Let Them Eat Grass

Austin Williams

"Let Them Eat Grass" follows one farmer, Austin Williams, as he tries to make sense of the often complicated world of food and farming. Only 8 months before he began farming, he too knew absolutely nothing when it came it came to knowing who to trust with the food he put in his body. He wants to educate listeners on the importance of real food, the deceptive tactics of conventional food producers, the necessity of ending conventional agriculture as we know it, the beautiful symbiosis possible between public and private lands, and realistic guidelines to find local farmers they can trust. That sounds like something we can believe in, doesn't it?

  • 18 minutes 58 seconds
    Episode 41: Two Missouri Counties & the Antipodes

    The Invisible Things

    What lies beneath the soil is generally invisible unless we stick our hands into it. It doesn’t take much sifting of American soil before you run into one invisible thing: Race.

    Unsurprisingly, I learned about race from a very distant, middle-class, white perspective. Growing up in the upwardly-mobile suburbs of St. Louis, the son of a pharmacist and a lawyer, I had many privileges only now I can fully appreciate. There was always food in the fridge. Always a parent at home when I was home. And so, so many more.

    None of the buildings in my hometown were even old enough to have witnessed the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. There are no visible reminders of acrimonious race relations. But, as I've come to see, the reminders of the past are all around us.

    23 June 2023, 8:00 pm
  • 18 minutes 13 seconds
    Episode 40: Herbivore? Carnivore? Locavore? Find Good, Local Food in these 4 Free Directories

    It’s easy to get lost in the interwebs looking for good food.

    You have enough to worry about between your job, bills to pay, going Beast Mode during CrossFit, soccer practice for the kids, and date nights with your spouse. Finding a directory of quality food so you can nourish your family AND support the local economy shouldn’t be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

    What else are you going to do? Ask a farmer who their competitors are so you can browse their products? Yeah, I didn’t think so either.

    2 June 2023, 7:30 pm
  • 28 minutes 32 seconds
    Episode 39: 7 Farmers You Should Know

    Regenerative Agriculture is farming with nature rather than against it. Farmers who work regeneratively treat nature like a dance partner rather than a sparring partner.

    It’s mimicking on a small, human-directed scale what nature does on a large, wild scale. Regenerative farmers focus on building healthy ecosystems by replenishing the humus which has been lost by centuries of extractive and shortsighted farming methods. They focus on:

    Organic matter, hydrology, mineral cycling, ground cover, and plant spacing


    Yield, weeds, disease, pests, artificial inputs, and chemicals

    These are seven regenerative farmers who you should know about (or even buy food from).

    23 May 2023, 8:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 41 seconds
    Episode 38: Why Support Local Farms?
    I spent the last five years managing two farms in rural Mid-Missouri. Here is what I learned...
    6 April 2023, 4:30 pm
  • 58 seconds
    Episode 37: The Return of the Lunatic
    And this time, he uploads the right audio!
    24 March 2023, 12:15 pm
  • 39 minutes 28 seconds
    Episode 34: August 13, 2016

    The true story of how I met my wife, Kelli Williams, on top of a mountain in Colorado. Narrated by Austin and Kelli Williams, Calvin Blaylock, Bradford Barnett, and Ashton Anderson. For your listening pleasure.

    14 March 2020, 2:45 am
  • 13 minutes 55 seconds
    Episode 31: Dark Sky

    Now, imagine that actually happened. Because it did. We've by and large lost the expectation to be able to see the night sky. It has become the exception rather than the rule. The night sky has been disappearing rapidly from the public consciousness, and it loss is extremely detrimental to more species than just ours.

    Birds need it to navigate and baby sea turtles need it to help them get from the beach to the ocean, as just a couple examples.

    Join me as I argue for responsible stewardship of one of our most valuable resources.

    22 January 2020, 1:45 pm
  • 36 minutes 17 seconds
    Episode 30: Salvation in the Soil

    Rashid Nuri started with a degree in political science from Harvard and ended up as an urban farmer in Atlanta. He's traveled across the post-colonial world to 36 different countries as he sought to aid in nation-building. He wanted a practical skill to help these fledgling nations get off their feet, and he could think of none better than farming. He's on a God-directed mission to bring natural food to communities so they can thrive. Listen to his story.

    15 January 2020, 1:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 40 seconds
    Budgeting for Pasture-Raised Food

    During the 2018 Christmas season, the average American family spent over $1000 on holiday-related expenses. Ironically, the average family surveyed a few month's prior believed they'd only spend around $700. That's a $300 gap between expectations and reality.

    One solution is a zero-based budget, and one way to budget is with an app called Every Dollar. I've been using this app for more than two years, and it's definitely the best budgeting app I've ever used.

    After all, pasture-raised food is expensive. Our farm's ground beef is twice as expensive as Walmarts, but for good reason! Listen more to find out.

    18 December 2019, 12:15 pm
  • 23 minutes 46 seconds
    Episode 28: Off the Record: The Farming Game

    As a farmer, I've come to see just how complicated the world of farming is. Debt, severe weather events, and decades of convention have all helped turn the colloquial relationship with the farmer down the street to the world of globalized, commodity-based farming. Stay with me as I try to parse it out for you.

    4 December 2019, 2:15 pm
  • 30 minutes 30 seconds
    Episode 27: Come Health or High Water (with Mariah Boatright)

    Diets can be overwhelming and confusing.

    It seems like a new one pops up every minute, and ones we thought were new are just rebranded ones from ten years ago. What do we believe?

    Especially what do we believe when we have people preaching extremes, and they both seem healthy?

    Can we be both fully vegan and fully carnivore? (Don't think too hard about it)

    In this episode I explore a possible middle ground for diet. The easiest answer to the question of whether or not I should eat meat is that... we're omnivores. Some meats and some veggies is probably good for everyone. But God created us so magnificently that we're able to survive on the extremes. For this episode I interviewed Mariah Boatright, who was told she probably wouldn't be able to have children due to ovarian cysts. After trying birth control, she switched to a whole foods/pasture-raised meat diet and she now has two beautiful boys!

    Listen to the rest of it!

    20 November 2019, 1:00 pm
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