Discover Your Healthstyle

Karl Sona

Discovering Your Healthstyle is all about keeping it real and pushing yourself to discover who you were meant to become by stepping out of your shell and taking action to claim the life you’re destined for! I keep it light, get a little vulnerable from time to time, and share practical tips from my personal journey that may be helpful to you no matter where your at on yours.

  • 54 minutes 48 seconds
    "Get Your Life's Recipe Tasting Just Right" with Jen Clara Roth, Founder of Birds and Bees Tea

    Your thoughts are like a radio... the signals and frequencies we pick up with our minds become the channels we choose to listen to and ultimately live by. The key is remembering that we have the power to change the channel if we don't like what we are hearing...

    I had the amazing opportunity to be joined by my good friend, Jen Roth founder of Birds and Bees Teas( for this incredible conversation, and she credits this analogy as the fuel behind  her relentless approach towards the life of her dreams. In this episode, Jen and I go deep on her personal philosophy of what it means to re-claim your inner voice in order to manifest and live the life that is intended for you to experience. Not only is Jen a successful entrepreneur and business woman, but she's also a very kind and genuine human being that lives what she shares on this episode everyday. We're all in this game of life together, and it's my belief that there is something to be gained by each and every one of us from hearing another person's journey, and that is exactly what you can expect to takeaway when you give this episode a listen.

    One of the exceptional things about this conversation is the level of realness that Jen shares with regard to practical steps that she uses to re-frame the daily challenges and adversities that life throws her way. She talks about becoming an "observer" in your own life, and how this simple act, when done regularly, can actually help you become more aware of what your true calling/purpose may be.... something we playfully dubbed together as getting "Your Life's Recipe Tasting Just Right"!

    Jen also talks about the idea of "Divine Synchronicites"; a concept of space being made for something better that is coming soon in your life, every time something else doesn't quite work out the way you wished. Listen up for this... its truly powerful!

    At the end, we touch on Jen's future manifestation for her business within the next year. She has dedicated Birds and Bees Teas to the well-being and health of women going through the challenges of pregnancy, motherhood, and post-partum and has dedicated the next year towards creating accountability courses to help women with mindset and language as they go through this journey of bringing new life into the world! I think we would all agree that Mom's are incredibly important. Mom's don't want to fail, and Jen has set out to help these women create better experiences that start in their minds for the future growth and development of their newborns. Simply incredible, and I cannot wait to see her impact explode!

    For more, follow Jen on Instagram @jenclararoth


    14 March 2019, 2:41 am
  • 57 minutes 1 second
    "Start Doing: Get out of the Bleachers and into the Arena" with Deni Koseto

    Do you ever get caught up in your head wondering how people that seem to be living incredible lives got there? Maybe you start speculating about what their "ticket" to success was... maybe a rich family, or their great looks, or just pure dumb luck. Whatever the case may be, the truth is the majority of us have all been guilty of playing the role of the spectator in the nose bleeds of the bleacher section hovering our noses down on others that are taking all the action. Sometimes, we're quick to judge the actions taken by others, whether right, wrong, or in-different, and lose sight of the fact that we may be missing out on our own opportunities to to move towards a life of greatness for ourselves, simply by spending too much time as on-lookers. 

    On Episode #8 of Discover Your Healthstyle, I was privileged to have my friend, Deni Koseto join me, to discuss how he has learned to be a DOER within his life despite fears, moments of un-certainty, and external opinions of members within his family that were clouding his internal judgments. This was a super powerful talk, because Deni gets super real about some of his initial encounters with adversity when he was faced with a major life decision when he deliberately chose a path that ultimately went against his father's wishes for him. 

    Upon sharing that backstory, Deni helps us understand that other people can only walk alongside you during the journey, and that they can never actually walk the journey for you in your own shoes. We discuss the power that accepting BLAME can offer people within their lives, if they would become more willing to make their own decisions based upon their free will without looking to others for help with the sole intent of passing this BLAME along in the face of adversity. Very powerful takeaways!

    We also discuss two key breakthroughs he had that helped him during his challenging period of growth. One that came from a Futurama Cartoon episode, and the other from a casual conversation with a close friend which I found incredibly telling in regard to how messages of what we need to DO can be delivered to us through random mediums when we need to receive them most.  

    All in all, I'm so grateful to Deni for being apart of this episode. His goal of developing a world class educational platform to help people embrace the art of public speaking along with his relentless dedication to his personal development(he reads 1 book a week) are impressive to say the least, and provide all of us a window into what true DOERs actually do behind the scenes that makes them deserving of the big stage where all the spectators gather around to watch. 

    I hope you all enjoy this one and I invite you to check out Deni on IG @deni.koseto and on Facebook at denikoseto where he puts out tremendous live videos every monday :-)

    5 March 2019, 5:37 am
  • 51 minutes 48 seconds
    Courage Cup
    On today’s episode, I speak with my friend Itatiaia for our first ever interview segment on Discover Your Healthstyle! Itatiaia( pronounced I-ti-ya-ya) and I met in Orlando last May at a physical products conference. I instantly noticed her magnetic presence and we hit it off as friends. She’s a tremendous visionary and I’ve gotten the opportunity to learn more about her story... immigrating from Brazil to America years ago with her parents, working as a model and having to navigate the dark challenges of that lifestyle, to experiencing a spiritual awakening 6 years ago when she made the intentional commitment to go for her dreams of launching a skin care brand called “Be the Star of Your Life”. This episode is titled Courage Cup cause Itatiaia shows lots of it and gets really raw about where she’s been but more importantly where she is headed! This episode is for anyone looking to cultivate courage within... a courage so that it will always beat out the voice of fear telling you you can’t do it... whatever IT is. SHOWNOTES/RESOURCES: Instagram @iamitatiaia. Itatiaia also mentions an annual festival called A-fest held in Portugal, Spain for entrepreneurs, visionaries, and artists in the like. She describes the environment as a magical world where she got to experience her spiritual awakening that led her to star living intentionally and she recommends this for anyone looking to tap into their greatness that lies within for the firs time.
    12 February 2019, 1:23 am
  • 14 minutes 4 seconds
    Ditch the Superficial Scoreboard and Start WINNING!

    Today, I touch on the concept of wins and losses and our human perspective on what it truly means to win. All too often, I've placed too much focus on superficial things that have given me a fleeting feeling, or compared myself to others that has left me feeling less than and at a loss. In today's episode, I un-cover a new perspective and discuss the idea of why winning truly starting within ourselves. After all, its no coincidence that the word 'winner' ends in inner ;-) Take a listen, and I hope you end the episode feeling empowered to go after the battles in your life that truly matter and that will lead you to the wins of your greatest imagination!

    9 January 2019, 4:15 pm
  • 18 minutes 29 seconds
    Don't Force Happiness

    Happy New Year! Today's episode is all about what each and every one of us craves the most... it's about the reason why we all start the new year off with a list of goals and resolutions... its about our innate desire and drive to be HAPPY! Today, I give you a quick breakdown on what I learned about trying to force being happy, and how it actually took me further away from it. Take a listen... I guarantee the episode will leave you feeling free and relieved to know that some of our most challenging moments are the times that actually allow happiness to shine through at its brightest... if we just let it. 

    5 January 2019, 1:11 am
  • 20 minutes 37 seconds
    Make Gratitude Your 1st Response

    In Episode #4 of Discover Your Healthstyle I share a quick story about how I discovered Gratitude for the first time by getting caught cheating on a major exam back in college. I ultimately failed out of this class and it crushed my dreams of becoming a doctor forever. While I felt like my life was over, this setback has gifted me with an incredible moral compass that I truly believe has been a guiding light in my life to steer me away from the pitfalls of poor decisions. I can truly say that I'm grateful for this experience, and I can now see how it has helped shape my inner voice towards choosing the right thing whenever I'm met with a tough choice or decision. When's a time in your life where things didn't go your way that now serves you as a powerful guiding light that you're now grateful for? 

    22 December 2018, 3:14 pm
  • 23 minutes 11 seconds
    Manually Override Your Fear
    In this episode, I share a bit about my childhood fear of heights and how this anxiety has followed me into adulthood. In an effort to crush this fear all together, I decided to take a trip out to Southern Utah this past weekend to hike Angels Landing in Zion National Park; one of the top 10 most sought after hikes by enthusiasts across the world, and also one of the more dangerous hikes as a few people have lost their lives unfortunately. I'm very glad to have made it back in one piece to not only share the story and but also to discuss how I learned to "manually override fear" and do the thing that scares you most in spite of it.
    12 December 2018, 1:05 am
  • 13 minutes 58 seconds
    Ep.2- Crush Small Talk FOREVER!
    Hey! One thing my travels have taught me is that we ALL have a shared human experience. No matter sex, gender, origination, etc... every single person has gone through at least one similar emotion or experience that another person has encountered. In this episode, I briefly talk about tapping into this idea of the shared human experience, so we can crush awkwardness around things like “small talk” and really get after the meat of what’s on our hearts and minds. After all, you never know who the stranger on the elevator is, and how they could be the key to helping you discover your new Healthstyle!
    5 December 2018, 3:49 am
  • 17 minutes 22 seconds
    Discover Your Healthstyle
    In my first ever episode of the “What’s Your Healthstyle?” Podcast, I share with you a bit about my story of working to listen to that little voice within; and not just listen, but actually take action on what that voice says. It’s my belief that we all have an amazing life filled with incredible opportunities waiting for us... it’s just a matter of being able to step outside ourselves and venture out into the unknown to claim that incredible life. This is what discovering your Healthstyle is all about... come along for the ride!
    28 November 2018, 12:56 am
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