LOST with Friends

A rewatch celebration and in-depth discussion of the hit TV series LOST. Going episode-by-episode host Paul has gathered a group of fans of varying knowledge from all over the world to offer their analysis of the experience that is LOST.

  • 1 hour 44 minutes
    Boone Carlyle (A Sacrifice the Series Demanded)

    GUESTS: Jake Wolkan & Ellsworth Tallman


    It's a different approach on this BONUS episode of LOST with Friends! Instead of taking a look at a specific episode, Paul is joined by the returning Mr. LOSTpedia Jake and new guest THE Ellsworth to break down a specific character.


    Boone Carlyle is the focal point of the discussion. Going through his entire arc and characterization, the three friends realize some things they may never thought of before. Some new theories are even brought up this late in the game! It's a can't miss discussion.


    For more episodes like this: clockshelves.com


    Content Club is hub, so sub and throw some dough: patreon.com/clockshelves


    Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @clockshelvesĀ 

    24 February 2022, 12:00 am
  • 2 hours 27 minutes
    Season 1 Deleted Scenes

    GUESTS: Andy Cornforth & Liam Praino




    It's the monthly return of LOST with Friends! Though the podcast proper ended, the "experience" of LOST is never over. Host Paul is joined by recurring guests Liam Praino and Andy Cornforth as they breakdown and discuss the deleted scenes from season 1 of LOST.


    The link to the video in which they watched the episodes can be found here: youtu.be/-FnEvWM5MQA


    For more episodes like this: clockshelves.com


    Content Club is your hub for early and uninterrupted content; throw some dough: patreon.com/clockshelves


    Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @clockshelves

    23 January 2022, 9:36 pm
  • 2 hours 13 seconds
    "It's Time For Us All To Go Home."

    GUESTS: Jake Wolkan & Kevin ZaneĀ 

    It's the epilogue you've all been waiting for! Long time guests Kevin and Jake return to officially wrap up the entire series of 'LOST' with discussion and breakdown of 'The New Man In Charge' and more.Ā 

    For more episodes like this: clockshelves.com

    Early access if you throw some dough: patreon.com/clockshelves

    Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @clockshelves

    22 September 2020, 4:00 am
  • 6 hours 55 minutes
    "We've Been Waiting For You"

    In this star studded finale, guests from various past episodes appear (too many to name and even some surprises).

    Whether sticking around for the entire thing or making a brief cameo appearance, this many Losties can only mean one thing: itā€™s ā€œThe Endā€.

    After more than three years and 30+ guests, host Paul and the largest group heā€™s ever compiled onto an episode (including some surprises) discuss various aspects of the final episode of their beloved show, still find out new things about the show and each other, and celebrate all things LOST.

    (PRODUCER NOTE: The biggest ā€˜thank youā€™ to everyone whoā€™s ever been on the show or listened to the show. You are appreciated.)

    For more episodes like this: clockshelves.com

    Early access if you throw some dough: patreon.com/clockshelves

    Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @clockshelves

    Amazon Affiliate Link: https://amzn.to/3bHEWIn

    23 May 2020, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 42 minutes
    "I'm Gonna Destroy The Island."

    GUESTS: Wayne Tsuji, Tracy Tsuji, and Bill Kava

    We're one step closer to The End, but first, we need to figure out "What They Died For". Listen as host Paul talks with Wayne, Tracy, and Bill about the penultimate episode of LOST and a few other things from the past and future of the series.

    For more episodes like this: clockshelves.com

    Early access if you throw some dough: patreon.com/clockshelves

    Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @clockshelves

    25 April 2020, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 57 minutes
    "Goodbye, Brother. Goodbye."

    GUESTS: Sam Donato & Briana Lynch

    In this episode, host Paul welcomes back two incredible guests to discuss "Across the Sea". They take a deep dive into Island mythology with this episode.
    Was Mother a Smoke Monster? What came before all of this? Island natives? How bright could The Heart of the Island have been? All that and more is discussed!

    For more episodes like this: clockshelves.com

    Early access if you throw some dough: patreon.com/clockshelves

    Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @clockshelves

    24 April 2020, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 50 minutes
    "To Finish What I Started"

    GUESTS: Jake Wolkan & Caleb Woods

    It's an episode of epic proportions! Mysteries are answered, thanks are given, theories are discussed, opinions are shared, and even a pitch for a slight change to LOST as we know it! All that and more as Caleb Woods and Mr. LOSTpedia Jake Wolkan return once more before our final bow.

    For more episodes like this: clockshelves.com

    Early access if you throw some dough: patreon.com/clockshelves

    Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @clockshelves

    15 March 2020, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 2 minutes
    "You're With Me Now"

    GUESTS: Andy & Cara Cornforth

    EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, parts of the conversation were corrupted or lost (no pun intended). We're very sorry for any inconvenience.

    It's a very unique episode, in which host Paul is joined by frequent guest Andy and new guest Cara. It's a brand new Cornforth! Discussing "The Last Recruit" (and Cara's thoughts on the epic series in general), some great points of conversation are had.

    For more episodes like this: clockshelves.com

    Early access if you throw some dough: patreon.com/clockshelves

    Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @clockshelves

    24 February 2020, 5:00 am
  • 2 hours 45 minutes
    "Mr. Locke? Can You hear Me?"

    GUESTS: Liam Praino & Wayne Tsuji
    Delving deep into this Hurley-centric episode ('Everybody Loves Hugo') it's Wayne and Liam once again joining Paul. Getting Wayne's thoughts on season six, concepts of the sideways, disagreements between all three, confirmation of 'The Whispers', and much more discussion, this episode has something to make any LOST fan happy.

    For more episodes like this: clockshelves.com

    Early access if you throw some dough: patreon.com/clockshelves

    Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @clockshelves

    10 February 2020, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    "I Just Need To Show Them Something..."

    GUESTS: Steve Peterson & Mike Gillman

    When you have Desmond, Charlie, Eloise, flash sideways, love, bombs, theories, and more, you know it's going to be a good discussion. Especially when it's three good friends talking about all of it. Join two amazing photographers, Steve and Mike, and host Paul as they talk about "Happily Ever After".

    For more episodes like this: clockshelves.com

    Early access if you throw some dough: patreon.com/clockshelves

    Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @clockshelves

    31 January 2020, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 39 minutes
    "Let's Go, Mr. Hume"

    GUESTS: Arthur Cornforth, Tony Cornforth, and Andy Cornforth

    The three Cornforth brothers are back in this packed Jin/Sun-centric episode. Featuring some fun discussions about the sideways, supplies on the Island, and even a LOST quiz, this episode is sure to bring as many laughs to you as it did to all involved in the recording.

    For more episodes like this: clockshelves.com

    You could've had this episode early: patreon.com/clockshelves

    Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @clockshelves

    24 January 2020, 5:00 am
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