Audible Anarchism


A podcast broadcasting Anarchist essays and Audiobooks.

  • 1 minute 9 seconds
    Was Ist Audible Anarchist?

    Was ist Anarchismus? Anarchismus ist eine breitgefächerte - aber sich ergänzende - Sammlung an politischen Ideologien. Das Ziel is die Erschaffung einer staatenlosen Gesellschaft, in der alle Individuen frei von willkürlicher Autorität, Hierachie und Unterdrückung sind. Da unsere aktuelle Gesellschaftsordnung auf Hierachie basiert - der eingetrichterte Glaube, dass einige Menschen mehr Macht als andere haben sollten - denken wir, dass dieses unterdrückende Machtsystem beendet werden muss. Audible Anarchist ist ein Kollektiv aus freiwilligen Menschen weltweit, die anarchistische Ideen durch Audio-Aufnahmen teilen wollen. Seien es nun Aufnahmen von Büchern oder Essays, Podcasts oder einfach durch Zusammenarbeit. Abonniert unseren Kanal und entdeckt unsere Vielzahl an Ressourcen. Bei Fragen, Kommentaren oder wenn ihr helfen wollt, schreibt uns eine E-Mail an audibleanarchist(at)

    15 October 2024, 5:05 am
  • 24 minutes 13 seconds
    Bakunin for Anti-Imperialists by Paul Lehning

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)
    Text can be found here
    A short pamphlet by Paul Lehning highlighting some valuable insights of Bakunin for the fight against Imperialism. Read from a pamphlet compiled by Zabalaza the South African Anarchist group.

    12 October 2024, 5:01 am
  • 4 minutes 27 seconds
    Out of the Ruins, an Extract from Clifford Harper's Anarchy a Graphic Guide

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)
    A reading of a short passage from Clifford Harper's Anarchy a Graphic Guide, the work and its illustrations can be read at

    There are many challenges and disasters impacting the lives of thousands, from climate disasters to conflict and famine and pandemics. It's important to reflect on how communities were able to come together and support one another.


    Initiatives responding to the damage caused by Hurricane Helene.

    Please share more in the comments where applicable,

    6 October 2024, 8:03 pm
  • 1 hour 57 minutes
    The Anarchist Federation's Introduction to Anarchist Communism

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)
    The Anarchist Federation compiled this introduction to Anarchist-Communism, this is the second edition and can be read here

    The text has been translated into German and was read for Audible Anarchist by our German friends and can be found at

    Second edition, April 2013

        What We’re Fighting: Capitalism and Hierarchy
        Who We Are and What We Believe: Revolution and Anarchist Communism
        How We Fight: Building a Culture of Resistance
        There is no Conclusion

    5 October 2024, 6:04 am
  • 25 minutes 17 seconds
    The Anarchist Revolution by Nestor Makhno

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at) Text can be read at

    A text written by Nestor Makhno as an exile reflecting on Anarchism and revolution.

    14 September 2024, 6:26 am
  • 21 minutes 30 seconds
    The Anarchists of the Russian Revolution, by Paul Avrich

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at) Text can be read at

    A short summary of Anarchist involvement in the Russian Revolution.

    7 September 2024, 5:33 am
  • 8 minutes 10 seconds
    Anarchism in Korea by Dongyoun Hwang

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at) Can be read at

    A summary of the history of Anarchism on the Korean peninsula.

    31 August 2024, 5:36 am
  • 40 minutes 27 seconds
    Work, a pamphlet by Red and Black Leeds and the Anarchist Federation

    For questions, comments or to get involved e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at) The pamphlet can be read at

    Red and Black Leeds website "A few years ago, we wrote this pamphlet with the Anarchist Federation about the nature of work under capitalism and why it needs to be abolished." R&B Leeds

    24 August 2024, 5:28 am
  • 5 minutes 52 seconds
    Deregulating Drug Use by the Boston Anarchist Drinking Brigade

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)

    Published in 1993, this work tackles criminalisation and regulation of drugs and other substances.

    17 August 2024, 5:25 am
  • 10 minutes 45 seconds
    Sober Spaces in the Punk and Anarchist Scenes by Mo Karnage

    For questions, comments or to get involved e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at) The text can be read at

    Short piece on substance use and attitudes within punk and Anarchist scenes.

    10 August 2024, 5:21 am
  • 44 minutes 48 seconds
    Green Scared Lessons from the FBI Crackdown on Eco-Activists

    For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at) Text can be read at


    This essay examines the effects of a law enforcement campaign against environmental activists and Anarchists in the Pacific North West. "The Green Scare is legal action by the US government against the radical environmental movement, that occurred mostly in the 2000s. It alludes to the Red Scares, periods of fear over communist infiltration of US society. "

    3 August 2024, 5:13 am
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