Walks Of Wisdom

Sean Olson

Life Lessons On The Go...

  • The 99% Deathstroke & How to avoid failure from flexibility…

    https://walksofwisdom.com - Doing it the same way every time leads to predictable outcomes, while eliminating the need to "decide" what to do in a given moment. If you bend on your principles "sometimes", having to decide when and how much you will bend is hard, and can lead to more bad choices than you intended to make...

    5 June 2023, 7:41 pm
  • 14 minutes 21 seconds
    Why eating Junk Food is an #obligation…

    https://walksofwisdom.com - We eat junk food solely because it tastes good in the moment, even though we know it will not help us be healthy. The action in the moment is not actually all that satisfying, but the resulting flavor we temporarily experience is why we eat it. Resist the temptation of temporary in exchange for the long term rewards you'll get by sticking to food that is healthy for you...

    4 June 2023, 7:30 pm
  • 20 minutes 59 seconds
    Don’t chase that Melatonin high in the morning! Do this instead…

    https://walksofwisdom.com - Preparing for your morning the night before with steps like setting your clothes out and setting an alarm, helps you mentally commit to the steps you'll be taking right after waking up. The faster you can get into that motion of progress by having things ready to start the day before you go to bed, the quicker you can flush the melatonin that makes you feel sleepy, out of your system. Going for a quick walk right after waking up is a great way to accelerate this wake up process...

    3 June 2023, 7:22 pm
  • 21 minutes 19 seconds
    Realizing you DON’T actually know anything, and using that to conquer ALL of your negative emotions…

    https://walksofwisdom.com - Past experience does not guarantee future outcomes. You never really know what will happen as a result in any situation. Don't try to guess, and stress yourself out about what you don't control. Realize that every outcome is possible in every scenario. Focus on improving your processes to respond better when the results are revealed...

    2 June 2023, 7:10 pm
  • 12 minutes 59 seconds
    How to actually lose weight with ZERO effort: Lazy Fitness Blueprint

    https://walksofwisdom.com - Don't buy the foods you shouldn't eat. Then you can't eat them. It only takes a mental commitment to make that happen. Your removal of unnecessary calories will usually put you into a calorie deficit where you burn more than you take in during a day. This ultimately leads to weight loss...

    1 June 2023, 7:03 pm
  • 38 minutes 27 seconds
    Practice makes PROGRESS! But that REPETITION though…

    https://walksofwisdom.com - You'll never be perfect at anything, but striving to come out better than you were before is always an achievable goal with endless room to improve left on the table. The more you do something the better you get, so fail forward faster by repeating the actions more often in a shorter period of time...

    31 May 2023, 6:39 pm
  • 20 minutes 42 seconds
    Want MORE than 24 hours in a day? Here’s the 2 skills required to make it happen…

    https://walksofwisdom.com - Leveraging other peoples time and efforts requires you to be open to outsourcing and paying for it. This allows you to keep your focus on more important tasks that need your attention each day...

    30 May 2023, 8:08 pm
  • 15 minutes 13 seconds
    Choose your energy interaction wisely...

    https://walksofwisdom.com - You are a product of your environment, and you are affected directly by the people you surround yourself with. Their energy impacts your energy, so be careful about your choice of engagement and people interactions...

    29 May 2023, 8:02 pm
  • 15 minutes 26 seconds
    The real money and all the bonuses are snatched up by the hustlers in the streets…

    https://walksofwisdom.com - Your ultimate success in life will come from becoming a good problem solver when there isn't a blueprint of instructions to follow. The willingness to go out and do work with the possibility to fail in order to learn and grow will allow you to become a consistently improved version of yourself as fast as possible...

    28 May 2023, 7:39 pm
  • 15 minutes 23 seconds
    Half full or half empty is NOT the question that matters! This is what you should be asking yourself...

    https://walksofwisdom.com - Optimism vs Pessimism: What direction is momentum taking you is the ultimate focus point when it comes to your current standings in any part of your life. How much you have or don't have doesn't matter if you are not filling your cup with daily improvement actions...

    27 May 2023, 7:25 pm
  • 41 minutes 24 seconds
    Interaction over transaction for instant success...

    https://walksofwisdom.com - Focus on the activity of the current moment to fully immerse yourself in it. You're memories will be richer, and your interactions with the people you are around will be improved because of your singular attention point where you are in the moment...

    26 May 2023, 6:45 pm
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