Apollo Niu World

Apollo Niu

A Mandarin-based Podcast (Considering to be bilingual).

  • 17 minutes 5 seconds
    5: The American Life and Caffeine Hatred

    In their first attempt of making bilingual podcast, Apollo and Niu completed a Q&A, in English,  while discussed their experience of coming to the United States, their views on American cities, their lives in a U.S. High School, and their views on American culture: Apollo and Niu were both confused by the "high spirit" American Expressionism; Apollo expressed her hate towards coffee and tea, while Niu put it in different ways.


    -Flights to United States

    -Do NOT choose United OR China Airlines

    -Apollo and Niu’s experience 

    -Impression of life in United States

    -Cities or Villages?

    -Impression of U.S. High School Life

    -Americans do not study?

    -Cultural differences between China and United States

    -Mindset change

    -Cultural Appropriation

    -Identity Confusion

    -American Life is boring?

    -Normal School Day?

    -Energy Level in U.S. is higher than other places.

    -One thing you cannot understand about American Culture


    -Party atmosphere 

    -Coffee and Tea Debate


    Our Podcast is now available on many major podcast/audio platforms like Google Podcast, Spotify, Breaker, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Stitcher and Apple Podcast. Please subscribe! It would motivate us and create more interesting contents!

    11 March 2019, 1:43 am
  • 24 minutes 53 seconds
    4: "The Matrix" and "Devotion" 电影与游戏

    In this episode, Apollo and Niu discussed a Sci-Fi classic series: "The Matrix" and a Taiwanese Horror Game "Devotion", which stirred up some controversies on Chinese Internet. Apollo and Niu focused on the effect Artificial Intelligence brings to human beings and whether emotions are real in the artificial world. They also discussed the censorship of "Devotion" in China, the plot of the game and Chinese traditional cult belief, are they mostly sham?

    Our Podcast is now available on many major podcast/audio platforms like Google Podcast, Spotify, Breaker, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Stitcher and Apple Podcast. Please subscribe! It would motivate us and create more interesting contents!























    24 February 2019, 6:17 am
  • 10 minutes 39 seconds
    3: Comfort Each Other 哄人

    In this episode, Apollo and Niu discussed how to calm each other down when we go through hard time in a relationship. Niu, as a semi tech nerd, shared his experience of comforting Apollo when both of them were upset. Apollo and Niu both consider understanding each other is one of the most important part in their relationship.

    Our Podcast is now available on many major podcast/audio platforms like Google Podcast, Spotify, Breaker, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Stitcher and Apple Podcast (coming soon). Please subscribe! It would motivate us and create more contents!



    - 哄人很难

    - 五个月不哄人,是一种什么样的体验?

        - 钻牛角尖

        - 哄人是一个感情中非常重要的学问

    - 牛回答哄人的步骤

        - 四个步骤

    - 牛分享自己如何从一个不会哄人的男生到一个相对会哄人的好男友

        - 双方态度特别重要

    - 阿波罗和牛讨论关于男女之间的差异

        - 光哄不能解决问题

    21 January 2019, 5:32 am
  • 22 minutes 50 seconds
    2: A Rewind In Qzone History 空间黑历史

    In this episode, Apollo logged into Niu's Qzone (A popular social media platform built by Tencent, under QQ). They went through the early posts Niu posted throughout '08 - '15, and they both discuss the popular culture behind these posts, among Generation Z.

    Our Podcast is now available on many major podcast/audio platforms, please subscribe so we can be motivated to create more contents!


    - Google Podcast

    - Spotify

    - Breaker

    - Overcast

    - Pocket Casts

    - RadioPublic

    - Stitcher

    - Apple Podcast (Coming soon)

    在这期播客里,阿波罗打开了牛同学的 QQ 空间,他们一起翻阅和讨论牛同学小时候的黑历史,同时涉及到一些 00 后的流行文化。


    - QQ 秀

    - 江南的《龙族》系列

    - 合金装备 系列游戏 (Metal Gear Solid)

    - Temple Run 

    - 无限流网络小说:《无限恐怖》

    - 日本能剧

    - 星际穿越 (Interstellar)

    - 福尔摩斯:基本演绎法 (Elementary)


    13 January 2019, 5:33 am
  • 14 minutes 23 seconds
    1: Year In Review (Relationship) 情感年终总结

    In this first episode, Apollo (the girl) and Niu (the boy) both discussed their review of 2018 (mostly relationship) and what they've learned from their experience. They also had some advices for couples. 



    - 开场白

    - 阿波罗同学的感情经历 

    - 第一段糟透了的感情 

    - 和牛同学的感情开始 

    - 牛同学的感情经历和成长 

    - 对情侣们的建议 

    - 结尾

    6 January 2019, 5:32 am
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