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MEGAPHONE is a community of activists working on issues such as the environment, women's rights, LGBTQ right, transparency and accountability and civic engagement. Together we try to understand the consequences of the shrinking civic space - a process that's been spreading around Central Eastern Europe as of late. During our meet-up in Romania in 2018 we were trying to understand how disinformation and propaganda are created and spread but also how to better tell our stories, engage more people in pro democratic actions and leave our information bubbles.

  • 45 minutes 55 seconds
    3x05 The Power of the Offline (Karolis Vyšniauskas)

    Karolis works in Nanook a collective of journalists - as they describe themselves - who are interested in how Lithuanian society works and want to tell stories neglected by mainstream media. In the span of just a few years they managed to build an active and loyal base of listeners thanks to whom Nanook is in most part self-sustainable. Listen to conversation with Karolis about how to build and run a collective following rules of  integrity, what are the ways to build credibility and a devoted following among your listeners and cross the traditional definitions of what the journalists role is. 

    Karolis also talks about one of the activities they do - face to face meeting during which people featured in the published stories have a chance chance to meet the listeners.  He shares how they create those offline spaces for people to not only share stories but also have an opportunity to personally interact (and how important that is in a society like Lithuanian where that type of contact between strangers is not something that happens often) - tips on everything from the technical background of how to organize such a meeting to how to you know if it worked.

    27 February 2020, 11:19 am
  • 42 minutes 6 seconds
    3x04 Future is VOICE: podcast about making podcasts (Kairzhan Albazarov)

    We're going a little bit meta this time with a podcast about making podcasts. Listen to a conversation with Kairzhan Albarazov, creator of “Find your B – Найди в себе Батыра” podcast, which aims at helping Kazakh youth with self-realization, confidence, personal freedom and to find the strength to deviate from societal pressures, and has helped thousands of listeners in the region.

    Join us for the 4th episode in our series to learn:

    • How an engineer with no skills or back round in podcasting can go from having just an idea to the most      successful podcast in their region interviewing celebrities, activists and      prominent figures of the public life
    • Why podcasts are the future  (a teaser: they're democratic, accessible and create a level of intimacy      which other medium don't offer)
    • How to go about starting one

    Enjoy and share!

    13 February 2020, 9:21 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    3x03 Campaigning: How emotions help to build stories and counter disinformation (Tijana Cvjetićanin and Hubert Sobecki)

    In another episode of our MEGAPHONE podcast series Tijana Cvjetićanin and Hubert Sobecki talk about how the master narratives against the LGBTQ+ community are being created, distributed and how is it an international effort and not just a coincidence that the same themes appear in different countries worldwide.

    They also answer the question of how to fight against them and explain why it's always better to answer with alternative narratives build on positive emotions.

    Listen to learn more about why fear-based stories are so effective, role that social media play in spreading and amplifying those messages and what are the two unicorns of activists work (small hint: one starts with 's' the other with an 'i').

    24 January 2020, 8:29 am
  • 46 minutes 35 seconds
    3x02 Improv and Activism - Unlikely Allies (Weronika Nockowska and Karolina Norkiewicz)

    So much of activists work is about communication, about the ability to hear what people need and somehow respond to those needs. It's also about helping them understand something and try to get them to support a specific cause. In all that there's also a lot of pressure on being constantly creative, innovative and in search of new and exciting ways of doing our job. All of those things require specific skills which we often lack or have maybe forgot how to use consumed by the everyday flood of responsibilities and deadlines.  And this is where improv exercises can come to the rescue - how to tune in to what the other person is saying? How to truly listen to others and not just to think you do but really just waiting for the right moment to express your opinion? How to get rid of different personas we carry with us that sometimes keep us from going out of our bubbles and keep us in the same track of thought and behavior? 

    Listen to a converstion with Weronika Nockowska and Karolina Norkiewicz - improv performers from Comedy Club in Warsaw - to learn a little bit more about improv itself and how can it help activists think differently about their job and make them better at it.  

    27 December 2019, 12:38 pm
  • 44 minutes 34 seconds
    3x01 Having our act together – and other warning signs in journalism and human rights work (Andy Carvin)

    Journalists and human right’s activists on daily basis deal with difficult situations affecting themselves directly or the people they’re helping, they work under stressful conditions, always chasing a deadline and oftentimes while trying to make the world better they mend up encountering the darker side of it. All those things make them prone to experiencing compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma. Learn more about what these are, how they manifest themselves (whether it comes to you or members of your team) and why paying attention to symptoms is crucial not you for you but also people you work with from a great conversation with Andy Carvin in our first episode of the third season of MEGAPHONE podcast series.

    This one is especially dedicated to those of us who shake their heads when they hear the term “mindfulness” as Andy explains how it actually means looking out for yourself and each other.

    Andy Carvin, an award-winning journalist who has pioneered new forms of online collaboration for more than 20 years. Now a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab), where he leads the lab’s training and capacity-building efforts.  Andy was founder and editor-in-chief of, a social news initiative at First Look Media. Using social media and digital forensic tools, covered breaking news stories around the world, with a particular emphasis on human rights and social justice. From 2006 to 2013, Andy was a senior strategist at NPR, where he founded the company’s social media desk and developed new reporting techniques to improve the quality and diversity of NPR’s journalism.

    16 December 2019, 9:33 am
  • 43 minutes 37 seconds
    2x04 Fact-checking in Turkey (Verda Uyar)

    MEGAPHONE podcast  aims to show you new trends, threats and solutions which  activists and civic activists all around the world are faced with. We look for things which were not discussed before bringing you knowledge and inspiration for your work. 


    Verda Uyar completed her BA degree in Sociology and Media and Communications double major program from Istanbul Bilgi University as of 2018 and currently pursuing her MA in Social Policy at Boğaziçi University.  

    She attended political science and international relations courses at Sciences Po Paris, where she was an Erasmus exchange student for 6 months during 2015-2016 academic year. Before and during her bachelor degree, she participated in several journalism programs including one at the European Forum, and completed her first internship at Hurriyet Newspaper’s International News Services. 

    She is currently working as an editor at Turkey’s first political fact-checking website, Doğruluk Payı and as a research assistant at Social Policy Forum. Her research interests include political communication, social inequality, and minority rights.  


    This podcast was created thanks to the support of Open Society Foundations and Charles Mott Foundation.

    7 August 2019, 7:00 am
  • 43 minutes 25 seconds
    2x03 Informing on disinformation (Veronika Vichova)

    MEGAPHONE podcast  aims to show you new trends, threats and solutions which  activists and civic activists all around the world are faced with. We look for things which were not discussed before bringing you knowledge and inspiration for your work. 


    Veronika Víchová is an Analyst and a Coordinator of the Kremlin Watch Program at the European Values Think-Tank. She graduated the Masaryk University in Brno.

    She co-authored a study on how Kremlin propaganda portrays European leaders which was published by The Atlantic Council and an Overview of countermeasures by the EU28 to the Kremlin´s influence operations. She compiles the Kremlin Watch Briefing, a weekly newsletter on disinformation and influence operations for more than 7.000 European experts, journalists and officials.

    She participated in the Transatlantic Fellowship Program in Washington DC organized by the World Affairs Journal, which she spent at the office of Senator Rob Portman. She has graduated from the New Security Leaders Program 2017.


    This podcast was created thanks to the support of Open Society Foundations and Charles Mott Foundation.

    31 July 2019, 6:00 am
  • 33 minutes 37 seconds
    2x02 Countering misinformation in science (Tamar Wilner)

    MEGAPHONE podcast  aims to show you new trends, threats and solutions which  activists and civic activists all around the world are faced with. We look for things which were not discussed before bringing you knowledge and inspiration for your work. 


    amar Wilner is journalism advisor to the science fact-checking website Metafact, and a Ph.D. student in journalism at the University of Texas at Austin.

    Tamara’s research focuses on misinformation, media credibility, news literacy and health. She developed expertise in these areas while writing for outlets including the Columbia Journalism Review and, and consulting for organizations including the American Press Institute, Stony Brook University’s Center for News Literacy, and international development non-profit IREX.

    Tamar is also co-creator of an online news literacy game, Post Facto. Before entering academia she spent 15 years as a professional journalist, covering topics ranging from business and urban planning to environment and the media.


    This podcast was created thanks to the support of Open Society Foundations and Charles Mott Foundation.

    17 July 2019, 10:46 am
  • 41 minutes 47 seconds
    2x01 Will laughter protect us? (Ilir Gashi)

    MEGAPHONE podcast  aims to show you new trends, threats and solutions which  activists and civic activists all around the world are faced with. We look for things which were not discussed before bringing you knowledge and inspiration for your work. 


    Ilir Gashi is the author of Dr. Spin – the Guide through Control of Media for Dictators (and everyone who wants to be one).

    The ten-episode animated series tells a story of pressures exerted on media and journalists and ways of shaping public opinion to best fit the needs of authoritarian rulers. The story is told from a peculiar perspective of a fictional character named dr. Ernest Spinovic – Dr Spin as his friends call him – a psychopatic hater of press freedom, second-grade hustler and the self-proclaimed expert in media spin. Dr Spin series and promotional campaign were launched on N1 Serbia and social media in April 2019.

    Ilir Gashi works in the intersection of activism, art, media, and technology, and comes from background in journalism, human rights and social advertising. Until recently he served as the executive director of Slavko Curuvija Foundation, where he conceived the School of Digital Journalism for young local media journalists, and Cenzolovka, a popular online media writing exclusively about issues related to press freedom. He is also one of the founders of the Group for Freedom of Media, a unique movement that brought together hundreds of media organizations, NGOs, journalists and activists to fight for the freedom of media in Serbia.---

    This podcast was created thanks to the support of Open Society Foundations and Charles Mott Foundation.

    10 July 2019, 8:06 am
  • 42 minutes 43 seconds
    Tudor Brădățan (Declic) - Optimising for rapid change

    MEGAPHONE podcast  aims to show you new trends, threats and solutions which  activists and civic activists all around the world are faced with. We look for things which were not discussed before bringing you knowledge and inspiration for your work. 


    Tudor Brădățan is the Executive Director of Declic, a Romanian association of online campaigning, fighting injustice, destruction of the environment, inequality and human rights abuse. He studied Sociology and European Affairs, but earned his experience as a campaigner fighting large scale mining projects in Romania, especially the Rosia Montana project. The campaign to stop it, initiated in 2002, evolved into Romania’s biggest social and environmental movement. Tudor was throughout the years part of the strategy and communication team, working together with a very determined group of people to craft the messages and activities that successfully prevented Europe’s largest gold mine from happening .


    This podcast was created thanks to the support of Open Society Foundations and Charles Mott Foundation.

    11 February 2019, 7:00 am
  • 44 minutes 7 seconds
    Klára Kalibová - Online harassment in court

    MEGAPHONE podcast  aims to show you new trends, threats and solutions which  activists and civic activists all around the world are faced with. We look for things which were not discussed before bringing you knowledge and inspiration for your work. --

    Klára Kalibová, PhD is the director of the In IUSTITIA NGO, a lawyer, analyst, and author; her main focus and expertise is on hate crime, hate speech and victims´ rights. She has undertaken research about hate crime in the Czech Republic (Lifecycle of Hate Crimes, 2017; Hate Crime Study for the EU Fundamental Rights Agency 2013; Sexual Violence in Czech Judicial Practice 2013; Forgotten Victims, 2010;). She regularly represents hate crime victims before the courts and is considered one of the most experienced Czech lawyers in the field. Recently she has focused on victims’ rights. She was a member of the preparation group drafting the Victims’ Rights Act within the Czech Ministry of Justice. Recently she contributed to the OSCE/ODIHR guidelines on assistance for hate crime victims. She is a member of the Czech Society for Criminology and the Radicalisation Awareness Network (Working Group on Voices of Victims of Terrorism). She is a co-founder and chair of the Czech Association of Providers of Services to Victims, an umbrella organization dedicated to advocacy on behalf of victims’ rights. In 2014, she was the recipient of the Alice G. Masaryk Human Rights Award for her commitment to the protection of victims of bias crimes. From 2009-2010, she was a Fulbright-Masaryk grantee and spent six months in the USA at the University of Michigan, the Anti-Defamation League and the Anti-Violence Project in New York, focusing on hate crime research.

    -- This podcast was created thanks to the support of Open Society Foundations and Charles Mott Foundation.

    29 January 2019, 1:48 pm
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