Sanford’s Unlock2Unleash EP

Sanford Mcmurray

Sanford’s Unlock2Unleash EP is a podcast and practice in helping our young athletes, performers and coaches see beyond their sport or art. I was never told how nurture and seek out those who could help me shape my my truest gifts

  • 19 minutes 19 seconds
    Unlock 2 Unleash -Disconnect
    Poverty of relationships can disrupt normal development, influence how the brain works,put you at risk for physical and mental problem,
    18 November 2021, 2:39 am
  • 32 minutes 43 seconds
    Adverse Childhood Experiences: The pandemic no one is talking about
    I am a father and grandfather, and I know I have passed trauma to my kids and grand kids. Adverse childhood experiences ( ACE’s) are not talked about, taught or looked at with urgency it should have. * A person with a ACE score of 4 or more is twice as likely to have heart disease, seven times more likely to be alcoholic and 12 times more likely to attempt suicide. Of the 17,000 mostly white, college-educated people with jobs and great health care who participated in the study, 64 percent had an ACE score of 1 or more; 40 percent had 2 or more and 12 percent had an ACE score of 4 or more. If it’s affecting the middle class like think how it’s affecting those dealing with discrimination, homelessness, poverty, those coming from other countries etc. We have to talk openly, clearly with vulnerability and courage or we can continue to pretend it’s not affecting us, it’s someone else problem. Deep down you know that’s not true. Email: [email protected] to come and speak to your youth, families, coaches and leadership teams. Get my ebook on fear or addiction. Let’s talk
    24 October 2021, 10:10 am
  • 29 minutes 59 seconds
    Sex is not a relationship
    I woke up today and thought about how sex has changed my life and how my relationship have been ruined from doing it and not doing it. I am not blaming my parents for all of my dysfunction around sex, after childhood I still continued to do in a lot of misinformed and irresponsible ways. What I came to realise was what I was really wanting was someone to love and accept me from all gifts but most of all for my flaws and mistakes past, present and future. That should be one of the classes I teach in the school I going to open for youth one day. The course will talk about what sex is for real and what relationships are, for real and why people run from both. And why people use both like they are just toys. This podcast touches on my life growing up around sex and relationships, up to where I am today. You can sex anyone but if you don’t sex yourself, sex it’s not just inner course people, sex is so much more. And many people don’t know this but you can’t have a trusting effective, growing and loving relationship if you don’t have that sort of relationship with yoursel. Enjoy the podcast and leave a comment or reach out on my Instagram or Facebook page. Be well
    17 August 2021, 9:12 pm
  • 32 minutes 31 seconds
    Trauma and lies are the biggest virus on the planet
    We are trapped in our own self made prisons and our capitalist creation is taking advantage of our weakness for food, sugar, alcohol, cars, gambling, shopping, binging on reality TV, Netflix etc. These media companies and other marketing systems know us better then we know ourselves, and they are also banking on our fear and frustration to keep us coming back. What all this really is is our trauma. Check out the podcast and leave a comment and share.
    1 August 2021, 5:33 am
  • 17 minutes 54 seconds
    The power of Adverse Childhood Experiences
    The most devastating mental wealth issue on the planet is rarely mentioned or talked about when come healing our youth. Many of you will never hear the term Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACES for short. Again you won’t here about ACEs at home or in general conversation unless your child’s teachers or Doctors mentions it. The ones that are afraid or the ones that go long just to protect their jobs won’t bring it up because it opens the door to not only the child’s trauma but the mental wealth struggles of their parents. Parents have their own childhood adverse experiences that were never healed. If you need a coach that has experience and emotional intelligence reach out today. Email: [email protected] Follow me on Instagram and Facebook - Sanford McMurray
    15 May 2021, 5:23 am
  • 29 minutes 37 seconds
    Unlock 2 Unleash: A Mental And Emotional Health Reframe
    Why are we not getting the help we need? We are in a very aggressive digital age and it’s killing our connection to our centre or KWAH! I made that word up, it’s so fun to say,?KWAH! We are disconnected though and we need to find our way back. Are you feeling worried all day and night? Feeling depressed at the job or at home often? Not fulfilled even though you the house, car and kids? Are always struggling with your finances and budget? Are finding you wake up often with worry or anxiety? This why I am still talking about mental and emotional health issues because we are still not addressing the real issues and now our kids are dealing with their mental and emotional injuries. And we can not help because we have ignored our own so, that we have taught them how to ignore theirs. Let’s get the help we need not tomorrow TODAY!
    9 May 2021, 6:35 am
  • 20 minutes 11 seconds
    How are we going to help our kids?
    We are so busy hiding in our prisons, I mean our houses we have forgotten their is whole world out there. We keep complaining about people, COVID, men complaining about women and women complaining about men, jobs, property all tough issues yet are they as tough the lie we keep telling ourselves about racism in our world systems of education, governments, law and medicine. Not as big as the lie of telling our kids get your education, your job, your house, kids, cars, boats and forget about the rest of the world, survival of the fittest ideology. How does any of that help if you are alone, looking for love (sorry real love). How does it help when your kids hate you or your relationship with family is in tatters. What about when a friend is depressed or so low they want to kill themselves. We are in such state of denial in the world, we have forgotten we are social, craving, connection driven creatures. Share this podcast and share it some more we need to be remind how to help each other reach our dreams and share our gifts with each other
    1 May 2021, 3:58 am
  • 22 minutes 22 seconds
    “Most men lead lives of quite desperation.” Unlock 2 Unleash
    Many men think 🤔 it’s more realistic to escape for awhile through unhealthy habits (drinking, secret relationships, isolation, abuse of self or others, avoiding deep conversation etc). Anything that will numb them or provides escapism. I say these things out brotherhood and straight up OG, who has made many mistake and destroyed many relationships along the way. And hung in to relationships that were terrible for me. Are you living in quite desperation listen and find out.
    1 February 2021, 11:59 am
  • 19 minutes 26 seconds
    Raise The Barn ( Unlock 2 Unleash)
    Part of what we should be teaching our kids is how to follow their dreams, their calling, their purpose on this planet. Many of us have lost or gave up figuring out a way to follow our dreams so we pass that quitting or fear on to our children. Men we have a bigger responsibility then we know and as men we should not be trying to do it alone. We need raise the barn by sharing with each other as men how to collaborate, how to lead and how to lift each other up. We have gotten to afraid, to comfortable and lost in survival mode that we have forgotten how to keep ourselves and other men accountable to each other, our families and our dreams
    6 January 2021, 4:28 am
  • 22 minutes 2 seconds
    7 Red flags for men getting back into the dating world
    Since being back in the dating world I feel much hasn’t changed. Society is still pitting men against women and women against men. It is a steady competition of men and women trying to out do each other, and providing who has the most stuff, power and ego over each other. What ever happen to talking, empathy, emotional engagement, trust and vulnerability? Man we have to open our eyes to the signs a women may be hurting, using use or not share how to be herself. It’s an interesting world dating, it helps to know yourself men and to know why you are there. Make sure you like and share my podcast.
    2 January 2021, 9:15 am
  • 17 minutes 27 seconds
    When Fathers Aren’t In The Home
    This is just not fathers who are not physically there, it’s fathers who are destructed with work or other projects. Fathers who are arguing with their wife or partner all the time. Fathers who have medical disabilities. And fathers who are emasculated by their wife or partner, they are constantly told they are useless or incapable of doing anything right. These are causes and signs of fatherless homes. If you think of others drop a comment. I hope this podcast bring insight and help to those men who are struggling. There is help out there and I am one of many.
    26 December 2020, 9:47 am
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