Sit with yourself so you can hear and listen to yourself. Here's how. [5:04]


    1. Intuition can sometimes manifest physically. If you are really good with listening to your body and in alignment with your intuition, you can stop these manifestations before it turns into a really bad physical illness. [12:30]


    1. Being in tune with your intuition will protect you from females trying to hurt you or may burn you in the future. Intuitively, you'll be helping cut the cycle of females hurting other females by disrupting negative narratives. [16:00]


    Hurt people, hurt people. It's in those times when we are hurt that we end up doing hurtful things to other females. It's so important to do our inner work to heal, be fulfilled, and be self-secure. 


    Don't let the wrongs in your life take down the people who are doing things right.


    If you have any questions or want me to elaborate about this podcast or anything at all, please reach out and let's connect (if we haven't already)! 


    E: [email protected] 

    IG: @gem_munro



    17 June 2021, 2:03 pm
  • 25 minutes 15 seconds
    Surrender and Ask for a Sign

    Do you believe in signs? And if you do, do you ask for them? 

    I have been diving deep into asking for signs, connecting deeper with the Universe and spirit with my own intuition and allowing the two to be coherent. But asking for signs is just half of it. The other is learning how to surrender and listening to the signs given to you. And we will talk about just that in this episode!

    1. When you ask for a sign and receive it, it elevates your vibration and frequency, and the reason is because you feel supported. [2:00]
    2. Even 'no sign' is a sign. [5:36]
    3. You will keep getting sent the same lesson until you learn the lesson. So try learning it the first time around, or the Universe will keep throwing you the same lesson in different packaging until you do learn! [7:45]
    4. We don't need to rationalize everything and come up with the answers on our own all the time. Surrender; ask for help and guidance from the Universe, from your god – whatever resonates with you. The answers will come if you allow them. [10:10]
    5. My elevated state has opened new opportunities for me: this gave me four new clients. I cannot even make this up! [18:30]
    6. This is how I ask for my signs. Extra tip: I tune in to the present moment (so I don't give the Universe mixed signals).[22:06]

    Remember: always stay in a high vibration to attract positive things – whatever you put out will attract the same energy. Be awake, be present, and look out for the signs – you don’t want to miss it!

    I have linked below the book I was telling you about in this episode! 👇🏼

    The Universe Has Your Back by Gabriel Bernstein

    If you have any questions or want me to elaborate about this podcast or anything at all, please reach out and let's connect (if we haven't already)! 

    Listen to the full podcast available on iTunesSpotify, and Google Podcast for FREE!

    E: [email protected] 

    IG: @gem_munro


    11 June 2021, 7:17 am
  • 14 minutes 13 seconds
    Live Awake or Stay Stuck

    I didn't forget about last week's podcast 😬.. 


    I was on a week break, and I'm back! It was a very productive [and honestly, extremely busy] week. It may be bad to skip a week in business with the podcast, but I had to have that week to focus on events and put all of my time into my clients and their businesses. I love what I do, so I wasn't stressed with my back-to-backs.


    2021 is the year of lessons and has been a shocking year in my life – both positively and negatively. Lessons are where we grow – the harder the lessons, the more we learn and apply them in our lives. 


    And I want to talk to you about exactly that in this episode. 


    1. How do we learn these lessons? Bring awareness to your state, the way you deal with it, your energy, the lessons, and how you will move forward. [5:10]


    1. Practice The Pause: counting to 5 before you react. It's similar to the five-second rule. It doesn't necessarily mean the literal 1 to 5 count. The essence is to stop and be silent before you react to anything to avoid screwing things up or burning bridges with people. [8:00]  


    1. Live awake because we have to grow with, understand, and learn what's going on. Reacting immediately or immaturely is from our ego. It is built from something that has happened from our childhood as a coping mechanism to our environment. [10:57]


    Pause, breathe, keep still, and be present. 'What can I learn from this?' 'How can I grow from this?'


    I'm here to help, support, and pause with you! 


    If you have any questions or want me to elaborate about this podcast or anything at all, please reach out and let's connect (if we haven't already)! 


    E: [email protected]

    IG: @gem_munro



    4 June 2021, 4:00 pm
  • 12 minutes 35 seconds
    What is an Energy Hangover?

    I went away this weekend to the mountains with friends for my husband's birthday. It was so awesome and fantastic – we had the best time celebrating, eating out, very late nights, so much laughter and fun!  

    Here’s the kicker: I came home with a nosebleed for the first time in my life after. And, I knew exactly what had happened: my energy is depleted. 

    I am an introvert. I need my downtime alone to recharge and recover. And we will talk about the how’s and why’s on this episode.

    1. After being around a lot of people and you were not drinking, if you feel sickly but not; very fatigued and tired, and just not your 100%, you are depleted of your energy. [3:11] 
    2. Introvert vs Extrovert: which one are you? [5:53]
    3. What to do when your energy is depleted? Just chill! Don't overwhelm yourself; accept that this is where you're at temporarily. Take your time to rest, relax, and replenish your energy. [6:52]
    4. It's also scientific – if your nutrition hasn't been on point during the time you exerted more energy than average, you need to give yourself time to rejuvenate after that big event. [10:50]

    With energy depletion, sometimes you can avoid it, sometimes you can't. This is where energy protection is essential, but you also just need a good ol' day off after being around so many people or after an event.

    Stay hydrated. Eat real good. Fill-up that joy bucket. Rest and recover, and you will be absolutely fine the next day!

    If you have any questions at all about this podcast or anything at all, please reach out and let's connect (if we haven't already)! 

    E: [email protected]

    IG: @gem_munro

    W: /


    24 May 2021, 1:35 pm
  • 13 minutes 29 seconds
    Don't deprive people of their rock bottom

    Positive experiences do not cause as much havoc in our nervous system as negative emotional responses do.


    We are so impressionable that we tell ourselves stories that might not even be our true beliefs because we want to fit in. Our brain just naturally mirrors things that we like from our external environment, which eventually becomes our reality.


    This tends to be short-lived contentment and eventually hits us for the worst. 


    In the body-building community, it's a common theme to say and believe that we hate cardio; because "we are all about lifting" and that we are "meatheads". I'd tell myself the story that I hate cardio and running. 


    That period of my life eventually led to my rock bottom, and we will talk about that in this episode. 


    Before we dive in, keep in mind that sometimes, we have to go through rock bottom to reach our high point.



    1. If you keep telling yourself the same story that you've picked up from your external environment over and over again, what do you think is going to happen? The story that you tell yourself will manifest and become your reality! [2:50]


    1. Body-building caused my panic attacks, extreme anxiety, and basically, just my rock bottom. I will never ever train anybody to train body-building again. It's not a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. [4:40]


    1. Don't deprive someone of their rock bottom because it's at rock bottom where we open our eyes and become awake. [6:30]


    1. Be wary of the advice that you give. Offer support and be there for that person, but don't intervene [unless it will lead to death or prison] on their way towards rock-bottom. Only then will they make a life-changing decision for the better. [8:28]


    This episode is for people who want to help all the time, who step in and intervenes too much. You still can – by supporting them and being there for them in their rock bottom. 


    It's painful, yes. But, on the other side of the rock bottom is the biggest lesson and just pure greatness!


    Journey on up and come live awake with us.


    If you have any questions at all about this podcast or anything at all, please reach out and let's connect (if we haven't already)! 


    E: [email protected]

    IG: @gem_munro


    17 May 2021, 1:37 pm
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