Embodied Soul Awakening

David Stone

Podcast by David Stone

  • 16 minutes 14 seconds
    The Power Of Now Glastonbury FM Radio
    The Paradox of The Power of Now and why it is so diffuclt to access peace in this moment. Some thoughts on the psychology behind entering the moment and how to make access to it easier.
    8 May 2019, 8:38 pm
  • 15 minutes 35 seconds
    Debunking the myths surrounding awakening.
    17 April 2019, 7:30 pm
  • 12 minutes 28 seconds
    Law of Attraction Debunked part 2 Glastonbury Fm radio show
    This 12 minute podcast explain how the law of attraction is only a partial truth and how to access the bit they don't tell you
    14 March 2019, 8:49 am
  • 13 minutes 4 seconds
    Law Of Attraction Debunked Part 1
    In part 1 of this short series on GFm radio I share an understanding of the true laws of manifestation that we are all governed by in order to remove some of the flimsy mystique and B.S. of the marketing myth , known as the “Law of Attraction” This corruption of deep metaphysical laws has become little more than an overpriced, exploitative and sophisticated marketing ploy to prey on people’s insecurities. Most teachings that came out of the film and book The Secret are like a Macdonalds happy meal version of something far more profound, graceful and also spiritually significant for the evolution of humanity that has very little to do with manifesting material things I will be highlighting the 5 key areas of personal growth you can focus on yourself without paying £1000s to coaches and courses in just 15 minutes with Steve Lee on his show I will also be sharing the reasons why it doesn’t work and the deeper metaphysical truths they don’t tell you in the books, films coaching practices
    27 February 2019, 8:00 pm
  • 23 minutes 15 seconds
    Narcissism part 3: from love bombing to soul loss - how to reclaim your power
    In this final installment on Glastonbury Fm we get down to the nitty gritty destructive traits involved in relationships with Narcissistic Personality Disordered people - how to get with this, learn to stamp it out, move on and recover.
    13 February 2019, 6:29 pm
  • 16 minutes 14 seconds
    Narcissism part 2 - How to spot it, survive it, heal it and move on
    This is part 2 of a 3 part series on narcissism to help you better understand it, get beneath the literature you read on it, help you to understand the role of the victim and the perpetrator in the dynamic and reclaim your power. www.embodiedsoulawakening.com
    6 February 2019, 8:30 pm
  • 52 minutes 9 seconds
    Finding "The One"
    FROM SOUL MATES TO WHOLE MATES The Myth of The One Are you addicted to seeking love/approval/sex/intimacy from another that diminishes you, yet you keep on persisting? I was recently interviewed by love and sex expert Laurie Handlers on her highly acclaimed radio show about soul mates and meeting the One and why we have been sold a myth about love not only by popular culture but also by the new age. Laurie's radio station can be found clicking here http://webtalkradio.net/internet-talk-radio/2019/01/28/finding-the-one/?fbclid=IwAR1gnvlFLfTNpadvuVgXM5OrJam-pFBYUuA57qa9vfhUSbKBItuWY7vfALQ
    30 January 2019, 7:42 pm
  • 15 minutes 32 seconds
    Narcissism part 1 of 3 - healthy narcissism and how narcissistic injuries form
    What is narcissism? ranging from its healthy development in children, right through to the more malicious aspects when it has become imbalanced in someone. The 6 stages of a narcissistic relationship and how to recover, get back to yourself and deeply heal. More on www.embodiedsoulawakening.com
    23 January 2019, 8:15 pm
  • 13 minutes 57 seconds
    Overcome anxiety, panic attacks and the January Blues ~ David
    In this podcast recorded live on Glastonbury FM 107.1 David Stone draws on his rich experience as a gestalt psychotherapist, solution focussed coach, mindfulness trainer and indigenous wisdom healer to help you to understand what is anxiety, why people get panic attacks and fall into a hole in January. He gives some simple and easy to apply tips to pull yourself out of this, get centred and thriving in 2019 so you can get back on track. more info on www.embodiedsoulawakening.com
    9 January 2019, 9:39 pm
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