Welcome to the Everyday Miracles Podcast, where real life stories of hope and inspiration are shared. Every day, miracles are happening all around us. Yet we rarely hear anything about them. Why is that? I'm Julie Hedenborg and I've committed my time and energy to bring these stories to you, including some of my own personal experiences. My hope is that you’ll be impacted the same way I was. Join me in my journey to inspire change in a world that so desperately needs it!
THANK YOU to my amazing guests! GOD and YOU make this possible! For your convenience, the FULL videos (in order):
Steve Austin https://youtu.be/FwX1l7OtNVc Jennifer Eikenhorst https://youtu.be/EL6Bp-T8Q4g Sheila Preston Fitzgerald https://youtu.be/tglE_zTXuEY Matt Brown https://youtu.be/Cm70BR7fkWk Mike McKinsey https://youtu.be/AEqAN_djZW4 Jim Woodford https://youtu.be/1fBj9RdcydI Lynne Holcomb https://youtu.be/XbbG_PsAsLQ Bruce Van Natta https://youtu.be/rtDBVdYx81Q Dave Borelli https://youtu.be/6lLTmNfpoHU Raeanne Newquist https://youtu.be/CfQ6spb9rQo Anna Kate Chance https://youtu.be/GmvZ72uBn_4 Joshua Dennis https://youtu.be/gh_Yb6pTQuc Heidi Barr/John Burke https://youtu.be/1lEqPCL0JlY Steve Wohlberg https://youtu.be/XCDAfVEWAd0 Lauren Burns https://youtu.be/pp5nCZ2aUQ8 Steve Kang https://youtu.be/OfxpSZdmSk4 Jameson Reeder https://youtu.be/mUZLUmSLqHA Tim Ainley https://youtu.be/bQhfqKl9yKY Links for John Burke's new podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@JohnBurkeImagineHeaven Imagine Heaven Podcast with John Burke on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/imagine-heaven-podcast-with-john-burke/id1784735801 Link for Faith of Angels movie and where it may be playing next: https://www.faith-of-angels.com The purpose of Everyday Miracles Podcast is to share the love of Jesus. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on behalf of guests do not necessarily represent the thoughts of the host. This podcast does not constitute services or medical advice. Please pray and thoroughly research options for medical needs. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact. NEW Everyday Miracle compilation book on Amazon: https://a.co/d/45cgbP8 Everyday Miracle compilation book on Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/everyday-miracles-julie-hedenborg/1146173449?ean=9798881501808 Subscribe to Julie's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@everydaymiraclespodcast1395 Website for Everyday Miracles (APPLY!): http://everydaymiraclespodcast.com/ To follow Everyday Miracles Podcast on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/everyday-miracles-podcast/id1447430033--
Brave ten-year-old Jameson was attacked by a 9 foot bull shark while he was snorkeling with his family 9 miles from shore (Key West, August 2022). Odds were stacked against his survival with the damage to his leg and losing nearly all the blood in his body, far from critically needed medical intervention...but God. A ten-year-old's unwavering faith was met with miracle after miracle on the reef! This family's story has blessed people around the world!
In this episode Jameson Jr, and his family (Jameson Sr. and mother Mary) share:
00:00 Intro highlight moment
02:44 The scene on the reef that day Looe Key reef
06:38 Screams in the water and the gruesome discovery of Jameson's injury
11:45 Jameson senior's reaction and the fight for hope so far from shore
17:41 Unexpected miracles through people at just the right moment
20:28 Words the Lord whispered to Jameson senior as he handed off his son
22:25 Singing praise to Jesus in moments of crisis brings joy
23:47 Jameson's supernatural encounter on the speedboat brings peace
24:33 Driver of speed boat (Kyle) shares something supernatural that he witnessed with Jameson
42:30 Facing the inevitable amputation of the lower leg
55:25 Jameson's shocking request after his amputation surgery
56:50 Returning to the reef 10 weeks after attack and conquering fear
"Everyone's got a shark in their story. People often want to make the story about the shark. The truth is, it's not the size of the shark that really matters. It's the strength of your Savior, and that's what our story is. It's not a shark story. It's a little boy who had big faith in an even greater God. Face your fear by faith. The key of faith always unlocks the door of fear. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." - Jameson Reeder Sr.
The Reeder family's testimony is such a powerful reminder that even the most fearsome challenges can be faced and conquered with God. Thank you, Reeder family, for allowing me to share your miracle testimony!
Psalm 121 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
To pre-order Jameson's new book (est. July 2025): https://a.co/d/a3sZ7NM
Jameson's website: https://bravelikejameson.com/
To encourage Jameson on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bravelikejameson/
Founder Revive The Nations, Church Planter, Author and Speaker
Pastor Steve Kang is married to Goeun and graduated from Talbot Seminary in 2008. He was saved from a near death accident in 1998 and has been serving as full-time and now bivocational pastor for the next generation for the past 20 years. He is called to make disciples and plant churches and bring the lost back home as well. Steve was featured in a recent movie, After Death: https://www.angel.com/movies/after-death More links for Steve's ministry:https://www.allnationsjc.org/ministry - Revive the Nations page
Steve's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@SteveKang9879 Steve's recent book: https://a.co/d/5Ef47KwLauren was just a baby when her parents got divorced. Her father, originally from Jordan, kidnapped Lauren at age 7 and took her to Jordan. God led Lauren's mother Cathy on a daring rescue mission. Lauren's story was headline news in the Washington Post, New York Times, Reader’s Digest, People Magazine, and numerous others. In 1993, Desperate Rescue: The Cathy Mahone Story debuted as a NBC made-for-television drama starring Mariel Hemingway based on my childhood.
In this episode Lauren shares her miraculous rescue as well as the journey of forgiveness, healing and redemption.
For more information on Lauren: https://linktr.ee/laurenbredeemed
Website: laurenburns.net
Podcast https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/redeemed-podcast22
Is there scripture in the Bible that can give us hope for our pets going to heaven? Will our pets be taken in the rapture? In this episode Bible expert Steve Wohlberg shares:
To purchase Steve's book about Pets in Heaven: https://a.co/d/bUUJCxt For more on White House Media: https://www.whitehorsemedia.com/ Steve Wohlberg is the Speaker/Director of White Horse Media based in the rugged mountains of Priest River, Idaho. Bible expert, international speaker, television producer, and author of 40+ books on many biblical topics, he has been a guest on over 500 radio/TV shows and podcasts. He has also spoken by special invitation inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate. Widely regarded as an ‘apocalyptic expert,’ he has been featured in three History Channel documentaries (Secrets of the Seven Seals; Strange Rituals: Apocalypse; Armageddon Battle Plan) and one National Geographic International documentary (Animal Armageddon) offering insights into the book of Revelation. Some of his many books include: The United States in Bible Prophecy, Approaching Armageddon, End Time Delusions, End Times Health War, and Will My Pet Go to Heaven (for animal lovers).
The purpose of Everyday Miracles Podcast is to share the love of Jesus. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on behalf of guests do not necessarily represent the thoughts of the host. This podcast does not constitute services or medical advice. Please pray and thoroughly research options for medical needs. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact. For more testimonies, to apply, to reach Julie: http://everydaymiraclespodcast.com/ Facebook: http://everydaymiraclespodcast.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaymir... To email Julie directly: [email protected]
Trigger warning for sensitive individuals: There is a mention of Heidi's emotional, spiritual, physical and sexual abuse in this episode. There is nothing explicit or detailed, it is simply referenced. The focus of our conversation is on healing, forgiveness and hope. and I pray this testimony will encourage every listener.
Heidi Barr was 16 when she died in a horseback riding accident and came face to face with Jesus. Raised in a small Orthodox Jewish community in Iowa, her atheist father had taught her that Jesus was a hoax. Heidi was so passionate about this Jesus she encountered that she graduated early and traveled to Israel for a year. She learned Hebrew and wanted to absorb everything she could related to Jesus.
In this episode we share from her new book, What I Saw in Heaven:
Closing prayer and blessing by John Burke:
We have a LIVING HOPE in Jesus - 1 Peter 1:3-9 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, 5 who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9 for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
Heidi's new book: https://a.co/d/bIqln1U
About John Burke: