The Siècle History Podcast

David H. Montgomery

  • 58 minutes 16 seconds
    Episode 44: Bourbons on the Rocks

    King Charles X just wants to spend some time at his vacation house playing cards, hunting, and hanging out with his family. But it's late July 1830, and people keep interrupting him to talk about some alleged revolution in Paris.

    My apologies for the number of different ways I managed to pronounce "Neuilly" in this episode.

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    6 January 2025, 6:00 am
  • 32 minutes 11 seconds
    Fact Check 2: The Lying Chef

    Larger-than-life French chef Alexis Soyer helped revolutionize British cuisine in the Victorian period — but his widely reported personal encounter with France's 1830 revolution is just a tall tale.

    Visit to read a full annotated transcript of this episode.

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    17 November 2024, 6:20 am
  • 34 minutes 54 seconds
    Episode 43: The Politicians

    While men fight and die on the streets of Paris, France's feckless politicians try to muster the will to take decisive action of their own to address a revolution no one on either side expected.

    A quick refresher on important dates so far:

    • August 8, 1829: The Polignac ministry is appointed
    • Early July, 1830: Marshal Bourmont captures Algiers; opposition candidates win French elections
    • Sunday, July 25, 1830: King Charles X and his ministers approve the Four Ordinances
    • Monday, July 26, 1830: The Four Ordinances are published in the Moniteur. Journalists draft the Protest of the Forty-Four. Initial protests. A mob attacks Polignac's carriage.
    • Tuesday, July 27, 1830: Four newspapers publish in defiance of the Four Ordinances. Protests grow into riots. Marshal Marmont assumes command of Paris. Soldiers open fire on civilians. Initial barricades go up.
    • Wednesday, July 28, 1830: Marmont is given dictatorial control of Paris, and sends out his three attack columns. Deputies meet with Marmont. By the end of the night, Marmont's columns all retreat.

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    13 October 2024, 4:50 am
  • 56 minutes
    Episode 42: Marmont

    Marshal Auguste de Marmont was tasked with putting down Parisian rebels after the Four Ordinances of July 1830. There were only a few problems: he didn't have enough men or supplies, he opposed the Ordinances, and his bosses neglected to inform him of his new job.

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    Visit to see maps and images about the fighting described in today's episode.

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    9 September 2024, 4:45 am
  • 1 hour 37 minutes
    Supplemental 21: The French History Games

    Three French history podcasters come together to determine the most corrupt, idealistic, eloquent and idiotic figures — among others — from the Revolutionary, Napoleonic and post-Napoleonic eras. (Update: The original version of this file cuts out after 48 minutes. Re-download for a fixed version.)

    Check out Age of Napoleon and Grey History: The French Revolution!

    Submit your comments on this episode via Will Clark's link here.

    View a full annotated transcript here, and find out how to support the show and receive an ad-free fee here.

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    10 August 2024, 4:49 am
  • 34 minutes 47 seconds
    Episode 41: The People

    That escalated quickly! Find out how — and why — the people of Paris went from ignoring Charles X's coup on Monday, July 26, 1830, to engaging in street fighting with the French Army less than 24 hours later.

    See a full annotated and illustrated transcript online here.

    Learn more about the Barricades convention, July 12 - 14, 2024, here.

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    3 July 2024, 4:03 am
  • 21 minutes 40 seconds
    Episode 40: The Journalists

    Charles X's Four Ordinances in July 1830 threatened to impose strict censorship on France's opposition newspapers. So what were the journalists going to do about it?

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    3 June 2024, 5:14 am
  • 21 minutes 22 seconds
    Supplemental 20: What's a franc?

    Everything you ever wanted to know about francs and sous, centimes and louis d’or, and the bewildering array of 19th Century French currency. What were all these coins? What were they worth? How did they compare to other currencies like pounds and dollars, how does that compare to today — and what does Charlemagne have to do with all of this?

    See a full annotated transcript with pictures on the show website. Join the show's Patreon to get an ad-free feed.

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    26 April 2024, 4:03 am
  • 56 minutes 19 seconds
    Supplemental 19: Fifth Birthday Special

    It's been five years since The Siècle first debuted! To mark the show's fifth anniversary, I'm joined by fellow history podcaster Everett Rummage of The Age of Napoleon podcast to answer listener questions and talk about history, podcasting, and more.

    Check out the show's new YouTube channel, where I'm gradually uploading audio of back episodes.

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    27 February 2024, 6:43 am
  • 52 minutes 32 seconds
    Episode 39: The Four Ordinances

    On July 26, 1830, Parisians woke up to four stunning proclamations from King Charles X, four ordinances rewriting French politics and public life. Join me to explore what these Four Ordinances did, how Charles could issue them, and how they came to appear in Parisians' morning newspaper.

    Visit for an annotated transcript, including images of the Four Ordinances in the July 27 Moniteur. Become a patron on Patreon to receive an ad-free fee.

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    22 January 2024, 7:11 pm
  • 57 minutes 52 seconds
    Episode 38: The 221

    In 1830, France's slow-moving political crisis builds to a fever-pitch, as King Charles X goes to war with his liberal opposition at home, and the Regency of Algiers abroad. Amid military and electoral campaigns, Charles X will face a decision that could reshape his reign.

    The Siècle's 5th anniversary is coming up on January 22, 2024. I'm hosting a special Q&A episode (with a guest moderator you might know!) and want your questions! Please email david (at) thesiecle (dot) com by January 13, 2024, with any questions you want considered for inclusion in that episode — about the show, about 19th Century France, or even about me.

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    5 January 2024, 9:08 am
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