Audible Anarchism


A podcast broadcasting Anarchist essays and Audiobooks.

  • 3 minutes 48 seconds
    The Petropavlovsk Resolution

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    The resolution can be read at

    The demands of the Kronstadt insurgents. February 28, 1921; expressed in the “Resolution of the General Meeting of the Crews of the Ships of the Line, Kronstadt”. Original Source: Pravda o Kronshtadte (Prague: Volia Rossii, 1921), pp. 46-7.

    8 March 2025, 5:39 am
  • 6 minutes 24 seconds
    Class Struggle Anarchism, a Punk on the Picket line

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)
    An account from a Punk in Bristol of their time spent on picket lands and outlining practical tips for solidarity and direct action. Written in 1985 as an article for the one off news-sheet ACAB Fight Back. The article and the rest of the newspaper can be read at

    1 March 2025, 5:36 am
  • 9 minutes 58 seconds
    A Catastrophe by Ricardo Flores Magón

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)
    The story can be read at
    A short story relating to the then ongoing Mexican Revolution.  

    Translated from Spanish by Mitchell Cowen Verter. From “Regeneration” number 72. January 13, 1912.

    22 February 2025, 5:30 am
  • 7 minutes 1 second
    What we can learn from the protests in Moscow (2019) by Mikola Dziadok

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)

    Article can be read at

    A short summary of developments in protests and protest policing in the Russian Federation by Belarusian Anarchist and political prisoner Mikola Dziadok. More information on Dziadok's condition can be found at Viasna

    15 February 2025, 5:52 am
  • 1 hour 48 minutes
    The Solutions are Already Here, Chapter 5, a Truly Different Future

    The book can be read at
    And purchased at

    Are alternative energies and Green New Deals enough to deliver
    environmental justice? Peter Gelderloos argues that international
    governmental responses to the climate emergency are structurally
    incapable of solving the crisis. But there is hope. Across the world,
    grassroots networks of local communities are working to realize their
    visions of an alternative revolutionary response to planetary
    destruction, often pitted against the new megaprojects promoted by
    greenwashed alternative energy infrastructures and the
    neocolonialist, technocratic policies that are the forerunners of the
    Green New Deal. Gelderloos interviews food sovereignty activists in
    Venezuela, Indigenous communities reforesting their lands in Brazil
    and anarchists fighting biofuel plantations in Indonesia, looking at
    the battles that have cancelled airports, stopped pipelines, and
    helped the most marginalized to fight borders and environmental
    racism, to transform their cities, to win a dignified survival.

    8 February 2025, 6:04 am
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    The Solutions are Already Here, Chapter 04, Verstatile Strategies

    The book can be read at
    And purchased at

    Are alternative energies and Green New Deals enough to deliver
    environmental justice? Peter Gelderloos argues that international
    governmental responses to the climate emergency are structurally
    incapable of solving the crisis. But there is hope. Across the world,
    grassroots networks of local communities are working to realize their
    visions of an alternative revolutionary response to planetary
    destruction, often pitted against the new megaprojects promoted by
    greenwashed alternative energy infrastructures and the
    neocolonialist, technocratic policies that are the forerunners of the
    Green New Deal. Gelderloos interviews food sovereignty activists in
    Venezuela, Indigenous communities reforesting their lands in Brazil
    and anarchists fighting biofuel plantations in Indonesia, looking at
    the battles that have cancelled airports, stopped pipelines, and
    helped the most marginalized to fight borders and environmental
    racism, to transform their cities, to win a dignified survival.

    1 February 2025, 6:02 am
  • 3 hours 15 minutes
    The Solutions are Already Here, Chapter 03

    The book can be read at
    And purchased at

    Are alternative energies and Green New Deals enough to deliver
    environmental justice? Peter Gelderloos argues that international
    governmental responses to the climate emergency are structurally
    incapable of solving the crisis. But there is hope. Across the world,
    grassroots networks of local communities are working to realize their
    visions of an alternative revolutionary response to planetary
    destruction, often pitted against the new megaprojects promoted by
    greenwashed alternative energy infrastructures and the
    neocolonialist, technocratic policies that are the forerunners of the
    Green New Deal. Gelderloos interviews food sovereignty activists in
    Venezuela, Indigenous communities reforesting their lands in Brazil
    and anarchists fighting biofuel plantations in Indonesia, looking at
    the battles that have cancelled airports, stopped pipelines, and
    helped the most marginalized to fight borders and environmental
    racism, to transform their cities, to win a dignified survival.

    25 January 2025, 6:01 am
  • 2 hours 54 minutes
    The Solutions are Already Here, Chapter Two, Foxes Building Henhouses

    The book can be read at
    And purchased at

    Are alternative energies and Green New Deals enough to deliver
    environmental justice? Peter Gelderloos argues that international
    governmental responses to the climate emergency are structurally
    incapable of solving the crisis. But there is hope. Across the world,
    grassroots networks of local communities are working to realize their
    visions of an alternative revolutionary response to planetary
    destruction, often pitted against the new megaprojects promoted by
    greenwashed alternative energy infrastructures and the
    neocolonialist, technocratic policies that are the forerunners of the
    Green New Deal. Gelderloos interviews food sovereignty activists in
    Venezuela, Indigenous communities reforesting their lands in Brazil
    and anarchists fighting biofuel plantations in Indonesia, looking at
    the battles that have cancelled airports, stopped pipelines, and
    helped the most marginalized to fight borders and environmental
    racism, to transform their cities, to win a dignified survival.

    18 January 2025, 5:58 am
  • 2 hours 14 minutes
    The Solutions are Already Here, Chapter One, A Wide-Angle View

    The book can be read at
    And purchased at

    Are alternative energies and Green New Deals enough to deliver
    environmental justice? Peter Gelderloos argues that international
    governmental responses to the climate emergency are structurally
    incapable of solving the crisis. But there is hope. Across the world,
    grassroots networks of local communities are working to realize their
    visions of an alternative revolutionary response to planetary
    destruction, often pitted against the new megaprojects promoted by
    greenwashed alternative energy infrastructures and the
    neocolonialist, technocratic policies that are the forerunners of the
    Green New Deal. Gelderloos interviews food sovereignty activists in
    Venezuela, Indigenous communities reforesting their lands in Brazil
    and anarchists fighting biofuel plantations in Indonesia, looking at
    the battles that have cancelled airports, stopped pipelines, and
    helped the most marginalized to fight borders and environmental
    racism, to transform their cities, to win a dignified survival.

    11 January 2025, 5:56 am
  • 56 minutes 35 seconds
    An Appeal to the Young by Peter Kropotkin

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)

    You can read the Appeal at

     Addressed to young men and women preparing to enter the professions, An Appeal to the Young was first published in 1880 in Kropotkin’s paper, La Revolte, and was soon thereafter issued as a pamphlet. An American edition was brought out by Charles H. Kerr in 1899, in the wake of the great Anarchist’s first U.S. speaking tour; his Memoirs of a Revolutionist was also published (by Houghton-Mifflin) that year. A new edition in Kerr’s “Pocket Library of Socialism” appeared in 1901; just after Kropotkin’s second U.S. tour. (In Chicago, he had been introduced to a large audience by Clarence Darrow, a close associate of the Kerr Company.) Yet another Kerr edition in the 1910s went through many printings, and was still on the Kerr list well into the 1930s.

    Long unavailable in any U.S. edition, it is reprinted here in the standard English translation by pioneer British socialist H.M. Hyndman, whose lush Victorian prose ably captures the eloquence, fervour and charm of this celebrated revolutionary classic.

        Revolutionary Classics
        Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company
        Established 1886

    4 January 2025, 5:41 am
  • 17 minutes 56 seconds
    Colonisation by Jean Grave

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)
    The text can be read at
    Jean Graves 1912 examination and condemnation of colonialism. The text first appeared in his larger work Moribund Society and Anarchy (1893) and was updated and released as a standalone work in 1912.

    28 December 2024, 5:49 am
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