Transition Wild - Western Hunting Podcast

Adam Parr

The Transition Wild Podcast is your source for expertise and inspiration on western big game hunting. Every other week, we talk with everyday DIY-ers, Hunting Product Companies, and Outdoor Industry Professionals who live, eat and breathe the outdoors to help YOU become a better western hunter. Subscribe to the Transition Wild Podcast on The Sportsmen’s Nation Podcast Network by visiting, Transition Wild Podcast.

  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Mid Season Recap with Fred Bohm

    Today on the Transition Wild Podcast, I am joined by returning guest, Fred Bohm. It’s always a pleasure having Fred on the show to talk hunting and this episode was a lot of fun. During our discussion, Fred walks us through his season so far and all of the exciting animals he’s been chasing with a bow in hand throughout 2020. 

    We start things off with his recent elk hunts in Wyoming and Colorado, where he was able to take a cow and bull on public land within about a week time frame, on back to back hunts. We then cover his big horn sheep hunt in Colorado and all of the ups and downs associated with that endeavor. Fred also walks us through his hunt in Hawaii earlier this year where he chased sheep, goats, and wild pigs. To round out the episode, we talk about what gear Fred has added to his setup, his photography, and what hunts he has coming down the pipe later this year. If you enjoy great photography and writing revolving around hunting, make sure to check out


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    8 October 2020, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    Colorado High Country Archery Mule Deer Recap

    Today I’m covering my recent archery mule deer hunt from early September in Colorado where I cover the events that unfolded during the hunt, as well as the preparation that lead up to it. I begin by covering how I decided on a certain unit and the reasons why I chose to do this hunt in the first place. I then talk about the preparation such as totally revamping my bow and shooting form, along with physical fitness for an above tree-line excursion around 13,000 feet elevation. I then cover my digital scouting and my one and only scouting trip to the area in early August. 

    I round out the episode by diving into the details of my 2020 hunt, starting with the initial hike into the area and ending with a heavy pack-out. I highlight how I spotted deer and how I was able to get in position for a close range stalk with a bow and release a well placed arrow to seal the deal. This was a fun hunt and cool story to share with you all. I hope you enjoy it!

    Look for an upcoming article on that recaps the lessons learned during this hunt in the near future!


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    1 October 2020, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 58 minutes
    Q&A Elk Hunting Scenarios with Ben Guttormson

    Today I’m joined by my friend Ben Guttormson for another badass elk hunting podcast. What’s cool about this episode is that it’s positioned as a question and answer format of various hunting situational and preparation scenarios, where Ben explains what he would do and the reasons why. During our discussion of preparation, I have him rank five categories of scouting, fitness, shooting, gear, and calling and how he prioritizes them in order of most important to least important. I also have him break down what a week long hunt would look like day by day if he were dropped into a unit blind without any prior knowledge of the area.

    We round out the episode with “in the field” type scenarios where he breaks down certain scenarios of calling and how he would set up to get within bow range of elk, given a number of circumstances. We also cover strategies for locating elk in various weather and early season conditions when the rut is not in full swing yet. If you are hunting elk tin the west this fall, this episode is loaded with all sorts of valuable knowledge and information that will help you become more successful on the mountain. 


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    10 September 2020, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    Elk Hunting Wisdom with Cody Rich

    Today we have Cody Rich on the show to hit us with all kinds of elk hunting knowledge, advice, and wisdom. For those of you who might not be familiar with Cody, he hosts The Rich Outdoors Podcast and talks with some truly remarkable guests on elk hunting tactics and strategy. In addition to that, Cody has many years of hunting experience and many bulls under his belt to boot so he is walking book of elk hunting knowledge, to say the least. 

    We cover a number of topics during this episode but a big part of the discussion is focused around thinking outside the box when it comes to locating elk and avoiding pressure, along with common mistakes a lot of people make when hunting public land. I also get Cody’s perspective and strategy on calling, moon phases, planning hunts, scouting, gear, and more. To round out our discussion we talk about Backcountry Fuel Box, a company Cody started to help people find the right foods and nutrition for a backcountry adventure. For more information, please visit


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    27 August 2020, 9:00 am
  • 59 minutes 33 seconds
    Tim Andrews with Gypsum Creek Outfitters

    Today my guest is Tim Andrews, owner and operator of Gypsum Creek Outfitters, based in Gypsum Colorado. Tim grew up in New York hunting whitetails, moved to Colorado in 2013 and instantly fell in love with elk hunting in the mountains. Tim is an everyday, DIY guy that followed his passion and purchased this outfitting business in 2019 to make a lifelong dream come true. 

    During this episode, we talk about his progression as an elk hunter and how it ultimately led him to owning and running a big game hunting operation in Central Colorado. We discuss some of the struggles early on, business obstacles, and all of the work that goes into a guide service. Tim walks us through the accommodations they offer, species they hunt, and what to expect when hunting them. For more information, please visit


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    13 August 2020, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    Solo Archery Elk Hunting with Brandon Mcdonald

    Today we have a really cool episode where we are talking solo, DIY public land elk hunting with Brandon Mcdonald. Brandon embarked on his first archery elk hunt in 2019 and we cover everything from preparation, gear, the highlights, and the struggles. We also talk about what he learned from his experiences and what he changing up for 2020 in order to tip the odds in his favor. 

    It takes grit and a whole lot of mental toughness to keep grinding even when every voice inside your head is telling you to back out, pack up camp and get the hell out of there. Solo archery elk hunting is no joke so we talk about the mental struggles he experienced and how he dealt with them during his week long hunt in Utah. If you are new to elk hunting and are planning a solo archery elk hunt this fall, you won’t want to miss this episode. 

    Brandon has been self filming his hunts and produces some really cool, informational archery videos on his YouTube channel so make sure to check those out here:


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    19 June 2020, 12:48 pm
  • 1 hour 31 minutes
    Western Hunt Preparation with Cliff Gray of Flat Tops Wilderness Guides

    On this episode, we are joined by returning guest, Cliff Gray of Flat Tops Wilderness Guides to talk about what you should be doing right now to prepare for an elk or deer hunt in the west this fall. Cliff walks us through why gear is important, but also why it shouldn’t necessarily be at the top of your list based. We also touch on a 2020 Colorado hunting outlook where we highlight a number of potential outcomes based on various weather patterns and changes in hunting pressure due to the corona virus. 

    We then talk about “True Hunts” which is his hunting outfit that specializes in planning and booking a dream hunt anywhere in the world. As part of this venture, Cliff also puts on mountain hunting seminars to help beginners and people who want to learn more hands-on, tactical knowledge when it comes to western hunting. In conjunction with these seminars, he has created an entire library of videos on his youtube page to help kickstart your western hunting experience with videos on gear, thermals, and feed, just to name a few. 

    For more information, please visit or


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    12 June 2020, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Justin Allen of Woodroad Gear Co.

    Today we are joined by Justin Allen, founder of Woodroad Gear Co. to talk about his high quality, performance based socks that are built for western hunters and outdoorsman. If there is one thing for sure when it comes to mountain hunting, your feet are everything so its important to have a good pair of socks inside your boots. Prior to this episode, I thought socks were just “socks” and I never put much thought into the design and technology, but Justin explains what makes Woodroad Gear different and why they use Alpaca wool in their products. I have been wearing a pair of their socks for a few weeks now and I am really digging their quality, comfort, and moisture wicking ability while hiking for hours in rugged terrain. If you’ll be doing some western hunting of your own this fall, make sure to check them out. For more information or to pick up a pair for yourself, please visit  


    Three lucky listeners will win a gear package of two pairs of socks and a hat from Woodroad Gear Co! Tune into the entire episode to find out how to enter to win!


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    21 May 2020, 9:00 am
  • 56 minutes 41 seconds
    Dreaming of Mule Deer BS Session with Dan Johnson

    Today I talk with Dan ‘The Man’ Johnson about our upcoming mule deer archery hunts that we have planned for later this Fall. Dan will be chasing muleys again in South Dakota and I’ll be partaking in my first archery mule deer hunt in Colorado. Dan and I both describe our scouting process and our hunting styles based on the areas we will be hunting. 

    We also cover a little bit of turkey hunting, shed hunting, and a much anticipated Michigan public land whitetail hunt for Dan later this year. This is a fun episode where we talk about the future and god willing, we will come out the other side successful. 


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    7 May 2020, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    Hunting Editor of Bugle Magazine - PJ DelHomme

    On today’s Transition Wild podcast, we are joined by PJ Delhomme, hunting editor of Bugle which is a nationally published magazine by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Ever since I moved to Colorado in 2015, I’ve been a member of RMEF and I sincerely enjoy reading every issue of Bugle so it was a true pleasure being able to sit down with PJ. 

    To start off the episode we talk about PJ’s background of where he grew up, how he got into hunting, and his path that lead him to working and writing for the magazine. We cover his job responsibilities as hunting editor and he also shares a few of his favorite stories he has worked on throughout the years. If you are interested in finding out more information about Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Bugle Magazine, please visit   


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    23 April 2020, 3:42 am
  • 1 hour 29 minutes
    Spring Turkey Hunting with Garrett Roe of Heads Up Decoy

    Today I’m joined by Garrett Roe, owner of Heads Up Decoy to talk Spring Turkey hunting and tactics for chasing birds on the ground with a decoy. During the first half of the episode, Garrett gives us a number of tips and strategies to get aggressive on Spring turkeys. We also cover some of the product features of a Heads Up Turkey Decoy and how they are portable, durable, versatile and lightweight. 

    During the second half of the episode, we transition to the story of Garrett’s whitetail he killed this past fall in Kansas. It is an epic story with years of history with this particular buck that he was able to get an arrow through during a spot and stalk decoy hunt. 

    For more information on Heads Up Decoy, please visit


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    9 April 2020, 1:21 am
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