**The Go-to Podcast for Christian women who want to improve their body image and stop comparing themselves to others!** Are you a Christian woman who is tired of the same old answers to your body image and comparison struggles? Have you "tried everything," yet still feel like your body isn't enough or should be better? Do you know that "God looks at the heart" or "You're fearfully and wonderfully made" yet STILL feel like maybe God should have made your body better? Bonus: Have you ever prayed for God to zap you skinny? ;) (Your secret is safe here.) If you answered yes to any of the above, then Compared to Who? A Biblical Approach to Body Image Issues is the show for you! Twice a week, we tackle tough topics like feeling out of control with food, body shame, disordered eating, weight loss, aging, dieting, body dysmorphia, body hatred, and more from a practical, grace-filled, biblical, and gospel-centered perspective. I'm Heather Creekmore, author of several books (including a forthcoming body image workbook), speaker, and Christian body image coach. Our approach to body image issues is relatable, authentic, and truth-driven. We hope every episode is filled with grace and hope for your personal struggle. I spent decades battling the scale and the mirror. But, now I help women get free from body image issues so they can stop comparing and start living. Listen to laugh about all the common ways we struggle and find encouragement for our journey. Find out more about Heather Creekmore and the ministry of Compared to Who? or to get Christian body image coaching, visit: https://www.comparedtowho.me Want to join our podcast community on Facebook? Visit the group here: https://www.facebook.com/g
How was your body image when you were pregnant? For some, it's freedom. For others, it's terrifying. Today, the Compared to Who? team: Heather, Tara, Presli, Jackie, and Rachel have a group chat about how they felt during pregnancy. They talk about their approaches to gaining weight, trying to do everything "right" by the doctors, the pressures they felt around how much weight to gain (or not gain), and everything in between. This conversation is real talk around the struggles, trials, and frustrations of being pregnant when you have body image issues or when you struggle with food, disordered eating, or have an eating disorder. For some women, body image issues start at pregnancy. No matter where you're at on your journey to heal your body image (how you feel and think about your body), this episode will encourage you. Both Heather and Tara share how their both more than a decade post-partum, but how healing it felt just to go back and think about these issues and what they walked through.
Learn more about Compared to Who? or join the 40-Day Journey by visiting: www.improvebodyimage.com
Other episodes mentioned today:
What is Health (discussion of BMI chart origins): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReC4AtVQu2s
Pregnancy and Body Image: https://comparedtowho.me/body-image-and-pregnancy/
Blog post on the topic: https://comparedtowho.me/coveting-my-neighbors-belly-pregnancy-and-body-image-series/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
In part 2 of this interview with Dr. Dan Allender, Heather and Dan delve into what it truly means to experience a deeper, more fulfilling marriage. Dr. Allender shared profound insights into how our past plays a crucial role in shaping our present and how this understanding can guide us toward redemption and healing in our relationships.
Here are themes for our conversation today:
Growth in Marriage: True growth in marriage is not just about comfort and convenience. It involves addressing past traumas and engaging with each other's differences to heal and understand the work of the spirit in our lives.
The Role of Desire: Desire in a marriage is never equal, and understanding this difference can lead to greater curiosity and compassion rather than conflict. It's about exploring each other's hearts and seeking out redemption together.
The Intersection of Shame and Delight: Our deepest areas of shame are often where we can find the most profound delight, especially in the context of marriage. Dr. Allender emphasized the importance of inviting kindness into our hearts to truly reflect this delight onto our spouses.
Stay til the very end when Dr. Allender explains why shame and food are as interconnected as shame and sex!
Learn more about Dr. Dan Allender and his new book: Deep-Rooted Marriage. (Amazon affiliate link)
Learn more about Compared to Who? or join the next 40-Day Journey to Body Image Freedom here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Today Heather Creekmore interviews an author, therapist, and pioneer in the trauma and abuse world, Dr. Dan Allender. As we wrap up our month-long series on marriage, today Heather and Dr. Allender explore how our past traumas impact our marriage, how our hurts from our family of origin may have actually impacted who we chose to marry, and how we can help our spouses heal and name their own woundings so that together we can have more than just a "good marriage," we instead can grow together as a couple who is able to honor and delight in each other.
🔹 Understanding Trauma in Marriage Relationships: Dr. Allender talks about how both capital T and small t traumas can shape our behaviors and even our choice of a marriage partner. Many of us aren't aware of these subtle influences rooted deep in past experiences.
🔹 Transformational Stories: A personal story shared by Dr. Allender highlights how pivotal moments in marriage, filled with exposure and invitation, can lead to profound transformation and healing.
🔹 The Promise of Deep Connection: Through challenges and growth, marriage offers an opportunity for unparalleled joy and awe, as Dr. Allender describes his journey of delight and honor in his relationship with his wife.
Come back for part 2 of this interview on Friday.
Learn more about Dr. Dan Allender and his new book: Deep-Rooted Marriage here. (Amazon affiliate link)
Learn more about Compared to Who? or join the next 40-Day Journey to Body Image Freedom here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Today Heather continues her conversation with Rosie Makinney from Fight for Love Ministries (https://www.fightforloveministries.org) about lust and pornography issues and how they affect marriages and a woman's body image issues.
In today's episode, Heather and Rosie talk about control issues, the idol of sex, and what to do if you're dating someone who has confessed to a problem with pornography.
They also talk about what to do if you're in that shattered place of just finding out (or re-finding out) that your man is looking at pornography of any kind.
There is great hope and help for your marriage and your body image, even if a porn issue is part of your story. Visit Fight For Love if you need more help or support in navigating this difficult issues.
Listen to Heather's first interview with Rosie where she shares her story here: https://omny.fm/shows/compared-to-who/what-to-do-when-your-husband-is-looking-at-porn
Learn more about Compared to Who? at https://www.improvebodyimage.com
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Rosie Makinney of Fight For Love Ministries joins Heather today for a candid conversation about lust and pornography issues and how they affect marriages and a woman's body image issues. If you've ever believed that your husband would stop looking (or would have never looked) at porn if only you looked better, today you'll hear this lie dispelled with science and biblical truth. Rosie has helped thousands of women come to a better understanding of their man's lust problems, and she'll encourage you if you've ever felt gaslighted or blamed for his struggles.
This is part one of a two part conversation.
Listen to Heather's first interview with Rosie where she shares her story here: https://omny.fm/shows/compared-to-who/what-to-do-when-your-husband-is-looking-at-porn
Learn more about Compared to Who? at https://www.improvebodyimage.com
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Have you ever struggled to feel like you're truly loved? Maybe you have a head knowledge that God or your husband or parents love you, but somehow you still feel lonely or unseen? If that's you, then today's episode will encourage your heart as you hear Heather talk about some strategies to help you feel loved. Especially at Valentine's Day, it can be hard to feel like someone loves us enough unless they are doing all the things that culture says they should be doing to show their love. But is that what love is really about? Or, does feeling love have little to do with flowers and reservations and more to do with what we believe about God and our own value? Listen and tell a friend about it!
Learn more about Compared to Who? at: Https://www.improvebodyimage.com
Ready to start your journey to body image freedom? Go to: https://www.improvebodyimage.com/40-day-challenge
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Have you believed the lie that if you looked better, your marriage would be better? Have you fallen prey to the marketers who tell you that you'll capture your husband's attention if you just lose some weight or get some surgery? Author and Christian body image coach Heather Creekmore discusses what to do if you really want to get a man's attention in a relationship or marriage. The good news is that her suggestions have nothing to do with changing one's physical appearance. Instead, we have to look at root issues like control and pride and the subtle, insidious ways they hide in the ways we treat our husbands. Even if you don't think you're controlling and have never wrestled pride, you may find Heather's examples helpful. If you feel stuck in your marriage and are wondering how you can change things, Heather's practical suggestions at the end of the episode may help you get your man's attention and get on the path to a healthier marriage. **If you feel afraid in your marriage or are suffering from abuse of any kind, please seek help from a Christian counselor, pastor, or someone who can support and advise you in real life.
Looking for more help and support for your body image and marriage issues? Visit: https://www.improvebodyimage.com
Our next 40 Day Journey starts soon! Learn more here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com/40-day-challenge
Not sure how to feel God's love? If this is a challenge for you, listen to Heather share more about her struggle here:
Listen to Heather's interview with Shannon Popkin mentioned in today's episode:
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Does your body image affect your marriage and relationships? Yes. A lot. Today, Heather revisits an interview with Dr. Juli Slattery--clinical psychologist, author, podcast host, and all-around expert on this topic. Heather explores the most common questions on the topic and gives you Dr. Slattery's brilliant, rooted-in-Bible truth answers.
If you've ever wondered:
This episode is for you.
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
If you're married or in a relationship, this episode is going to be key to helping your husband understand why you feel insecure, have body image issues, or don't see your body the way he does. Christian body image coach, Heather Creekmore offers 6 tips for you to share with your husband (or listen to, together) talking about what's behind body image issues and why helping your wife "eat better," or telling her she's beautiful just as she is, doesn't work. Heather breaks down why we have such a difficult time understanding each other around these issues and Heather helps husbands, specifically, see why their wives are struggling and what they can do to help her get free and find the confidence, peace, and freedom, they'd like for her to have too.
Learn more about the work of Compared to Who? at: https://www.improvebodyimage.com
Need coaching? Heather's here for Christian body image coaching for women of all ages. Learn more by dropping an email to: [email protected]
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Consider today's episode a heart check-up for your spiritual health. Today Heather chats with author Margaret Jen Burke about her book titled, "Dying to Live: Letting Go of Earthly Treasures to Find Eternal Joy." In the book, Margaret Jen challenges American Christian women to consider the ways they are killing themselves (literally and spiritually) to strive for the American dream or the promised comforts of this life, while missing out on the supreme joy, comfort, and contentment found in Christ alone. Margaret Jen talks about how our quest for satisfaction will never be quenched at TJ Maxx...but how the greatest satisfaction we can discover is connected to our journey of sanctification in Christ. Is the American dream what's killing our contentment? Why do we follow and try to be like so many influencers when, the truth is, Jesus didn't look like an influencer? This episode will challenge you to think about your spiritual health in a new way.
Learn more about Margaret Jen Burke here: https://www.instagram.com/margaretjenburke/
Read or order her book, "Dying to Live" here: https://amzn.to/42eX4GE (Amazon affiliate link)
Here's the "Do You Long to Be Hot or Holy" episode mentioned in today's show: https://www.improvebodyimage.com/blog/hot-or-holy
Learn more about Compared to Who? here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com
Learn more about Heather's 40-Day body image workbook here: https://amzn.to/4jkkpfW
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Have you ever said, "If only I could just be the size I used to be... then I'd be happy." Or, maybe you've thought, "If I could just weigh what I did before the baby, or menopause, or when I had the eating disorder...then I wouldn't have body image issues." Oh, friend. In today's episode, Heather Creekmore, Christian body image coach and best-selling author, dispels these myths and gives you the practical truth and a "BS test" ("baloney sandwich") to see if you believe lies that will keep you stuck in body image issues and frustration. If you've ever longed for the smaller, younger, sleeker, different body that you "used to have"... this episode will encourage you and give you practical strategies to align your thoughts with the truth of scripture.
Learn more about the ministry of Compared to Who? at https://www.improvebodyimage.com
Read Heather's 40-Day Body Image Workbook-- starting with a free sample (Day 5 is mentioned in today's show) here: https://amzn.to/4ai0FFS (Amazon affiliate link - small portion of your purchase goes back to this ministry).
Learn more about the 40-Day Journey here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com/40-day-challenge
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.