Marina Abramovic Is My Mother

Marina Abramovic Is My Mother

A semi-fictional, poly-vocal memoir that tells the story of one of the cultural daughters of performance artist Marina Abramovic.

  • 15 minutes 44 seconds
    Act Six: Love
    In which The Mother is returned to The Daughter.
    20 December 2018, 4:56 am
  • 5 minutes 49 seconds
    Interlude: The Cacophony in the Head After the Death of The Mother
    In which The Daughter begs The Mother to come back.
    20 December 2018, 4:38 am
  • 24 minutes 12 seconds
    Act Five: Fidelity
    In which The Daughter Loses The Mother
    14 December 2018, 5:51 pm
  • 19 minutes 57 seconds
    Act Four: Competence
    In which The Daughter gives up
    12 December 2018, 1:27 pm
  • 21 minutes 8 seconds
    Episode Three: Purpose
    In which The Daughter learns her place
    11 December 2018, 6:05 pm
  • 19 minutes 43 seconds
    Act Two: Will
    In which the Daughter learns Fearlessness.
    10 December 2018, 2:59 pm
  • 15 minutes 53 seconds
    Act One: Hope
    Act One of Marina Abramovic Is My Mother in which we meet the voices.
    9 December 2018, 3:05 pm
  • 13 minutes 32 seconds
    An introduction to the Marina Abramovic Is My Mother Podcast— helping you understand how to understand the work & how to go about listening to it in its entirety.
    5 December 2018, 8:49 pm
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