Life After PTSD

Life After PTSD

Post traumatic stress is not a disorder, it's an injury that can be healed. Each week we tell stories of counselors and clients who are creating a new normal of their choosing, free of trauma and PTSD.

  • 33 minutes 58 seconds
    More Than 70 Years Later, A 97 Year Old World War II Vet Was Still Traumatized (ft. Mel Jenner)
    In this episode we welcome 97 year old World War II Veteran Mel Jenner, who for 70+ years has carried the trauma of war and coped in the only way he knew how: by weekly attendance at a PTSD support group for World War II Veterans.  ...until he found himself as the only one remaining.  Mel's story, "Flying Fortress," is an Emmy Award winning documentary-style short film. Mel began working to clear his trauma and in this week's episode he demonstrates the progress as he shares part of his World War II story. - The show is intended to provide encouragement for the listener but is for entertainment purposes only and NOT a substitute for proper treatment or to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever. Please seek help from a qualified mental health provider.
    11 November 2024, 12:30 pm
  • 1 hour 26 minutes
    WWII Veteran is Amazed, Listen and Be KariEd Away With Mel Jenner and His Story

    Join us to listen to WWII veteran and champion of mental health healing, Mel Jenner, as he shares part of his life story and his journey-from the Michigan Air National Guard to the skies over Europe. In a few short sessions, he is free from 90+ years of trauma.

    Each week the Life After PTSD Podcast shares stories of about creating a Life After PTSD.

    The show is intended to provide encouragement for the listener but is for entertainment purposes and NOT a substitute for treatment or to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever. Please seek help from a qualified mental health provider. Are you in crisis? Call: 988 or TEXT: Talk to 74174

    11 November 2024, 11:52 am
  • 51 minutes 12 seconds
    First responder and now also a clinician...develops a modality to help improve functioning
    First Responder, veteran and mental health therapist, Ed Maerkl shares about the training and therapy he worked with a psychiatrist to develop and how people are gaining mental resilience with this simple technique. This is Part 1 of 2
    11 October 2024, 11:30 am
  • 32 minutes 18 seconds
    Deep Dive with Dr. Dituri and Dr. Royster
    Each week the Life After PTSD Podcast shares stories about creating a Life After PTSD. The show is intended to provide encouragement for the listener but is for entertainment purposes and NOT a substitute for treatment or to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever. Please seek help from a qualified mental health provider. Are you in crisis? Call Text or Chat: 988. Dr. Joseph Dituri and Dr. Janelle Royster, both veterans, have taken their experience to create processes, procedures and protocols to change lives! The world needs more fearless trend setters like Dr. Dituri and Dr. Royster!! After nearly twenty-eight years of service to the United States, Commander Joseph Dituri retired from active duty and earned a PhD in Biomedical Engineering, with a focus on life support equipment design, high carbon dioxide environments, and both hyperbaric and hypobaric medicine. Dr. Dituri is a contributing author to Hyperbaric Medical Practice (4th edition), the author of numerous diver-training manuals, a co-author of Tao of Survival Underwater and the Navy Diving Manual, and has been published in several journals produced by the Undersea Hyperbaric Medical Society, the American Society of Naval Engineers, and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Dr. Dituri is a consultant for the International Board of Undersea Medicine and serves as the Director of the Undersea Oxygen Clinic and as Course Director for an approved forty-hour introductory hyperbaric course. Dr. Dituri is an assistant professor at the University of South Florida (USF) in both the Medical Engineering Department and Morsani College of Medicine. Dr. J Royster is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Florida and a Licensed Professional Counselor in Virginia. Dr. Royster has a doctorate in Industrial Organizational Psychology and is currently pursuing a doctorate in Traumatology. Dr. Royster is considered a solution focused trauma therapist. She is certified in 25 therapeutic modalities. Dr. Royster sits on the board of directors for Project Vet Relief, and as the treasurer for Virginia Clinical Counselors Alliance. Dr. Royster is connected to several organizations to assist in the fight against 28 suicides a day in the veteran community, three suicides a day are active-duty deaths. Police, fire, and emergency services have numbers that are even more alarming, one suicide is too many. Dr. Royster is currently completing a book called, Change your language, Change your life. Dr. Royster works with a myriad of non-profit organizations to help those who put on a uniform to serve a higher purpose than themselves. Libertyove, she is the clinical director and uses the TRIP protocol she developed to separate negative emotions from the traumatic events. Dr. Royster has worked with over 3000 people using these neurolinguistic processing techniques over the last few years and has shown over 95% effective success. Dr. Royster is the Medical Director of CISM. Dr Royster works with Blue Guardian Network and educates cadets on trauma and how to process events to prevent PTSD. Dr Royster works with Hyperbaric Oxygen Clinic as a psychologist, completing neurofeedback and assessments to determine the needs of the NFL players and veterans as they complete the 28-day intensive treatment to alleviate traumatic brain injuries. Dr. Royster works with a chiropractor in Virginia to alleviate symptoms of trauma to assist those patients in healing. Lastly Dr Royster owns her own practice called Semper Motis, which translates to always motivated, or always on the move. Dr. Royster’s mission to help others heal and continue to work with those who are struggling and moving toward a better outlook and perspective with her patients.
    1 October 2024, 10:30 am
  • 34 minutes 21 seconds
    Live From Lebanon, Mohammed and Maria (not actually live)

    Life After PTSD has a chat with siblings Mohammed and Maria, who they met through missionary work in the Tyre (Lebanon) Counseling Center and were trained in the "Quick Protocol" the Arabic version of Managing Emotional States Effectively.

    26 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 44 minutes 58 seconds
    Good Times Catching up with Chris from Lebanon

    Join the Life After PTSD Team as we catch up with Chris who hosted us in Lebanon. Chris is a missionary living in Tyre, Lebanon serving primarily refugees of the Syrian War. Chris's ministry there serves educating children as well as their newly opened community counseling center. Chris and his mission hope to spread this model and state of the art counseling techniques throughout the Middle East and other war torn areas. If you would like to know more about Chris's ministry or would like to support please go to :

    12 August 2024, 11:00 am
  • 38 minutes 7 seconds
    Veteran and Counselor shares his journey to help heal his comrades
    Veteran and Counselor shares his journey to help heal his comrades
    11 August 2024, 10:23 am
  • 52 minutes 28 seconds
    Kari, Jeff and Ed get MESE, come experience MESE soon! Hear how this relevant training can help you and those you care about!
    Hear from Jeff, Kari and Ed and learn more about Managing Emotional States Effectively (MESE) and how you can feel a new sense of meaning and provide MESE to others. --- For more info on Managing Emotional States Effectively, visit or text MESE 4074300100. --- Each week the Life After PTSD Podcast shares stories of about creating a Life After PTSD. The show is intended to provide encouragement for the listener but is for entertainment purposes and NOT a substitute for treatment or to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever. Please seek help from a qualified mental health provider. --- Are you in crisis now? Call: 8002738255 or TEXT: Talk to 74174.
    11 July 2024, 11:37 am
  • 1 hour 41 seconds
    Different Strokes for Different Folks
    In March of 2021, at the age of 41, co-host Ed experienced an unexpected stroke. Join us as he shares the experience of his stroke for Stroke Awareness Month 2023. If you believe you or someone you know are exhibiting stroke symptoms, call 911 or emergency medical services in your area and seek medical advice immediately, remember time is tissue! F.A.S.T. Warning Signs Use the letters in F.A.S.T. to spot a Stroke F = Face Drooping – Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person's smile uneven? A = Arm Weakness – Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? S = Speech Difficulty – Is speech slurred? T = Time to call 911 Other Stroke Symptoms Watch for Sudden: NUMBNESS or weakness of face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body CONFUSION, trouble speaking or understanding speech TROUBLE SEEING in one or both eyes TROUBLE WALKING, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination SEVERE HEADACHE with no known cause For more information on Strokes Each week the Life After PTSD Podcast shares stories of about creating a Life After PTSD. The show is intended to provide encouragement for the listener but is for entertainment purposes and NOT a substitute for treatment or to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever. Please seek help from a qualified mental health provider. Are you in crisis? Call: 988 or TEXT: Talk to 74174
    11 June 2024, 10:38 am
  • 40 minutes 58 seconds
    Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts With A Life Of Purpose (ft. Jesse Simpson)

    In this episode we welcome Jesse Simpson, Marine Corp Veteran and former fire fighter who battled thoughts of ending it all.  Jesse details his childhood years and how he battled these thoughts even then but how he enlisted in the service out of high school and numbered himself among our finest and bravest, though the struggles still remained, eventually leading him to find a bigger purpose that saved his life.  Connect with Jesse at @Action_Jesse, his podcast “The Action Hour” or


    The show is intended to provide encouragement for the listener but is for entertainment purposes only and NOT a substitute for proper treatment or to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever. Please seek help from a qualified mental health provider.

    11 May 2024, 10:20 am
  • 32 minutes 41 seconds
    WondHerful Heather talking suicide prevention

    Each week the Life After PTSD Podcast shares stories of about creating a Life After PTSD. The show is intended to provide encouragement for the listener but is for entertainment purposes and NOT a substitute for treatment or to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever. Please seek help from a qualified mental health provider. Are you in crisis? Call:or TEXT: 988

    11 April 2024, 10:39 am
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