A podcast broadcasting Anarchist essays and Audiobooks.
The book can be read at https://archive.org/details/TheSolutionsareAlreadyHere/page/n9/mode/2up
And purchased at https://www.plutobooks.com/9780745345116/the-solutions-are-already-here/
Are alternative energies and Green New Deals enough to deliver
environmental justice? Peter Gelderloos argues that international
governmental responses to the climate emergency are structurally
incapable of solving the crisis. But there is hope. Across the world,
grassroots networks of local communities are working to realize their
visions of an alternative revolutionary response to planetary
destruction, often pitted against the new megaprojects promoted by
greenwashed alternative energy infrastructures and the
neocolonialist, technocratic policies that are the forerunners of the
Green New Deal. Gelderloos interviews food sovereignty activists in
Venezuela, Indigenous communities reforesting their lands in Brazil
and anarchists fighting biofuel plantations in Indonesia, looking at
the battles that have cancelled airports, stopped pipelines, and
helped the most marginalized to fight borders and environmental
racism, to transform their cities, to win a dignified survival.
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You can read the Appeal at https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/petr-kropotkin-an-appeal-to-the-young
 Addressed to young men and women preparing to enter the professions, An Appeal to the Young was first published in 1880 in Kropotkin’s paper, La Revolte, and was soon thereafter issued as a pamphlet. An American edition was brought out by Charles H. Kerr in 1899, in the wake of the great Anarchist’s first U.S. speaking tour; his Memoirs of a Revolutionist was also published (by Houghton-Mifflin) that year. A new edition in Kerr’s “Pocket Library of Socialism” appeared in 1901; just after Kropotkin’s second U.S. tour. (In Chicago, he had been introduced to a large audience by Clarence Darrow, a close associate of the Kerr Company.) Yet another Kerr edition in the 1910s went through many printings, and was still on the Kerr list well into the 1930s.
Long unavailable in any U.S. edition, it is reprinted here in the standard English translation by pioneer British socialist H.M. Hyndman, whose lush Victorian prose ably captures the eloquence, fervour and charm of this celebrated revolutionary classic.
  Revolutionary Classics
  Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company
  Established 1886
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The text can be read at https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/jean-grave-colonization
Jean Graves 1912 examination and condemnation of colonialism. The text first appeared in his larger work Moribund Society and Anarchy (1893) and was updated and released as a standalone work in 1912.
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
The article can read online at https://www.filmsforaction.org/articles/an-anarchist-guide-to-christmas/
Ruth Kinna's examination of Christmas, Kropotkin's connections to the traditions and the potential within it for Anarchist praxis.
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
Article can be read here https://libcom.org/article/life-boats-and-anarchy
A short article published in the Lifeboat's Newsletter in the 1960s on Mutual Aid.
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The pamphlet can be read at https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anarchist-federation-revolutionary-women
A pamphlet produced by the Anarchist Federation highlighting the contributions of several important though often overlooked Revolutionary Women. Â Read for us by Sara S-CW of the Whizbanger Show https://thewhizbangershow.com/
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
This text can be read at https://libcom.org/article/no-god-no-boss-no-husband-worlds-first-anarcha-feminist-group
An account of the first anarchist-feminist group in Argentina during the 1890s. Read for us by Sara S-CW of the Whizbanger Show https://thewhizbangershow.com/
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
The text can be read at http://afed.org.uk/resistance-to-nazism/
A pamphlet produced by the Anarchist Federation collecting a series of articles around the theme of working class resistance to Fascism and the Nazis.
The pamphlet includes a final appendix that documents Italy's Anti-Fascist underground press.
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
The zine can be read, printed and distributed at https://crimethinc.com/zines/the-eye-of-every-storm-anarchist-response-to-hurricane-helene
At the end of September 2024, western North Carolina and the surrounding states experienced 30 inches of rainfall over two days when an unnamed storm collided with Hurricane Helene over the mountains of Southern Appalachia. The resulting catastrophe laid waste to the entire region. At a time when misinformation, rising authoritarianism, and disasters exacerbated by industrially-produced climate change are creating a feedback loop of escalating crisis, it’s crucial to understand disaster response as an integral part of community defense and strategize about how this can play a part in movements for liberation. In the following reflection, a local anarchist involved in longstanding disaster response efforts in Appalachia recounts the lessons that they have learned over the past six weeks and offers advice about how to prepare for the disasters to come.
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
Text can be read here https://libcom.org/article/how-teamsters-quelled-fascist-thugs
An excerpt from the book Teamster Politics by Farrell Dobbs describing how in the 1930s Teamsters Local 544 and other unionists formed a defense guard that pushed back the Silver Shirts, a fascist outfit that was spawned from the deepening capitalist economic crisis of the 1930s.
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"O texto de Marilena Chaui, "O Desafio FilosĂłfico de Espinosa", apresenta uma análise detalhada da interpretação de Antonio Negri sobre o pensamento de Espinosa. Negri desafia interpretações tradicionais, destacando a revolução filosĂłfica de Espinosa, que rompe com as visões panteĂsta e mĂstica. Negri evidencia a mudança de Espinosa para uma ontologia materialista, fundamentando a liberdade e a ação humana e estabelecendo um paradigma Ă©tico-polĂtico inovador, contrastando com as ideologias teolĂłgico-metafĂsicas e dialĂ©ticas do sĂ©culo XVII."
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