Fascinate Pod

Sam Brown

People are doing great things. Scientific research, exploring ideas, inspiring people and taking action. Sam Brown is on a quest to speak to these pioneers who are out make a difference. A positive minded podcast for anyone wanting to gain a better understanding of the world and issues within it. Through the uninhibited exchange of ideas, let’s see if we can improve the quality of all of our lives and have some fun along the way.

  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    14. Jemima Parry-Jones – The vulture crisis & bird conservation

    Jemima Parry-Jones MBE is a conservationist, author, raptor breeder, lecturer, consultant and is the Director of the International Centre for Birds of Prey.

    Today she discusses her life, influences and her views on conservation of birds of prey. Specifically her involvement in helping with the vulture crisis: https://www.icbp.org/icbp-vulture-conservation/

    Find the International Centre for Birds of Prey on twitter here: @ICBPNewent

    and find me @FascinatePod

    A Fascinate Productions podcast

    14 December 2019, 6:28 pm
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    13. Alice Bell – On climate change. What can we do?

    Find out all about We Are Possible (formerly 10:10 Climate Action) here: https://www.wearepossible.org/

    If you want more information on the history of climate change, Alice has her own website https://www.climatehistories.com/who.

    Find her on twitter @alicebell

    and find me @FascinatePod

    A Fascinate Productions podcast

    11 April 2019, 11:50 am
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    12. Mark Purvis – Mixed Ability Sport. Changing the world one tackle at a time!

    Mark, or 'Doc' to his friends, is an avid cold water swimmer. He worked as a GP for 35 years, and is currently a director at IMAS (International Mixed Ability Sport). The charity are breaking down barriers for people to participate in mainstream sport. 

    He challenges us to examine how we view people with disabilities and check ourselves when putting others into a box. 

    IMAS Manifesto - http://www.mixedabilitysports.org/mixed-ability-manifesto/

    Anthony boxing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDwXfX6SRts

    IMAS YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBzZAHUBcqiU26v_fVPokAw 

    Thanks for the music Laura! @laurajamesmusic

    Laura James' YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/loraspaperheart -

    A Fascinate Productions podcast

    4 April 2019, 9:22 pm
  • 1 hour 48 minutes
    11. Ryan MacDonald – Earth, Mars, then beyond. How do we know whats out there?

    Ryan is a theoretical astrophysicist based at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge. His work involves examining the atmospheres of distant planets with the ultimate goal of finding signs of life.

    Obsessed with space exploration since he was a child, Ryan followed his dream of going to mars by enrolling in the Mars One mission selection process. He’s in the final 100 applicants.

    Ryan is an avid scientific communicator, regularly giving talks, appearing on the radio & TV and also runs a successful YouTube channel Martian Colonist

    You can find him on twitter @MartianColonist or visit his website https://distantworlds.space/

    A Fascinate Productions podcast

    28 March 2019, 11:20 am
  • 1 hour 27 minutes
    10. John Fowler – Up close and personal with the mountain gorillas of Rwanda. Would you keep your cool?


    John has some incredible stories from his time in Rwanda. From being charged by a silverback to cuddles with an orphan gorilla, John’s time at Karisoke research centre was an eventful one!

    We also discuss his life once he left Africa, his work, his successful career as an artist and how he became the master storyteller he is today.

    You can find his book on amazon or his website: https://jdfowler7.wixsite.com/forest-in-the-clouds

    Twitter: @JohnDFowler 

    A Fascinate Productions podcast

    21 March 2019, 9:40 pm
  • 1 hour 47 minutes
    9. Claire Lyons – Protect the planet on a budget. What changes can we all make for a better world?

    Claire is the matriarch of the frugal family. Built on the 4 pillars; People, Planet, Pocket & Parenting, she's bursting with ideas and recommendations on how to live a greener, cleaner life without the hefty price tag you may think comes along with it. 

    Learn all about the work she does on her website and blog: www.thefrugalfamily.co.uk

    Or keep up to date on twitter 


    A Fascinate Productions podcast

    14 March 2019, 1:05 pm
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    7. David Badcock – Drug policy reform. What does the evidence say?

    CEO of Drug Science, The Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs, discusses the effect our current drug policy is having and why it needs to be changed to a policy backed by evidence. 

    Useful links:

    Drug Science - http://www.drugscience.org.uk/

    Clark French - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J61tDSa76ao&t=18s

    Prof. David Nutt - https://twitter.com/ProfDavidNutt 

    A Framework for a regulated market for cannabis in the UK- https://www.tdpf.org.uk/sites/default/files/A_framework_for_a_regulated_market_for_cannabis_in_the_UK.pdf

    A Fascinate Productions podcast

    28 February 2019, 4:57 pm
  • 53 minutes 37 seconds
    6. Dr Flàvia Belham – Applying learning to life. How can we all learn more effectively?

    Dr Belham now applies her neuroscience expertise to improve social mobility through education. She works for the social enterprise Seneca Learning offering a free platform to schools, teachers and students enabling them to learn and study in a more effective way.

    She speaks about revision and learning techniques, how age effects learning, brain care and much more. 


    To get in touch, Email her at [email protected]

    @FlaviaBelhamPhD @SenecaLearn

    A Fascinate Productions podcast

    4 January 2019, 8:40 am
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    5. Dino Hodzovic & Beth Keeble – Staying positive, fit & mindful. How can we live a healthy, happy and totally awesome life?

    Sam is joined by Dino Hodzovic & Beth Keeble. 

    They share their expertise in all things health and fitness while their infectious optimism and positive outlook will have you smiling all the way to the gym... Or on a mindful walk 

    Mindfulness, weight loss, exercise and education are all discussed, as well as their new book, 'The Pre7ty Simple Principals of Weight Loss: A mindful method to living a healthy, happy and totally awesome life'.

    Twitter: @pre7tysimple #SecretPressUpClub

    Website: pre7tysimple.com 

    Check out their book here: https://amzn.to/2PkReiO 

    A Fascinate Productions podcast

    28 December 2018, 12:46 pm
  • 55 minutes 52 seconds
    4. Dr Susan Cheyne – Wildlife conservation. Why are gibbons the coolest ape?

    Susan lectures in primate conservation at Oxford Brookes University. She is a co-director of the Borneo Nature Foundation and vice-chair of the IUCN Primate Specialist Group Section on Small Apes.

    Gibbons are the focus of a lot of Susan's research and work. She works to fight against the devastating impact trafficking and loss of habitat are having on the wildlife population.

    As well as this we discuss a whole host of conservation issues including the ethical questions surrounding zoos & palm oil.

    For more information visit- https://gibbons.asia/ & www.borneonaturefoundation.org

    Twitter- @IUCN_Gibbon @BorneoNature @DrSusanCheyne

    A Fascinate Productions podcast

    21 December 2018, 1:50 pm
  • 1 hour 44 minutes
    3. Ellis Pecan – Musicians, athletes & comics. Want to perform like a pro?

    Ellis is a performance psychologist. She talks about why we procrastinate, how to deal with pressure, stand up comedy and giving speeches. 


    Twitter: @EllisEP

    A Fascinate Productions podcast

    14 December 2018, 1:33 pm
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