We all would like to think that we're immune to being persuaded, but were that true, advertising wouldn't work, the best candidates would always get elected, and our personal relationships would always be equitable.
In this episode, we discuss:
Priscilla's website: https://whova.com/web/icsaa_202207/
The ICSA website: https://www.icsahome.com/
In this episode, we discuss:
In this episode, we discuss:
Matthew shares his wealth of knowledge in this week's episode and we discuss what the heck "Conspirituality" is.
Find Matthew's podcast here: https://conspirituality.net/
And Matthew's website here: http://matthewremski.com/wordpress/
In this episode, we discuss:
In this episode, we discuss:
In this episode, we discuss:
For more about The Modesty Talks, visit: https://themodestytalks.com/
My guest joins me to discuss:
In this episode, we discuss:
Subscribe to Right Richter here: https://tinyletter.com/rightrichter
Read Will on The Daily Beast: https://www.thedailybeast.com/author/will-sommer
Will Sommer has been covering conspiracy theories since the inception of Pizzagate. He joins me to discuss what drives people to believe seemingly incomprehensible conspiracy theories.
In this episode, we discuss: