Unconventional Ministry


Unconventional Ministry is SAT-7’s weekly podcast inviting ministry leaders to share the unique and unexpected ways that the Holy Spirit turns people’s lives right-side up.

  • 15 minutes 31 seconds
    Finding Purpose in Life's Chaos with Noah Asher S5 EP#157

    In this compelling episode, listeners are introduced to Noah Asher, whose remarkable journey from incarceration to inspiration forms the heart of his bestselling book, CHAOS: Overcoming the Overwhelming. Noah shares the raw and powerful story of how his time behind bars became the catalyst for an unconventional ministry aimed at helping others navigate the chaotic waters of their own lives. His narrative is not just about overcoming adversity but transforming it into a conduit for personal growth and community impact.

    Throughout the episode, Noah delves into the unique approach of his ministry which centers on finding purpose through pain and leveraging one’s past as a cornerstone for building a hopeful future. He emphasizes the importance of hope, help, and humor as vital tools in this transformation process. Listeners will find inspiration in the practical strategies and real-life anecdotes Noah provides, illustrating how anyone, regardless of their struggles, can begin to forge a path toward healing and fulfillment. With recidivism rates in the U.S. some of the highest in the world, Noah is working on a new senate bill with the state senators of Georgia that will significantly reduce recidivism rates in the USA.

    This episode is not just a story of one man’s redemption but a blueprint for turning overwhelming chaos into opportunities for growth and joy.


    Another Episode you will find interesting:

    Episode # 153 Breaking Prison Cycles, Changing Futures from the Inside with Cary Sanders. In this compelling episode, we dive deep into the heart of transformation and redemption with Cary Sanders, CEO of JumpStart, an innovative prison ministry committed to breaking the cycles of crime and addiction. JumpStart's unique approach is not just about reforming individuals; it's about fundamentally changing their trajectory, equipping those who have been incarcerated with the tools, skills, and support they need to thrive once they're released.

    30 April 2024, 9:00 am
  • 7 minutes 9 seconds
    Rethinking Ministry: Fresh Approaches - Dennis Wiens S5 EP#156

    In this episode, learn from host Dennis Wiens the value this podcast offers you with new ideas and innovative approaches to ministry. Tune in to the Unconventional Ministry Podcast to learn new and creative approaches to ministry that go beyond traditional boundaries. This podcast is invaluable for anyone looking to refresh their ministry journey or engage more deeply with their community. Each episode features:

    1. Fresh Perspectives: Discover unique, innovative ministry methods that challenge conventional thinking.
    2. Practical Advice: Gain actionable tips and strategies from seasoned leaders who have pioneered new ways of serving.
    3. Community Connection: Connect with diverse individuals from various backgrounds and denominations, fostering a sense of shared purpose.
    4. Personal Growth: Encourage reflection and personal development by integrating creativity and innovation into your spiritual and community endeavors.
    5. Inspiration and Motivation: Be inspired by stories of transformation and success that will reignite your passion for ministry.

    Subscribe to the Unconventional Ministry Podcast and transform your ministry into a powerful, impactful force.

    23 April 2024, 9:00 am
  • 17 minutes 31 seconds
    Stories From the Heart of the Volunteer with Cindy Wiens S5 EP#155

    In this compelling episode of Unconventional Ministry, Cindy Wiens joins the podcast to share her amazing volunteer experience as a Thrive Ministry volunteer. Learn the heart of what it means to volunteer to serve others.

    Cindy is a seasoned international worker whose journey of faith and service has taken her across the globe. She is ideally prepared to participate in a Thrive Retreat and brings to the podcast some amazing small-world stories from her last Thrive Ministry retreat experience. Click HERE to journey with Cindy to Sicily through financial support and prayer.  

    Cindy's conversation with us is not just about recounting experiences; it's a deep dive into the heart of what it means to volunteer to serve others through the Thrive Ministry. Cindy shares the profound stories of connection, transformation, and renewal experienced by participants, offering a glimpse into the retreat's life-changing impact.


    Another podcast episode about Thrive Ministry:

    EP #134 Empowering Women in International Ministry In this episode, CJ Callahan, a volunteer worship leader with Thrive Ministry, discusses the purpose and unique aspects of the organization. Thrive Ministry aims to provide spiritual resources and support for North American women doing ministry overseas. The ministry offers retreats that focus on spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being through various activities like counseling and self-care services. CJ shares her personal experience as a worship leader at these retreats and highlights how they have positively impacted the missionary women. She also mentions the importance of volunteers in running the organization and explains their fundraising process.

    7 April 2024, 9:29 pm
  • 18 minutes 13 seconds
    Mentorship: Equipping Global Workers with Steve Cochrane S5 EP#154

    In this episode, we dive into the "Immersion 15" mission mentorship model sponsored by Echo Ranch Bible Camp located in Juneau, Alaska. This program is meticulously crafted to empower young adults with a deeper sense of calling to ministry and global missions. Through a 15-month journey, participants undergo training that encompasses evangelism, discipleship, personal sacrifice, and an unwavering commitment to the local church, alongside navigating the complexities of cultural shock and adaptation. This process is designed to prepare them for global ministry and fundamentally transform their approach to service and leadership in a diverse world.

    “Immersion 15” is a life-changing program. Whether you're considering a future in ministry or representing your local church missions program, the potential of this mentorship in mission work is shaping the future of global ministry.


    More about the Unconventional Ministry Podcast:

    Be sure to subscribe to the Unconventional Ministry podcast, your go-to resource for innovative and creative approaches to ministry. With over 100 episodes featuring a diverse array of leaders, this podcast explores unconventional solutions to common challenges in the realm of ministry.

    From groundbreaking problem-solving techniques to unique methodologies, each episode offers valuable insights and inspiration for anyone involved in ministry. Whether you're a seasoned leader looking to shake things up or a newcomer seeking fresh ideas, you're bound to find an episode that resonates with you.

    Join us as we delve into the world of unconventional ministry, uncovering new strategies and approaches that can revolutionize your own practice. Tune in to the Unconventional Ministry podcast today and unlock the tools you need to take your ministry to the next level. Check it out wherever you get your podcasts.

    2 April 2024, 9:00 am
  • 15 minutes 15 seconds
    Breaking Prison Cycles, Changing Futures from the Inside with Cary Sanders S5 EP#153

    In this compelling episode, we dive deep into the heart of transformation and redemption with Cary Sanders, CEO of JumpStart, an innovative prison ministry committed to breaking the cycles of crime and addiction. JumpStart's unique approach is not just about reforming individuals; it's about fundamentally changing their trajectory, equipping those who have been incarcerated with the tools, skills, and support they need to thrive once they're released. Through a blend of personal stories, expert insights, and a closer look at the programs that make a real difference, we explore the potential for true change within our prison system's walls.

    Some staggering prison statistics:

    • Less than 5% of the world’s population is in the United States, but 20% (1 in 5) of the world’s incarcerated people are in US.
    • In the United States, there are 2.5 million people incarcerated. There are 15 states in America that has a population of less than 2.5 million people.
    • 65% of those who are incarcerated have children. There's a generational effect there of poverty and crime when parents are incarcerated.
    • People need to experience justice when they commit crimes. But those who experience justice and end up incarcerated most of the time do not have a life sentence.
    • 95% of those who are incarcerated across America will be released in the next 5 years.
    • Nationally, 70% of those who are incarcerated will return within 3 years after they're released. So 7 out of 10 who are released will return to prison.

    Cary Sanders poses a provocative question that challenges the status quo and invites listeners to rethink the purpose and potential of our penal institutions: Will individuals who have served their time emerge better prepared to contribute to society, having benefitted from the resources and rehabilitation efforts funded by taxpayers' dollars? This episode sheds light on the transformative work being done by JumpStart and opens a dialogue about the broader implications of prison ministry and rehabilitation. Join us as we uncover the stories of hope, change, and the undeniable impact that comes from believing in second chances.

    26 March 2024, 9:00 am
  • 19 minutes 8 seconds
    PAK7: A Media Initiative Empowering Pakistan’s Christians with Shawn Wright S5 EP#152

    In this enlightening episode, we delve into the heart of Pakistan with Shawn Wright, the Executive Director of PAK7 US, to explore an innovative and transformative media initiative that's making waves across the nation. With Pakistan ranking as the world's fifth-largest country, the need for a powerful medium to convey God's love and foster understanding is critical. Wright shares the journey of PAK7 in leveraging television and social media to empower the Pakistani Christian community, enabling them to craft and share stories that bridge divides, heal wounds, and bring hope to millions.

    Discover how PAK7 is not just changing the narrative but revolutionizing the way faith is communicated in a country rich in culture but marked by religious complexity. Learn about the strategic approaches and indigenous content creation that resonate with local audiences, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance. This episode is a deep dive into the power of media to transform societies by amplifying voices that yearn to demonstrate love, compassion, and unity in a landscape often marred by division. Join us as Shawn Wright unveils the challenges, successes, and profound impact of PAK7's work in showing Pakistan the transformative power of God's love through storytelling.

    A previous Unconventional Ministry episode you will enjoy:

    In this episode, learn about how the global center of Christianity has shifted away from America and is now represented by young, female, black, or brown individuals from the Global South who are poor and uneducated. This shift impacts how missions should be approached, with a focus on equipping and training rather than traditional evangelism.

    Dr. Allen Yeh, Professor of Intercultural Studies and Missiology at Biola University, discusses this shift in global Christianity and emphasizes the importance of understanding world Christianity as a subject. Listen now


    12 March 2024, 9:00 am
  • 15 minutes 6 seconds
    From the Marketplace to Ministry with Bob Reich S5 EP#151

    In this insightful episode, we delve deep into the life-changing journey of Bob Reich, a man who embraced the call to leave behind the comfort and predictability of his marketplace employment, close-knit community, and cherished church life for a life dedicated to full-time ministry at Echo Ranch Bible Camp in Juneau, Alaska. Bob shares how he faced fears and overcame challenges as he transitioned from a secure job to serving in a role that demanded not just his professional skills but his entire heart and soul. His testimony is a powerful reflection on the ways in which short-term work team trips to Echo Ranch were instrumental in revealing to him how his maintenance abilities could serve a higher purpose. Through these experiences, Bob saw firsthand how his work could contribute to the Kingdom by supporting a camp dedicated to echoing God's glory, strengthening the body of Christ through Christian camping, and fostering partnerships with the Church.

    Bob's role at Echo Ranch, however, extends far beyond the realm of maintenance. In this episode, he gives us an insider's look at the multifaceted nature of his service, which encompasses mentoring, disciplining, assisting other staff members, and stepping in wherever needs arise. His story is not just one of personal sacrifice and adaptation but also profound impact, illustrating how varied skills and a willing heart can significantly advance a camp's vision and mission. Bob's journey of faith, his obedience to God’s call, his dedication to mentorship and discipleship, and his unwavering commitment to supporting the community and mission of Echo Ranch will inspire you. This episode is a testament to the transformative power of aligning one's talents and career with God's work. It is a must-listen for anyone considering a leap of faith into ministry or seeking to understand how their skills can be used for a greater purpose.


    Previous podcast episodes from Avant Ministry staff you will enjoy:

    4 March 2024, 12:55 pm
  • 11 minutes 45 seconds
    Noisemaker – Equipping Volunteers for Tomorrow’s Needs with Brenda Long S5 EP #150

    In the episode, learn from Brenda Long, a nonprofit leader for over 30 years, who explains Noisemaker – a new, innovative marketing platform designed to equip volunteers quickly and help them promote their favorite causes.

    Ambassadors (volunteers) can create campaigns and spread the word through their social media channels. The platform rewards ambassadors for their efforts. Noisemaker's primary focus is on Christian nonprofit organizations and faith-based groups, but it is not limited to them. Smaller nonprofits with limited budgets and staff resources have well received it. The platform automates many processes and provides customizable templates for easy use. Noisemaker offers an innovative solution for managing more volunteers effectively in promoting organizations' causes.

    Other podcast episodes you will enjoy:

    • Episode #144 Innovation to Reduce Your Nonprofit’s Loan Payments with Todd Tarbert Learn how your local non-profit could save savings up to 60% on their monthly loan payments! In this episode, learn from Todd Tarbert, Founder and CEO of Semble, an innovative and unique approach to lowering your nonprofit’s monthly loan payments. Semble is a company that addresses loan needs for churches, nonprofits, and ministries, and typically, through Semble’s innovative and unique approach, they can lower a nonprofit’s monthly loan payments by 40% to 60% to help further their mission.




    27 February 2024, 10:00 am
  • 14 minutes 39 seconds
    Innovation for Seven Local Church Challenges with Dennis Wiens S5 EP #149

    In this episode, learn about innovative solutions to seven church challenges. These Unconventional Ministry podcast episodes can be listened to on your favorite podcast platforms.

    • A different mission model for urbanization and globalization. Episode #102  
    • Working with immigrant churches. Episode #110
    • Estate planning. Episode #54
    • Pastor retirement. Episode #101
    • Revolutionizing church mission displays. Episode #113
    • Reducing your nonprofit loan payments. Episode #144
    • Grandparents' role in the church. Episode #143
    20 February 2024, 10:00 am
  • 15 minutes 43 seconds
    Thriving Leadership Cultivating Flourishing with Dr. Justin Irving S5 EP #148

    In this insightful episode, Dr. Justin Irving, Duke K. McCall Professor of Christian Leadership, explores the critical importance of fostering thriving organizations where individuals can flourish in their work and ministry. Dr. Irving underscores the pivotal connection between leadership, purpose, and meaning, emphasizing how leaders shape culture and create contexts for others to thrive. Warning signs of an individual’s lack of flourishing is what is now called "quiet quitting" and disengagement. Leaders need to be attentive and proactive in cultivating environments conducive to personal growth.

    Dr. Irving's website, Irving Resources, provides valuable academic resources for further exploration of healthy leadership practices across various sectors. His blog is Purpose in Leadership. He highlights the universal applicability of these principles in both church and marketplace settings. Tune in and discover how fostering flourishing is not just beneficial but essential for leaders and organizations alike.


    Another Unconventional Ministry Podcast Episode on Leadership You Will Enjoy:

    EP #115 Triaging Competing Voices – The Sound of Leadership with Dr. Jules Glanzer

    In this enlightening episode, Dr. Jules Glanzer draws upon his extensive leadership journey within both the Church and Christian higher education to offer profound insights into the state of leadership across the seven fundamental sectors of society. Delving into critical questions such as the current landscape of leadership in America and the existence of a leadership crisis, Dr. Glanzer navigates through the intricate dynamics impacting the American church. He articulates three fundamental distinctions between individuals driven by kingdom leadership and those embodying various forms of marketplace leadership. Moreover, he unveils the essence of his book "Sound of Leadership," which serves as a guiding beacon for refining one's life and influence according to kingdom principles. For those eager to explore deeper, the book is readily accessible at https://www.inviteresources.com/lp/sound-of-leadership-landing. Tune in to gain invaluable wisdom on navigating the nuances of leadership in contemporary society.

    13 February 2024, 10:00 am
  • 20 minutes 26 seconds
    Charting New Ministry Paths: MENA's Five Transformative Challenges with Dr. Terence Ascott S5 EP #147

    Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast series, where we delve into the dynamic landscape of the Middle East and North Africa with Dr. Terence Ascott, the visionary Founder and President of SAT-7. In this enlightening discussion, Dr. Ascott navigates through five pressing challenges confronting the region today and their profound impact on the Church and ministry. From escalated conflicts to restricted press freedom and from limited education access to the deprivation of women's and religious rights, each issue presents a unique hurdle. However, Dr. Ascott unveils how SAT-7 as a pioneering broadcast media ministry is ingeniously addressing these challenges and fostering transformative change through innovative approaches.

    In his gripping memoir, Dare to Believe! Stories of Faith from the Middle East, Dr. Terrence Ascott unveils his personal odyssey amidst civil unrest, detentions, and the birth pains of SAT-7. Seamlessly interwoven with his narrative are the compelling stories of Middle Eastern Christians and the exponential growth of SAT-7 into a beacon of hope, broadcasting across Arabic, Turkish, and Persian regions. With each chapter, Dr. Ascott paints a vivid picture of resilience, faith, and the unwavering commitment to illuminate the darkest corners with the light of the Gospel.

    SAT-7 emerges as a powerful force for change, shedding light in the darkest recesses of the region. Dr. Ascott passionately articulates how your partnership and support fuel SAT-7's mission to make God's love visible and confront the prevailing challenges in the region head-on. As listeners, you're invited to join hands in this transformative journey, discovering actionable ways to contribute towards a brighter future for the marginalized, the questioning, and the Isolated Believers. Together, we can ignite a movement of compassion, understanding, and profound change in the Middle East and beyond. Join us in making a difference today. Visit https://www.sat7usa.org/get-involved to learn more.

    You can download a sample chapter of the book or receive a downloadable PDF and ePub version of the complete abridged book as a thank-you for a gift of any amount. Visit http://sat7usa.org/daretobelievebook.

    5 February 2024, 4:14 pm
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