Whisky & Commerce with Laura Doonin

Laura Doonin

Whisky and Commerce is a podcast with me, Laura Doonin on all things digital, retail, mindfulness and of course whisky. Join me as I chat with some cool thought-leaders in the digital space who are bring their whole self to the party as we discuss digital trends, whats going on in retail, what matters to them personally, what tools they use to stay inspired. A little about me, I am a Scottish business loving yogi and ten years ago I made a conscious decision to bring more of my yoga and fitness-loving self to my technology innovation career... I now live and work by the philosophy that there is no dichotomy between online and offline. It’s all just life. Why this podcast? Truthfully, I want to open up ways to form deeper levels of connection and give others permission to do the same. And a wee whisky always helps.

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