The 12:37

Alma Roda-Gil

This train will call at the past, present, and future.

  • 3 minutes 36 seconds
    Prologue: Different Interests

    Thank you for listening to this Season 2 Prologue. The 12:37 returns Early 2020.

    The 12:37 is a Queer Sci-Fi audio drama created and written by Alma Roda-Gil. Keep up with us at our website or on Twitter. If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon. A transcript for this episode is available here.

    This episode featured voice work from Harry Whittaker and Lilith K. Our artwork is by Lucinda Livingstone.

    This episode featured 'Mystery Sax' by Kevin MacLeod.

    This episode also used the following sound effects from Playing Pool by GioMilko, Bar Scene by KraigPartridge.

    21 October 2019, 1:00 pm
  • 21 minutes 28 seconds
    1.8:Leaving Without Saying Hello

    Episode Notes

    Content Warnings: gun violence, deception, fighting.

    Nora, Val, Scott and Wheeler pay Beyond Pharmaceuticals a visit.

    The 12:37 is a Queer Sci-Fi audio drama created and written by Alma Roda-Gil. Keep up with us at our website or on Twitter. If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon. A transcript for this episode is available here.

    This episode featured voice work from Nancy Ashcroft, Harry Whittaker, Niall Carey, Kirsty Woolven, Lucille Valentine and Alma Roda-Gil, with additional voice work from Julia Schifini. Our artwork is by Lucinda Livingstone. Our theme tune and soundtrack are by Jennifer Doveton.

    This episode featured 'Jet-Fueled Vixen' by Kevin MacLeod.

    This episode also used the following sound effects from metal.gate.closing.wav by andriala Fight - fighting men by vedas POWER06.WAV by mad-monkey Kurzschluss.wav by Donalfonso Metal Stairs Foot Steps by sagamusix Elevator door opening and closing, elevator asc... by tsbertalan Swiping ATM Card 2.wav by engreitz RG Wall Punch.wav by cmusounddesign crash.aif by pauliep83 Kicking a door by pfranzen Ball Catching .wav by TOMPARSONS Newsdesk.wav by jobro Industrial Garage Door Storage Gate Open.wav by captainvince pulling out a sword or knife and putting it back by JoeDoe22 Ambience, Machine Factory, A.wav by InspectorJ General Atmosphere of Metal Fabrication Workshop by iankath controlroom.wav by Diboz Inside the machine 1.wav by digitalperformer 16capads.wav by lerwickdj Windy Transition.wav by pcruzn Flashback/transition by Minecast atmosphere 4.wav by ERH Vinyl rewind by TasmanianPower 200 pounds stepping on a glass object.aif by Tomlija Electric Crackle Ticking by Headphaze PANElFySFXFuzzSwirl11.wav by PureAudioNinja CHAINDOORSQUEAKOPEN001.wav by JoelAudio Door falls to floor.wav by CastIronCarousel hands on phone noise.mp3 by samijoslapaho morseattackiLLCommunicationssuonho.wav by suonho Thunder, Very Close, No Rain, C.wav by InspectorJ Rain, Moderate, A.wav by InspectorJ bpcycle.mp3 by nofeedbak Footsteps in the desert by Diegolar foleyfootstepsdesertboots_sand.wav by pan14 Desert at Night by kangaroovindaloo Light wooshes by florianreichelt

    31 May 2019, 12:41 pm
  • 7 minutes 13 seconds
    We're Going to London MCM Comic Con!

    Episode Notes

    Here's a list of the shows taking part in #MCMComicCasts - click the links to subscribe!

    Middle: BelowThe 12:37The OrphansWe Fix Space JunkThe Prickwillow PapersMarsCorpThe Infinite BadThe Monster HuntersDiary of a Space ArchivistOblivityEscape Artists IncWooden OvercoatsVictoriocityTales from the Aletheian Society

    Or check out the #MCMComicCasts page for a full list of these shows and how to support them at

    The 12:37 is a Queer Sci-Fi audio drama created and written by Alma Roda-Gil. Keep up with us at our website or on Twitter. If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon.

    20 May 2019, 11:33 am
  • 31 minutes 7 seconds
    1.7:Source Point

    Episode Notes

    Content Warnings: implied sexual content, mild violence.

    Nora and Val attempt to sort out their relationship; elsewhere on board, a rift in time and space opens.

    The 12:37 is a Queer Sci-Fi audio drama created and written by Alma Roda-Gil. Keep up with us at our website or on Twitter. If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon. A transcript for this episode is available here.

    This episode featured voice work from Nancy Ashcroft, Niall Carey, Harry Whittaker, Lucille Valentine and Alma Roda-Gil, with guest appearances from Kate Youmans and Josh Rubino. Our artwork is by Lucinda Livingstone. Our theme tune and soundtrack are by Jennifer Doveton.

    This episode featured 'Floating cities' by Kevin MacLeod.

    This episode used the following sound effects from Door Slam.MP3 by FunWithSound, Hard Punch to Gut (No Effects Only Mixing) by EFlexMusic, PUNCH-BOXING-03.wav by newagesoup  Vinyl start crackle 1 by lulyc  steps in high heels.wav by anagar  office busy stock exchange reverberant behind g... by kyles Sliding Noise V2.wav by cbenci Basements, general ambiance with metalic clanki... by Martin.Sadoux electricsparks.mp3 by Connum  stun.wav by RunnerPack  Pulse laser.wav by HuvaaKoodia  Power Down by noirenex  JacobsLadderSingle2.flac by Halleck  Electric Zap - Electricity by Wakerone  asseoirchaise3.wav by MaxDemianAGL  Key noises.wav by sKydran  sfx: doorknob twist release by chromakei  Footsteps on concrete by florianreichelt  Seaside-Town-Atmos Ambience Atmosphere by NLM  Whoosh by qubodup  Digital Alarm Loop.wav by bbrocer  Knock on the door by HunteR4708  Zipper04.wav by sound_ims  Thick Bed Cover Sheet Blanket Ruffle (16-44.1).wav by cmorris035  Pillow Foley by ChazzRavenelle  24.Push.wav by miguelab1998  Stumble and Fall.wav by danhelbling body falling down by launemax  skin-02.wav by martian train ambience by vlatko blazek

    17 May 2019, 5:08 pm
  • 19 minutes 2 seconds
    1.6:Friendship Level 20

    Episode Notes

    Content Warnings for this episode: sickness, mentions of past gun violence, discussion of low mental health, death mention, past trauma.

    Wheeler takes his first day off in years, and Nora learns some surprising information about Scott.

    The 12:37 is a Queer Sci-Fi audio drama created and written by Alma Roda-Gil. Keep up with us at our website or on Twitter. If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon. A transcript for this episode is available here.

    This episode featured voice work from Nancy Ashcroft, Harry Whittaker, Niall Carey, and Alma Roda-Gil. Our artwork is by Lucinda Livingstone. Our theme tune and soundtrack are by Jennifer Doveton.

    The following sound effects from were used: Train Interior Ambiance by Vlatko Blažek, traindoor3 by Ferdinger, Hairpin click by SDLx, heavymetaldoor by Exacom, ChainWrapping2 by richardemoore, Pull something out of pocket by BarkersPinhead,asseoir_chaise3 by MaxDemianAGL.

    This episode also featured 'Bittersweet' by Kevin MacLeod and 'She Moved Mountains' by Scott Buckley.

    30 April 2019, 2:41 pm
  • 14 minutes 28 seconds
    1.5:San Junipero, Pennsylvania

    Episode Notes

    Content Warnings for this episode: misogyny, sexist harassment, discussion (though not depiction of) homophobia, food mentions.

    Nora and Val visit Philadelphia in the 80s.

    The 12:37 is a Queer Sci-Fi audio drama created and written by Alma Roda-Gil. Keep up with us at our website or on Twitter. If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon. A transcript for this episode is available here.

    This episode featured Nancy Ashcroft, Harry Whittaker, Alma Roda-Gil, and additional voice work from James Oliva and T.H. Ponders. Our artwork is by Lucinda Livingstone. Our theme tune and soundtrack are by Jennifer Doveton.

    The following sound effects from were used: Train Interior Ambiance by Vlatko Blažek, Pillow Foley by ChazzRavenelle, Bowling Close-up by justkiddink, asseoir_chaise3 by MaxDemianAGL, Bone Snap 6 by ShockwaveFilms, EatingMeat.wav by SophieMezaM, 06304 message ding 1.wav by Robinhood76, and Cash Register by kiddpark.

    This episode also featured 'Miami Nights' by Kevin MacLeod.

    16 April 2019, 12:36 pm
  • 16 minutes 38 seconds
    1.4:Liminal Space

    Episode Notes

    Content Warnings for this episode: discussion of mental health, off-screen gore, raised voices.

    Val visits an old friend. Meanwhile, tensions arise on the train as Nora gets cabin fever.

    The 12:37 is a Queer Sci-Fi audio drama created and written by Alma Roda-Gil. Keep up with us at our website or on Twitter. If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon. A transcript for this episode is available here.

    This episode featured voice work from Nancy Ashcroft, Harry Whittaker, Niall Carey, Kirsty Woolven, Josh Rubino and Alma Roda-Gil.

    Our artwork is by Lucinda Livingstone - you can support her zine Ladyfuzz here. Our theme tune and soundtrack are by Jennifer Doveton.

    The following sound effects from were used: 'Train Interior Ambiance' by Vlatko Blažek, 'running on ground' by Disagree , 'Highlight - HarpEPianoEdit02' by ying16,'Keyboard' by apolloaiello,'vinyl end crackle 01' by lulyc, 'LETTUCECRUNCH02' by JoelAudio, '120120walkingthroughbuilding' by reinsamba, and 'Inside Store 1' by _JohnnybeCrafty.

    This episode also featured 'Man Down' and 'Miami Nights' by Kevin MacLeod.

    2 April 2019, 11:42 am
  • 17 minutes 29 seconds
    1.3:Cold-Ass Ski Trip

    Episode Notes

    Content Warnings for this episode: threat, gun violence, serious injury.

    Nora and Wheeler head to snowy Norway and meet some interesting people. Plus, mixed feelings, interrogations, and someone saving the day.

    The 12:37 is a Queer Sci-Fi audio drama created and written by Alma Roda-Gil. Keep up with us at our website or on Twitter. If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon. A transcript for this episode is available here.

    This episode featured voice work from Nancy Ashcroft, Harry Whittaker, Niall Carey and Alma Roda-Gil, with additional voice work from Whitney Johnson.

    Our artwork is by Lucinda Livingstone. Our theme tune and soundtrack are by Jennifer Doveton.

    The following sound effects from were used: 'Train Interior Ambiance' by Vlatko Blažek,sink' by jesabat, 'asseoir_chaise3' by MaxDemianAGL, 'ChainWrapping2' by richardemoore,'Walking On Snow' by rivernile7,'Punching someone and dragging them away' by pfranzen, and'RG wall punch' by cmusounddesign.

    This episode also featured 'Snowdrop' by Kevin MacLeod.

    19 March 2019, 12:17 pm
  • 16 minutes 42 seconds
    1.2:The Great Depression

    Episode Notes

    Nora runs into a serious problem when she realises she's taken the last of her antidepressants. Wheeler has a solution.

    Content Warnings: anxiety, depression, discussion of antidepressants.

    The 12:37 is a Queer Sci-Fi audio drama created and written by Alma Roda-Gil. Keep up with us at our website or on Twitter. If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon. A transcript for this episode is available here.

    This episode featured voice work from Nancy Ashcroft, Harry Whittaker, and Alma Roda-Gil. Our artwork is by Lucinda Livingstone. Our theme tune and soundtrack are by Jennifer Doveton.

    The following sound effects from were used: 'Train Interior Ambiance' by Vlatko Blažek, 'Chair on tiles (Fast)' by psychopancake, 'RG Wall Punch' by cmusounddesign,'Laboratory' by vedas,'Sliding Glass Door-004' by heyim89yearsold,'sink' by jesabat, 'Pillow Foley' by ChazzRavenelle.

    This episode also featured 'Finding the Balance' by Kevin MacLeod.

    5 March 2019, 4:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 23 seconds
    1.1:This Is All Wrong

    Episode Notes

    Nora's day takes a turn for the worse when she finds out she accidentally boarded a time-travelling train.

    The 12:37 is a Queer Sci-Fi audio drama created and written by Alma Roda-Gil. Keep up with us at our website or on Twitter. If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon. A transcript for this episode is available here.

    This episode featured voice work from Nancy Ashcroft, Harry Whittaker, and Alma Roda-Gil. Our artwork is by Lucinda Livingstone. Our theme tune and soundtrack are by Jennifer Doveton.

    The following sound effects from were used: 'Train Interior Ambiance' by Vlatko Blažek, 'Car engine starting and running' by Jagadamba, 'Buttons' by marco_luzi,'Train Stopping' by Vlatko Blažek,'Book3' by EverHeat,'Searching in a bag' by Tristan Lohengrin.

    This episode also featured 'Ever Mindful' by Kevin MacLeod.

    5 March 2019, 3:59 pm
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