MDS Podcast

International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

  • Presidential Lecture Awardee - The importance of alpha-synuclein research | Congress 2024
    Dr. Virginia Lee, the 2024 C. David Marsden Presidential Lecture Award Winner, recounts her career and what events lead her to study neurodegenerative disease. She also shares her insight into the importance of alpha synuclein research and advice for aspiring researchers.
    16 September 2024, 5:00 am
  • Presidential Lecture Awardee - Insight into clinical phenotyping and the role of AI | Congress 2024
    Dr. Marina de Koning Tijssen, the 2024 Stanley Fahn Presidential Lecture Award Winner, discusses her career history and how much she learned just by talking to patients. She also shares her views on the role of AI in the clinic and what legacy she hopes to leave for future movement disorders specialists.
    16 September 2024, 5:00 am
  • Hot Topic: Pesticides and Parkinson's Disease 2
    For this Hot Topic episode, Prof. Tiago Outeiro talks with Dr. Briana de Miranda about the basic science behind the relationship between pesticides and Parkinson's disease. Together they discuss the possible mechanistic action of these products and how dopaminergic neurons are more susceptible.
    9 September 2024, 5:00 am
  • Hot Topic: Pesticides and Parkinson's Disease 1
    Prof. Daniela Berg joins Prof. Tiago Outeiro in this first Hot Topic episode focusing on pesticides and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Together they discuss the rise of PD, the impact of pesticides, and what should be done to safeguard people from potential harm.
    3 September 2024, 5:00 am
  • Essential tremor and dystonia: the TITAN study
    Dr. Sara Schaefer interviews Dr. Roberto Erro on the phenotypic characteristics of essential tremor, essential tremor with soft dystonic signs, and tremor combined with dystonia through analysis of The Italian tremor Network (TITAN) data. Read the article.
    26 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • Long-term follow up of GPi-DBS in pediatric non-degenerative dystonia
    Dr. Sarah Camargos interviews Dr. Giovanna Zorzi on the outcomes of a cohort of non-degenerative pediatric patients with idiopathic and genetic dystonia who were submitted to GPi-DBS and compares these outcomes with a meta-analysis of the literature.
    Journal CME is available until July 24, 2025 Read the article.
    19 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • Neurovascular health and Lewy body disorders, where is the connection?
    Studies have shown a close interplay between the cerebrovascular system and neurodegeneration. But what is the current evidence, and how can it help us better understand the pathophysiology of Lewy body disorders and potentially change their course? In this episode, Dr. Michele Matarazzo interviews Prof. Sephira Ryman about a recently published review article that explores the complexities of this relationship.
    Journal CME is available until August 21, 2025 Read the article.
    12 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • Disentangling the Cognitive Effects of Acute Levodopa in Parkinson's Disease
    In this episode, Dr. Joseph Seemiller and Dr. Kelly Mills discuss the changes in cognitive performance in the OFF and ON states during an acute levodopa challenge in a large cohort of patients with Parkinson's disease. Their study's findings suggest divergent complex changes in processing speed and executive function. Read the article »
    5 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • Exploring postural control in functional motor disorders using virtual reality
    In this episode, Drs. Gandolfi and Tinazzi discuss how virtual reality can be used as a therapeutic tool to modulate attention in patients with functional motor disorder, while measuring postural control. Read the article »
    29 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • Is levodopa disease modifying? Long-term LEAP study follow-up
    Prof. Rob de Bie joins Dr. Sara Schaefer to discuss the 5-year follow up extension to the Levodopa in Early Parkinson's disease (LEAP) study, including the results and indications for practice.
    Journal CME is available until July 01, 2025 Read the article.
    22 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • A post-hoc analysis of the Prasinezumab trial in early Parkinson's disease
    Dr. Gennaro Pagano discusses the findings of the post-hoc analysis of the PASADENA trial, a study using the monoclonal antibody Prasinezumab directed at aggregated α-synuclein, where motor progression trajectories differed between active and placebo groups. Read article »
    15 July 2024, 5:00 am
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